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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BeastiesDecoyAccount, Jul 27, 2012.

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  1. abcdefg

    abcdefg Proficient

    Jul 24, 2010
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    I've heard some negative things about startup issues like the overflow system and the ridiculous ban system, but I also heard that it just wasn't what it was hyped out to be like. Mainly that it was a small evolution in the MMO system when it needed to be so much more. Plus, lots of my friends say it got boring quickly because there seems to be no end game. Things get stale and it's a huge zerg-fest with dated graphics. Basically, everyone seems to think it's WoW, or similar to it.

    Which I don't care for. I haven't played it of course. I plan on trying it before I make up my decision, but I had already decided there was no way I was shelling out $60 for Guild Wars 2. I played the first one, and it's just not worth that much money to me. PvP in that game was fun for a week or two, but then I got bored due to a lack of things to do. I don't know, for me, I could care less about my looks. And that seems to be the only reason to play GW after a while. I guess it's just not my style of game, unless you can somehow convince me otherwise (going to bed now though).
  2. Selik

    Selik Hero of Justice. Forum Legend

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Most issues with the overflow system are just bugs that all MMO launches have, such as groups not appearing in the same overflow, "join in" feature only working periodically, etc. which ArenaNet is working to fix.

    The thing about the banning system was because people were being idiots and naming there characters after trademarked/patented stuff, for instance someone named there character "The Real Spiderman" and was a Sylvari with red and blue dyed armor that actually did make him look similar to Spiderman. Most of the banning is definitely because ArenaNet is worried that a lot these companies will sue them because these companies have sued others before for stuff like this. Case in point, City of Heroes was sued by Marvel because in City of Heroes you could create similar looking characters to trademarked Marvel super heroes and name the character after them. Companies are not afraid to sue over the most trivial things to make money. Basically any names that look like it could be some sort of allusion to trademark could result in them asking you to change it or possible temporary ban. Also they are trying to keep their community "civil" by banning offensive/racist names which most games do. The other bans that I've heard of I have no idea about. ArenaNet was looking into those last time I heard.

    In terms of end-game, if your friends have already reached level 80 in less than a week, then I don't know what they're complaining about. Most people who are currently level 80 literally stayed up days on end and had friends who helped them get that far. If your friends are truly level 80, I would question why they rushed so quickly to 80 and expected all of this content from a game that has only been out for a little while and barely has a high level player base. They're are not that many 80's to do the content that there is. Yes, their are currently no level 80 "raids". All their is are three dungeons to complete for now. Their's still a crap ton to do in-game though. Compete in sPvP, WvWvW, explore the zones to completion, craft, dungeon runs, etc.

    The thing with the zerg fest is, for the most part, somewhat true. The Dynamic Events were made to be completed by groups of players and with 400k+ people playing the game currently, zergs are expected to happen in certain zones where the high concentrations of players are. The Heart Quests can be completed solo for the most part and you obviously have many others trying to complete those as well.

    I cannot really comment on PvP, though, as I have yet to experience. I've been enjoying the PvE a lot so have not gotten to it yet. It is definitely different from GW 1, though, considering if you try to compare videos from the two, you will notice a lot of changes. Most people have a blast in WvWvW from what I hear in Map chat, the only real issue being some of the long queues to get in.

    I can't honestly convince you to buy a game if you've already chosen not to spend $60 on it. You've really already made that choice yourself. Think about it likes this. A person making minimum wage, $7.25 an hour, can make all the money they spent on the game back, by working about a nine hour shift or split it up into two four and a half hour shifts. $60 is not as much as people believe, especially when you'll derive more than nine hours of fun out of Guild Wars 2. In a sense, you get your money's worth.

    To go off on a tangent, all MMO's have issues at launch. I have been in almost every major MMO launch of the past 6-7 years, ranging from Guild Wars 1, NA Aion, Rift, SWTOR, TERA, etc. They all try to be different and people get way too hyped and then when something just doesn't fully meet their expectations, they deem it a failure. The more hyped they are, the worse the fall is when they meet a feature or bug that they feel is "ruining" gameplay for them. I've seen it all the time. I've seen the area chats and how spammy and trollish they can be towards new MMO's, complaining about this or that. That crap generally phases out after the first month or so once things settle down, but people will always complain that a game grows boring, tedious, etc. That it doesn't live up to their "expectations" as if the developer truly understand their expectations. Everyone has different expectations from a game and a developer can not possibly meet them all.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  3. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    Yeah, I noticed. I've been doing a lot of PvE though, haven't participated in WvWvW yet. I hated the PvE aspect of aion but the PvE in this game is actually fun. o.o
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  4. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Also to Ryan, the thing is I didn't go into GW2 expecting the messiah, in fact I fully plan on playing Rift alongside it if I have the time and such.

    I know you got bored of GW1 after a bit, and as you know, I did too, but GW2 isn't quite the same. I'm not saying its the most amazing game ever and that it will never be boring, but any game gets boring after a while really, you can't use that argument against it unless you really know that it has absolutely nothing to offer.

    GW2 has more longevity in that its not instanced, you don't have to be an extremely social person to be able to play with others in GW2. Theres events going on all the time, much like Rift, which I find extremely exciting. I haven't reached end-game yet, but just from browsing vendors I can tell you that items will have a bit more of an end-game grind aspect than GW1 did which adds some longevity.

    For the most part, yes items are statistically the same but GW1 had it where a normal level 20 item still had the same damage as a rare, it just didn't have added stats. GW2 does actually have a ranking hierarchy where items of different quality have better/worse damage, stats, etc., and the stats are much different in and of themselves as some have power, some have condition damage, some have vitality, etc. - there is actually a very intricate way to build your character with items, talents, etc., it may not be exactly like some of the cutting-edge builds in GW1 which were amazing in what they could do, but that system was all cookie-cutter stuff anyway, so it got boring. GW2 allows more personal customization without really making you worse, just changing your playstyle.

    Anyway, me and Selik aren't here to get you to play but if you liked the story in GW1 you'll get more, better story in GW2 and you will definitely get your moneys worth, its not a waste.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  5. Selik

    Selik Hero of Justice. Forum Legend

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Yes it is, sir, yes it is.
  6. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Damnit Selik you bumped my post off the page. Anyway I added an edit to my previous post, so Ryan you should read that.
  7. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    brb fapping

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  8. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Thats full graphics?
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  9. Selik

    Selik Hero of Justice. Forum Legend

    Jul 6, 2010
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  10. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    Lol no, my computer sucks too much for that.
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  11. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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  12. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    lv40? srsly? you should be ashamed of yourself. Lemme get a screenie of a REAL gw2 char...
    Goml plz
  13. Selik

    Selik Hero of Justice. Forum Legend

    Jul 6, 2010
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    You both would be shamed by Lucent, considering he's level 60.

    @Dimitra: I never really thought of her when making the character, but I can see the allusion o:
  14. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    I'll be there soon D: school has kept me from making srs progress :c
  15. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Most likely I ll go in mid september... Still the light shade does not compel me. I ll have to investigate, it has to be played at full.
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  16. abcdefg

    abcdefg Proficient

    Jul 24, 2010
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    I'm also debating buying it, and I've heard tons of contradictory stuff, but most people agree that the graphics are dated :(. For some reason MMOs are falling behind the curve. If Skyrim can have beautiful graphics, I expect the same from MMOs, yet I have yet to be dazzled by any MMO D:
  17. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    I was gone for 2 days of the headstart -_-
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  18. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Must be they are focusing more in the experience or something. The visuals are important but is not the big deciding factor. Its important, but I am able to look away, if the variety, design and customization is there.

    I have an account in Tera that i have suspended now just because of that, the game is gorgeous, beautiful and smooth, but you are no more than a preset running around, and at least for me, it was not worth to pay monthly. Though the combat was awesome, but you don´t go to a MMO just, and only for that, that´s the domain of shooters, or an offline 3rd person game.

    What appeal to me to try GW2 is that I pay only once, and like any other offline game, I don´t have to worry and be in a rush and play hours upon hours because the money.

    To be honest no MMO has dazzled me since I saw AION years ago. Not even WOW managed to entangle me back in the day. So my expectations are always low.
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  19. abcdefg

    abcdefg Proficient

    Jul 24, 2010
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    I know, I was just telling you the graphics are dated. I personally don't care about graphics either, but I would like to use my computer's power to its full potential when I can ;P.

    Personally, I've also been growing tired of the MMO market. It's all trite and contrived nowadays. Plus, I expect in a few years, there's going to be a complete revolution of video games because current business strategies are not sustainable. Video games that aren't based on franchises are losing money and getting hit hard. It's interesting because they want to switch to a "cloud" service, which has a few pros and tons of cons.

    Anyways, I've stopped MMOs for a while. I'll try GW2 on a friend's account, but until then, I'm playing console games.

    I wish someone here would challenge me in NBA 2k12 (until 2k13/live 13 comes out). I'm so much better than my brother and everyone else on online. There's just so much fun you can have humiliating people by beating the Heat/Thunder with the Bobcats D:

    Also, I'm almost finished hitting up nostalgia street because I'm halfway through Jak 3 (after playing Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank), so after that, I'll be trying out the new Darksiders 2.
  20. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    I know, i was just stating my view on the situation. In any case I agree with you.

    Well, sadly I highly dislike sport games of any type, and I don´t feel the need to change my mind anytime soon about that. Though I am open to challenge anyone in a Armored Core game. The only MMO that I felt different was Black Prophecy, sadly is not global and I cant play in EU servers, which is damn shame. And I feel anxiety for the MechWarrior Online that´s coming soon, hoping my country wont have an IP block.

    The formula of MMOs is not gonna change anytime soon unless technology changes in the interface, way of playing mechanic, in my own opinion. So I wonder why they disregard the customization/individuality aspect of the new games. They keep working on something "new" at the expenses of what was already working well.

    Well to not go any further, I will try GW2... and hope is amusing enough to hook me beyond the curiosity. :d
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