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Issue directed to the administration of the game

Discussion in 'Problems' started by lordhell, Sep 13, 2012.

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  1. lordhell

    lordhell New Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I have said that the translation into English is bad, sorry I did what I could, I hope some admin speaking spanish can improve it or make me understand what I meant

    good this post goes in particular to the Administration, not to the GM, but people above them which I suppose is the administration of the game.I think to speak on behalf of the vast majority of server lumiel, voi everything you say to say and that everyone on that server think the same if not more than 70% of the server lumiel, seen today to the large amount of whispers received by speaking people Hispanish latino as English, after a small discussion with Ari GM, after which he said of by that not punished the people that attacks on the safe area which is posted on the Forum that the admin do not do anything on the server Lumiel, and seen in the Forum at the siel server admins if they answer the post created by users and if they punish people, why the server lumiel nobody does anything, except yesterday with admin Vildiil after more than 20 people trying to locate it, was AFK according the said, I don't say anything, each has its own life and I understand that this man is busy and for some reason left the open game, which you doi thank at leastto blessed is to answer and look at our complaints, attention, being or not being as with their decisions, but at least we had addressed something that other admins did not even help us or anything, or answer us with bravado as the admin arianee or something asi.segun its rules this brings licitamente

    be permanent ban anyone who attack in safe area, 3 days after, still continue to see players which, today, relapse still attacking with attacks in the safe zone area, and so it is logical that not have been warned or punished or none of it, why but I do not what would make more, or that, or the guy without encourage offense is silly and they want that the baneen the game.Remember, that we are simple players and come to play cleanly, and to comply with the rules laid down, if I have to meet them, that others do not, and are not punished do?We lose our time, remove photos or videos, upload them to an ftp, post you create the thread in the forum login to the Forum and post what happened, which, how simple players brings us our time and I stress that it is not our task since we are admins or anything, we are simple players, and that's the difference, I as player I dedicate myself to play, and the Administration is dedicated to manage the game, and that standards are met and all go well, which in the Lumiel server is not happening and I do not understand why, they even dignan to answer us in the created post reporting to the people, something this is a lack of education, and respect towards us, since we are doing something that did not have to do, and management or dignified reply to our post or anything, which in my country, and I think throughout the world, this is a lack of seriousness the first thing, and the second education and respect for the players, not more out of this, Ari the administrator or administrator, talking on channel 3lfg I said that to spam, which several players can say that what we did is have a normal conversation among us, speaking on Spanish and which not is had that have not got, and much less say that is spam, since not even understand Spanish and which abuse their power and amenazandome.Outside this I return to the same and again insist on the issue of abandonment that has the lumiel on the Administration Server, make events all the time, but it seems the only thing that admins know to do as say them the rest can watch this person who do not castea the magic pulled everything or wearing speedhackto which you ignored altogether or give you a bad answer or tell you or understand you or answer you anything else as the day that makes for making fools to do 10 post nada.mas calling in reports and nobody worthy to answer anything or to punish them, and say again that in the siel Serverat least you replied to the post and not with bravado.I would like this theme it will look at, and do something in this regard, the lumiel server is a server without law, which each does what he wants, and this I speak that today, the topic of discussion to speak so with admin Ari over 30 whispers have been telling me that well said and have quite right in what you saymore than 30 people, it is not bad figure if we speak to only onlyne had 98, and if they are not 30 whispers will be 27 but I have had to disconnect people did not stop to tell me I'm good and others that there is nothing to do against them, why they impose the law according to the criteria they want and do not meet standards or make them comply, that annoying, warning of Ban and thus make you shut up, dictatorship I said others, can I really giving me same, why is a simple game and as we think more than 16 people between 2 legions that we treat Spanish-speaking, so they are getting with this attitude is that let us play and abandon the game, had a legion of 51 people who all went to the official something serious and well that they did indeed why these nonsense there do not pass, I left me, by friendships across different legions, but which make that I removed the desire to keep playing on this server with what happened today, and dias atras, and many think so here I leave the post which have not replied yet even dignan to spend management, much less enforce standards once again put it in itself is that someone don't know or not entiende

    I would like to see how many people dare to post giving me the reason for everything that estoi saying here, that so many tell me by whisper, but have few give the face and say things as they are, if they hurt sorry.I hope you take this as a simple personal opinion without animo offend anyone or hurt anyone, much less, only I say this so that they may see what you think on the server Lumiel and know what may come to pass, that have a high rate of abandonment of the game, thanks to the way carry that are takingwith the ignorance of some who do not speak Spanish and dare to speak English by mouth something that you, me, even I said and all the ignorance of not understanding the language, here comes the greed and the egocentrism of each, who think they are the center of the world and is not as well or much less.I put the 2 texts in Spanish and in English if this English more written to know I be Spanish and have the text originalaqui down put the post unattended and without sanction of the people, and is that are without penalizing that today I have seen playing still


    PS: as you will see, I have consideration and education enough to know that the vast majority of administrators speak English, and so put in 2 languages so they have, I hope they make a minimum effort to become understand and try to speak in my native language which is Spanish, as also to say I don't understand they have everything fixed.

    Also say that everyone is free to give your opinion, but please, to come to talk nonsense better not posting is the thank this people take it seriously, always speak with respect and education is them thank.


    me han dicho que la traduccion a ingles esta mal, lo siento hice lo que pude, espero que algun admin de habla spanish pueda mejorarlo o hacerme entender lo que quise decir

    bueno este post va en particular a la administración, no a la GM, pero la gente por encima de ellos que supongo es la administración del juego.Creo hablar en nombre de la gran mayoría de servidor lumiel, voi decir todo lo que piensan la gran mayoria y que todos en ese servidor piensan lo mismo, si no más del 70% del servidor lumiel, visto hoy a la gran cantidad de susurros recibió hablando me, de habla hispana y ingles, después de una pequeña discusión con Ari GM, tras lo cual dijo que por no castiga la gente que ataca en la zona segura que se registra en el foro que el administrador no haga nada en el servidor Lumiel, y visto en el foro en el siel los administradores de servidor si les responde es el post crearon por usuarios y si castigan a la gente, por eso el servidor lumiel nadie hace nada, excepto ayer con admin Vildiil después de más de 20 personas tratando de localizarlo, fue AFK según dicho, Yo no digo nada, cada uno tiene su propia vida y entiendo que este hombre está ocupado y por algún motivo dejado juego al aire libre, que le doi gracias que por lo menos respondio y mirar nuestras quejas, atención, siendo o no siendo tan con sus decisiones, pero al menos nos habíamos tratado algo que otros administradores no incluso ayudaron a nosotros o cualquier cosa, o nos conteste con chulería como el arianee de admin o algo asi.segun su Reglamento esto trae licitamente

    ser permanente prohibición cualquiera que ataque en zona segura, 3 días después, continúan a ver jugadores que, hoy en día, sigue atacando con ataques en la zona segura de recaída, y así que es lógico que no hayan sido advertidos o castigados o ninguno, por qué pero lo hago no lo haría más, o que o el tio sin alentar ofensa es tonto y quieren que la baneen el juego.¿Recuerde, que somos simples jugadores y venir a jugar limpiamente y para cumplir con las normas establecidas, si tengo que cumplir con ellos, que otros no lo hacen y no son castigados? Nosotros perdemos nuestro tiempo, sacar fotos o videos, subirlos a un ftp, postearlos crear el hilo logearse en el Foro y publicar lo que sucedió, que, como simples jugadores nos lleva nuestro tiempo y quiero subrayar que no es nuestra tarea ya que no somos administradores ni nada, somos simples jugadores y esa es la diferencia, yo como jugador me dedico a jugar y la administración se dedica a administrar el juego y que se cumplan las normas y todo vaya bien, que en el Lumiel servidor no está ocurriendo y no entiendo por qué, incluso no se dignan a contestar en el post creado, Que esto es una falta de educación y el respeto hacia nosotros, ya estamos haciendo algo que no tenía que hacer y no contestan ni se dignan a conestar a nuestro post ni nada, que en mi país, y creo que en todo el mundo, esto es una falta de seriedad lo primero y la segunda una falta de educación y respeto para los jugadores, no más fuera de esta, Ari el administrador o administradora, hablando en el canal 3lfg dice que al spam, que varios jugadores se pueden decir que lo que hicimos es tener una conversación normal entre nosotros, hablando en español y creo que no tiene por que meterse en conversaciones normales, y mucho menos decir que es spam, ya ni siquiera entiende el español y que abusan de su poder y amenazandome.Fuera esto vuelvo a la misma y volver a insistir sobre la cuestión del abandono que tiene el servidor lumiel de administración, hacer eventos todo el tiempo, pero parece que lo único que administradores saben hacer. les dices que miren a un jugador que puede llevar speedhack o que no castea las magias, y ni se dignan a contestar, o pasan de hacerlo, o te contestan de malas maneras. 10 post creados y nadie se digna a contestarlos ni ha decir nada, ni castigarlos y repito en el server siel al menos les responden al poste y no con chulería. Me gustaría que este tema se mire y hacer algo en este sentido, el lumiel es un servidor sin ley, que cada uno hace lo que quiere, y hoy con el tema de la discusion con admin Ari, recibi mas de 30 susurros diciéndome que bien dicho y tengo bastante derecho en lo digo, no esta mal entendiendo que eramos 98 conectados solamente en total de elyos, y si son no 30 susurros serán 27 pero he tenido que desconectar por que la gente no paraba de decirme que he hecho bien y otros que no hay nada que hacer contra ellos, por qué imponen la ley según los criterios que ellos desean en ese momento y no estándares o hacerlas cumplir, que les molestas, te advierten en que si no callas te banean y ya esta, dictadura dicen otras personas , puede, aun que realmente me da igual, por qué es un juego simple y como pensamos más de 16 personas entre 2 legiones que tratamos de habla español, que lo que estan consiguiendo con esta actitud es que dejen de jugar y se vallan para otro sitio, tenía una legión de 51 personas que fueron al servidor oficial, por lo menos es algo serio y bien que lo hicieron de hecho por estas tonterías allí no pasa, sigo aqui, por amistades a través de diferentes legiones, pero que hacen que me quitan las ganas de seguir jugando en este servidor con lo que sucedió hoy y dias atras, y muchos piensan así, aquí les dejo los post que no se han dignado a responder y que ponen unas normas que hay que cumplir y nisiquiera hacen cumplir, segun la norma que es clara y aqui la dejo otra vez repetida

    Me gustaría ver cómo muchas personas se atreven a publicar dandome la razón de todo lo estoi diciendo aquí, que tantos decirme por whisper, pero pocos dan la cara a decir como son las cosas .
    Espero que esto se tome como una simple opinión personal sin animo de ofender a nadie o hace daño a nadie,ni mucho menos, sólo digo esto para que vean lo que piensa en el servidor Lumiel y sabes lo que puede llegar a pasar, que tienen una alta tasa de abandono del juego, gracias al pasotismo o a la ignorancia de algunos que no hablan español y se atreven a hablar inglés por boca algo que no dije, y todo gracias a la ignorancia de no entender el idioma, aquí viene la codicia y el egocentrismo de cada uno, que piensan que son el centro del mundo y no es así ni mucho menos.Puse los 2 textos en español y en inglés si el inglés esta mal escrito saber que yo soi español y asi tener el texto original.
    abajo pongo los post que todavia no se han contestado nisiquiera ni sancionados, por que hoy todavia he visto esta gente jugando.


    PD: como veran, tengo la consideracion y la educacion suficiente para saber que la gran mayoria de administradores hablan ingles, y por eso lo pongo en los 2 idiomas para que lo tengan, espero que hagan un minimo esfuerzo en hacerse entender y intentar hablarme en mi idioma natal que es español, ya que tambien con decir no entiendo lo tienen todo arreglado.

    Tambien digo que todo el mundo es libre de dar su opinion, pero por favor, para venir a decir tonterias mejor no postear se lo agradecera la gente que esto se lo tome enserio, hablar siempre desde el respeto y la educacion se les agradecera.
  2. riddick

    riddick Philz!

    Feb 5, 2011
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    i feel that bro, but i guess u are wasting ur time w this thread, they create the rules, they apply the punish, but they cannot be online 24hrs/7days , coz this was created the report section, every report get a reply, if some guys dont get permanent banned is coz they get reported by first time.
    many guys have get perma banned, its a sad history, hope they will fix the bug and bring us back the safe zones, threads like this is not a solve, bann ppl is not a solve... fix the bug is solve!.
  3. lordhell

    lordhell New Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Thank you friend, is, on the server lumiel, for if an asmo creates a thread in 3 h answer you and your elyo write and you do not answer do? are not all day, you're right, but answer to one if one do not see no reason.

    not that one if punished you without notice and others does not make them case when the rule is clear, and that do not understand is you bans do? I go to the fact of as do that has nothing, the more surely, but at least I leave my opinion here, and the vast majority.

    and by that I ask for help and I refuses, answer me wrong, or tell me I do not understand...

    only thing they achieve as well, and the veen fixed, is the rate of abandonment

    Thank you for say a friendly greeting
  4. Guille

    Guille i am chillermo Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    I'm sorry dude, how's your mom? Is she okay?
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  5. lordhell

    lordhell New Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Here comes the first stupid to write, this is safe asmo
    as your mom sure not TROLL
  6. Dragoniss

    Dragoniss Proficient Forum Legend

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Rules are rules.

    You break them you get punished. Its the same as real life. And besides, they are only human, they don't have the time or manpower to look through everything. I do think they need more GM's or at least have a volunteer program, and STOP GETTING RID OF GOOD GM'S.

    Though I do agree they do need to fix the safe zone bug. this way we'll stop having to deal with it and people will stop complaining.
  7. simpleacc

    simpleacc Proficient

    Feb 15, 2011
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    (+1) No more, I hate this players...
  8. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    *your ****ing english makes my eyes bleed, mine is ****ed up but yours... omg.

    OT: you broke the ****ing rules now GG. Sorry life is a 24 inch strap on dildo, swallow it and move on.
    1 person likes this.
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