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RG's Tips on Gladiators

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by ryang, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Well, all the gladiator guides I have seen are terrible. Most of them do not take into effect that we are playing on a p. server. By all means, mine is not perfect either, but I like criticism and flames, so go ahead.

    I really do not talk about skills much here. Glads have numerous skills to use, and with 100% trigger rate, a skewed damage forumal, bugged RnG, and all stigmas, you can pretty much do fine with a scrapped up, improv combo Remember, Lockdown is your friend. Watch that skill's CD all the time.

    First off, GS are generally better than spears, except when armsfusion works. Once it does, an ice black+50 elite pvp spear trumps a Trioran/Lannok GS + 50 elite pvp GS. So yes, I would somehow try to get a elite pvp sear lv 50 in advance. Once you get this combo of weps, and armsfusion works (IT DOES NOT RIGHT NOW), you could just snare a templar, gladi, chanter, or sin, and enjoy 10 seconds of amazing DPS. Yes, a gladi with extendables is pure sexiness and is in god mode. You could get a 55 weapon, but if one day they ever add armsfusion, you will be kicking yourself over. 50 elite spear is just as good, get that.

    Secondly, manastones. The best set you want is 55 chain socketed with mresist and crit. However, chances are you won't be able to get it. Then, whichever set you use, use crit+ hp. Crit RnG is bugged currently, I'd get around 400 and use food for the rest. Once its fixed, you may need to add more to make up for strike resist. At 400, you are looking at 20% crit rate (ON THIS RNG) and with food, its a bit above 25%. So crit + mresist is best but only in 55 elite chain, otherwise use crit + Hp. ONLY DO CRIT+MRESIST ON 55 CHAIN, ANYTHING ELSE USE CRIT+HP.

    Thirdly, Sword and shield. Many gladiators forget about this secondary set. Matter of fact is, its very very useful vs rangers and can be used against sins and chanters also, although once UD works, its not necessary. Right when you log in, switch to this set, and pop up shield defense. Then, whenever you need to use it (i.e. a solo ranger) switch over to shield and def prep ASAP. Howl it out, and rangers will loose a lot of burst. Best shield to use is an elite pvp shield. The higher the level, the better. Until you get one, use taha. For weapon, taha sword is good enough unless you can get a pvp sword or a master carved one (if they are ever added). Just add block stones onto the shield and +15 it. Now, shield defense is a bugged skill. It may be fixed in coming patches. IF IT IS FIXED, DISREGARD THIS. But until then, shield defense+def prep+howl gives you an amazing amount of damage mitigation on melee classes. Its best used vs rangers. The other classes are easier to kill with spears.

    Fourthly, combos. Each combo will vary vs different classs. If u are in the chain set, most casters will be much easier now. For rangers, the sword shield set takes care of damage. Otherwise, just try to keep them incapitated as long as possible. Lockdown is crucial, and do not forget your healing skills. Survivability adds a whole lot to your gladi. You have two different types of roots, and one skill that closes distance. This should make it hard to kite you if you time using the snare+leaping smash, exactly right. Then, once snare is almost done, and if somehow the guy is not dead, tendon slice him to keep him there. Never get stuck to the same combo ever, it can end up being devastating.

    What Mresist will do for you is make you partially invincible to casters. Most casters don't have m acc stuff (and even with that, you have high mresist). If you get lakhane's helm (it may be added), and armsfusion and the +14 stones are added, you could be looking at around 2,3k mresist. What does that mean? It means that vs any anu clothed sorc, cleric, or sm, you will resist almsot 100% of the skills.

    Yes, some sorcs may use their macc buff, but from experience, loads do not. Especially during huge gvg or rvr, their timing on those buffs is terrible. Some completely forget they even have it.

    Clerics and SMs are probably the two hardest classes you will fight. Just try to survive until you can destroy them. You will resist a lot if you are using mresist, making killing them much much easier. However, if you are not using mresist, best bet is to have an eye on your hp and an eye on your opponent. When you see a SM casting fear, back away.

    EDIT: Lots of the credit goes to Dai for teaching me info, and testing stuff with me

    EDIT 2: Some other tips I forgot. for some reason, people do not realize strengthen wings gets you out of root. I would not use it to fly faster, but once you get rooted, pop it and charge/leaping smash to close distance.

    Will add more if I feel like it :D
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
    6 people like this.
  2. Icyfusion

    Icyfusion Icy smokin' hot.

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Dude you insulted my guide and yours wasnt any different
  3. Adieu

    Adieu Respected Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    Clerics are not as easy as you think to kill..... :)

    But other than that I like this guide, I've been trying to convince someone to get the 50 pvp spear over the 55 maybe this will help him ^^
  4. Quake5

    Quake5 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Montreal, Quebec
    Or just take Dakkon as a trainer/master whatever u call it :)
  5. vRisen

    vRisen Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    I'm a primary dual-wield gladiator, with a sword / mace. I only use spear when I PvP in the air.

    I recently bumped my passive crit from 740 to 820, I will tell you, I definitely notice a difference. That being said, in a 1v1 vs a gladiator, (on the ground) only someone with def buffs + PvP armor can last longer than 5 seconds.

    Oh as for strike resists, this server has it messed up, it's not supposed to decrease your crit rating, it's supposed to lower that much damage you deal from your crit.

    Oh, try not to spill too many secrets. xD
  6. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    I'm not saying they are. I honestly can't give someone a combo guide to use vs a cleric. But mresist will make the clerics jobs harder. I noticed that mresist seems to resist certain skills more. Clerics will be hard to kill since they blind and kite a lot. So timing is necessary. I'd take the blind head on first, then take the few spells. I would not use snare or leaping at this time. If you are using mresist, you should be able to take most of the damage. Also, I tend to use Impr stamina when HP falls below 50%. I wouldn't use second wind first since it is not always necessary, and it has a longer CD.

    I know I made clerics and SMs look easy, but in all honesty, those are the two hardest classes a Gladi faces. Sorry about that adieu :D.

    @the Ice guy, this is not a coherent and organized guide. Its tips that most Glads do not know. I can't tell you how many times I see people buying 55 spears or not knowing about shield defense, etc. They are just tips as the title suggests.

    ---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

    Don't play here, so sorry, but I'm spilling the more common secrets :D. I like duals also, but noticed that they tend to suck in air pvp or pvp vs classes who kite. There are also lots of bugs with duals. Since most of the game is air pvp, I like the spear/ Sword shield combo. But by all means, in a duel vs a stationary target, weaving with duals will kill them in no time.

    Yeah, gladi's hit hard. Thats why once you get your extendable combo, snaring them and DPSing them (most likely they will not have it, or were idiotic enough to buy the 55 one) will be devastating.

    I actually tested RnG (100 hits) and found that strike resist DOES lower crit rating. But of course crit rating and strike resist's effects are halved. In essence, 440 crit strike is actually 22%, but vs someone with strike resist, its more around 18%. And I did notice that going over soft cap (540) gave diminishing returns. IMO, 55 chain set with mresist is the best bet. More crit will not save you from glacial shards or shadow/lightbursts, and neither will more hp. But, survivability is better than damage IMO. A glad already does high damage with the skewed damage formula. A little extra does not matter. However, the extra HP can allow you to get a bigger healing bonus from second wind and impr stamina, and it also allows you to survive longer. Even if you die, this could mean the difference between another kill or two as you can get more skills off. More skills>a little extra damage or more crits.
  7. Cropolite

    Cropolite No regrets D:

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Fail guide, dude. Fail guide. =p /sarcasm I liek
  8. Autumn

    Autumn Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    As a cleric that still doesn't get resisted by anyone that doesn't have an auto-resist skill (and I mean, I can't ever recall being resisted before by those that didn't), I'm still skeptical about the ability of glads to resist as much as you say. If it were possible, there would be tons of mresist glads loling at sorcs.
  9. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    This is why I made this guide. Because glads for some reason think ABG plate is better than ABG chain. And putting mresist in anything but ABG chain is pure stupidity. hopefully, that will change as more glads realize this.

    Plate gives more phys def, but the difference is hardly noticeable. Putting mresist in plate is pure stupidity. So you would put HP instead as your secondary stone. But Chain gives a higher HP bonus overall, ofc it does not make for the 6 slot ABG HP manastone bonus, but it isn't completely useless. That little HP will not save you from casters at all. And since phys def is useless, 55 chain>55 plate for glads
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  10. Aradude

    Aradude New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    Hmmm... why are GS 'generally' better than Polearms for Glads? You mentioned no reasons for that in your guide.

    You won't be auto-attacking much since there are just so many skills to cycle through, and polearms provide higher overall damage for your skills, so GS's advantage of faster attacks with sightly lower attack damage is kind of wasted?

    A polearm's crit dmg will definitely higher than an on-par GS's crit damage?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  11. MyTime

    MyTime Banned

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Nice guide *Sarcasm* ^^
  12. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Well, most GS make up for the lack of crit. I suggest best wep you can get is 50 elite spear. However, the extra acc is beneficial on the GS. I looked through how damage is calculated, and the difference is miniscule. But, since atk speed is a bit higher, weaving can actually be done a bit. Plus, GS has parry. IMO, Taha GS>taha spear. But 50 elite pvp GS<50 elite spear. And actually, GS give more DPS, and you have just as much burst. BTW atk speed does effect how fast skills cycle.

    ---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------

    I'd like some constructive feedback, and its tips, not a guide. plus, gimme your ign. I wanna know how many times you died on crystal :D
  13. Cerebellum

    Cerebellum New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    what manastones should I use? and should I get chain anuhart or plate anuhart?
  14. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    This was clearly explicated in the guide -facepalm-. If you can't get the pvp gear, go with anu plate with crit and hp. if you can get pvp gear, go 55 chain with mresist.
  15. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Also, glads can at the moment use AoE's to knock people out of hide, so feel free to spam them. apparently this is not common knowledge :(
  16. Revoultion

    Revoultion Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    when i try using my seismic wave it wont go off... same happens sometimes with SPC..
    i target myself and spam it but it wont work, so i dont trust it in PVP
  17. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Not in pvp, in abyss. Because of those lurking sins and stuff. But yes, all glad AoEs get bugged with high population around them. don't use it as a skill in a combo, but rather as a tool to detect pesky sins/rangers
  18. Sheytane

    Sheytane Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
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    dw is bad
    10 gay

    why dont you tell sins only to stun when theyre about die as well?
  19. ryang

    ryang Banned

    Aug 4, 2010
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    I said sword shield, but thanks for the comments =D. sword shield is more useful vs rangers than charging in with a spear. especially with all the stuff thats wrong in the game
  20. FallenPreacher

    FallenPreacher Proficient

    Jul 31, 2010
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    i tested the extendable weps and i couldnt use skills on the target being 3m away from it only auto attack... is this normal?

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