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Gamez Aion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Zee, Oct 25, 2011.

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  1. Zee

    Zee Banned

    Sep 29, 2010
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    All righty, let's run through the sad story of how Gamez got this the current low status by listing the main factors.
    • IMBALANCE - Donations and Voting are currently horribly screw'd up. You can obtain the best endgame PvP gears via your credit card and or multivoting, since Gamez is the paradise for people like that.
      How many of actual multivoters get tracked? 1/100
      A private server should not be listed on top five for offering free gear, but for offering an outstanding gameplay for FREE unlike Retail does, since it requires a certain amount of monthly fee.
    • NOT GIVING A F*CK ATTITUDE - Yes Carl, this point of the thread is dedicated to you! You trully expect volunteers who sacrifise their freetime to maintain your server, meanwhile you do not care at all about what's going on on your own server.
      You take time to post update logs, which are mostly bullshitting since shit never gets fixed, just partially at top...
      There are dozens of brilliant suggestions showing up on the forums sporadically by players, which are totally ignored. You don't even find them worth your time to reply them with a single NO at least.
      You fail to get any kind of well working gameguards, yet you're surprised of the ridicoulously high amount of hackers/scammers/dupers/exploiters. Makes sense, right?
    • POPULATION - We got a fairly nice population around Gamez (mainly due to the first point) yet 75% of the players are raging daily about how things roll here.
      QQ threads about zergs are familiar to every Gamez fellows around, you might as well create a unique section dedicated to this topic on the forums, since you obviously won't do anything about it.
      Let's take an example... Certain low budget private servers with non-certificated developers who have a general knowledge of coding/tweaking has 2.7 arenas working properly... meanwhile we do not and we just struggle to find some quality PvP on any maps around Atreia...
      And by this point we've around to another highlighter part of this thread...
    • EVILSET - You're roaming around the forums, trying to farm reputation and get some thankful words in exchange of your efforts, but may I ask... what for?
      You're breaking ten times more features with each updates you make than what you actually fix...
      Aside of your common fail with coding/tweaking and copy-pasting publicized AL patches... you are abusing your position.
      You are currently under investigation for these deeds of yours, which I hope will result in your demotion and in hiring a few new developers.
      Let's see a brief sum up of your illegally spawned items.
      Items which are unavailable without //add commands - Check
      Free donation items (even ABGs) for your friends under the keyword "helping with fixes" - Check
      But hey, not everyone can be a great developer, I don't blame you. I couldn't do it better either... but I am not applying for a position like this.
      Developing is not made of asking for formulas on the forums from players, to modify values... but to actually have retail experience and a brief idea of What the eff Aion stands for.

      That's about you... for now.
    • NO GMs ONLINE - Other than a few staff members, who are well-known for their outstanding activity and dedicated time to players, Siel has no Aion Masters or whatsoever online, most of the time.
      I will not emphasise this point of the thread, since honestly I can't blame any of you for not bothering to log that much anymore... The server is not worth your contribution.
    • AION FEATURES - Every possible pysical/magical attack/defense is miscalculated, all the skill damages are screw'd up... for those who still play Gamez, it's pretty self-explanatory.
    Tl;dr? No, read it all...

    FACE IT AND CHANGE IT, or sweep the thread under the rug and ban me from the forums. Up to you guys!
    Thanks for your time.
    Side-Note: Azmo, this shouldn't really end with you, no offense.
    10 people like this.
  2. Shunko

    Shunko Expert

    Dec 27, 2010
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    Side-Note: Azmo, this shouldn't really end with you, no offense.

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  3. PetromaniaC

    PetromaniaC Banned

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Dude seriously, what is this going to change?
    We discuss about everything in the Staff, we try to get things better over time. This thread is just insulting both Carl and Evilset.. it just makes no sense and it gets u infracted. Plus you're ignoring our warnings and spamming by remaking this thread.. this is just nonsense...

    The only point in which i can agree with u a bit is the Siel GM Inactivity, which is being discussed in the staff...
    There is no need for this thread, so please.. stop it.

    And Azmo was doing the right thing... Such threads are for QQing/Flaming only. Noone is forcing you to play in the server. If you don't like it, just leave peacefully please. Suggestions/Criticism are welcome, but this.. ? this is bashing/flaming...

    I'm closing this.
  4. Clayton

    Clayton Banned

    Feb 15, 2011
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    but ninja deleting a serious thread about art is in need?
  5. daax

    daax - Forum Legend

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Everything is being discussed in the staff but i guess it remains to discussions since i cant see anhything being changed/implemented ?
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  6. Zee

    Zee Banned

    Sep 29, 2010
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    GM inactivity is the cherry on top of the cake.
    Also if it seems to be insulting for you, too bad...

    I'd call it pointing out the truth and reviving a thread from getting buried by a moderator who is not capable to give a thread-end answer on something significant like this.
  7. PetromaniaC

    PetromaniaC Banned

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Daax, we are collecting all the info and we will take actions very soon, believe me.
    Clayton, the thread is not that appropriate dude... it got too far.
  8. Zee

    Zee Banned

    Sep 29, 2010
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    You've been gathering information since 1.5...
    Also, this thread may not end without the response of CARL...
    1 person likes this.
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