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Could we please merge NA + EU?

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by SacredEnslar, Oct 22, 2019.

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  1. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    "The PvP scenario on the NA server becomes increasingly monotonous and boring. Players who have reached the end of the game have nothing to do, we sit in the arena all day and 90% of the server is AFK. I believe there should be 4 active guilds doing PvP on the server, if you can call that active, there are snipers even in sieges! The North American server has a LARGE part of its population players who play in Asia, so I believe that as for the Dsync and lag problem, everyone is used to it and it's a reality on the server, even players from the same region have problems with Dsync, this is from the server, but this is not what it is about here. I am just asking with some colleagues from the game a merge between NA + EU. So we can do more PvP, NA server is dead (its dead has been a while now) :(

    @Carl :(
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
  2. ninexz

    ninexz New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    So0 true, im online daily trying to get all the newbie from my guild to gear up ! but that still couldnt give me the feeling like it used to be.
  3. Laal

    Laal New Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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    Have to agree. Pvp only happens between the same few people. 95% of the players just afk in a town or play a pve/lifeskill simulator. For anyone who does pvp this gets pretty boring and has made a lot of people quit already. People who afk in town or play pve/lifeskill could do the exact same thing on a merged server. While pvp would get a bit more lively.
  4. Hannibal

    Hannibal Proficient

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I am inclined to agree but it'll be difficult for sure. Especially how people will lag so bad cos of the server's locations.
    longtray and SacredEnslar like this.
  5. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    Yeah, for sure, but look at NA =/ asian players play with a high ping, at least, 90% of them, and I mean, it sucks but somehow we got used to it, right? I think 50% of the PvP scenario its just made by asians in NA server lol.
  6. kid192

    kid192 New Member

    Aug 22, 2019
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    kolka always talks about how they have the best knowledge and skill on producing a better bdo exp then any other private server. if cdoscam can combine their eu and na servers so can gamez
  7. RadiantCure

    RadiantCure Witch of the Rainbow Forum Legend

    May 24, 2017
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    It took quite a while for Kolka to make the changes. Even with the decline in population, I doubt that this would be considered.
    It's almost the end of October, and not even the Halloween event was implemented. There's not much happening, but the awakening for Shai.
  8. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Halloween will be implemented with new update.
    RadiantCure likes this.
  9. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    If we combine it, half of players will have bad connection, and we not sure how they look on such changes.
    TopaLPenguin, loboram and RadiantCure like this.
  10. RadiantCure

    RadiantCure Witch of the Rainbow Forum Legend

    May 24, 2017
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    oh neat
  11. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Most of all i think there will come back again old problem we had here. EU and NA node war timer.
  12. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    Almost half of the NA server its made by asian players :( Also, there are few EU players here too
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    As @SacredEnslar also puts it, you are both mistaken about the intent of this game. This is NOT a PvP-sandbox/arena-game, and if that is what you really want I suggest you find another game, since this is an Action-MMO-RPG-game. I seriously do not understand how SO many people can get it wrong, unless of course you all blindly believe what one person says about this game instead of how it has been constructed.

    Everything in the game revolves around the storyline -as well as the lore- and it has litterally Nothing to do with a PvP mindset at all.

    If this game was a PvP sandbox, there would be NO reason AT ALL for anything else in the game, so why is there such a huge variety of things to do in the game if it's Just a PvP-sandbox game?

    I get how the aspects of PvP'ing WITHIN this game-world can be appealing, but there are some extraordinary drawbacks to what you are proposing: PvP relies entirely on Player-Server communication, which means that all the players who have the best connections and are closest to the server will pretty much win ALL the time, even with lower PvP skill, simply because of the unfair advantage.
    That is something that the PvP community here on GamezBD would find unacceptable, and you would STILL have loads of players leaving the game, as well as the PvP situation being left in a much worse state than it is now.

    I keep saying that it is only because there is NO introductory PvP-situation for new players to learn about PvP'ing on our servers that this will continually remain a problem. IF the PvP-arenas -as well as other types of instanced PvP- had some sort of gear/level equalizer for ALL participants, then it would ONLY be about connection/location-speed and actual player skills. BUT now it is all about getting super geared and (like angry hungry babies) taking out all their pent-up aggrevation on all those with lesser gear, leaving NO room for improvement for the new players to the game/PvP.
  14. Griz

    Griz New Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    There is a large portion of the player base on NA that want absolutely nothing to do with PVP because of the community. All of my friends that I've brought to the game have nothing but disheartening experiences, not because they've died numerous times, but because they are getting harassed/sniped by players with Atanis Hunting Falcon or worse. Players that decide they do not like someone will literally sit on System > General and wait for their MoRtAl EnEmY to pick up something worth value, then hop to that grinding spot/channel surf and hunt them. Next, add the motherless children in server chat who are addicted to the attention they never got as a child that 700GS brings them. I understand, and am completely down with the games natural competitive aspect, I love it, however a nice cup of humil-i-tea never did anyone harm. These folks that don't work, have lives or families truly encapsulate this servers population. Don't ever question why RBF is never full, PVP is dead, and the players killed it. The next time your pride hurts after getting a beating and you go to Sausan Outpost to farm a level 57 at 412GS thank yourself.
    Still here, still suck, still help you all with your awakening quests.
    79:658 Wiztard
    loboram likes this.
  15. LordHardy

    LordHardy New Member

    Apr 4, 2019
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    I am from EU and i really like to merge servers. @Kolka is it not possible to have eu channels and na channels on the same server? so everybody can farm with good ping. maybe have nodewar on both channels on different times too. it would be nice to have more active player on eu server too. all players only speak russian and almost no english speaking player in the chat left.. :/
  16. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    Ping isn't the worst of issues ; I'm from Europe and still always played on NA , you get used to the latency , it's not awful if compared to how much it impacts your performance in other similar games.
    Having node wars happen at different times however is going to be painful ( There's a huge difference between NA and EU timezones wise...it's honestly enough to prevent a very large chunk of the playerbase of one region from being able to play with people from the other continent ) .
    Still, I am neutral about this. If you really want to consider merging servers there should be a poll both for EU players and for NA players separately to freely decide whether they are favorable to the idea or not.
    Choovanski and PepeXav like this.
  17. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Thank you for this insight...I have been awaiting someone's honest feedback about the horrifying development of the GamezBD community, the kind of players it is attracting now and for the past year or so, are the very reason there are a ton of GamezBD accounts for sale on pretty much all outlets, as well as a predominant atmosphere of this is now for the most ill-equiped-socially people, who only come here to get off on being able to behave like pricks and get away with it.

    I have heard many stories of players who were extremely glad to have found a haven away from the toxicity of the "Retail-BDO" experience, as well as like-minded players and community, only to have it eroded out with P2W mechanisms as well as people who just abuse the server to make real-life money, through the making and sale of accounts as well as actually scamming people in the server chat service.

    How utterly predictable it was to know with certainty that this was not to last, a great place to play a good game and actually get to enjoy it. All the people I invited have left due to the development of this server and community, so believe me when I say; it has NOTHING to do with a problem with PvP, it is the players who are the problem, the handful of rich-kids who can afford to spend loads of money on the server, basically paying for the changes they want done, yeah I hear it now...sounds very conspiracy like which is not my intention, it just feels like that sometimes.

    About 2 years ago (around the time I started), there was space for Roleplaying taking place on the server-chat as well as MANY players asking many of the same questions over and over again, but there was ALWAYS someone nice there to answer in kind, Roleplay "ping-ponging" back and forth often getting so fun that I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard, as well as at least three answers pretty much on top of each other to help out completely new players -to the game/server- asking the same simple questions for the umpenth time. That was why I put this server and its staff on a pedestal, it was truly something to behold, then within the last year or so, it has become more and more obsessed with money it seems I have no idea if it is true, but that is the way it feels. Applying more changes to the core-game to make it as close to the "Retail-BDO"-version, while catering to the top geared players who are the ones who -already bored enough with the game- actually do what @Griz said they do, just sitting around ready to ruin another player's gaming experience.

    On a completely off-topic comment, I really like that nickname Griz, reminds me of a character on a tv-comedy-show called "30 Rock", that was a good show...miss it.

    All in all, PvP will not improve much because the server is in decline, most usual players have given up, maybe they come back once in a while just to see if things have improved but otherwise the "good"-players have all long gone. So in order to fix PvP on this community, the staff have to live up to that quality they had in the beginning, and start taking in more staff maybe just volunteers to begin with, see if having a moderation staff for the online in-game chat might have a possitive effect, perhaps another set for the Telegram/forum moderation, some more "open-source" coders and graphics-makers. I am ABSOLUTELY sure that if they had the guts to really go for it and make their own project based on the game, they would have their servers overrun in a couple of weeks. New areas, storylines and quests as well as conversations (more than willing to write/design some for you), perhaps even throw in some new classes or species as well as monsters.

    Well in any case the PvP problems will remain as long as the server remains the same, if no changes are made server-side there is little to incentivize more PvP and more players to the servers.

    I will once again suggest a tier based PvP-system for ALL to be able to do some PvP without the aggro-kids constantly cutting them down, as well as a return to the old loot-drop system where players could gain materials and a viable SD-income ANYwhere in the game-world, instead of being forced to all go to same places.
  18. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    Actually, u know if u got 300 ping you get less 0.5 seconds CC time? And u literaly fly after CCs, it means u avoid damage at all.... BDO doesnt work like others MMORPGs with PING, its pretty shity tbh, we cant change that :(
    So yeah, I guess PING wouldnt be an inssue, NA players who play with low ping (mine its around 60 ~~ 70) suffer against HIGH ping players cuz of their huge DSYNC, they get less time IN CC, and avoid damage in GvGs/1v1 cuz they fly after getting CCed, and guess, there are guilds that are like this 90% of members, simplly cuz they have high ping, BDO ping system works as PERSON TO PERSON and not PERSON to SERVER.
    I really would like looks like the bigged problem would be time zone... But hey!!!!!!!!!!!! look at asians men! 50% NA server from ASIA, NA server more like ASIAN SERVER. cuz they are the actives ones too..... So yeah, we get used to PERSON TO PERSON latency (even with the bad connection of the server, I belive it could be improved, not sure)
    loboram likes this.
  19. luthorhunt

    luthorhunt New Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Im agree whit the merging Servers, and i will like to add to ban NO European & North america IPs.
    I only fight players from asia, and theyr ping its so bad, the fight it hurts, not being able to enjoy a good ass kicked, its just horrible
    even in retail had this problem, but nobody wantsto ban Foreing IPs.
    In Aisa are some BDO private servers and yet they still want to conect to the other side of the world.
    I do not hate Asians in any way, 4 of my most beloved friedns are Aisans, 1 Japanees, 2 Vietamees and 1 Chinesse.
    the live here on NA and i play whit them so pls dont mention im racist cuz im not.
    We in NA we dont conect to server on asia for the same reason, lag, ping etc.
    it would be nice if they could join their respective Private servers, so we can all enjoy the game.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
  20. SirPlayedz

    SirPlayedz New Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    What sv can be played now, i would like to start playing and I am new to this, please recommendations. ineed help please ...
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
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