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Alpha's In-depth Spiritmaster guide.

Discussion in 'Class Guides' started by vesiinabox, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Okay. So I know its been done before, but I'm here to make another Spiritmaster guide since the skill of Spiritmaster's on Gamez makes me sad.

    Instead of going into every little detail about their skills(because Aegis does that wonderfully here)
    Aegis's Ultimate Spiritmaster Guide
    I'm going to explain how I go about killing other classes and hopefully you will learn something from it.


    Spiritmaster is all about Locking.
    By locking I mean keeping your opponent incapacitated for the duration of the fight. YOU DONT NEED FEAR TO DO THIS! This is done by 2-4 doting a player and then depending on the class Body root or sigil of silence...or both.

    Spam Erosion it might not do much damage but it has a 3 second cool-down and believe me it adds up.

    Dispel Removes Shackle of Vulnerability from your target.

    When an opponent is slept and they have a shield up you can use Infernal Pain and Cyclone of wrath on them and it will not break the sleep.

    Healing Spirit 1 will remove all debuffs from your pet very useful when hes asleep.

    Learn to jump-cast sigil of silence it help a lot with kiting. (jump at 50% cast).

    Wing root has a 40 meter cast distance ( good for removing evasion buffs before they get to ya.)

    Using Summoning Alacrity will make all of your summon skill instant...THIS MEANS SUMMON FIRE ENERGY etc etc will also be instant cast (not just pets).

    Summon wind servant will remove buffs such as Aether twisting immediately and will also keep removing Evasion or Resist buffs.


    When you come accross a good assasin this will probably be the hardest class you will ever have to fight. Pardon because I'm going to go really indept here because these are my favorite fights. These fights are all about your reactions key-binding is a must here.

    When a sin goes hide the first thing I lead with is sandblaster works probably 40% of the time to pop them out of hide. Creating a Macro such as this
    /Select [Self]
    /Skill Sandblaster III
    helps greatly. Also its always a good idea to use brands to select sins because their flash of speed can screw you over fast as hell.

    The Fight
    When it comes to the actual fighting you have 2 things you need to watch for VERY closely and that is Focused Evasion and Aethertwisting. You need to Lock your opponent fast and the fastest way to do this is

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of earth - Stun/ Knockback

    Now this is where the fun comes in because if a sin has used Aethertwisting he will have resisted not the dispel damage but the debuffs that get put on afterwards(Same way with Focused Evasion Except that only 1 debuff will be resisted so your still fine to proceed as usual). Therefore when Chain of Earth Hits they will have only 1 debuff on them not enough for a lock. That's when you use Erosion.

    1.) They have magical stuns ..Don't think that just because they are Body rooted that they cannot stun you. You need silence as well. (only against pro sins tbh.)

    2.) Remove shock ambush * only if you have low ping....Otherwise wait it out. NEVER USE REMOVE SHOCK CHAIN SKILLS unless you know the Drain will finish them off.

    3.) Your most important skill VS a sin Contract of Resistance. The timing of this skill to resist ambush can completely throw the entire fight in your favor.

    90% of sins are going to do 1 of 2 things.
    1.) Ambush You
    2.) Dash and slash - Ambush

    Smart Assasins will always throw useless things at contract (like needle ruin) before they go for ambush and it just cant be avoided.

    *Mr builds help tremendously while fighting sins So I recommend wearing either MR or MB/MR builds while fighting them....Oh yes and NEVER stop moving ..kite, kite, KITE.


    These battle can be extremely easy or extremely hard. I highly recommend getting an MR set to fight rangers anything over 2.4k MR usually works great. Here all you really need to do is the Lock combo:

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of earth - Stun/ Knockback

    Body root them afterwards then proceed to dps.

    Now the one thing that rangers have going for them is their wicked ass Sleep combo...usually consists of Entangling shot + Sleep arrow + poison trap and Blind trap then silence arrow
    Time your contract of resistance in the correct spot to screw them over.

    Few things to watch on Rangers
    1.) Focused Evasion
    2.)Natures Resolve (removes 1 debuff) and resists the next magical attack for the next 10 seconds (just erosion it off)
    3.) You cannot remove shock the first part of a rangers Stunning Shot Only Rupture keep that in mind.
    4.) Silence them nothing sucks more than getting bind on a ranger and catching a sleep arrow to the face only a silenced ranger cannot use sleep arrow.
    5.) After your Stone skin is down be ready to use Spirit Preserve don't underestimate rangers they can have wicked random damage and can still auto attack while Body rooted.


    Some of the most fun fights you will ever have are VS good clerics.(Low ping) Now any class is easy to kill with fear but a real test of your skill on a Spiritmaster is killing a cleric without it. If you want to kill clerics easily I recommend that you have a silence god-stone.
    Many clerics however are not as fast as they need to be and:

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of earth - Stun/ Knock back - Sigil of silence

    Will kill most of them.

    1.) The hardest part about fighting a good cleric is getting a buried silence. Damage them down with direct damage skills and get them to use a long cast like Radiant cure when they do so immediately Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Sigil of silence.
    2.) Get them to remove shock Spirit Disturbance and save your chain of earth to Debuff + Silence them.
    3.) There are simply some clerics that you must fear to kill because it is not possible to kill them in 6 seconds. The best way to do it is to Damage them down as much as possible before fearing them after that silence lock and finish off their hp.
    4.) Then of course there is the easy way using the troll mode method:

    Spirit Hypnosis - Wing root - Root of Enervation - Infernal Blight - Withering Gloom - Spirit Erosion - Sigil of Silence - Magic Implosion -Chain of Earth - Infernal Pain - Instant Fear - Shackle of Vulnerability -Cyclone of Wrath - Root - Fear Shriek - Vacuum Choke - Weaken Spirit - Soul Torrent...If they are still alive by this point you suck and you should just quit.


    Sadly chanters cant do all that much against a Spiritmaster, but they can be dangerous so watch for these things:

    Range stun
    Just use contract of resistance to evade the stun (however watch for mountain crash this will remove contract allowing you to get hit by the stun)

    Do not try direct damage dps agaisnt their shields either kite them off or dispel them if possible.

    Doesn't come into play a whole lot but remember they do have a dispel.

    Keep them slowed with chain of earth and Spirit ruinous offence (earth pet slow) and keep on moving.
    Chanter heals have slow cast time use Shackle of vulnerability to make them rage even more.
    3 dots then root and they are disabled they have no self buff to remove roots.

    Ok well I decided since probably no one will do it right anyways I'm going to post my infamous kill any chanter without getting hit combo. Start With Contract of resistance:

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of Earth + Knock-back - Erosion - Root - Sigil of Silence - Wing Root - Shackle of Vulnerability - Infernal Blight - withering gloom - Spirit Ruinous Offence -Infernal Pain - Body Root - Cyclone of Wrath - Vacuum Choke - Weaken Spirit - Soul Torrent.


    Ok. Keep calm this is either gonna be really damn easy or really damn hard. Watch for these things:

    Aether Armor
    A full buffing templar is a pain in the ass...especially if they know how to burry their aether armor to where dispel wont get to it.
    If you are having problems hitting them use Infernal blight this will reduce their MR by 250 and it almost never misses.

    Iron Skin
    Iron skin the biggest pain in the ass when fighting templars it will remove every single last debuff they have ...keeping a templar silenced is a good idea if you cant do this then don't go all out on the debuffs until they use iron skin you will need to save some cool-downs for this part of the battle.

    Have Fine Anti Shock Scrolls AT ALL TIMES! If they manage to break your Stone skin pop a scroll fast as possible because Pull + Break power is coming up. You also have Spirit Preserve that blocks 3000 Damage. The hardest templars are the ones that can break your stone skin in one hit and pull you...try to keep a second stone skin off cool-down or else you may have to use spirit sub.

    Most templars are going to do a Combo similar to this:

    *Combo no longer relevant because pull bug has been fixed will insert the new one later.

    The key is to not get pulled or to let them break your shield So don't let it happen.

    Range Stun
    Believe it or not Contract of resistance also comes in handy here for the templar's range stun Divine Justice.


    Gladiator comes in as close seconds for the easiest class to kill with Spiritmaster.

    The number 1 rule when fighting a glad don't get hit by root...3 ways to do this
    1.) Contract of resistance
    2.) Earth pet -Spirit Wall Protection
    3.) Have a very nice Mr set.

    For the most part I lead a fight like this:

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of earth - Stun/ Knockback - Sigil of silence - Erosion - Root

    After this get distance debuff a bit (Don't forget Body root) and Pew-pew the living shit out of them.

    Gladiators that have a burried Unwavering Devotion can be a bit tougher. Using this combo should remove any gladiators UD.

    Ignite Aether - Erosion - Magic Implosion -Aegis Breaker


    Hands down easiest fight ever for a Spiritmaster.
    Here are the rules for fighting sorcerer

    1.) Brand them because they love to Blind leap all over the damn place.
    2.) Do Not Remove Shock Absolute Zero unless they are withing 10 meters for Flames of Anguish.
    3.) Contract of resistance of course gives your time to get your combo off.

    This will generally kill any cloth class

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of earth - Stun/ Knockback - Sigil of silence - Erosion - Root -Shackle of Vulnerability

    and Proceed to dps.


    All about your ping and your speed when you fight another Spiritmaster who knows what they are doing.
    There are a few tricks I can share with you however:
    1.) Hide right before the fight this will let you get the first hit.
    2.) Instead of using chain of earth use Spirit Disturbance with your Wind Pet it is a faster stun, however make sure that your pet is close to your opponent. Like so:

    Spirit Disturbance - Magic Implosion- Aegis Breaker - Chain of Earth - Knockback - Sigil of Silence

    3.) Wait for dispel to hit you and then use contract of resistance or Stone skin to resist Stun.
    4.) Your last option is to bury your stone skin behind 4 buffs so that it will not be removed by Magic implosion + Aegis breaker. You will not be stunned and therefore no interruptions while hopefully you get the stun on them.

    Troll Mode
    One final thing for Spiritmaster Troll Mode

    The sleep combo is the kill all combo that a spiritmaster can do to kill any class.

    Spirit Hypnosis - Wing root - Root of Enervation - Infernal Blight - Withering Gloom - Spirit Erosion

    At this point it depends what class you are fighting Mages that have stone skin proceed like this Infernal Pain - Cyclone of wrath - Sigil of Silence - Magic Implosion + Aegis Breaker - Chain of Earth + Knockback - Shackle of vulnerability then proceed to dps.

    If They are melee at this point I like to use the Earth Pet Spirit Ruinous Offence -Sigil of Silence + Body root (If they are Ranger/ Sin) If not then Spirit Ruinous Offence - Sigil of silence - Infernal Pain - Body Root - Cyclone of Wrath

    Another Cool thing you can do with Hypnosis that not many know. Cast Hypnosis then Root of enervation and then Shackle of vulnerability and they will both stack giving your opponent an average of 3.0 Attack speed....nice i know. Also great for catching them animation hackers ;3.

    Aion 4.0 Changes

    Instead of going back and editing all my previous data I'm just going to add this section to address the changes in each class for 4.0.


    Bards are going to be one of the tougher classes for spiritmaster to beat (without fear). If the bard is good its not going to be possible to silence lock them just like a cleric. There are a few skills to watch for when fighting a bard.

    Purifying Paen
    This is a cleanse with an 8 sec cool-down. I've had luck with using the dangerous debuffs like infernal blight, shackle of vulnerability and withering gloom to trick them into using cleanse while you go for the silence lock.

    Half stop
    Removes 2 buffs (no dmg.) Make sure to bury things like stone skin behind at least 2 buffs for this class.

    Bards have 4 skills based off of the seasons and these are the ones u want to pay the most attention to. However they can all be dispelled so its like ok whatever.

    Summer: Gives 65% fear and sleep resist
    Autumn: Gives 30% stun / stumble resistance and also 50% silence resist.
    Spring: Gives a 12 second buff with 80% stun resist and 25% more Pvp Defence.
    Winter: Gives a self buff for 30 seconds that gives a 3k dmg shield and restores some hp and mp over time.

    Allows bards to remove roots and slows as well as throws off your targeting so watch for this.

    Staggered Rest
    It's a delayed paralyze meaning it gives you a countdown debuff and after 8 seconds you are paralyzed dispel pots will remove this (so will earth pet dispel).


    Bards do have a silence It is the third skill in the bright strike chain. They also get delayed damage skills like sorcerer so pay attention. If they time their delays, paralyze and nukes right you can get hit by 10k + damage in a very short amount of time.
    The bards Protective Ode only blocks physical damage not magical.
    Don't let them get close they are probably going to instant sleep you.

    The most deadly thing a bard combo is their sleep/para combo
    Freestyle, -300 mr debuff, paralyze, -500 suppression debuff, dance-off, and then silence chain
    You really want to do whatever you can to get out of this lock because if they are geared its going to kill you.


    New Skills

    Magic's Freedom 1: Reduces targets magic suppression by 200 for 15 seconds. Very useful debuff another skill that lets you do more damage.

    Earthen Call 1: Removes movement speed related debuffs and increases resistance to them by 80% for 10 seconds. Finally an instant cast root removal. This skill can have a few uses besides removing those annoying roots we all know and love you can also use it to remove altered states like chain of earth or entangling shot to interrupt classes that bury silence. (Also great as a precast to resist chain of earth....oh no he didn't !)

    Ritual Push: While this skill looks sweet as hell its relatively useless because it cast time is so high and other skills such as weaken spirit do more damage with less cast time.

    Command: Bodyguard: Just wow Ncsoft decided to give us a 2 min cool-down spirit sub that we can cast on whoever we want. Pretty awesome skill but keep in mind it shares cool-down with spirit sub and it only lasts 20 seconds.

    Command: Kamikaze: Aoe stun (around your pet) that shares cool-down with Spirit Explosion. Can be useful , however it unsummons your pet after you use it.

    Important Skill Changes:

    Cloaking word: Cool down time is now 5 mins instead of 10 mins and you can now move with a movement speed reduction.

    Summons: Earth pet, Water pet, and Magma are all updated with new stats and some of their skills get an extra level.

    Replenish Element: Now restores 4k hp ...Wow just when u thought spiritmaster couldn't get more OP.

    Other skills have gotten updated but these are the important ones figure the rest out for yourself.


    There really isn't much to write about for gunners they are pretty easy to kill for an SM.

    Magic Implosion - Aegis Breaker - Chain of earth - Stun/ Knockback - Sigil of silence - Body Root -Erosion - Root -Shackle of Vulnerability

    1.) Bind stops gunners from using pistol skills , silence stops them from using FE and Cannon skills.
    2.) This fight is only a battle of speed. Gunners have to use their fire resist + bleed + silence before you use your stun + bind, so in general a very easy fight.
    ~ There is no way for a gunner to beat a spiritmaster if he uses spirit sub...unless the sm is a dope :p.
    3.) Really the only thing to watch for is after you bind them they will probably cast the Cast speed increase skill on you and it fking sucks :D just sayin.

    4.0 Skills

    I haven't really researched some of the classes new skills unless it directly affects how I should fight the class , but ill include what I know.


    1.) Shadow Illusion - Puts the assasin into hide for 3 seconds with no move speed impairments (throws off targeting and allows them to get out of range or allows them to use stealth skills.
    2.) Cheap strike - Can do high damage and stuns you.
    3.) I believe they now have a chain ambush after dash attack, not sure if it shares cool-down with ambush or not.


    1.) Ranger's Natures Resolve now blocks 2 magical attacks
    2.) Quick Dash - Teleports the ranger 10m and removes move speed impairments (roots).
    3.) Sealing shot - Very op skill +100% cast time and also affects attack speed.
    Rangers can silence lock very fast now with sealing shot debuffs so be careful.


    Pretty much the same as previous...
    1.) Ferocious chop - 15 meters leap skill allowing them to get close. 3 min cd
    2.) Magic Defence 1 - minus 100 mr + 300 ms ...pretty useless but I guess worth noting.


    Yay..Templars can dps fast as glads now just what we all wanted.
    1.) Their heals heal more and a few of their damage skills now do more damage.
    2.) Blood Pact - Yea this is that skill you all see templars spamming 3 chain after shinning slash in total it costs them 1254 hp to use and it can do a shit ton of damage *or like shitty dmg too ;3
    3.)Reroute Power - consumes 650 hp and gives them a buff that reduces their pdef by 40% and does 342 damage each hit...very good for getting through our stone skin ...to be honest its easy to just use hide and wait 30 seconds because you know like 90% of templars full buff then run at you lol...so funny to see them waste everything.
    4.) Punishing thrust - Last but not least this skill is like shinning slash it can do very little or way to much damage.


    Also pretty much the same as before just a few changes.
    1.) Somnolence - New charge sleep very fast cast.
    2.) Balaur Seeker - Does lots of damage and it knock-backs ..pretty much the new arcane thunderbolt. (although I believe its only supposed to stun balaurs >_>
    3.) Multi-Barrier - Gives a damage shield that blocks 449 damge 5 times in a row...useful i suppose if used correctly.


    Again pretty much the same as before
    1.) Accleration cheer - +20% movement speed costs quite a chunk of their hp however.
    2.) Emergency Teleport - Teleports the chanter to the same spot ...pretty much a targeting problem only.


    Really not much to speak of here to be honest...few new heals and attacks but still the same fight as usual.
    Only cleric that is a threat to a spiritmaster is a magic boost cleric because they can do about 60% of your hp in about a second with:

    summon servants - chastise - punishing wind - divine touch - lands bargain

    Alright well that's all ...I'll Probably change things as I think of them.
    *Since 4.0 many bugs have been fixed things like attack speed reductions/ movement speed reductions no longer stack so ignore the parts in this guide where I say they do. :p


    Alright the Much awaited Builds section yaay?
    *All builds are being calculated with best possible gears.

    Ok so to begin my personal favorite build to use Magic Resist

    WUTTHEFUX HAXOR Magic Resist

    Highest MR achievable (Without altering Titles or using Pve gear)


    This is a great build for spiritmasters because of a few simple reasons
    1. Greatly reduces the amounts of CC you receive in game.
    2. Allows for great advantage vs anti-classes.

    "Oh ,but what if the a sorcerer uses magical supplication +1000 ma we cant resist that!!"

    Well actually you can. Let me explain and this doesn't only apply to Sorcerers. Gunners, other spiritmasters, Sorcs Templars, anything with an MA buff no worries. Simply remove it with Dispel.

    Ignite aether - erosion - Magic Implosion - aegis breaker

    (or if your feeling particularly naughty)

    Dispel magic - chain of earth - ignite aether - erosion - magic implosion - Aegis Breaker

    This will remove 7 buffs - 8 buffs from the target (if they even have it buried that deep).

    And oh yea you can increase your odds even further.

    Your water spirit gives an amazing buff of +100 MA and +260 Magic Resist when Spirit wall of Protection is used.
    Bringing your MR to just under 3000 Giving you basically 50 - 60% resist rate against most ma builds. (2400 -2500 MA)

    Other random reasons why Mr is a good build?
    - I've had 200 greater healing potions since 4.0 ...Like never have to use them (reduces consumable consumption :3)
    - Reduces stumbles from passives (Minimal)
    - Its a great shocker in pvp and catches many people off guard after they have already wasted attacks
    - Increases your tanking abilities by tenfold
    - Signet silence? whats that (yes resists sin's signet silence most of the time)
    - Other things for sure ,but I'll let you find them out.

    "But!!! Our magical accuracy is so low in Full MR"

    Somewhat true. While you will have between 2000 -2100 ma In full Magic Resist there are still ways around this. However, you need to be quick on your feet and play smart.

    Your in a fight with a templar who has just come into your vision and has quickly full buffed and Aether Armored on you.

    Cloaking Word: Templars buffs are 30 seconds. Your hide is 30 seconds. I'll let you figure it out from there.

    Other ways?
    - Spirit wall Protection +100 MA
    - Wise Wyvern Candies +60 MA
    - Alternating Foods + 60 MA / - 60 MR
    - Infernal Blight indirect +270 MA
    - Blaze indirect +30 MA (non dispellable)
    - Total Possible MA bonus 520
    Making your low 2000 -2100 MA now as much as a Full MA set.

    The One Hitter Quitter Magic Boost

    Mr Buffs? Whats that?


    Lumiel (stigma)

    Surprise surprise lumiels. I've been asked to post my preferred character builds / tactics for stigma based pvp.

    Stigma Builds

    Skill must haves:

    - Sigil of silence
    - Body root
    - Ignite aether
    - Shackle of vulnerability
    - Magic Implosion
    - Sympathetic Mind
    - Infernal Pain

    Preference Skills:
    From here on out depends on how you play and what builds you use.

    Hand of Torpor: the terribly long cast delayed sleep skill for spiritmaster. It's overlooked much of the time as useless, however I almost always get this skill when playing on stigma for this one reason. Clerics and this is why.

    Hand of torpor - Wing Root - Shackle of Vulnerability - Sigil of Silence - Root - Vacuum Choke - Infernal pain - Soul Torrent - Extend combo as needed.

    This combo requires to have a DPS set in order to work correctly.
    Also things like:
    - Are they buffed? If so add Dispel to the combo.
    - Did they survive through soul torrent? Most likely will instantly dispel and blessed shield. Dispel it Chain of earth and stun and dps more.
    - This next one requires you to know your pet key commands (keybinds attack, guard, etc)
    Summon your wind spirit and Use spirit disturbance allow for remove shock set your pet to stop attacking and use Hand of Torpor. Now during this combo you will be allowed to use chain of earth early at the end of silence for an extra second of CC and more dpsing for you.

    Other than this HOT is generally a useless skill because it last such a short period with an exceedingly long cast.

    Fear Shriek: This comes down to how you pvp group/ solo? There are enemies it works well against and some that it does not.

    If you are a solo spiritmaster I recommend highly that you get this skill. Because when it comes down to it you are not going to have the dps nor the cc to take out multiple opponents without at least this 10 + second CC

    The only things you should replace Fear Shriek with is:
    Cloaking Word
    Cyclone of Wrath

    Earthen Call vs Spirit wall of Protection:

    Earthen Call Pros:

    -instant cast
    -80% resistance to movement speed conditions for 8 seconds

    Earthen Call Cons:

    -3 min cooldown fairly high
    -effect only lasts for 8 seconds


    Spirit Wall of Protection Pros:

    -Variety of buffs for yourself and your groupies
    - +100 MA / +260 MR
    - +18% Attack / Reflects damage
    - +100 Accuracy / +270 Evasion
    - Cures 1 Mental and Physical Altered state and heals around 1000 Hp
    -Effects Last for a longer Duration (30 Seconds)
    - Only a 2 minute cooldown

    Spirit Wall of Protection Cons:

    - Not instant cast / Must stop moving to cast
    - Must have pet summoned to use

    I personally will pick Spirit Wall of Protection every time.

    Weaken Spirit Vs Soul Torrent

    To me this has really always been a no brainier for just 2 simple reasons
    1. Vacuum choke can replace dps for Weaken spirit as it has only 1 second cool-down and relatively the same damage (unless your fighting a feared opponent).
    2. DUH! Soul torrent is instant cast.
    So obviously I'm going to pick Soul torrent every time.

    Spirit Substitution VS Command Bodyguard

    This is a very play-style dependent skill as well.

    Spirit Sub Pros:
    - Lasts for 2 minutes
    - Allows for Large amounts of damage tanking should the need arise upwards of 150k
    Spirit Sub Cons:
    - Extremely Long cool-down and generally an entire minute of this buff gets wasted.

    Command Bodyguard Pros:

    - Very short cool-down only 2 minutes
    - Can use on others
    Command Bodyguard Cons:
    - Only Lasts for 20 seconds really only enough to tank the burst from a few classes.

    For stigma servers I would go with Command Bodyguard every time.

    Now Depending on whether or not you have decided to use HOT or not you should have 1 empty slot
    -If you replaced Fear shriek with Cyclone of wrath get Cloaking word and Vice Versa
    - If you have Fear shriek you must now choose between
    1. More dps
    2. Aoe movable hide for you and your groupies.

    Personally I would choose cyclone of wrath.

    So to sum up my build is as follows

    - Sigil of silence
    - Body root
    - Ignite aether
    - Shackle of vulnerability
    - Magic Implosion
    - Sympathetic Mind
    - Infernal Pain
    - Spirit Wall of Protection
    - Fear Shriek
    - Command Bodyguard
    - Soul Torrent
    - Cyclone of wrath / Hand of torpor as situations dictate.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
    Aza, Cycles, Patatas and 41 others like this.
  2. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    To all spirit masters out there, you can just focus on this

    Troll Mode
    One final thing for Spiritmaster Troll Mode

    The sleep combo is the kill all combo that a spiritmaster can do to kill any class.

    Spirit Hypnosis - Wing root - Shackle of vulnerability - Infernal Blight - Withering Gloom - Spirit Erosion - Sigil of silence & Body root if needed.

    Then proceed to dps.

    Cycles, Latzkie, manika and 6 others like this.
  3. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    Nice guide :)
    1 person likes this.
  4. Onrain

    Onrain Proficient

    Jun 27, 2012
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    crap thread = crap thread...

    I'm out!

    *starts creating program to kill all sm's*
    4 people like this.
  5. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    Best guide eu
  6. Witch

    Witch Scarlet Witch

    Apr 12, 2013
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    "Clense after the silence dies off" lol that combo fails on good clerics in order to kill a good clear, got to a do fear with that combo or wish for your gs silence to proc.
  7. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    Not alpha LOLOL
  8. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Love you too rain
  9. Cerial

    Cerial Game Over

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Wonder Land
    nice :D huehuehue
  10. cav104

    cav104 깜짝 놀라게하는 일

    Nov 12, 2011
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    인테르 디카
    Nice guide alpha
  11. zakku44

    zakku44 Annoying Zergling

    Jan 2, 2011
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    ima stick at spamming fear XD
    2 people like this.
  12. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Thanks :3 Of course ill never share all my secrets.
  13. Tykimik

    Tykimik Expert Forum Legend

    Dec 3, 2011
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    I hate you for what you did to me yesterday..... My hate for sm just doubled lol xD... I literally will 8k dp an sm if I have to.. Then I'll walk away with style.....
  14. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    <3 I know you would like that tyk
  15. Iridescence

    Iridescence New Member

    Apr 2, 2013
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    Here is my guide to beat SMs.
    Line of Sight!
    Line of Sight!
    Line of Sight!
  16. Akikaze

    Akikaze Elohim, Essaim...I implore you Forum Legend

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Down Under
    Summary of the guide: Magic Implosion -> Aegis Breaker -> Chain of Earth -> Knockback -> asdfghjkl debuffs -> BOOM -> You've won.
    Olivia likes this.
  17. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    in world wide pvp after that i use erosion and they usually dead
  18. Suhosin

    Suhosin Cafe Fairy Foreva! Forum Legend

    Jul 10, 2011
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    better sm guide.
    1. Target the enemy and carefully examine which class he/she is.
    2. Slam your head on keyboard
    3. Roll your head to the right direction.
    4. Roll your head to the left direction.
    5. WIN!

    lol jokes, nice guide!
    6 people like this.
  19. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Yes that works also, but your face might get sore after a while so it is discouraged.
  20. Guga

    Guga Master Member Forum Legend

    May 6, 2012
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    What the hell is this?! And do you think anyone will read this noob's guide?! No.

    Nice guide Ethan. LOL!!

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