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If ur SM, Post Here...

Discussion in 'GamezAION General Discussion' started by pilonbe, Jul 28, 2012.

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  1. Onrain

    Onrain Proficient

    Jun 27, 2012
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    The reason there are way less sm's is because 1 sm = 10 players. 1 Fear against a small group taking on and winning against a big group = the smaller group just crippled by fear.

    Anyway on topic yea fix crap and till then SUPPORT THE WALK OUT!!! LESS SM 2012!!!
  2. unluckycat

    unluckycat Banned

    Jun 19, 2012
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    Not everyone knows how to abuse a glide bug to dispel fear. This is your logic, tell me if you sound okay:

    If the player cannot do anything about my Fear Chain that is extremely hard to resist, that locks your player in a position where they cannot do ANYTHING to escape then he/she must be dumb?

    A player shouldn't even need to rely on a BUG to counter a skill. If fear was working and if it actually stopped your player from taking so much damage, then fear wouldn't be (so much) of a problem.
    Don't even get me restarted on their debuffs and dispels. That shit is just plain annoying.

    We're simply letting SM's know that most of the playerbase would prefer if SM's had their other bugs fixed first. You know the ones that have been breaking pvp since the start of the server? Yeah, those.

  3. lGaMeXl

    lGaMeXl UNION LATINA Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I almost died of laughter
  4. Raptorz

    Raptorz Legendary

    Jul 24, 2010
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    My last char was a SM, so yeah. =P
  5. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    Actually that's your crooked logic. Seriously, for being an SM for more than a year I've met good players and I mean good players who does not resort to bugging glide which actually would work for about 2% if done successfully. Now to satisfy your half-baked logic I would like to tell you that there are a lot of ways which people could go against SM's if only they know what they are doing. This is cliche but people seems to ignore the importance of Manastone slotting nor having the right set when facing certain foes. How hard is it really to shift to an MR set when you see an SM 30-40m away from you? Nor prepare disabling spells/skills before the SM gets inside your range?

    Try learning the class and you'll know what are the UPs and DOWNs of it and use it to your advantage. Simple logic as most things in this game are.

    Lastly to address this fallacy of yours about "SM BUGS that BREAKS the PVP", well, it's not a bug at all. It's one of the things you need to get used to when you are playing in a "NO STIGMA" server. Now if it still irks you that SM's can do shshhhh on stupid players that don't know how to use their class effectively then you should probably try calling someone to back you up or simply get out of your cave and try getting some fresh air.

    Anyway nice try derailing this thread again.
  6. unluckycat

    unluckycat Banned

    Jun 19, 2012
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    I should have to switch to another set to have a CHANCE to resist an overpowered skill? I need an entire other set of armor just for ONE SKILL?
    I don't like how you completely ignore the fact that the skill is BROKEN. It does not work as INTENDED BY NCSOFT, so if it's not working right, it should be taken out until fixed. Right now, the skill is game breaking for most people, and your petty logic doesn't see both sides of the situation.

    Also, what happens if an SM sneaks behind you while you're fighting someone else? Most SM's will insta-fear me right there on the spot, which will end my fun right then and there.

    I've played SM before. I know the class moderately well. I chose to not play SM because I didn't want to be "that player."

    What? You think Fear isn't bugged?

    Retail video of SM.


    GamezAion video of SM.


    Since you clearly don't know, in retail if you get feared, your player moves AWAY from the caster at a constant speed. In GamezAion, your player moves away from the caster at a VERY SLOW speed, thus making your character extremely vulnerable. How would you like it if I came up behind you and put you in a spell that made your character unable to move and you can't break out of it for 4-20+ seconds? Would that be game breaking to you?

    My consensus is this: SM's are extremely powerful WITHOUT fear. So it would make sense to take fear away (until it gets fixed) from the trigger-happy abusers that way people won't play SM just to abuse fear. Save the rest of us the trouble and agony of having to deal with the little kids that like to abuse things.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2012
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  7. Guille

    Guille i am chillermo Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    LOLOL, you're welcomexDDDD.
  8. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Excellent post!

    Most people on here I'm sure haven't played retail Aion to understand the details. Watching the videos, I can clearly see that there is a significant difference in speed of movement in terms of retail to Gamez, which should get fixed. Moving faster and at a constant pace so that it makes it harder to have skills attacks and DoT's thrown on you will make a significant difference.

    What I'm really shocked about is that there are actually people whom are trying to deny the fact of the SM class and their prowess in PvP. First off even within retail, the SM class aren't highly played in contrast to other classes say Glad, and what a coincidence, isn't that the same as in here? However that doesn't stop them from being the #1 class. The downplaying of this class by some posters within this thread is absurd considering they are the best 1v1 class bar none. No other class has so many skills for every single situation the most versatile array of attacks, defenses to take on all would be attackers.

    Go to NAAion and ask the question on there about the SM class and many of them will tell you (some of the best SM players will post on there mind you) without hesitation that they are very capable of defeating the majority of the other classes without ever having to resort to Fear.

    However Fear as a skill gives them the nudge to the #1 status, and even if you magically removed Fear completely from the game of Aion, SM's would still be one of the most powerful classes in the game, in fact they would only fall to be within the same category as the Sorc, which is the 2nd best overall class within the game. Oh gosh, they are just simply so bad without Fear alright :annoyed:.

    Nobody who plays the Magic Casting classes (SM/Sorc) should even remotely try to complain within Aion. NcSoft has gimped this game so much that it now favors casters anyhow.

    If the skill is bugged, and or is not modified to its correct form, then it should be fixed properly. So do fix the skill so that it's pushes the Feared player away with a constant pace from the SM caster, considering retail has made it that way, then we should have it modified to be as such as well. If it needs the skill to be removed momentarily until its working correctly then so be it, because it's not like SM's are "bad" without Fear anyhow.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
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  9. Clubs

    Clubs Retired Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Personally, my favorite post about SM was CookieDuster's made here

  10. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    Okay not to burst your bubble but have you actually tried comparing a 3.0 gamezaion fear and 3.0 retail? You obviously compared a 3.0 retail fear and a 2.5 gamez fear. BTW, just for your info fear right now is exactly how retail is. Whenever I fear someone they move too fast that I barely able to cast dispel if I fail to slow or root him completely. Oh btw probably if you're crying that it's a bug again 3.0 fear adds a chain effect that holds the target in place so this moving fast while feared is completely useless IMO.

    Too lazy to change set? It's called Laziness. Come on have some logic that is acceptable. Are you asking me if its logical to change set to resist a single skill? OMG go find your f*ckin brain somewhere else. Aren't SM's magic-type users? You will not only resist fear but most of its DOT attack spells as well if you're using the right set/build.

    What happens when an SM sneaks behind you? DfaQ? You die. It also happens when a SIN, a SORC, ranger sneaks behind you //nuffsaid.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  11. trishter

    trishter New Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    Salalah, Oman
    sm are competitive characters but sti|| make it more ba|anced as we|| as other characters . deve|opers p|ease be aware.

    -Jcessie (spiritmaster)
  12. molotsky

    molotsky New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    dont worry SM still have fear skill, most of players hate that thats y I become an Sm
  13. SteeleB

    SteeleB Proficient

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I like how you re-quoted that again, since the last time you did it was back in April. I also like how 90% of that post no longer applies to the server.

    Well done on relevancy.
  14. johnny2

    johnny2 New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    I wanted to use tempest spirit so bad but it's bugged also other 2 new pets are bugged also other skills..
    but as an SM I beat the shit out of full agb players naked with only book and accessories ^^
  15. simpleacc

    simpleacc Proficient

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Mmmmm the skill is not bugged xD u can put this skill when u summon a spirit (This skill afect only spirits not you)
  16. Julishka

    Julishka Getting there

    Feb 6, 2012
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    Schiedam Zuid Holland
    I only say one thing..

    If you want everything to work properly: GO RETAIL!!!!!!
  17. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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  18. simpleacc

    simpleacc Proficient

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Well we can say that the skill works at 50% xD
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  19. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    So you basically still are denying that out of all the classes, they have the absolute least amount of weaknesses. Changing PvP gears is easy for an SM, again, you build MA (<--- this being the more useful) or MB, how incredibly hard is that? The real key here is that you're basically building for your classes advantages.

    For me as a Templar, depending upon the situations, I'll be running around with 2-3 completely different sets depending upon whom I fight. If I confront an SM, Sorc or Cleric, it's almost a guarantee that I'll need to use an MR set, yes, it makes the fight better, however this build isn't intended upon the advantages of my class which is physical and crit damage. Not to mention this also hampers melee in their damaging capabilities. I'm not blaming you or anyone here, I'm blaming NCSoft for skewering the system, the only thing I would blame you for is trying to under play the SM class. Last I remember, SM's also have a de-buff which has landed on me even with my MR set+AA running, gee, all of my scroll buffs etc, etc are all gone now...wow.

    To even skewer the system for physical classes even more so. NCSoft made the "great" idea of even turning some of the melee characters physical skills into being MA based. Could you imagine skills like stun that wouldn't rely upon MA in order to land? How much of a turn around that would be for melee classes that have these set skills. I can assure you it was 10x easier to deal with SM's (and it was still hard back then) in retail before they made this change.

    Think back to the past when Glads Ankle Snare wasn't reliant upon MA, however being MA now its almost useless in most situations because Glads have inherently crappy MA to begin with. So why force our skills to be MA when we have terrible MA to begin with? Don't think that doesn't benefit Magic casters in their ability to survive, and kite classes even more so? With less stuns and roots occurring, it's a resounding Yes. Even the MA vs MR system is a skewered ratio system that to this day still causes dispute even amongst the retail players.

    NCSoft would never remove the SM because that would be a stupid idea in itself however and more importantly its not like this is the first time they created powerful magic classes before. If you look to Lineage 2, the best overall classes also happened to be Nukers (a.k.a. magic classes) so it's not surprising at all considering what their history is with their love of magic users.

    For me, you need to stop downplaying your class, when the best SM users on retail (which btw are much better players then anyone playing an SM here on Gamez might I add) can beat the majority of the classes without ever having to resort to Fear. Now put a Templar in that situation but force us to not use stuns in our fights (Unless you are an absolute master weaver of skills in which I know only a few Temp players on retail whom are absolute masters at this, and even then they have reliance upon stuns), we would be far more gimped then the SM class w/o using their calling card skill.

    Fear has always been annoying to deal with since Aion first came into retail back in 09, the idea that people try to once again downplay this skill just simply makes me chuckle. It's L2's comparison of the "Aura-Flare" skill for Aion.
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  20. unluckycat

    unluckycat Banned

    Jun 19, 2012
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    What? Still going on about the multiple set thing? I've already told you that most SM's stack MA so it makes it extremely hard to resist their skills even with full MR.


    It can be an ADVANTAGE, but not a REQUIREMENT.

    Uh, no. If an SM sneaks behind me, I have a 99% chance to die. If a sin/sorc/ranger sneaks behind me, I have a rather low chance to die (depending on their skill). Isn't it funny that I use the player's skill to determine my death rate? It would be nice to apply "player skill" to SM. However, right now, you cannot do that.

    konichi, you seem terribly afraid of losing fear. Have you tried playing without it? I highly suggest it.

    It's such a coincidence that the people that defend SM are in fact, the very people that play SM.

    First, casters have this game rigged in their favor. Everyone knows this and if you deny it then you are ignorant.
    Second, SM's already have PLENTY of skills to keep an opponent at bay.

    It isn't OP because templars only have 1 root (AoE and non-movecast), 1 stun (non-movecast), and a few pulls. I don't even worry about pulls anymore simply because they are unbelievably easy to predict.
    Gladiators are built to be burst machines. They can be easily disarmed, however.

    The other classes aren't perfect either, but they aren't exactly game breaking. Ankle snare might be but at least you can do something during Ankle snare. I'm a gladiator and I think it should be pottable.

    Physical defense does not work correctly in this game. Casters are not glass cannons. Every class is a glass cannon unless they have some defensive build.
    Rangers and sins aren't glass cannons, yet killing them is a million times easier because sins don't have a slow and rangers only have 1 slow.

    Yeah. The "best" SM's use Fear when they need it. The other random noobs put it on 123 and spam it all day. Just ruins my fun, man.

    This is a private server, so we can remove/change it if we desire so. To everyone but SM, SM is a game ruiner. SM is just anti-fun, and that's as simple as it gets. I don't know about you, but I prefer to not be anti-fun.

    When I get killed by Fear, it makes me want to exit out of the game. That's how bad I feel.
    Should that skill have that kind of effect on players? Is that the idea that you prefer in games?

    You guys are so quick to defend NCSoft and the choices they made. What if NCSoft made a class with a 1000x damage modifier? I bet that some of you would defend that class.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
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