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Sorcerer have cap in Magic boost again!

Discussion in 'GamezAION General Discussion' started by Marinsday, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. pilonbe

    pilonbe Proficient

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Gamezaion.... ahahha
    that sorc suck.... u stunned him whit bow and he use remove shock and chain skill hahahhaha, scared sorcerer ._.
    3 times silence.... (gamezaion) xD
  2. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    i love the irony how everybody says sorc r OP and at the same time say how they never have a problem with them and how they r so easy to kill xd if u still havent noticed, ur crushing ur whole rage complaint all by urself

    1. leave me out of it, first of all i havent played here for over a year now, 2nd im trying to show something that after all this u still didnt get, that everyone just says OMG THEY HAVE A NUKE THAT MAKES THEM OP NO MATTER WHAT. believe it or not there are other things to a class. if it was like u say, id leave 6 skill bars empty and run around with 1 skill in there.

    2. stormstrike has much higher damage than glacial (read the number on the skill) and still hits less than ur supposed glacial, it also has 3.5 mins cooldown and 4 seconds casting time. next time dont make up ur own facts k? thanks

    3. id very much like to fight vs ur cat, i love when people thinking ridiculing others makes their argument valid, as much as ud like it, it doesnt

    4. actually no, the combination stones are for everyone, not just sorc. if u take a look at it, the MA u get as bonus on MB stones is directly canceled out by MR on everybody elses stones (8 bonus MA taken out by 8 bonus MR) so not really

    5. no point trying to explain it to someone who has no will to take any other facts other than the ones they handpicked in their favor into consideration

    my point, godstone silence spam with atk speed to the cap thx to WoC2 and they wanna complain. try retail for a bit, just about nobody has 10% silence and WoC2
  3. Momo

    Momo Arrogant Member Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2010
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    "Godstone silence spam" It's not like i've already made Thread's about those crap stones and just want them to get removed from the game and oh, "try retail" i played there for a year before i came to Gamez and the people there are just jokes, my ranger there was fully pvp equiped which i made with "real AP", almost everyone else got their PvP-gear with push-grps which is doin PvE for PvP gear which is pretty poor. If those people in the Video knew how to play sorc it would be easy for them to just kill me with my Bow lol.

    Ye, i said i didn't lose to them in 1v1 just because they're bad, that's it. The annoying parts about sorc is just the fact if i fight "outnumbered" and when just 1 equiped sorc has the time while i focus someone else to nuke on me = dead

    like this, i was fighting a Ranger and ye, 2 sorc's came from behind:

    -My Ranger had over 1K magic-supp.

    If their DMG would be less and not like 1skill=win i could just pot the DMG but there is no way to pot this = dead.
  4. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    yea which basically makes ur whole argument bs. oh wow fighting outnumbered gets u killed? u dont say. happens to everyone, regardless of the class (xept maybe for aoe fear and run but u get the point). if 2 people jump u with a sin there, u die in a stun fest, with sm there u die in fear, with cleric there they outheal ur dmg and u die etc etc. has nothing to do with sorc.

    in the end it all boils down to "dont call people op, learn ur own class". everybody has a chance as long as they have the right gear and know how to play

    yes i get pissed whenever people bring up this 2+ year old nuke argument which they later prove to be completely irrelevant. if u calculate actual dps instead of dmg per 1 skill its pretty high for all classes here (look at how many skills they can pile up in the time it takes to fully cast a nuke).

    i checked my chat log once on retail when i insta died to a sin that popped up from hide while i was gathering. the time on the log listed 5 crits within the space of 1 second (like first hit at 15:38:45, i died msg at 15:38:46), which was enough to kill me xd crits of 1.5k or so. do the math. its really dps and a lot of other things that matter

    edit: your screenshot "proof" is a lucky crit from the single hardest hitting skill there is and even that didnt reach 8k. actually they double crit u with the same skill and if u look at the dmg on the 2nd one, its barely 5.6k. so yea whatever
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  5. Momo

    Momo Arrogant Member Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2010
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    That's why i said under the picture that my magic-supp is over 1K with my ranger, in few posts before i said i play Gladiator = way more less magic-supp with Plate than with Leather, if this SS would land on my Gladiator it would be 8K+ and the funny part is that this sorc isnt even fully equiped and it's not "lucky" that crap happens all the time and oh, you said you didnt played here since a year so how should you even know? .. And i heard alot how people were proud how the 1shotted someone with their sorc /facepalm.

    Sorc was a pretty cool class before 3.0 were you really needed skill to kill something and ye Smart1k, sorc can't kill someone in few seconds like a sin can maybe but you still can do alot against sins when they attack you by just having good reactions and knowing how to play but sorc is a class which just can make everyone look useless with their amount of CC and let you just stand there while they cast their shit on you. I would even say that Sorc is easier to play than SM.
  6. Jehttz

    Jehttz Getting there

    Apr 12, 2012
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    36k i found with full mb acd set with mb weapons
  7. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    perhaps coz private servers mimic retail. besides, i played here and i played there as well. i know the dmg formulas they use to calculate the values so it doesnt really matter. all u really need to do is put on ur full MR set and all their dmg becomes irrelevant. there is an option to gain a huge advantage against mb sorc. the fact that u choose to ignore it coz u wanna stack atk/crit does not give u any right to complain about other classes being "overpowered", thats u voluntarily choosing to give up all that available defense to max ur own dmg.

    sorc never were meant to have both CC and nukes, thats just siel and thats a whole different argument entirely. on retail and on lumiel its 1 or the other. storm strike is just a compensation to CC sorc. its 1 skill which tbh isnt even necessary, can live without it just fine.

    as for CC, retail already fixed that in 3.7, drastically increasing the chance to resist it when used multiple times. sadly, this will seriously hurt pve. wish they kept it just as a pvp thing
  8. Momo

    Momo Arrogant Member Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2010
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    die in hell, lol :'D
  9. Jehttz

    Jehttz Getting there

    Apr 12, 2012
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    lmfao, sorc just has to be capped, i know that because they wear cloth gear they are easy as hell to kill if u get a hold of em but, they have way to many skills to keep em alive and to destroy you.
    -Personal experience
  10. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    exactly my point, every upside has a downside which people love to ignore in their one sided arguments. i could do the same, ask to remove heals from clerics, remove hide from sins, remove fear from sm etc. yea we have nukes, we also have ridiculous def (on retail i take 550 from gelk mobs in full EAT set and 600 when absolutely naked, the def counts for nothing), pretty low hp and cant move the entire time we r casting while virtually every other class can. that makes us pretty vulnerable so the dmg is a compensation.

    people never look at their own class and try to nerf that xd they just look at everyone else
  11. Momo

    Momo Arrogant Member Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2010
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    learn from him:
  12. Jehttz

    Jehttz Getting there

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Very much true, there is way to beat every class and every class is special is their own way. If clerics couldn't heal what would be so special about them. If Sm's couldn't fear whats so special about them? Yeah Sm has debuffs and a lot of fears but, they're just like sorcs get a hold of em and they're done.........don't forget about silence GS. Same thing with sin easy to kill unless you get a stun fest from them but, THAT'S WHAT MAKES THEM WHO THEY ARE. Glad, has can stumble you silly, but cant defend themselves very much against magic attacks. Each class is special in their own way and if you use your class right have decent gear, you can beat anyone.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  13. Firefox

    Firefox Nothing Else Matters

    Jul 13, 2012
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    The Only it minds me here is the 10% Godstones... but we cant do a shit since those godstones gives em a load of money!!
    On retail i have died from Zergs many times, and most of times none godstone effect lands on me.. but here as the Momo's Videos shows... a bow and a godstone 10% is enough to kill a sorc.. even if the enemy is bad or good Sorc 10% godstone helps u guys a lot.. otherwise not the 90% of the server would use it..

    @Smartik none class meant to have both trees....the most OP' class for me is Sorc and Templar.. as sorc have nukes, templar has Def buffs. 4-5 heals...
  14. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    @Momo erm thats 2.6? a ton of skills werent around, same for the crazy armors these days, the game balance was very different

    i tested silence gs with Lhuv long ago, he silenced me 8 times per 1 hp bar. he also beat me in a duel entirely with his atk speed 10% silence tome (not 1 skill the entire fight) coz the silences landed 1 after each other. even if i pot it, boom a second later had another on me

    it never was supposed to be that way, most of the server wasnt supposed to have this, yes it totally changes the balance and if u ask me, godstones r a much worse problem than the 1 skill u keep complaining about
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  15. Jehttz

    Jehttz Getting there

    Apr 12, 2012
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    As we said is posts above that's what makes each class who they are.....Yeah, so what if temp as a buff that heals 4-5 heals, just because you might have lost a 1v1 with them means that they probly know what they're doing and you have to find a different strategy to kill him. As long as you know your class inside out, you can kill anyone.
  16. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    reminds me of the time i pumped everything i had into a temp and he was still alive xd had all the damaging skills on cd lol. a single highest skill with 7k ish dmg if it crits is nowhere near enough to take down a guy with 16k hp and heals
  17. Jehttz

    Jehttz Getting there

    Apr 12, 2012
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    lmao, yeah they can be a &$%@ sometimes but i suppose thats when we pull out the frozen shock and run and wait for those CD's......or and other skills that isn't a dmg skill xD but, yeah i still think you could have won in that situation just gotta find the way..........the yellow brick road Xd
  18. Methadone

    Methadone Banned Forum Legend

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Sleep, CoR, Sleeping Storm, RS Tree, Winter Binding, Root, Ice Chain, Frostbite, Aether Hold

    There's your CC, now available with Inferno and Storm Strike, not to mention 2k DP and light/shadowburst.

    Regarding 7-8k nukes. If I'm honest, 50% of the Infernos, Storm Strikes, or Glacial Shards I get hit with are crits.

    Dat skill required.
  19. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    i dont really care about ur "rage fit facts" u know, i can read stats myself. our crit rate is somewhere around 15%, dp skills are dp skills for a reason, they have 1h cd, i dont think i used shadowburst even once on retail, im getting sick of the "oh sorc just login, shadowburst, log off for an hour" bs u guys come up with. every class has its dp skills, to be honest some classes with their undispellable 1 minute dots r far deadlier than this skill and nobody says sh!t about that just coz its not all dmg at once (even though the total dmg is about 3x as high).

    CC will soon become irrelevant with the artificial resist rate increase. of course u dont fail to pack in slowdowns and whatnot, every class has their CC (stumbles, sleeps, roots, knockdowns, pulls, aether hold based skill), i dont see why ours has to be pointed out as something special and unfair when everybody else has this stuff.

    yet again another lie about dmg, oh our hardest nuke that crits does 7k, lets just say they all do 7k, just to prove a point. erm no

    come back when ur prepared to deal with real facts
  20. SubzHero

    SubzHero New Member

    Dec 14, 2012
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    Toronto, Canada
    It looks like this thread derailed just slightly o_O
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