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A Buff to Grinding

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by kaemn, Nov 8, 2019.

  1. kaemn

    kaemn New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I've been complaining to Kolka about buffing higher AP spots with x10 HP but SAME jewelry price. One example would be Basilisk Belt vs Valtarra Belt
    Basilisk - 68m per belt | Mirumok - 86m per belt
    101k HP per mob | 1.1m HP per mob
    .03% for belt | .02% for belt
    So, what is the difference here? the WHITE LOOT.
    17.5k per white loot for mirumok
    2k per white loot for Basilisk
    Because the rates are x10+ it ruins the worth of a white loot item because their drop rate is already nearly 100%.
    75% -> 750% is just a 25% increase, not 1000% because of the cap at 100% obviously.
    I believe that buffing the way white loot drops would help the game significantly and bring power BACK to the high tier mobs (250+ AP requirement mobs that have inflated trash loot price)
    I've had a talk with Kolka about it, and he says that it would take a very long time (and hurt patches) to change each individual white loot item to be x5+ drop rate. I don't think anyone wants such a hit to the servers updates.

    BUT, now that drop scrolls are no longer any use to gathering (what we're trying to avoid buffing) I think it's safe to say that editing the drop scroll is one of the quickest ways to buff regular grinding.
    I'm not sure if its possible, but I suggest that drop scroll is changed to 100% chance at extra drops, and I suggest that the extra drops is x3 (edited from x5) instead of the usual x2 (50% chance). I would also suggest adding the item independently to the Pearl shop (apart from 90D VP) or giving it away for free.

    Now of course I'm welcome to all suggestions, and we can make this a team effort to actually help buff this. I do understand that some things might be OVER buffed (forest fury, Yona, Party Scrolls are some of the things I can see)
    I personally thing this would be a HUGE upgrade to the way the game is played. I personally am SICK of hitting rocks all day and I want this game to go back to its grindy nature. I also want it to be an incentive to farm the highest AP spots as a party.
    Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to read this. It's something I've been fighting for for the better part of a year.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2019
    worstlahn, truegod, 3bonit3 and 5 others like this.
  2. Ayotunde

    Ayotunde New Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    I definitely agree that grinding should receive a buff. Lately the only ways to make money have been lifeskilling because grinding has just been worse. This would improve the amount of people seen in the world incentivizing going out to grind spots and actively playing this game hopefully improving population. It also seems like a good way to balance out the buffed health in monsters. I agree that it hurting server patches would be bad but even if you only implement it in a couple of the zones per patch that would still bring people to those spots because it'll be good silver per hour and allow you to SD with your friends since trash loot is separate from SD.

    All in all I like this idea a lot and I hope Kolka will take a look and see if it's a viable option to increase active players.
    Kamara likes this.
  3. Senjiro

    Senjiro New Member

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I agree with this, it will really make grinding more fun and worth it but we all know kolka and the others are just going to ignore this or wont do anything about it like the other suggestion threads. I'm still hoping that one day they will listen to us.
  4. kaemn

    kaemn New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    hes actually the one that told me to put the suggestion post up. I think we're all just waiting for opinions and extra suggestions here. I have some hope.
  5. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    I also think that loot from certain spots should be buffed.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  6. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I disagree. Nothing compares to the money you make from SD. I think SD already count as a buff. lol
  7. kaemn

    kaemn New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    This is NOT the point. The point is that I can have 260 AP, but I'm still going back to farm at 140 AP farm spots because the money is better, even when it shouldnt be. This buff is to target higher money trash items and have an incentive for people to go farm higher AP spots. This will effect higher AP spots more than lower AP spots, since most people actually sort out white loot in lower spots (1200 silver per piece) and people tend to keep it on if they are above 4000 silver per.
    Hope this helps to clarify.
    calicoe likes this.
  8. calicoe

    calicoe New Member

    Nov 11, 2019
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    100% think this would be a good idea, especially changing the loot scroll.
  9. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Grinding IS a bit Sub Par or really bad and needs a buff and love.

    I also wanted to suggest adding a little love to loyalties as well. Like add Loyalties drop rates like the black energy residue, or make Kolka NPC trade Items for Loyalties. like Seraphs neck, Red Seal, Supervisor Seals, Black energy residue, Weeds, just about anything useless that has a 5% chance to be sold in the MP to show some love to us as loyal Gamers and Supporters to this server.
  10. Hannibal

    Hannibal Proficient

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Los Angeles
    Sadly, I dont think they're listening to any of the players' suggestions. Would be nice though!
  11. 3bonit3

    3bonit3 New Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    I definitely agree with PsychoticPR, maybe not loyalties but we should be able to trade in trash that doesnt sell in the market for some kind of item that is more useful, would boost up lower solo grind spots.
  12. Kamara

    Kamara New Member

    May 21, 2018
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    Hell buff something. Everything has been nerf'd into the dirt! Its become a chore to make silver in this game now :/
  13. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Sadly one Could argue, You would much rather have 3-4 full pen characters max gear and not struggle rather than have 1 almost full pen gear for a year or two and struggle getting oneshoted by a person who has better gear because he was here 2 years ago already full pen maxed gear. But then what? What keeps a player in the sever "supporting" it with donations?
    But think about it... They have Weapon Exchange coupons you can get with donations and you can get Caphras with Artisans with Pearls with Donations.
    You create a grindy game... then place features to ease the grind and some players players would much rather pay then play.
    There are people who like to pay to win. Paying to win is more profitable in any game now a days. and game developers want to profit. 1 Cash Cow is worth more than 1,000 Free to Play Gamers and 100 subbed Gamers.
    I Hope this changes soon.
    I quit Retail because it was literally Pay to Win. I seen this server and its drop rates and that you could get full pen in a few months and have fun. But can we really now?
    loboram likes this.
  14. worstlahn

    worstlahn New Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Yes. There is absolutely no reason why I should have to go into the desert and farm Crescents for the trillionth time at 254 AP because Hystria, Aakman, and Manshaums are pretty bad. These are endgame spots for a reason. Not everybody wants to lifeskill. It's also one thing that Kolka has buffed the AP and DP of enemies for PVE too, making it literally impossible to grind at Star's End and Sycraia Abyssal which are the only good endgame grinding spots because even with full buffs it's terrible at my AP.
    kaemn likes this.
  15. kaemn

    kaemn New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I keep getting complains in all chat that people with 310 AP "would be making too much money" because star's end is easy for them.
    GOOD. YOU SHOULD be making more money. YOU HAVE 310 AP, you should be making 310 AP MONEY. There's 0 reason why someone with 200 AP should be making more than you!
    This is a problem that needs to be addressed. It is a BIG REASON why people are avoiding the higher grind spots and because of that higher tier jewelry is missing from the marketplace.
  16. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    I farmed at Stars End for about 5 hours last time. I have 0 problem with Archer 311ap/375dp(During 7:00am-9:59pm because night time they are super OP solo). Its garbage money. Distortions drop Super rarely. about 1 every 2 hours. and if you are rng blessed about 2 an hour rarely.
    I had to farm an entire week for about 20h to get 12 Distortions and I bought about 5 of them... only to be RNG fucked when I got 2 tets and Failed both on a 112FS and 113FS.
    Imma try again this enhancement weekend with the 113FS and i got 2 61FS. Wish me GZ.
    kaemn likes this.
  17. kaemn

    kaemn New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    some people say at 300 ap they are making 80-110m in WHITE LOOT. they say its too much to have x5 this price. to me, i think 300+ ap should be making 400m+ per hour if they are already 300 AP.
  18. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    *cough... cough* so any news on this much needed buff to grinding?
    kaemn likes this.
  19. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look I get that it seems to most players that the staff isn't listening to the community at all, but you have to take into account the immense time they have to put into the work they are already doing on a daily basis. Then there is Real-Life to take care of as well, seems that some players on this community forget that there is an actually Real-World out there where you can do things to improve yourself and your life in general. Well the staff also have lives outside this project, so please do not assume things that you do not know about, it is quite petty of you to do so, to belittle the staff for all the work that they do as well as provide a project FREE of charge to ALL the world.

    I do like the idea to increase the amount of silver-income/loot-drops you gain while you are in a PARTY. But that is all, I do not agree to increase the possibility to solo the entire game since this is an Action-MMO-RPG.
    So as I have suggested in a previous post; Increase the outcome of Partying, especially when within Maximum "wifi"-signal of the other party members.
  20. kaemn

    kaemn New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    first of all, SD is already the best way to get money for 99% of the playerbase. in WHAT world should SD be buffed over solo grinding?
    people are out here grinding for 50m an hour with 280 AP because of a jewelry piece, therefore making that jewelry piece a fucking rarity to even see in the game. People ARENT wanting to farm new places because its not economically worth doing. It's only really worth doing if ur pushing 310+ AP and you are just going for that last +5 from new necklace or something.

    The economy is BROKEN because people that can sit in parties can farm jewelry that doesnt otherwise sell, Seraps, cres, cadry, shultz, basi, narc, ronaros, ork.
    this forces you to either SD, or take a HUGE paycut in farming solo until you are high enough AP to confidently farm the jewelry that DOES sell like Deboreka, tungrad xyz, distortion, valtarra. thats LITERALLY it.
    You can't seriously think that SD would need a buff and solo grind DOESNT, when its already x3 better. This buff alone will actually help SD as an unintended buff, but I'm really interested how you can actually think SD should be getting a bigger buff than solo grind.

    Regardless of the outcome, this buff helps SD JUST AS MUCH as it does solo grind. It actually encourages people to play the higher grind spots like Gyfin, Sycraia, Stars end, ash forest, hystria, aakman, as a group. If it's slow to clear as a solo player, having 2 players with x2+ speed will always encourage players to grind there together. (example; 2 players with 300 AP each 1 behind 1 infront, behind person is doing more than doubling damage because the back attack makes it more than x2 faster)

    I'm pretty interested in seeing your point of view on this because I've never seen someone genuinely wanting to buff SD even harder than it is already.

    TL;DR: The aim of this buff is to make higher grind spots much better than naga, cadry, basi, etc. SD and bring higher jewelry into the market by making it more worth to farm there without necessarily buffing jewelry spawns.
    PsychoticPR likes this.

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