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What keeps you playing on GameZ

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by eminescu83, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    I have a 610(kutum) GS ninja and i started playing on GameZ almost since the server launch. I play on EU server but used to play on NA (since was the only one available) and there i left behind an 300AP ninja but since Sieges and Node wars were at 3-4 AM for me...i could not enjoy the pvp that this game has to offer.
    What made me to post this thread:
    1. Some time ago we used to have things at the same rate Retail server have ...or .... in some cases, even before Retail got. (I guess content was taken from Global test server). Now....excluding the Global market....i dont see anything new that could keep us engaged in PVE life. (Life skill/grind/etc.)
    2. The pvp scene is so .... one sided. Node wars/Sieges are a sniping fest and the guilds with high AP players are roflstomping medium/low GS guilds that are trying to do a NW at Tier 1....just for the luls...

    What keeps me here:
    1. Boss timers with direction to their location
    2. Obviously free pearls
    3. Responsive and involved staff (Like ...Kolka get some sleep man. I see u 24/7 on Telegram answering all the questions people have)
    4. Increased rates (exp/drops/etc)
    5. /rescue is a very handy feature (I found myself typing that on the Retail server's chat - was funny as hell :D )
    6. All the weekend events (even though they could be updated a bit)
    7. Ability to pay2win but not paying2win - what i mean? I can purchase Pegasus from web shop but i cannot sold it for in-game silver. <3

    What i suggest to dev team:
    1. Make more often updates. Small and often updates than bigger and rare updates.
    2. Buff the RBF rewards so we can get some pvp there (at least there) and also buff the gear cap RBF so we will not deleted in 1 second by 700GS players.
    3. Bring those succession skill trees that are currently available.
    4. Increase the new player/returning player experience by giving:
    - New player box -
    Which contains Full TRI Boss armor and weapon set which can be used for 1 week/15 days/30 days ( u can decide) - Obviously these items cannot be sold nor enhanced.
    500 million silver
    2000 pearls box
    3/5/7 days premium (So the new player will know how it feels to have that premium buff)
    and the list can continue or be changed as u guys want
    - Returning player box -
    Which contains enhancement supplies to catch up with others - Sharp/Hards black stones / Valks cry / Advice of Valks +50 / +100
    1000 Caphras stones
    2000 pearls box
    300 million silver

    All of the above are merely suggestions and the content of these New player/Returning player boxes can be changed/adjusted.

    Thank you all for reading this post and if you guys have any suggestions/thoughts please leave them in a constructive manner so the dev team can hear us

    And last bot not least, big thanks to the dev team for their effort to keep the server running.

    Have a good day!
  2. Yachi

    Yachi New Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    Nothing keeps me here anymore, since making money became boring and more difficult for low geared players
    Its a private server but there is basically no custom content, and central market is killing this server too
    So i just quit, like other people is currently doing, just look at online players atm
    Players Online
    GamezBD NA: 1308
    GamezBD EU: 1396

    Ye 2.7k total its good, but if you keep focusing all the economy on the central market the economy will slowly die
    A good help would be to increase the trash loot value even on low ap zones like gahaz, sausans, pila ku. We just need more silver income from NPCs, cause basically the economy now is good for rich and geared players. If you think about how a new player can make some good money i can only think about losing time doing pila fe scrolls and selling meme frags during event, and ofc bottling or botting(ton of people still unbanned) during golden event
    People said that ye, you make less money but the weapons and armors costs less, sure, but u need 300 ap to do something in pvp, and doing accessories became the worst thing ever. Wont gonna say more cause i already quit, so whatever
    I just hope devs will add custom stuff to make silver without relying on the market, cause it wont be hard.. and buff the damn pvp rewards cause end game bdo is pvp, and on this server its useless

    Peace guys
    omarxz11 and eminescu83 like this.
  3. Nereus

    Nereus New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    What kept me on playing gamez:
    The PvP scene that is dying again, I guess that's all
    Seen comments regarding CM killing the server but you can't really blame the devs for implementing it since the community itself is killing the value of items.
    Also seen people complaining about there's no way to make money on the server since SD is totally useless now and other's replying with "go to Waragons and farm the scrolls (which is also funny since it's driving the price of memory frags down)" which is retarded, how is a mmo supposed to be played in only one place?! Until someone can do aakman, they have to stick with one place, I won't bother talking about gathering or anyone that has been playing for a while knows how pointless it is, or even worse SMH.
    Eminescu83, I agree with your suggestions but I can't really see that happening
    eminescu83 likes this.
  4. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    My suggestions might be taken into consideration or not thats dev team decision. All i wanted to do with this post is to issue a warning regarding the state of the game.
    I know that the dev team often read forums even though they dont reply to every thread in part.

    About custom stuff, i think we have plenty custom stuff. I know they are quality of life features (boss timer/location - teleport system - SD - weekend events) but yea... i agree with you, they need to add more custom stuff to revive the game.
    Even a new area for RBF would be cool.
    But for me, it would be nice to get back with the pace of the updates.

    Increasing the trash prices will destroy the game's economy even greater because those 300 AP players that are still playing here will get lot more benefit from this change.
    Thats why i came up with that idea of "New player"/"Returning player" box which will help the new comers or the returning ones without, indirectly, give an edge to the 300 AP players.

    I think a good PVP update will be to update the RBF rewards for the AP bracket ones. The instances where u can enter only if u have a certain GS so everyone will stand a chance.
    loboram likes this.
  5. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    they are working on few classes succession now

    TERRIBLE IDEA cuz returning players if they haven't been palyed enough they probably have few pearly boxes and accessory boxes (kolka is gifting these if we have an unexpected maintance). New player box it may be a bit good idea but ppl can make at least 300m per day by just being AFK in game so if u r a new player u can just create ur account and afk for 1 or 2 weeks and u will have 3 boss PEN weapons at least. (ARTISAN EXCHANGING CAPHRAS, if u sell them on markket it is 455m pe day really really good money) but for players that don't want to be afk for days then we could have pet support trash (i mean by trash the pets that skills doesnt really good much) tier 2 pet box x4 will be enough for someone new. IT WILL TAKE SOME CODING TIME TO IMPLEMENT WHAT U ASK

    I agree this we had a thread really long time ago suggesting this but devs clearly ignored it. Multiple trash loot drops 5x or 10x (server rates) it would be really good but it will be still better for end game geared players cuz stars end underwater hystria trash loot is good money per hour and it will make it really really good so if we have this we have to get and adjustment between low AP spots and high AP spots. IF U HAVE EVER LOOK INTO GAME FILES THIS WILL TAKE TIME TOO CUZ THERE IS NO OPTION LIKE SET ALL 5x or 10x U HAVE TO SET ONE BY ONE ALL OF TRASH LOOTS
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Amazingly this is a really good post from you @eminescu83 since usually your posts have been quite harsh.
    Unfortunately the two answers so far did not read the thing you wrote in Capital letters at the very beginning:
    Because that is EXACTLY what they did, funny enough one of them doesn't even play here anymore and yet feels it is perfectly okay to STILL complain about the game he/she/it doesn't play anymore.

    Well, I really do think that you are on to something there with limiting the Gear-score applicants to the Red Battle Field PvP instance. Under 100 AP all together, 101-120, and so on perhaps, however the problem is once again, either the AP gaps are way too small and there are some of them that are not used due to lack of players in that bracket, OR the brackets are too big meaning that minimum gear players will STILL have an extraordinarily hard time trying to battle the maximum gear players within that bracket.

    I still think my suggestion is the best, everything considered, to just replace ALL active gear on the players who join the Red Battle Field temporarily, to ONE specific set that ALL players in the instance then have to use. This will make the RBF available to ALL players from day one of joining the servers, it could even be implemented for Nodewars and Sieges if it works out well, and sure there will be some prick-arseholes who will abuse this function, making an account and leveling up to minimum level, JUST to join the PvP scene and then NEVER bothering to actually play the game itself. But that is a possibility, and COULD be circumvented somewhat by changing the minimum level for PvP application...in any case it is just a suggestion.

    What keeps me playing on GamezBD:
    1. This is a wonderful gaming project; Play for free from anywhere in the world, and get in-game currency (Pearls) for free.

    2. It is a Computer-game specifically meant to waste time online while playing or just AFKing. Which pairs well with how my life is going at the moment, long periods of downtime and then some periods of activity.
    An amazing lot of things to do in-game, lots of variety in activities as well as scenaries, beautiful graphics and one of the best Action-Combat systems I have ever tried.

    3. The possibility to play with some nice/kind/like-minded players from all over the world, and have an enjoyable gaming experience, without all the toxic childish behavior overshadowing the Retail-version-servers.

    Think that is it :)
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
  7. bsari004

    bsari004 Proficient

    Nov 5, 2018
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    I forgot to answer this question "What keeps you playing on GameZ ?"
    Actually i see no point we try really hard for end game pvp but there are no balance in pvp so i will just leave afk and buy artisans for a while and i doN't feel like to grind or even pvp xd
  8. Yoshi69

    Yoshi69 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    Reason I play:
    3:Illusion that PvP will get better.

    Reasons why I might not play:
    1:When I come to my senses about current pvp scene
    2:Weird way of balancing the game
    3:Main developer being too self-centric and basing the gameplay off of his experience managing games and not playerbase. Sometimes it can lead to a decent outcome but I think shutting down ideas because of his own perspective is bad at the same time.

    When i enjoyed the game enough, i'll probably move on and never come back because there's no real sense of gamez community or anything else that enriches my experience
    Choovanski and bsari004 like this.
  9. Nereus

    Nereus New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    You're kinda right with this one, since I went to do a useless rant for no reason, but still... Your suggestion of just afk for pearls is just another meme itself, I left retail cause I was tired of the p2w and the amazing hours of afk, but guest what you're suggesting to do? Paying for premium (to get more pearls) and then just NOT playing the game, I'm not saying that's why everyone left retail but that's what I've heard most say as well
  10. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    "Main developer"; who are you referring to? Pearl Abyss or someone on the GamezBD-site?
    "Moving on and never coming back" seems like the thing to do I suppose, in my opinion that is what children do when things are hard to do, they just quit, but that is just my opinion, also you are leaving right?
    My suggestion? What are you talking about? Where EXACTLY do I suggest ANY of the things that you are saying here? Also what on Earth do you mean when you use the word "meme" in that sentence? Please just look up the word and what it means :p
    I am amazed at what humans can interpret from written text. All I said was, that I suggest making some sort of change to the PvP-instances, to make it a viable part of this version of the Black Desert Online game.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
  11. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Is this some kind of joke?
    bsari004 likes this.
  12. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Are you ok?

    Is that reply a joke?

    Just look in the Telegram chat how Kolka responds to even most retarded questions. Look on this forum and see that they reply on almost every thread....|
    What do u mean?
    loboram likes this.
  13. Nereus

    Nereus New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    My bad, quoted the wrong person, I don't have enough time to be lurking in here all the time
  14. Yoshi69

    Yoshi69 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    Look, don't just assume someone else is a child when he offers his or her opinions online. I have seen most of your posts and while friendly and articulate, your perspective doesn't paint the picture for most of the people who play the game here. Firstly, let me point out that what I see from your posts are mainly based on solo play with minimal interactions. That is fine but please try to understand where others are coming from instead of throwing baseless assumptions. Secondly, I assume you can do better rather than to blame it on someone's age. Back to the point, I was referring mainly to kolka as his view of the server, imo, doesn't relate to everyone in every single way. This is why you see complaints fly by alot but without much weight to it since people are too lazy to state the issues that they find in the game. I have no idea what you mean by "when things are hard to do, they just quit" but if what you're referring to is where i have progressed so far in the game, i'd say its close to endgame at 290 ap kutum.
  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Thank you for your reply...although I do not see why you keep answering -or even attending- this forum, if you have already quit.

    I did belittle you there, and I am sorry about that, I was merely "baiting the trolls" to see if some of them would bite. I guess I was wrong about my assumption towards you, so thanks for making me aware of that :)
    However assumptions are broadly thrown about, by everyone at all times, so it is not surprising to me that you would make up your own version of who I am as a player, or how I like to play this game. It is a completely natural thing to do, but I will tell you that I do have a much better time when I am playing with good people and especially when I am playing against good people :)

    Just one last thing: "Back to the point, I was referring mainly to kolka as his view of the server, imo, doesn't relate to everyone in every single way." This quote makes a rather bold statement, because clearly NO-ONE can relate to EVERYONE in EVERY single way, and you know this, so I must gather that you have had one or two incidents with @Kolka that were unpleasant, perhaps even more how would I know. But as @eminescu83 pointed out in the previous post, Kolka does a whole lot of work on behalf of this community, and while it isn't exactly in his job-description (as a developer and not a PR-person) he spends a bunch of his time online on Telegram and sometimes also in the forum, answering questions personally.

    I do not know what it is that drives him forwards, perhaps it is pride in the work that they're all doing here, or that this code is "his baby", whatever the reason MOST of what he gets in return from pretty much 99% of the players here, is utter bullox. Questions that could have been answered by a simple google search or forum search, but mainly and mostly a torrent of toxicity about how bad things are, and how bad the staff is...VERY FEW players stop and give thanks for the work they all are doing here, and really appreciate what is being offered.

    So all in all, I get why someone would answer with pure rage and furious anger once in a while, especially since the people working on this ALSO have personal lives to live. I am just sorry if you feel like this place hasn't been good to you while playing here.

    Exactly what I thought, yet you do tend to be in the forum of a game you claim to no longer be playing...isn't that a waste of time?
  16. Yoshi69

    Yoshi69 New Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    I'm not coming from a place of anger. I just shared my opinion and about quitting, im not at that point yet "When i enjoyed the game enough, i'll probably move on and never come back because there's no real sense of gamez community or anything else that enriches my experience". WHEN. How does everything that I say fly right over your head? And to your recent opinions, I'm just gonna skip commenting on it because you're going to think that i have a personal agenda against you or something.
  17. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Criminal Camp
    I am really not known any other mmo, where u can exact contact with devs and get answers so fast. Even on retail its just hired people CM who not related to development, but here you really get actual information.
    Noyah, Neoyoshi, Sensou and 1 other person like this.
  18. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Alright Alright...take a chill pill why don't ya :p

    I got it now, also thanks for pointing it out, it was clearly: WHEN, and not as I thought, I was wrong and I am sorry about causing you distress. Commenting on my opinions? Yeah do not quite get this at all because you refuse to elaborate, so I guess it will remain a mystery, too bad really since I thought there for a moment that we could find a middle-ground, where both of us could hear each other and comment without negativity.
  19. Salavat

    Salavat New Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    It will be slowly one year, when i start playing here on server. And i enjoy be here. I see a loot of people lately just complain about server or etc... But honestly i dont give shit. I am still glad dev working on servers. I saw on internet couple other servers, but its just old or outdated and many big bugs. I think people should be more grateful for this nicely server. Maybe rng here is kinda harder, but who cares? Sometimes when i enchant tet/pen and i fail, its good feeling punch in table or wall for good feeling. And next day prepare for other enchant :p I think if there will be every one having pen gear will be really boring, because you will just grind at end location, and for end could be boring. Exp and rates are really good. So atleast you have some small progress. And i enjoy everyday be here, because i have couple character with tet dande/kutum, and i always have taste grind with different character. So probably best thanks to devs putting thier sould and working always on this server.
    loboram likes this.
  20. Cats

    Cats New Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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