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hard to be stuff if you are new :(

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by thepunisher, Sep 22, 2011.

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  1. PetromaniaC

    PetromaniaC Banned

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Athens , Greece
    Sad but true.
    There were many discussions made about this subject , i hope the admins decide to finally do something about it.
    Half of the new players are leaving because of it ._.

    For now , all i can say is do what the others said , like crafting/joining a legion/etc.

    Good Luck and Welcome!
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  2. JAER0C

    JAER0C Getting there

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I've been here for just over two months and its horrible for newbies *including myself.* If am correct crafting/gathering is bugged, *at least for me I've done .givemissingskills but still can upp the skill points* I've done all the instances to get PvE gear but I can't manage to PvP in them. The market is horrible, it seem the credit system is more of a false hope then "gaining" on this server. I know a lot of you guys post how-to do list on this server to get "better items" but that does not happen in a few months. A lot of "newbies" here are not really "newbies" just other player trying to gear up a new character, and what do they ask/trade for ABG this MASTA that obvisouly newbies would not have so what is a newbie to do?
  3. Trance

    Trance New Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    I've been here for a month and just barely got enough credits to spend on an abg staff. I tried crafting to trade for gear but apparently everyone on this server likes to say "add" when making deals. People saying find a good legion is kind of a laugh. This server is littered with rude/condescending people who wont help because they feel above it and the eight times i did get help i was used(players made a grab and dash when good items dropped). Also loving the fact that kinah is like mud: everywhere and useless. Hell I dont even log in to play here, i just press those vote buttons every 12hours and at this point I'm wondering if its even a good idea to play here if/when i even get the gear i want.
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  4. JAER0C

    JAER0C Getting there

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Orange California
    I feel the same way.
  5. gofresh95

    gofresh95 Getting there

    Apr 21, 2011
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    absolutely right...:S sadly, but that's how the server is...because like 1/3 or even more here are full abg which if you want to get you'll need to vote for like 4 months every 12 hours...that why most of the full abg people are donators...which sucks...everywhere it is more about money that fun...
    here, even making an EAT set is impossible for a newbie with Udas set+15 and a PVE weapon...because out there everyone is zerging and you can't go PvP alone...nor you can in group because all the people say ur noob just because you don't have a good set (when actually some of them are noobs themselves)
    and yeah everyone tries to cheat you...everyone wants to have a profit from each deal...this one time when I said one player "the deal is totally fair - set for set" and I got "well, im not a fair trader"...

    what I can advice you is to get yourself an ABG weapon and then get another one and get a VIP after that and sell the second ABG weapon for a good stuff...but remember always say add till you get satisfied...if the others do it why not you...beat them at their own game :) just...that's what I did last month and from and EAT set and ABG wep which I had I end up with 2 APP sets ABG wep and APP jewels set and EAT jewels set :)

    GL :)
  6. Revoultion

    Revoultion Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    i'd give up my abg and everything to maybe have 100 more players joining this server..
    whats hte point in having the best gear when u play with and against the same 20 ppl every day - it gets old
  7. Vakirauta

    Vakirauta New Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    This is a SO-CALLED high rate server, i find it funny how you compare retail to this private server.
  8. gofresh95

    gofresh95 Getting there

    Apr 21, 2011
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    yeah :) but you know what I really call a PvP server...everyone to be even and only the PvP to show who is better...Like everyone starts LvL 55 with FULL ABG Gear and you need only to manastone it and enchant it and you just go PvP that will be really fun and the only thing you can sell/trade is the scrolls/potions/remodels you craft...but not like to have a vote/donate shop to buy it...
  9. PoWeLL

    PoWeLL Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Crafting ist not the best option till they fix the aethertapping and essencetapping ¬¬. My girlfrind is stucked on lv 1 aether :). MEans crafting right now sux. And dont even think about buying aether, 3kk each (im thinking about selling it, as i have raised aether to 499 before the last break).

    Im running on anuhart gear, its not simple for me pvp right now.. but im patient, doing dairy radiant quests and getting ap. Recently i got my first pvp accessory.

    My advice, join the zergs. I know it sux for veterans, and really.. zergs suck in general, but its the best way to get ap for a non geared person. When you get your gear, you can do solo pvp.
  10. PowWow

    PowWow New Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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    Bumpin Bumpin, The Dancefloors bumping.

    I concur... it is quite difficult for new players, and as more experienced players on the server get bored and leave, and new players do not play for more than a few days, until they reach level cap and realise how difficult it would be, the number of player will start to diminish at a faster rate. The Server will have less people voting, and less new players joining, so the natural consequence i suppose, might be, less more = less devs support, which means more people leaving. All in all. all i can foresee is more people leaving :3

    I prefer this not to be the case. There are some nice and helpful people on this server, and it would be a shame if they had to rebuild an entire toon and gear again after working so hard.

    I saw Carl post in the latest update that he/they are working on fixing the drop rates, so be patient. We might get lucky and get EAT drops =P i doubt it, but fools are still allowed to have hope.

  11. Nocturnus

    Nocturnus New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Not entirely true, i play Gamez since 1 month at least and i get my EAT set in 1 week with intense pvp, someone helped me (Thx Nyusagi) and gave me some gear tho, try to find yourself some decent pve gear and try to last hit and leech some AP's.
  12. Vakirauta

    Vakirauta New Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Everyone says TRY TO, TRY TO, TRY TO, how the fk are we supposed to TRY to find a gear that never drops?
  13. Nocturnus

    Nocturnus New Member

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I guess you never did BT, because chance to drop BT armor is 100% guaranteed.
  14. ruberhai

    ruberhai New Member

    Sep 24, 2011
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    I'm having a hard time getting a weapon. My mate and I joined gamez aion recently, and since we're duoing most of the stuff a lot of the bosses are too hard. Difficult getting into groups (people want VIP's or someone who's allready got good gear) and stuff at the broker is crazy priced. Givf good bow plox ;-)
  15. Fibre

    Fibre Proficient

    Oct 23, 2010
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    buy VIP to me and i can give yame bow to you.. xD.. cant trade whitout.. xD
  16. sucxevious

    sucxevious New Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    well, today i tried some solo pvp and what happend ( u can imagine) (full DP set +15, tahabata +15, commander bakarma +15 sword, im assassin) i could kill many with rank 7/8/9 all the others i did 5% damage and i died with 2/3 hits. GZ to all thouse AGB set users.
  17. Dunamis

    Dunamis Awesome Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    That would get boring in under 5 minutes.
  18. Joshan

    Joshan Proficient

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Florida, USa
    i faced myself with same problem on lumiel then i realized the way to get everything .. first of all u need vip on ur acc then with vip u can get chars to lev 55 easly and get hte 10 plat medals, u can only trade plat with vip so.. u fallowing ? anyway u sell the plat medals til u get some money to get items to either lev ur noob chars faster to 55 or to prepare chars : cleric / temp / sorc to do instances and get good items to later on fuse with etc then when u have archieved that goal u can either use the plat medals to get money to buy gold medals or simply trade them for gold medals then u need ap and that is not hard geting, and with gold medals u get lev 50 pvp gear or u can simply aim to lev 55 gpp abyss gear and the plat medals u got .. . there ya go hope u like my guide.
  19. thepunisher

    thepunisher New Member

    Sep 20, 2011
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    really and after these days i think new can not survive... u know something : i have do bakarma 4 time no stop i havnt looot any gold :(((
    for who say do instance ; almost peaople search for  VIP people;
    for who say do pvp : yes i do pvp i win ap;,and u think with my noob stuff i will have a kill,with armor and weapon pve and who say go craft : you see thats a solution : tell me plz ,im in pvp server ,i dont think that i will spend all day extracting to have drenium or other objects to can craft stuff and weapon
    u think u can do much damage to have medallls<br><br><br>plz think about this , you are speaking like this because you are old , you are stuffed or if new and you have money to buy credits you see thats too easy , if you wanna see the difference go try to have a new person and do all again and dont use what you have in your old person .... personnaly i dont find any solution Oo<
    finally ,i wanna say something , who creat this server is &nbsp;JUST THINKING about himself, he want a money from players , yes he's reason but try to think about players who want playing ,players who are new, players who dont have money to buy credits !!!!!!!
    u can simply doing somethink to make happy these players , &nbsp;go implating &nbsp;abyss stuff i will not say eternel stuff , the minimum &nbsp; the abyss 40 or 50 gold stuff &nbsp;and weapon in bosses !!!!try to have more players in server !! not to have more money for nothing !! tell me plz !! &nbsp;you think student can pay 40 &nbsp;dolars to have credits !!!!!i see this server like a pve server not a pvp server.....
    i will say something sincerly, i never try to cheat in aion, i have playing in many servers , i swear i never try to do this,im playing 3 years in aion and this my name in all server in aion if someone find something (TROIE) ,but in this server because i cant do something i have oblige thinking to search and to use a cheat &nbsp;because i dont have any solution ...
    Good luck for you all, personnaly i think i will change server
    thank all players who helps each other and wish that we have other to help new
  20. Vakirauta

    Vakirauta New Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Oh my.. do you think I can EVEN find a group with shitty 45lv mist armors?
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