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Ranger Build

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by dmwtf5, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. The Ablazed

    The Ablazed Banned

    Nov 30, 2010
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    I'm only saying attack/crit. Im not the one making wall of text posts jumping on the build~~~ i know my limits and I think attack is much better than hp. I mean it cancels out tbh. Less attack means longer fights which means more hp loss for you.
  2. Meisterstuck

    Meisterstuck Comet Forum Legend

    May 3, 2011
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    I know blazed. don't worry. im just saying i sense a heated debate here. that's all.
  3. icemonster

    icemonster Expert

    May 18, 2011
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    out of topic: Meist i dont see you in game D:
  4. Meisterstuck

    Meisterstuck Comet Forum Legend

    May 3, 2011
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    Kinda busy, though i get to play in game roughly 30-1hr on weekdays since my hands are tied on work, i get to play on weekends though not really hardcore like before since there are some commitments I have to take.
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  5. SweetNoms

    SweetNoms Claims

    Nov 1, 2011
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    To digress for a moment, oh how I miss playing that game back when PvP was the best around, before Factions and GWW came out and started spreading all of the builds and even making PvE too easy (pre nerf Shadow Form FTW). If anyone knows how to survive spikes, it's GW players. GW had the best and most diverse spike builds to grace any game, ever.
  6. timtaylor

    timtaylor Getting there

    May 3, 2011
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    I never really liked attack stones because:
    1. they aren't included in buffs that increase attack
    2. they are added damage not multiplied
    so a full attack set is 5*6*5 = 150 damage
    lets say it takes 10 skills to kill someone, thats an extra 1500 damage BUT you have to ask yourself, how many moer skills could you use with 3k more hp (5*6*95)
    I didn't use either of these set ups for the record.
    They both work but there isn't just one build for every class, its all about playstyle, etc.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011
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  7. tritium

    tritium Proficient

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Agreed, it does exist many playstyle, even if some are more interesting than others.

    I don't make "wall of text posts", i would say, i try, as possible ,to make constructive posts wich could really help ppl,
    with better arguments than :

    I prefer helping ppl than performing the "pro gamer" while saying shit :D

    I repeat again, i already past this cap consisting on saying "i want more dps", playing with agonize/hybrid tree. these builds are efficient, nobody can deny it.

    but with more "game maturity" i can say, this way to pvp as ranger isn't very funny/interesting.
    Playing your pvp style/taking same builds, is just the way to pvp when you begin as "ranger",
    because this makes the game too easy...there is no challenge by playing ranger like you do...everyone can do the same, just need to learn some combos.

    rangers shouldn't be played like sins, like many ppl do...
    rangers are a way more interesting than this class ^^

    hopefully, that you can understand it soon...
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011
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  8. kokala

    kokala Proficient

    Mar 10, 2011
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    well if u ask me atm archers acuracy mag acuraacy is bugged cause im cleric with like 2390-2410 mresist and every and i mean every single archer that get near me is either slow or stun or silence me on 10000000% so i doubt they got 2.5K magic accuracy.So yeh im agreed 600 crit is enough other put atk for the dmg altho some rangers use atk+hp builds and they say its kinda good for survavibilty longer in some team fights
  9. The Ablazed

    The Ablazed Banned

    Nov 30, 2010
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    Ha, you'd be suprise how many people take what I say to heart and become that much better. If I can summarize what I need to say what's the difference? There all opinions, and yours is a little dry; acting as if you know me so well.
  10. Kolorless

    Kolorless New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    If anything. rangers should never stack attack on. Retail has proven this. Attack stones do not stack on skills/crit for rangers and has been proven in Korean Aion. It only stacks on auto/white attack. So stop saying attack stones.

    Crit/HP has been most viable. Although on retail quite a few go full macc CLOTH just for the hell of landing ccs, here in gamez with +15 and ABG that is simply not viable anymore with MR so broken. So simply go crit/hp. Oh and really not much point stacking normal crit past 740. Gain is around .025% per.

  11. The Ablazed

    The Ablazed Banned

    Nov 30, 2010
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    It's definetly been proven that attack effects skills. 1 attack = 1 dmg more on a skill, which means around 2 more dmg on crits.
  12. Kolorless

    Kolorless New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    right. and what if you crit that skill. which happens over 60% of the time. it becomes useless. Did you not hear me correct. Attack stones do NOT stack onto crit. ONLY WHITE ATTACK. kthxbye.

    EDIT: oh and did i mention its diminishing returns for attack on skills?
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  13. The Ablazed

    The Ablazed Banned

    Nov 30, 2010
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    You're first sentence didn't make much sense in respone to what I said. Meh, you can think what you want, but I know for a fact that attack makes a difference, it's why some of the better pvpers on retail use it.
  14. Kolorless

    Kolorless New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    LOL dude. Seriously. We've tried and tested this on Korea Aion. NA Aion. Don't know what kinda Aion you're playing but it has ALREADY been proven by rangers ATTACK STONES DO NOT STACK ON TO SKILL DAMAGE OR CRITS. Jesus flippin chrst. Lemme break this down for you to understand for the last time.

    How it works is the added attack (The green stat) is just added on TOP of your damage. So like, if your move normally hits for 500, and you have 100 green attack, it hits for 600. Your BASE attack though (The white stat) goes in earlier in the formula. This effects your skill damage much more. So yeah, in reality, manastone attack is kiiiinda overrated. Kapeeesh?

    Oh and please do give me a quote on who are these 'better pvpers on aion'. The attack stone craze stopped after 1.9 Get over it. It went to Crit hp after that. And now all the 'pro pvpers are either Crit HP or Crit Macc or full Macc.' Get your facts right. Oh here's one, even though he's kinda over-rated. Simca uses both Full Macc on one set, and Crit/hp/Macc on main. Kthxbye.
  15. tritium

    tritium Proficient

    Jan 15, 2011
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  16. The Ablazed

    The Ablazed Banned

    Nov 30, 2010
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    Character Search | My Aion
    Character Search | My Aion

    Oh yea, some of the most feared players on retail use attack because they love sitting their autoattacking their enemies.

    The forumla takes the green damage into account, however buffs go off the white damage. If you have 200 base attack, with bestial fury you'll have 300. If you have 200 base attack + 100 attack socketed, youll have 400 with bestial fury. The damage is counted at the end. If only the white damage effected attacks then there would be no point in buffs that boost attack now would there be? Attack manastones add green attack, buffs add green attack, in the end they both add damage to skills.

    Unless you can show proof you're really just talkin out your ass. Kthnxbye.
  17. Kolorless

    Kolorless New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Cool story bro. Omfg. I give up you dunce. Play how you like and keep your logic. The reasoning for attack stones on them is something called WEAVING, which for that matter. I doubt you even know about with your lack of mentioning it in your post. Go ask any high tier ranger on retail. They'll tell you the same thing with these mechanics. Green + green DOES NOT EQUAL THE SAME. *facedesk*

    One more thing to add on to your flawed mechanics. Buffs do not stack on from attack stones. ALSO proven.

    Anyways. Keep spouting your nonsense. Its been tried and proven already, while your logic is based on... you. Stop misleading ppl actually trying to ask a question on how the mechanics work for mana stones. Good luck, Have Fun, GG. Get owned, kthxbye.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011
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  18. The Ablazed

    The Ablazed Banned

    Nov 30, 2010
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    If you're the ranger Kolorless in Gelk last night, I'm pretty sure I was the one owning :p
    You can get a lv 1 dagger and use abg, go ahead and add 150 attack. I promise you'll see a difference with skills.
    I wonder if you go on retail forum with this little forumla of yours how many would laugh.
  19. Ando

    Ando Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Kolor, just fullfill him his wish on always having the last word. He is right though, he always OWNES... because he ALWAYS is in a big zerg. I have never seen him alone .. even with hes alt-char conscience (or however you write it) he is only to be seen with at least 20 ppl around him to save his bud.

    and having the last word everytime is typical habit of ppl with lag of maturity.
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  20. Kolorless

    Kolorless New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    FYI. I wasnt in gelk last night. Coolstory Bro. So with your fail mechanics you attempt a fail flame about my epeen is bigger. Keep trying.

    Anyways. With this dunce aside. For those who are actually curious about the mechanics which has been and will still be proven the same, and not this horsecrap.

    For the last time. Attack mana stones only add ON TOP OF THE FINAL FLIPPIN DAMAGE. The point of this thread isnt IF attackstones stack attack or not. It's what is better used.

    1) lets say you have 400 base attack and another 100 attack from manastones = 500 attack in total
    2) using bestial fury (+50% attack) does this: 400+400*0.5+100 = 700 (you'd have 600 w/o manastones)
    3) using devotion (+40% attack): 400 + 400*0.5 + 400*0.4 + 100 = 860 (you'd have 760 w/o manastones)
    4) you use an attack skill: 860 * (skill dmg eg. 1400) * (some multiplier lower than 1) = real dmg you do (this example is ignoring oponent's defense, opponents buffs, pvp stats etc...)

    So you can see that manastones increase the dmg you do however it's up to you wether you wanna get extra 100 attack (20 manastones) or extra 1900HP (20 manastones). Therefore would you rather waste twenty flippin manastones for an extra 100 attack or 1900 hp? Self expanatory.

    To finish this wall of text. Here's the rest of the mechanics in PVP with pvp reduction and dmg%

    There is an inherent 40% (I just like to round it to 50% so drones like you can follow me) dmg reduction in pvp + pvp dmg reduction from gear. That means, your +5 attack stone is actually a (~) +2.5 attack stone for all intents and purposes.

    It also means that a +95 HP stone is, in effect, a +142 HP stone (read below). I said it back in 09 that HP is the best stone for a ranger, yet the majority of bads in this game are still slotting attack, be it ranger or glad. What makes attack stones even more useless, is the fact that they don't add base damage that gets multiplied by buffs, they are only a + in the end.

    It means jack sht whether or not you calculate +attack on a stone by stone basis or by total dmg.

    (100+5) x 0.5 = 52.5

    (100 x 0.5) + (5 x 0.5) = 52.5

    In the case of HP

    (1000+95) x 1.5 = 1642 effective HP

    (1000 x 1.5) + (95 x 1.5) = 1642 effective HP (out of which 142.5 comes from the HP +95 stone)

    A.) If you count an Attack +5 stone as Attack +5, you also have to count a HP +95 stone as HP + 142.5 stone.

    B.) If you count an Attack +5 stone as Attack +2.5, you have to count a HP +95 stone as HP +95.

    C.) You can't count an Attack +5 stone as Attack +2.5, while counting HP +95 as HP +142.5 stone, because that would be counting the innate pvp dmg reduction twice.

    D.) You can't count an Attack +5 stone as Attack +5, while counting HP +95 as HP +95 stone, because you're not counting in the innate effect of pvp dmg reduction to effective HP.
    ^This is the model drones follow.*

    Personally I prefer talking in B.)

    But like I said, in reality the pvp dmg reduction is 40%, not 50%, and the pvp dmg/dmg reduction from gear pretty much cancel each other out. I just used 50% to make it simple.

    *definition: drone

    A person who asks in /3 what should I socket for a _class_, instead of utilizing his own brain matter to find the correct information to form the correct answer.

    P.S: Andro <3 haha. Nah Im not bothering with him. I'm more interested in helping ppl actually understand their class as a ranger that actually need the help like the OP.
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