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Toll points/Vote rewards

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by sucxevious, Sep 22, 2011.

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  1. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Hello there, since i just got recently to this private server after a long periode of pause from aion (official), i noticed that now that i got to lvl 55 and after playing what 4/5 days all i can do is trying to farm and hope that the times goes on faster to get more TOLL points.
    i just calculated the system and noticed that in 1 month the max TOLL points u can get is 3000 = 1 good item or almost 2 normal items.
    My friend who told me to play this server, told me that before the vote system has recently changed.
    As it was before u could get 6000 TOLL points in 1 month, i think (20 points for vote). Right now for the new players they will have a very dificult time because they cant really do any PVP because they wont do damage with some 50/55 PVE armor/weapon when many are running around with full PVP sets and all enchanted to +15. So what was the plan of lowering the vote system and still let the older guys have a huge advantage over the new ones?
    Im already a bit bored, since all i can do is (lets lvl another CHAR to 55) or wait for some mates to get on so i can stuck to them and hope to see any elyos so they can kill them and i just look.
    If any of u have an idee what the new ppl could do to actually have some fun in a HIGH RATE server and not waiting 4 month and voting every day twice to get then 50% of the pvp ekipe.

    PS: Also think that thats the problem with all that massive ZERGS in pvp, no1 wants to run alone since the others could have a HUGE armor advantage!!!
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  2. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    1. not everybody has abg here, lots of people r good with eat/egt thats available ingame just coz they know how to play well
    2. ur math is wrong, the credit rates arent constant, its always been 10 per vote so no recent change, only that at the beginning of each month we get double rates for a few days (used to be for a week) and during major holidays we get double/triple so yea, its actually even chance for every1
    3. u can get +15 by extracting ingame items for enh stones + supplements as well, no need to vote for anything

    btw just coz its in the vote shop doesnt make it the best gear, many people here use multiple sets like MCD for magic resist or mastarius for pve, stormwing for other things, all of these can be obtained ingame through boss hunts or crafting
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  3. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    ahh oki then that was it with the DOUBLE points from votes. I only got told that before u could get 20 points per vote and not just 10.
    never said about buying enchants with vote points ( just talked about armor/weapon)
    well its hard to find groups to do anything because almost every1 zerging in ingi/gelk.
    Its just my point of view as a new player.
    Because right now i cant just go pvp i need to wait and wait that the days go on or just get a massive group to go ZERG.
    I love solo PVP
  4. BetaMax

    BetaMax Lord Emperor Forum Legend

    Sep 22, 2010
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    this is true tho..
    most newbies will really find it hard to start w/ a server like gamez not offering good drops in instances.
    the server is like a non-new-user-friendly server.. which is not good and un inviting for new players.

    id say get credits as fast as u can about 2.5k
    make your self a vip
    sell the 1k for an egt set
    and for a month get alteast 3k
    buy extension of 1.5k vip
    and sell the 1.5k for weapons and acessories (egt)

    by that, u can start from there

    i sure hope gamez has a plan on this area/
  5. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    i do too, u should go to core if u want solo pvp, its more about 1 on 1 (or 1 on 2 / 1 on 3, still doable, no mass zergs). btw u shouldnt expect to just get the best set ingame directly :p u should do it step by step. u might wanna start with elder from core mobs (very easy to get), anuhart from dark poeta (like elder but with set bonuses), maybe fenris/miragent from sanctum quest and then u can easily go pvp and gather AP for abyss sets

    btw u can always join a random group both in the abyss or those "mass zergs" and get free AP for abyss armors too. if u get a legion, im pretty sure they would help you as well

    @Beta thats what u should expect when u join a high rate server, the key words being "high rate", people get strong much faster (one of the reasons they come here in the first place) so yea trying to compete will be harder at first, doesnt make it impossible. if u want more balance, go for one of the retail like server, ull find players of all lvl ranges and equipment, not just 55s with pvp sets
  6. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    elder items got it already.
    did u really adviced to do the fenris/miragent quest???? lol i took 2 month to do it in official. (u need to FARM FARM FARM and FARM again killl over 12k mobs. lvl a profession get the LUCK proc for the hearth, farm again and again and all that to get a PVE set? and a NICE TITLE?
    and about that easy pvp with fenris/miragen is a myth :p only if u have the luck to get a 1v1 and he is even newer than u on the server :p

    the only quest i would love to do is the whealer dealer title quest but well i think it wont work :p since no1 worrys about abyss fortress ocupation.
  7. BetaMax

    BetaMax Lord Emperor Forum Legend

    Sep 22, 2010
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    i can help you out.
    if u have 1.5k credits

    if ur not vip, just gift my char an abg leather belt.
    and ill buy you an EGT set and EGT accessories.
    if my AP allows, i can add an EGT weapon too.

    just helping out.
  8. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    last time i checked this wasnt retail :p we have 75x higher drop rate (150x if u get premium). either way the way u play does a lot, u even said u played retail, u should know how to play, what to get and how to pvp well. fenris/miragent was if u really dont wanna go anywhere near pvp zones (aka just questing). tbh i started with anuhart here too and got that to +10 by extracting stones from elder stuff, +10 gets u so much hp ull be able to start killing. tahabata weps and acc will help u lots too

    @Beta this "gift" trading is very unreliable, some guy scammed another using exactly ur method just few days ago. its coz its not an item for an item, gotta trust the person to keep their end of the bargain
  9. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    i was hoping for a high pvp server where we could actually pvp and not wait like 3/4 month to get full AGB to start feel the PVP. ur tips are not bad smartik but i dont even have the points to get VIP (still just 350) im really new, and well i dont really feel to farm or do many many quests!! That isnt the idea of a high rate server or? i also dont want everything easy and that u have everything in 1 or 2 days( 2weeks) but so that still there is a possible to do some pvp.
    example: i tried to fight a gilde member in duel i did him 1% damage (im a tank GS pvp) and he just destroyed me -.- now if i imagine going PVP with that :p
  10. maplekoya

    maplekoya Getting there Forum Legend

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Theres one flaw in that idea. As a new player , I dont want to run around naked for that long.
    In RF private servers, Its either donate or get lost. Aion is alittle more forgiving.

    AP is easy to get here in a high rate server.An idea would be to try and find a way to get Silver/Gold medals to drop ingame. It issnt great gear but its better then running around naked and gives new players a goal to work towards to. From my point of view ,this server is currently rejecting new players by making their life miserable.

    Also increasing drop rate in instances would help the new players. I tried afew runs and the drop rate is terrible, and people dont do instances like back then with DP. Where people would go in again and again , even with low drop rates you can always get 1 or 2 pieces of a set and go in again with another group.

    One of the major problems every high rate server faces is people being high level and having no gear. Lineage II fixed this problem with GM shop. Since enchanting was difficult in L2 , this didnt really break the game.
  11. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    no offense but it sounds like u dont even know what u want, u spent all this time saying how its so hard to get everything, now u say that u dont wanna be able to get it so easily, ur just contradicting urself. u dont need vip for anything (tbh even i never had VIP and ive been here for over a year). u said u dont wanna farm but once again, this isnt retail, the drop rates r many times higher. u can get full anuhart with tahabata weps and all the acc in 2 boss runs, extract elder from core (every mob drops 1-2 elder items, each gives enh stone) and enh ur gear. u can get decent gear in a single day, that is if u actually try

    high rate pvp server means yea it revolves around pvp but it doesnt mean u shouldnt work for ur gear to get advantage. u get max lvl and all the skills in 3-4 hours of casual gameplay, the rest is about improving ur pvp gear so u get better. everybody would get bored if they had to pvp with the exact same gear as everybody else and had nothing to work for
  12. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    with that about the dont get everything in 1 /2 days i mean like enchant prob harder or something like that so that u actually still farm and try to enchant and pvp also. Here u saying run DP do this do that, but well with who? most of them go zerg in ingi/gelk and dont want to run inis, i tried to do a lannok run because of the extandable GS but well no1 wanted to do it, and solo what should i do? run in core, get elder break them get enchants and enchant what???
  13. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    u said u wear elder, enchant the elder for a start, its pretty easy to do and ull be able to stand a lot more. u can get a legion or ask for help on these forums, theres always some1 who would come just for the fun of it. its starting to sound like pure raging rather than looking at all ur options and trying them out
  14. BetaMax

    BetaMax Lord Emperor Forum Legend

    Sep 22, 2010
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    few months ago, players were really active in attacking forts in the abyss., i dnt know why now , they dont do it anymore.
    and making GM drops sounds like a good idea.

    how about 10 gold medals per 15 kills? ^^ or 5 medals per 10 ^^ lol
    they get AP and medals while pvping ^^
  15. NOIA

    NOIA Getting there

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Im here for one year also, and Im trying to complete my second abg set. Not all of parts I get by vote, I did some good trades also. Sometimes, someone is trying to get something u have and can't get whit credits, like medals or craft itens, so u have a deal u know;). It's all part of the game. The only thing that sometimes will make u mad is that items that are not sold for credits, also don't drop :/. Now that u can use buy and send gifts inside of the game, thinks are better than before, and u have a lot of possibilities to negociate and you can reach you goals faster than you can imagine.
  16. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    nahh im not raging i just said my opinion, thats its kinda hard, yesterday i did taloc to geat the earrings, but after that i just thought and now elder i got already, a friend of my gave me a mace +15, but still in PVP i wont do damage. Well oki its an idea to put all the elder stuff at +15 but still as im saying as a TANK for PVP without gear :S wont do. As it seams until i get something maybe i need to do another char who actualy does some damage because with the TANK its impossible :p and i opend the thread to see if others feel the same and if ppl like to give some ideas. actualy im right now farming in core to get thouse elder stuff to break, but i wont expect when i get all the elder stuff at +15 to actualy go kill any1 in pvp 1v1 or 1v2 with my tank.
    still THX for all ur advice Smartik
  17. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    yellow items can only get to +10 btw but thats good enough, u might wanna make a different class thats more dmg based if u wanna 1 on 1, gear can be passed through the account warehouse afterall and tanks arent hte best farmers. i have an asmo sorc but when i made my elyos one, i was already pvping at lvl 45 with the 14 day blue gear :p got some kills too xD tanks never were meant to do much dmg, only those with godly gear do so yeah im not surprised u cant kill much

    make a 2nd char to farm and 1 on 1 on to gear up ur first one then, might be easier

    good luck
  18. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    well tanks can do uber damage and are like a BOSS in pvps 1v5 but well with no gear they SUCK damn hard sad that i cant really play with it as one of my favorite chars, i think a hunter will do the job ;)
  19. Nocturnus

    Nocturnus New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I remember this nickname, were you on Aion EU Gorgos?

    Welcome anyways :D
  20. PoWeLL

    PoWeLL Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Im kinda new too, and i like pvp solo as well, but as the drop rate sucks right now.. you can only get ap and medals. I started buying anuhart set, what im using right now till i get the pvp one. I started radiant ops to get ap, and noticed that relics aren't exchangeable, so.. the best choise is getting the gold medal box. Doing solo pvp with shity gear.. is a little slow, so you should join massive pvp to get ap and pvp quests faster. When you get your pvp gear, you 'll can do solo pvp.. Thats my idea.
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