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For better pvp

Discussion in 'GamezAION General Discussion' started by Eisenheim, May 21, 2013.

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  1. Eisenheim

    Eisenheim New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I been playing no long enought, but i have to admit, im kinda bored in this server, well, u cant find a good legion (most legions are not legions, cuz all ppls play alone) But its ok, that is not the problem, the problem is u have to waste alot time in such task who doesnt help to a better PVP, i want to talk about a few suggestions for make the PVP in this server a little bit more dinamic:

    1. LESS FARM= U take alot, really alot time farming Platinum medals and AP or any item u want, U have to put some items in a GM-Shop for purchase by Khina (is not fear u have to purchase all for credits), i think the server have to move foward to a easy way to get items to gives a new ppls the posibility to go pvp ASAP.

    2. BETTER MOVILITY= that is a huge problem, if u want to go PVP, u have to walk like 30 mins (Like Gelks) and OHHHH SURPRISE u get kill just when u are at the door, i think will be really really good if the GM put some GENERAL Gatekeeper, only 1 NCP who can take u anywhere. Other posibility is create EVENTS with nice reward like platinum medal o milthirl o Credits (Why not). The GM can create a teleporter to a exclusive (small and no huge) PVP zone.

    3. HP-MP = When u Dye u ress with 30 or 40% of ur HP-MP, that doesnt help if u want to do nice PVP, cuz u have to wait alot until ur Hp or MP regenerate. IDK could be ress with 85% or 95%.

    4. SCROLL REUSE TIME: Well will be helpfull if the scroll reuse decrease, will be faster for rebuff urself, and u will be ready for battle faster. Or another posibility is to spam 1 NCP who give u a special buff for No lose ur buffs when u get kill.

    5. HELP FOR NEW PPLS= is not a secret, this game and specially this server is not friendly with new ppls, i think could be really really helpfull for the PVP and live in the server, if our new members get some help (idk some items or idk, some kinda help), who makes easyer the transition from farm to PVP. And most than anything we need any kinda incentive for ASMO SIDE, bcoz u can find alot elyos but just few asmos.

    I only want a better pvp and more entretaiment Server, cuz personaly im getting bored and i dont want to lose all USD im already donated, trusting in having fun here.

    Thanks Very much
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  2. Jessica

    Jessica Banned Forum Legend

    Aug 10, 2010
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  3. Meanz

    Meanz Tonight, we CHILL in Hell! Forum Legend

    Nov 17, 2011
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    1) Donate or work for your stuff. They are easy enough to get.
    2) Walk 30 mins to PvP? There's plenty of PvP in so many areas. Beluslan, Heiron, Gelkmaros, Ingisson, Tiamaranta's Eye.
    3) Respawn with full HP/MP? So that when you're near someone's obelisk and you kill someone, they re-spawn and jump your face all over again? No.
    4) Scrolls faster than they already are? Look at 3 agian.
    5) Help? The level up things you receive are enough. You get Scrolls, some starting items to level up with. It's fairly enough.
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  4. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    I think the things u mentioned would only help the zergers i mean think your killing the zerg with your gourp of 6 and wait you end up near obelisk and they can keep coming out the moment they res up cus they are full buffed and full hp/ mp already ...not good idea.
  5. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Way to shorten things out. Have a like =d
  6. Avaliable

    Avaliable YIC - INACTIVE

    Aug 20, 2012
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    I agree with almost everything but I don't see a point on this :
    4. SCROLL REUSE TIME: Well will be helpfull if the scroll reuse decrease, will be faster for rebuff urself, and u will be ready for battle faster. Or another posibility is to spam 1 NCP who give u a special buff for No lose ur buffs when u get kill.

    5. HELP FOR NEW PPLS= is not a secret, this game and specially this server is not friendly with new ppls, i think could be really really helpfull for the PVP and live in the server, if our new members get some help (idk some items or idk, some kinda help), who makes easyer the transition from farm to PVP. And most than anything we need any kinda incentive for ASMO SIDE, bcoz u can find alot elyos but just few asmos.

    I mean.. That won't help on pvp nor the 1st topic but would be something helpfull
  7. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    oh another one of these threads...
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  8. Tykimik

    Tykimik Expert Forum Legend

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Gamez aion out of all servers I've been in. Gamez aion has the best community for me. I do think pvp right now is bad but there's still hope for a solution. To every successful server needs enough donations... Or u can work for ur gears the long way.... U just can't spoil players. Your suggestion is good but some may disagree with u not everyone gets what they want.
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  9. Nuttela

    Nuttela RetiredFromAion

    Sep 20, 2012
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    nothing interesting here

    especially the 3rd one won't even help.. it will make zers even worst
  10. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    mean people everywhere
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  11. Puddles

    Puddles Tͮh͌̀ͩe̅̋̔̓ͣ̎͟ ̔ͫ̈́̾ͩG͗́̓o͐̍d̊̊̄d͑̔̎͑ ̋̾͏e ̏̏ͬ͌s̶s͛ Forum Legend

    Dec 29, 2010
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    Mmmm. Mobility aside. We have opened maps, given access to Tia Eye. All these things, and yet still zergs. Giving those said things did not exactly help the current state of PvP and yet, they were asked, begged, pleaded for.

    What exactly would giving people a faster travel time accomplish? While yes, it would be convenient to get around and this and that. All the other 'asked' for methods to thin the zerging stuff out only contributed to the zergs moving to those other locations.

    Would a custom instance for example be used? We could bring the topic of the Arenas up (and yes I know they are time limited and such) but that is not exactly the point I would be making in them. Or the dredgions (If the new one isn't working as I haven't actually tested to see if it is or not? Someone let me know!) that sit there, spawning, running 6v6 PvPvE Instances that do not get used.

    The current content itself is not being used to effect any changes in how pvp is going. While, it could be the rewards for said instanced pvp zones? I'm not entirely sure but I do know that adding a custom content field seeing how the current ones are lacking in use (and if there are any GOOD well thought out planned suggestions as to how to gain interest in them? By all means shoot me a pm. Be thorough and explain the positive and negatives.). What would the actual need to have dev time sunk into something that, may or may not be used?

    Currently, the entire world is open at least at some point. Be it Eltnen / Mortheim. Abyss, Theo / Bruth, Heiron / Belu, Silentera, Ingg / Gelk, Tia Eye, etc etc.

    We still hear the 'zerg' word. What more should be done? It is the players, as shown there where we have effected changes to the structure of certain elements to try and help.

    As for the entire farming. I can agree that instance grinding is somewhat tedious. For a basic set of gear, to which I will say. When I get a chance to, I will see about talking to Alente or Carl about possibly changing said rewards for 'some' of those surveys (the less useful items, like the Abyss Relics). To something more useful. However, with that would require some form of 'abuse protection' such as one set of surveys per account, or per 'character base class'. I'm not sure which could be done more effectively.

    Scrolls, have ALWAYS been a pain to put back on. Though, reducing the cool down time. Not to sure how that would help, it would have to be selective on that given that if some of the scrolls were given reduced time (and some of them are more useful than others such as Fine Anti Shock). What would prevent someone from just spamming this that the other thing? Perhaps we could on that note, change them to fit more along side some of the candies that do not go away after death?

    As Meanz pointed out to the HP/MP. It would be silly for that to be changed. We already have negated the 'soul sickness' effect upon death which would give your character a status decrease as well as mobility decrease for I think it was between 30 seconds and 2 minutes? This is what the spawn protection is for (when your blinking upon reviving) and you can sit or rest to regain your hp/mp with out threat of being hit. As that only breaks upon action by the user it is more or less their own fault if they break it early by moving, or using a scroll.

    Most fights aren't close to a spawn point (hopefully), and if they are well sorry. If it is camping then shoot some good proof and we'll handle it.

    Sooo thanks for reading another Puddles Wall of Text. Been a while since I could write one weee. (So yea, open to suggestions and such, but like I said. Make them responsible for the server with both pros, cons, this and thats.) Like I said, I'll see about talking to Carl and Alente about any GOOD ones.
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  12. Rising Black

    Rising Black Proficient

    Oct 4, 2010
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    i try to find advantage but too few compared with the consequence will happen:

    1. They did it already -->by voting

    2. They provide kisk, obelisk and SM skill .. It is usefull if you manage to use it on the right place// Btw do you walk from gelk fort to the vorgaltem battlefield (30 min??) .. and there is flighter btw to go to battlefield..

    3. This way there will be continuous of zerging

    4. I find this is bad for SM, as they hv debuff skill to use.... if ppl can use scroll again and again , what point of their debuff (this is weak point i had)

    5. Actually new system had this point already.... every lvl you can get item, scroll, etc... it doesn't help that much but if you expect more then surely many ppl will start making new char/ acc to get the item...

    about asmo and ely.. its depends on time actually.. sometimes they got equal, sometimes few ely many asmo, sometimes many ely few asmo (mostly) ......

    gl ^_^.
  13. Eisenheim

    Eisenheim New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Yes u can see many ppls who already FULL and lonely killers who doesnt enjoy playing in group. They are just selfish, i think a faster gearup help in more ppls in pvp and less in farm zone.
  14. archvanarl

    archvanarl we can play offline!!!

    Feb 9, 2011
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    Beryl State, Sunset Coast village, Esate no. 5
    @Eisenheim. if u are referring to players playing solo = selfish, i disagree with u. it makes u weak and ur brain become rusty if u rely on parties all the time. It depends on the play-style of each individuals. As for me, having a party is a burden, well that is just for me. For some people it will takes time for u to master with ur peak performance. Try to bear for more than 6months and u will see the difference.

    or maybe the problem is you, you might have a poor PVP/raid performance. and u lack the patience to gear up. it may be a PServer but without effort u cannot survive and that is the basic characteristics of each games i guess.
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  15. Guille

    Guille i am chillermo Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Better PvP?
    Stop sending me to my damn obelisk when I log-out from my kisk spot >_>
  16. VenoM15v

    VenoM15v New Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    "Other posibility is create EVENTS with nice reward like platinum medal o milthirl o Credits (Why not)"

    These rewards would be very nice , btw who needs gold medals or candies ??? I admit some ppl use candies but... useless reward . And for a Tournament event (for example) should be a better reward like some Plats or Mithrils or Credits (1st place : 100 credits , 2nd: 50 credits ,3rd: 25 credits) And don't tell me that's much cuz i can't believe...
    Another problem is that we have so many "
    removed/blocked" item/stuff , it's really anoying when you come to this server and you are willing to buy "that item" and you discover that you can't get it. Like Tac Officer, NTO ...etc.
  17. sh4zbot

    sh4zbot New Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    I actually agree with this part. I've never seen the logic behind restricting the purchase of PvE gear. Especially on a PvP server.
  18. Eisenheim

    Eisenheim New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I cant be more agree, maybe some events, bcome the server more dinamic, cuz right now is really bored. and i agreea about removed items, and quest.
  19. Guille

    Guille i am chillermo Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    The skin is the answer.
  20. hitokirifake

    hitokirifake meeoooww....

    Mar 23, 2013
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    1.like they said...donation...get a PVP items like ABG is enough..
    2.from sanctum to gelk i just need about 15min....at certain time u will get rewarded plat medal or mitril medal when doing PVP at gelk(elyos).its not everytime..
    3.can that be a problem????
    4.i saw at heiron we got a buff npc so no need to ask from chanter/cleric.
    5.well got a pt while pvp is gud so we can make a chat(love make new frend :3)...just to annoying when someone we doesn't know ask for some set/weapon or kinah..thats why many player make a pt among their frends only...
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