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Again with shields.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ghost521, Nov 6, 2011.

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  1. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    AMs aren't even on everytime to fend of campers, afiak camping is only illegal when AMs are online. reports aren't even taken seriously if it's not a video, since it needs to be long enough that it stops people from doing what they intended to do.

    Campers are lame, i know. but in pvp perspective, it does distribute people throughout Inggi/Gelk/Belu/Heiron/Reshanta.

    like i said in the previous post. which is better, going all the way to gelk and getting zerg or teleporting to reshanta and get zerged or whatever.

    i'd rather not spend time go all the way to gelk to get camped. i'd rather port to reshanta and pvp the campers or stalk in enemy forts. takes 1 scroll away. as for the lowbies/low geared players, they need to understand this when they go to reshanta that it's a warzone and don't expect anything else.
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  2. Jayrii

    Jayrii Expert

    May 29, 2011
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    lowbies need to remember that reshanta was one of the very frist PVPVE zone in aion.. if u want a safe place to lvl up, go to theo for elyos and brusthonin for asmo.. when I first played aion, those were the zones I lvl up to lvl 55
  3. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Please stop talking like a hapless 10 year old and listen to reason before you open up another statement which again, proves how little you understand the concept.

    My reasons make far greater sense and will actually entice players to wanting to enter the Abyss. Is it so hard for you to grasp that before you like think that we don't want people in the Abyss. The #1 Reason why nobody is in the abyss is because Forts take a million years to take, drop items aren't implemented with higher success rates and the Abyssal Splinter Core is only VIP accessible.

    All of these are the main reasons why in retail, players will flock to the Abyss. However on here, whats the point if they aren't working properly or blockaded unless you are putting in credits.

    This is why people don't want to go to the Abyss prior too. However with the shields turned off, its become nothing but a Spawn kill, Camp Fest that does nothing to help PvP. You think its great to see 10+ Elyos or Asmos ganking one player who telepored to Tem or Prim and what is supposed to be a safe haven?

    Hows that any better then those who camped the Obelisk and waited for unsuspecting players to fly in only to get massacred?

    Again, if you want players to be at the Abyss, and actually PvP their. Fix the Forts properly for the community, raise the fort vulnerability frequency rate, allow the drop items at core to be greater and make AS open to all players not just VIP exclusive.

    That will bring players to wanting to fight within the Abyss, and would open another PvP area without having to turn off the shields. Again, the side of logic seems to fly off with you and a few others, but if you think and look and those explanations even you would agree that it would improve PvP in the Abyss.

    Just look back a few months as proof to that, when the forts were frequent, while the core dropped items, and even with the shields turned on. PvP was very high in the Abyss and their was a good fluctuation of players their. It makes perfect sense and is the more logical way to go then to turn off shields and have 20348390248 red boxes waiting to bystanders.

    Stop with the kitty potty mouthing and lets have a proper conversation.
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  4. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    read my last sentence please. if not maybe then i'm not the only one who can grasp what others are saying.

    better yet let me fcking post a wall of text too...

    1. like i said, while the devs are working on fixing the fcking forts... this is a good alternative.
    2. like i said again, turn shields up when everything in abyss are working 100%.
    3. like i said again and again, this is the easiest solution to make use of the map than fixing everything that is broken in gamez at 1 time.
    4. like i said again and i'm saying this again, you can't expect gamez dev to fix everything... that's just too much to ask.

    now that's not a wall of text but yes i failed.
  5. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I've read your last statement and it still proves nothing, nor no credibility to your cause. You still let the concept fly over that its become nothing but a campfest, full of 109384203948 players kisking or camping. The idea that "Live with it with or stfu" comments just makes you sound more like a child.

    Fact is, the forts haven't been improved for months, VIP access for AS has not been changed since its implementation. So your great solution is, get used to it or stfu? Some logical solution there.

    As I said, the shields need to be turned on, because its basically creating the ban tactics of obelisk camping, the only difference is, that this is against an entire fortress. You simply can't even move anywhere now without getting killed. The shields are their for a reason, because they are supposed to be a safe haven.

    The #1 thing is that it has done nothing to improve PvP situations, it has not improved the situation in Gelk/Ingg to any greater degree for that matter as well. So your logic of forget it until they fix it is the worst possible idea conceived.

    Within the current situation it is better to leave the shields on, since its completely stupid to whats happening at the abyss now. PvP can improve with the proper and right fixes, not with "Hey lets turn off shields".

    Ps: Be a bit more courteous here, trying to swear/cuss to prove your point makes you look more the pathetic person. Lets have a proper conversation.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
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  6. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    remember when they turned on all shields in abyss? you was happy right? yeah you can dance in the middle of core naked for 24/7 hours and no one would kill you. cause no one goes there...

    rather fixing what you were ALLLLLL asking you don't understand that turning off the shield was the easiest solution to make use of the map.

    if you are all end gear player, why do you go to abyss? for a quest?

    nothing is working there.

    in pvp perspective since you are too... to see the situation, it does lessen people in inggi and gelk since more people are going to reshanta. if you can't comprehend that then tell me who those people are in reshanta? the one dueling in Sanctum/Pandae all day?
  7. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Sigh, I'm talking to a wall here. Lets put it simply...turning off shields doesn't Improve PvP, which was the entire purpose of the so called "turning off" the shields within the first place. By properly implementing the above, you can improve the PvP already.

    Stop acting like the implements of lowering HP for guardians and the fixing the frequency of forts and turning AS into Non-VIP is going to take days or weeks. You could easily fix this within a day.

    The lessening of Ingg and Gelk is not great to any degree. So the percentage of 95% has gone down to 85%. Is this better for seeing the campfest and mutilation that occurs within the Abyss now? How's that even remotely justifiable, all for the sake of. "Hey, we want more PvP Areas, or want Aerial PvP".

    Again, your statements have become nothing but excuses. It first went from "Hey, we want another PvP area to lessen zergs" which has proven to be false, because Ingg/Gelk is still far significantly more popular with nearly the same result of zergs. To "Well, you shouldn't be there if you don't like it" to "Well, just wait until they fix it, and this is the most logical option to allow PvP" which also are all false.

    Nothings improved for Abyss PvP. Turn the shields on, and fix what needs to be fixed at the Abyss to allow PvP to properly flourish.
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  8. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    sigh... i'm talking to myself here...

    let's put it this way and stop at this. hopefully.

    what your asking is just too much to ask.

    if you think you can do all those in a day, i'll gladly help you with googling an open source AION emulator so you can help with the community instead of demanding what needs to be fixed.
  9. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Yes, because instead of finding a reasonable solution to produce quality PvP in Abyss, you instead like to opt for an excuse as to why shields are turned off. GG.

    Look around on suggestions, someone here before has posted codes on the proper fixing of item drops and all which was already demonstrated that its not so hard to fix things. How difficult is it to switch VIP to Non-VIP accessible? How difificult is it to look at a guardian HP and lower the HP. They changed this easily within the past, so why would it take as long as what you are claiming in order to achieve the same effect?

    If you're that frustrated about it I can easily send you to someone who has coding experience and they'll tell you that its not difficult to do.

    Stop making excuses and return the shields up or fix the concepts above to improve the quality of PvP. Lastly, stop assuming that PvP in the abyss is so much better now, because if it was, you wouldn't be seeing threads complaining about it every day.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
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  10. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    ill answer this maturely.

    i'm sure it's on their TODO: list and wait for it to be fix. but for now, lets just enjoy the server we are playing right now.
  11. Joshan

    Joshan Proficient

    Jul 28, 2011
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    im disapointed the way ppl are taking this, however i do agree that the npcs should be made all elites so they dun die in 1 hit, still more things need to add in abyss like fortres fix and add drops for the mobs in the core right now just removing shield didnt do much so its just anoying but many ppl are complaning cuz they just haterz.. there was ppl who like to just sit in abyss and do nothing and complain about the shields -_- furthermore u cant complain cuz " u got bombed in abyss" u get owned and u get mad but whoever owned u is happy about it ...cuz thats what pvp is jesh if im wrong then that means u ppl are happy to die in iggson corect? then stop runing from the zergs and do more fighting .
  12. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    This was actually the reason why Abyss PVP was healthier before than it is now. People go fort Sieges calling everyone to take a certain fort unlike how fortresses today, not because Primum or teminon shields were OFF.

    They just have to make the Abyss Fortress possible to take by reducing these Fort guards HP. Besides killing a Guardian takes a lot of hellish time as well.

    Turning Shields off in Primum and Teminon just encourage a Spoon-feed type PVP where players do nothing but camp Bases and nothing else. I remember PVP before in abyss where people go from forts to forts or meet halfway core just to pvp, today it was all in the spawn area with a repel or camp mindset.

    Also for those claiming that Abyss PVP died when the shields were implemented it is a big NO. It was actually the introduction of the Balaur Maps that took the center stage of the PVP leaving Reshanta a ghost town.
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  13. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Gamez is a zerging paradise right now. Not even shields can save the PvP.
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  14. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    What balaur maps? are you talking still in gamez?

    What good does abyss do when nothing can be achieved? forts are broken. mobs aren't farmable. basically it turned into a ghost town when they turned on the shield.
  15. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    Balaur maps = Balaurea! (gelkmaros/inggi/Silentera)...

    It does nothing until they fix what is broken, so do Turning Shields off which only invites Campers and nothing else. The shield is there in the first place for a purpose. It is obviously to encourage a healthy pvp and not to camp these primary bases in Abyss. It turned into a ghost town when everything got broken not because of the shield which then lead the players to Balaurea for a spacious on foot pvp.

    Like I said many times over this kind of thread you can always come out of the Shield to PVP!
  16. jj011185

    jj011185 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ © Forum Legend

    Apr 26, 2011
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    you haven't pvp'ed in reshanta at all. i stayed my ass in core for a long time soloing, it died when they turned on the shields and elders aren't dropping. get your facts straight and keep your comments gamez related. i lol'ed about Balaur Maps killed Reshanta in Gamez.
  17. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    lol way back October and some months later, last year Reshanta is where we PVP I still miss the moment where my friends would go abyss and had some fights with elyos in those floating islets. Not until Balaurea came in and we transferred there. Everyone knows it that when Balaurea was opened there's rarely a pvp in the Abyss.

    The shield had nothing to do with it. You cant even explain logically how did the shield affected the pvp, also some months ago I can still see a pvp in Reshanta even when the shields are up. They just go outside the shield and pvp. I never said anything that isn't Gamez related. If you read comprehensively they're all gamez stuff.

    Explain then why the shields in Primum and Teminon affects pvp? Is it because no more Camping?
  18. Revoultion

    Revoultion Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    troll logic ftw
  19. fuzzyhall2

    fuzzyhall2 Proficient

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I'm down deep
    Yeah i went there a while ago but it's not the removal of the shield that pissed me off, but a hacker, a fcking SM from some legion called Aves Fairy i think i forgot lol, i cant remember the exact name nor the name of that SM as well.. his a 1-star officer. anyways I'm on shadow walk and he can see me he knows where I am, everytime i try to go near him he uses his AOE skill, WTF! how in the world does he know I'm there?/! it happened twice or trice i think, and i could'nt even outrun the fcker! if i can only record it his ass will be busted.. I went back to try and catch him with a screeny but couldn't find him anymore the fcker must have logged out or went somewhere else.
  20. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Pretty much, vRisen and a few others whom I shall not name have the most outrageous excuses for shields being down. It's glaringly obvious that Gelk/Ingg have not lessened in terms of zerging, considering they are still the #1 hot spots for it which comes as no surprise because 90% of the population prefers ground PvP vs Aerial.

    We need to the Admins to properly fix the forts, AS to Non-VIP, and core to drop its items more frequently so that it will produce more PvP their without resorting to the stupid option of turning shields off which has done nothing but brought Campfest nonsense that is literally a bannable offense.
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