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SD got buffed with CM but no one has realized it

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by bsari004, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Hi ya all, i like to post this thread for the ones who complain about SD income nerf. There will be a lot of math in here so be ready

    Last time i tested SD after central market i made 100m avarage money, it is not bad for new players at all i ll tell you why right below

    Before central market we can make 200m avarage money
    PEN Dandelion price is 1.6B silver now it was 5.8B before so if we divide the price by per hour income;
    Before CM 5.8B / 200m = 29 hours grind
    After CM 1.6B / 100m = 16 hours grind
    so after central market ppl need less grind money to buy PEN dandelion. It is exactly same on PEN accessorys and base accessory has not changed really example crescent
    Before CM 200m / 45m = 4 rings
    After CM 100m / 30m = 3 rings

    I hear you there are some other items that price has been decreased and we make less money i think ring of crescent is one of them lets make another calcutaion(this part is for that let you know making progress in gamez is easier then before)
    lets say you drop 10 crescent per hour (cm did not effect drop rates so after and now its same drop)
    crescent price was 45m per before CM, it is now 30m avg
    so at crescent u were making 450m per hour and now u r making 300m per hour lets do the same calculation
    Before CM 5.8B / 500m = 11.6 hours grind
    After CM 1.6B / 300m = 5.3 hours grind

    so after Central Market update Gamez gear progression is easier and SD has not nerfed it is buffed really

    Tell me ur thoughts..

    Edit: If SD will have a buff in the future which i don't think there will be but incase sd has a buff most of players may start doing all sd again. SD suppose to help ppl that have really low gear and want to make money so it could be non-sense if we have a buff. Players can make at least 400m per hour with 600+ gear so in BDO u are all alone (you can't make trade with ppl) so complaning about something that forces you to party with other ppl and while that if that income will be super high we would have a huge problem
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
    loboram likes this.
  2. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    i kinda agree with you, thats why i stopped asking for any sd buffs. The only boring part is farming silvers for accessories, they take a really long time to get if you want the BiS for every of them at PEN

    BTW Stopped playing this game actively when i can make 450mil a day. Im just standing still like the others and wait for the silver to come
  3. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    u can do lifeskill while that good income xd
  4. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    true but im not that motivated to do it, i find it really really boring
  5. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    well i gotta agree with you there i never have a motivation for lifeskills i play gamez for over a year and i did only grind and pvp. Just leaving afk and making 450m per day sounds good when u r not motivated to play the game xd
  6. dariolucconi

    dariolucconi New Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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  7. Dspbandi

    Dspbandi New Member

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Dont get me wrong.. But i dont think you did the math right.. On this last Big event we've had SD payed out 50% of the price and that needs to be divided by 2(2 players)
    So if you are getting 10 crescents hour (lets say it goes for 30 mil each) and you are going to get the 50% of that, so 15mil -> and divide that by 2. So 10x15=150. 150/2=75
    so thats 75 mil / hour for each player. That is just simply awful.. Let me know if i am wrong :)
  8. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    man no one do sd at crescent it is solo spot. You can do sd at iron mine (i think best for sd rn).
    Dspbandi likes this.
  9. Yoshi69

    Yoshi69 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    I spent alot of time there and on average, i get about 3-4 per hour. 100m is possible but people r contesting for it all the time soo its not as simple as counting 1/2/3.
  10. Justina

    Justina New Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Everything looks so great, but in practice, if we count pk'ers into it, who gladly will mess with your time, and with this, our harmony of farm won't look so brightly, it will explode, just like that.
  11. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Well i grinded there for a long time too and i was getting 6-14 rings per hour

    Since BDO is an Open World PvP game that is something all spots has so no need to complain about it (maybe except underwater and ash forest xd)
  12. MFDOOM

    MFDOOM Getting there

    Oct 20, 2018
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    People still complain about SD, but forget PEN equipment is like a fraction of the price. I wish when i started i could have gotten a PEN dande for like 1b
    loboram likes this.
  13. Yoshi69

    Yoshi69 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    I'd really like to believe you but that is only possible on the dark rotation and no newbies will be anywhere near that for a long while.
  14. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Just wanted to make an obsevation here, Specifically about you pointing out a Math problem:
    2 players that is divided by 2, but in your formular you are dividing by 4 in total:
    "So if you are getting 10 crescents hour (lets say it goes for 30 mil each) and you are going to get the 50% of that, so 15mil -> and divide that by 2. So 10x15=150. 150/2=75"

    Here you say that you only get 50% of the amount, counting that there are TWO players who have to split the SD-loot income, BUT then you somehow add another divided by 2 along the way...But I know from your previous post spefically about GamezBD (also that your guild is called TOXIC), then it makes sense if you would make things even worse and blow things out of proportion.

    Also just wanted to add a little to the whole "drop per hour" discussion, because seriously; When will you understand that the game runs on RANDOMNESS, so you will rarely get the same outcome twice in a row, however over a whole month of gathering data, THEN and ONLY then can you make a sophisticated guess at the drop rates...and still they will remain RANDOM.

    Just for your information, and everyone elses for that matter, this is NOT Retail-BDO, so if ANYone keeps Player-Killing you for NO reason (meaning that you do NOT attack them), all you need to do is just start recording the game and ressurect again and again, while using the General- or Whisper-chat function to tell them that it is NOT acceptable to behave like that here.

    If that is what they want, then they should go play on Retail-BDO, because as it is part of the server-rules to not harass (interfere with play-time) other players on our community, then it is completely okay to share an area, and the notion of yelling like a hungry angry baby "My Spot!" is not going to help you, because that only works in Retail-BDO.
  15. raiasura

    raiasura Getting there

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Just for your information, and everyone elses for that matter, this is NOT Retail-BDO, so if ANYone keeps Player-Killing you for NO reason (meaning that you do NOT attack them), all you need to do is just start recording the game and ressurect again and again, while using the General- or Whisper-chat function to tell them that it is NOT acceptable to behave like that here.
    Where is the rule that states ur not allowed to repeatedly kill someone over and over? I even scrolled through the TOS for you. There's no rule against pvping. Sounds like a fake rule the snowflake community made up.

    If someone kills u over and over again u simply move.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
  16. Reblyat

    Reblyat New Member

    Jan 20, 2020
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    His maths are totally correct. Let's say we have the perma SD event, it means the server is buying all items in special deal mode at 50% of their price. 10 crescent initially worth 30m are now bought by the server for 15m each, 2 players : (10x15)/2 = 75m for each player. In reality, server buy everything for 35% of the initial price, it's worse than what he describes. But anyway crescent is not really known to be a place where you SD.

    Also, nowhere it says that killing someone fall in the harrassement category, you made up your own definition of harrassement.
    II. Harassment / Racism / Other offensive language / Spam (GamezAION / BDO)

    To me, considering it's before racism and other offensive language/spam, it would be for exemple repetitive sexual comments or irl threats over a person, but that's just me.

    As far as I know, alt +c is a game mechanic. If you get killed and run over and over on the guy for him to kill you again and again without fighting back, it's your choice and you are interfering with his play time aswell.
    Or you can fight back, move, switch channel, negociate, call your friends. Plenty of choices.
    Dspbandi and Sensou like this.
  17. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Even WITH my own quote once again presented for the hard of reading, I still find it absolutely AMAZING how these players could possibly justify behaving like little children, bullying other players and cutting down on their play-time and game-experience is certainly not okay, and once again PLEASE tell me where the quote "Snowflakes" is from (popular culture reference), if you do not know (other than looking it up on google of course) I suggest you watch the movie which made that quote famous.

    Look I cannot tell you how to play, that is certainly not my function or within my sphere of influence, but a person would simply have to be a dumbarsed-main-stream-mentality-prick to think that interefering with another player's play-time is completely okay according to the game-mechanics, because let's just say it actually was; then of course the game would REWARD players for killing each other right?
    Except that the core-game-mechanics actually PUNISH players for doing so, AND it even draws attention to it when someone goes and deals with the offending player, as in a World-Wide (think it is limited to channel) message loudly proclaiming: [insert] Playername has put [insert] Playername into jail for Player-Killing (paraphrased).

    I do not think that ANYone could be SO blinded by their own belief, or SO amazingly short-sighted that they would completely deny these things, and STILL insist that the core-game-mechanics are allowing them or rewarding them for behaving like a prick.
  18. Sensou

    Sensou New Member

    Jan 21, 2020
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    Open world pvp, means you want to kill everyone you see all day for as long as you want, as far as you want to deal with whatever that might get you, it's allowed by the game, and something agreed uppon generally in the western community as you can see originally in bdo Negative Karma penalties were much harsher until the western community demanded them to be lowered. Weather you want to label the pk behavior, with prick or anything else is up to you. Most of the bdo community is aware and agrees with the open world pvp.
  19. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Please go to the site that Pearl Abyss has, the creators of the game, and read for yourself what the game is labeled/marketed as: (Action)-MMORPG

    Now it is in all fairness that it does ALSO state that the game runs in an Open-World AND that there is the option for PvP anywhere (outside SafeAreas), but the whole notion of the brain-dead approach to the game, was introduced by a handful of bratty-spoiled-bullies who made up the rules, such as "My Spot", and of course the classic, "IT'S A PVP GAME!".

    So no, you are indeed wrong (in my opinion based on facts) about the idea behind the core-game-mechanics, and that it was ENTIRELY because of the "western"-egocentric-culture, that the Retail-BDO (EU/NA) servers were dumbed-down and encouraged the toxicity that eventually ruined the game-play for most intelligent individuals who JUST wanted to play a computer-game AND enjoy themselves while doing so.

    I get that SOME humans think it is VERY amusing to ruin other people's fun, and that it even gives their puny brains a thrill, that they actually experience an short endorphine rush or otherwise known as brief happiness, when they are being pricks towards other players. That is just really sad, because imagine what that does to people in the long run, say having spent years behind a computer-screen. Then what happens to their brains? That's right they actually get a form of addiction to that kind of behavior, because it was rewarding their brains (briefly/temporarily) when they were doing these "bad" things. Now make a parallel to Real-Life, and try your hardest to distinguish one from the other, once your brain has undergone that transformation: You would literally "be hooked on" treating others badly.

    Now I know what you might say: "I know the difference between Real-Life and Computer-games"
    Sure you may very well know the difference, but your brain would disagree, and while your addiction might not manifest itself as it clearly does in games, then what happens if you are unable to get your "fix" (game-time) over a longer period of time? That's right...You actually start doing it in Real-Life too. I don't mean going around swinging swords at others or even hurting them physically, but you do tend to behave in ways towards others that you know will cause them distress which WILL trigger your reward-center in your brain.

    So while it may appear as you function fine in society, the truth is that you are deriving a form of pleasure from being mean towards others, and while you may be able to keep it going towards strangers only, at some point your reward-center will opt for more and more, which very well could lead you to direct this negativity towards the ones closest to you, which will eventually drive them away from you, tragically enough leaving you with nothing BUT the Real-Life-Escape that is: Computer Games...which will only keep the circle going.

    You see it isn't "Just for Fun" that humans behave like this in computer-games, but mostly because they are allowed to do so, unchecked by the ones in charge of managing the servers/games. The only way back from this insane form of gaming is to just beat it down before it is the most popular/traditional thing to do.

    It is in fact the very reason that MOST of the players who come here from a bad Retail-BDO experience find it so unthinkable, that they were escaping from toxicity and childish-bullying behavior, only to find it growing once again on our community. Not sure...but I do think that it is one of the Main reasons SO many players have left our servers again, Not counting the PvP'ers who mainly just want a Multiplayer-Combat-game to play and who aren't bothered by the entirety of what encompasses Black Desert Online as a game.

    Now I REALLY hope that you aren't taking this personally because I might be a bit harsh when I speak of Main-Streamers or Player-Killers, however if you just take a little time to read about those phenomenons you would surely understand why I am so much against them. I get that players want to play the game how they like but seriously, unless another player takes up the gauntlet and fights you back, where you'd actually have to concentrate in order to win the battle, then how is PvP'ing in the Open-World of BDO even any fun?

    Is it REALLY considered fun for some humans to just slaughter away at the weakest and incapable of defending themselves? If so, then am I not right in my proposition for why that might be an Extremely bad idea?
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
  20. Sensou

    Sensou New Member

    Jan 21, 2020
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    There's nothing to argue here as your facts are mostly based of assumption's/correlation=causation fallacies. Also you might think you speak for the GameZBD community and you might speak for some of it, but the majority? I don't know, and from my experience most people don't agree with your points.

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