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Life has now been explained to you.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Georgie, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Nuttela

    Nuttela RetiredFromAion

    Sep 20, 2012
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    I hate my life.
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  2. LightSpike

    LightSpike Unlimited Ego

    Nov 6, 2012
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    The center of the universe
    Don't hate it. It's a miracle like no other. We are the pinnacle of complexity, even more complex than super massive black holes. The only problem is that we are Mk.1 so we die at some point (just cuz dna sux and starts logging bugs after certain number of copy-paste events... much like binary decay in SDDs). But I'm pretty sure that at some point in the future when our descendants evolve a little more, this flaw will be diminished. That is... if they don't kill each other off like a bunch of monkeys xD
  3. Akikaze

    Akikaze Elohim, Essaim...I implore you Forum Legend

    Sep 24, 2011
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    Think outside the realm of what is stated in the Bible for a second. Picture how humans today look in today's realm when they're at 100+.
    Most 100+ years old seniors are already too frail to move decently on their own. Now add this old wrinkle body and times it exponentially as the years increase, by the time the so called humans reach 200, they'll be physically deteriorating. Can't imagine 800years, these humans will just be literally walking bones.

    Just trying to be realistic, not anti-religious. Life itself is a pretty miraculous thing. It is rather silly for us to question or define it as a fixed meaning.
    Unfortunately the Bible, despite its blessings gospel from God has the flaw that it was fundamentally recorded and transcribe by humans.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013
  4. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Once again its widely beleived that the rabbis who recorded such ages made mistakes and that there is supposed to be decimal places in each age in the tenth position ...so Methuselah instead of being 969 years old would have been 96. 9 years old. making much more sence i mean why would someone wait 170 years before having children having children at age 17 makes much more sence.

    Now Christianity's counter for this argument is that "sin" was introduced into the world and that it slowly lowered the humans life span if that where true though why has our life span increased over the last 200 years by more than double?
  5. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Its true we are in a collision course with Andromeda galaxy, however, the distances between systems is way too vast in most cases, and since we are located in one of the spiral arms of the galaxy it is possible we wont even feel it. Yet there is also possible that a massive neutron star pass us by and simple vaporize us with its energy field. In any case, is not certain that a collision like that will destroy us. And our sun simply is following is cycle and its has to end some day.

    Yet is a matter of scale, the worries of a galaxy collision or like the sun runs out of Hydrogen and turns into a Red Giant are things that will happen in the millions of years, thus pointless. As we are now we only have 10000 years here, we are wondering if we will be even be alive in the next 200 as we are now, and at most a civilization cant outlast the 10000 years, or even less. Those events are fantastic in scale and colossal in its repercussions, that of course it deviate us of the most concerning issues that plague our daily lives, and that will have an impact in our world much sooner than later. These issues are so embedded in our society that are seen as normal and as such we choose to ignore them.

    Our life span has been doubled since the last 100+ years, medicine has made us healthier by artificial means, more resilient to certain issues, but it has disconnected us from the nature world; our immune system is weaker than the one we had 100 years ago, we choose more sterile environments and that damages us more and more. We are pretty much unbalanced and now we are in the way of extinction simply because our civilization is making itself older, less youngster and more old people populate societies, our demanding life style it taking its toll in it, and its absurd how the education and every aspect of the world we live in push us to that every day more and more. yet it is our normal life now, global warming is like a trend, one day is everyone talk, and the next is forgotten until something else happens that shaken our view of our daily lives. Since last year when all this was so much lively about it, nothing has changed.

    Yet of all the inconsistencies, we are defined now by our technological advancements, it is what has molded us since the very beginning, and its the only thing that will makes us survive. But we rather worry about religion that has given us nothing but deaths since the dawn of our civilization. God hasn´t made us happier in any way, just must irresponsible, we lost accountability, we choose not to think for ourselves and lay the blame somewhere else. Social control at its best, control by fear.

    Sux to be here in 6 million years? Sux to be here now.
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  6. Georgie

    Georgie Ḏɪ̭̜͓̜ͅs̪ᴛ̩̪͓ᴜ̬̖̗̬ʀ̻͚̖͎ʙ͉̜͓̖͙̼͖̳ᴇ̖̞̻ᴅ̻̞̫̘̫ͅ Forum Legend

    May 28, 2010
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    What if our modern day superheroes solved problems like the God of the bible? Would they still be considered good? Why don’t we need to be told that Superman, Batman, The Avengers, etc, are good, but we do need to be told that God is good? Because actions speak for themselves. If you were never told that the God of the bible is good – if those verses were omitted – would you come to that conclusion on your own? The destroyer of cities and worlds who fail to worship Him…Good?! OR is it more likely that this God is a product of a culture seeking to justify its methods and actions against other cultures?
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  7. Meanz

    Meanz Tonight, we CHILL in Hell! Forum Legend

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Sofia, Bulgaria
    Hey man. =)

    <3 Prototype

    How ya doing? I still remember all the help I got from ya when ya were still a staff member lol. Was ages ago =)

    @Topic: Makes sense. =p I wouldn't bark at people though haha.
  8. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    I'd say religion is also a way people can have answers to the great questions that science can't 100% answer yet such as "Why are we here?", "How did we get here?", and "Where do we go when we die?"

    In reality we can only speculate, but we will never stop wondering what the real answer is. Human curiosity is a powerful thing.
  9. BeastiesDecoyAccount

    BeastiesDecoyAccount Chillin likea guy who chills

    Jul 6, 2012
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    Cut off their manhood, and feed it to the goats
    Actually back when we still lived in caves you would be considered old if you made it past 25.

    In the middle ages you had a one in three chance of just making it to 18.

    The lifestlye more than anything determines how long we can live. Most animals for example live far longer in captivity in zoos or special habitats at state parks than they ever could in the wild simply due to they have regular food, vets to take care of them, and no worries about predators that want to eat them.

    Today the average human lives linger than 75 years and in the next 50 or so years a lot of us should easily live past 100. In fact I'm hoping that with my exercise regiment, good healthcare, decent income, and future advances in medicine and technology that I'll make it to about 200 or 300. Maybe even longer. And by then they may even have discovered ways to make us immortal or at least pretty damn close.
  10. Nuttela

    Nuttela RetiredFromAion

    Sep 20, 2012
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    internet will kill you
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  11. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    the scales you are trying to compare are incompatible, a single human's life is nothing compared to the lives of billions the same way they are irrelevant to a galaxy

    and yes religion is a type of fear control to keep stupid people from killing themselves once they realize that everything they do will be forgotten within 20 years of their death...hurray for jeezus

    edit: oh and to everyone saying that our life span has increased : bs, we just have less wars now, we don't starve every other day like some caveman and look at the death toll of the XX century's major wars
  12. ChismosongPogi

    ChismosongPogi Getting there

    Jun 18, 2013
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    oh man, another lecture
  13. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    IF you noticed I was pointing Lightspike post. In it he does remark about those issues, to which I retort. And shallow of you considering yours as the only valid point of view, as 1 person may think like that, in the scale of human population a large amount may move in the same way. And human nature has proven time and time again that people thinks themselves as more important that they are, indeed in practical terms a life is irrelevant, go and tell them and see what you get. Is funny now though, in our current world the death of a person is a tragedy, and the death of thousand are statistics.

    And religion is everything but that, all major wars in the past are because of beliefs, not exactly religions but differences in beliefs. We have a thousand years of dark ages where humans just blasted themselves and hunt each other on the assumption of heresies, fanatism supported murder and blind eyes of most of the western population against arabian world, "Killing an infidel is not a sin, God wills it". But ey, its a lot more easier than trying to being accountable of your actions. You could say that wars happen by politics and territory and other reasons, to which is true, but you to remember that the church and government were almost always one and the same.

    The last part is laughable. Life span in the middle ages for feudal lords that weren´t involved in war or conflicts in parts of the world that werent involved in war and conflict for more that the life span of single person, died at the age of 50, most cases, older people is registered but scarce. In fact a human male was considered ready to have family and to lead a land at the age of 18, life happened faster. Consider this, usually elders in the world were people that managed to reach "old" age but were still able to impart knowledge and judgement upon others, we all know that a person of 80+ years old is not capable, in most of cases of that; arteriosclerosis, alzheimer, tipical old age dementia to name a few; typically an old man of 50 or 60 was still able to muster knowledge and impart it. That was the reason why the elder were so valued in ancient cultures. Most humans died at the age of 30 by sickness and deceases that are now long exterminated, or happen in very isolated parts of the world, remember the leper? Life span began to expand after the discovery of Louis Pasteur and Alexander Flemming. Chicken Cholera and Chicken pox were considered fatal back on the day.

    Wars as we know it now is not what war was understood as before WW1, before wars were an act were children became man, it was popularized that it was good for a man to be in a war that will impart him the edge necessary to grow. The survival rate of a war in the time before the WW was in most of the cases over the 50%, many generals worked under the assumption that an army that losses more than that was automatically lost. I am not saying that was always the case or that people feel right about it, but it was how it was viewed. The industrial war changed everything, means for one man to kill tens of enemies was untold, only highly skilled warriors were able to, now a regular trooper with a machine gun could dismiss many men at once. So you see, war as an historic event was not the main reason of people demise, now we fear it because of the power we have been show it has, with the current tools we posses. Science has expanded our life time to a blistering average 85+ years peer person, before that was a rarity, and usually associated with the devil´s work, or god´s work, depending on the person. Now were are even in the breach of maybe expanding our life time by genetics, living more than a hundred years and not in a decrepit state as a feeble 90 years old man.

    So I strongly disagree with your narrows views, of course I cant tell you to think otherwise. But books and facts stand.
  14. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    narrow views huh ? you basically said the same thing but in a longer "pissing from atop y'all " attitude version.
    religion prevented people from killing themselves and causing anarchy, i didn't say it prevented war

    people died from any and everything from starving to chicken pox to a damn cold, got that right

    life spans...50% random murders (up to the last 2-3 centuries where people became "civilized") 50% diseases which we got cured now...but we compensate it with creating new ones like STDs and the flus

    and in no way did i say my opinion is absolute
  15. ChismosongPogi

    ChismosongPogi Getting there

    Jun 18, 2013
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    got bored reading, they are too long man QQ
  16. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Cold, starvation... those are political and economical issues not medical ones, I though we were talking about medical ones, figures.

    Murder was as natural as breathing before, in some cultures was even a way of life. Random ones happens always, and then again is not a medical cause but a human one related to economical issues and other factors, even religious, some of the most ancient assassins guilds come from religious factions.

    STD exists since the time of caves, the first are registered from Egyptian times, many promiscuous leaders died from STD, now you have treatment for it.
    The flu primarily exists in us because we turned into farmers, the flu originated firstly in farm animals, we suffer from chicken and pork flu since ancient times, but was regarded as "normal", vaccinations did a lot of that go away for quite a while until it evolved into new forms that made the vaccine obsolete and a new one was needed. Even some of the "human" versions of flu are terminated.

    Religion didn´t prevent anarchy, most of the nations that consumed themselves in wars had religions, but they got dissident factions because some though that their idea or belief was the right one and not the other, that is anarchy right then and there. I don´t see civilized people under religion, and yeah that is my only personal judgement in the whole thing.

    Too bad you don´t like my attitude. :p
  17. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    how is starvation political ..wut
    that's what i said 2 times before, murder was natural, now it's not...that's ONE of the reasons for the current long lifespan
    vaccinations : some people think we have the technology to genetically enhance the human immune system and prevent all diseases but medication proves to be more profitable, most people think otherwise and i don't know which one to pick so i won't argue about that one
    religion: you just proved it yourself "most of the nations that consumed themselves in wars had religions, but they got dissident factions because some though that their idea or belief was the right one and not the other " which implies that there was more than one religion, it prevents anarchy within itself and promotes violence against "infidels"

    never said i don't like your attitude, i actually do cause it's entertaining...t'was just pointing out what it looked/sounded like
  18. LightSpike

    LightSpike Unlimited Ego

    Nov 6, 2012
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    The center of the universe
    Actually what we do now about the current mechanics of life that we set in place, is what matters for the next generation. We need to stop making war. The problem is that some parts of the world spawn so many people, the planet is over populated. SO basically in order to survive, we need to kill each other in order to survive the current crysis. A congestion protocol of a sort. About the other problems like global warming and etc. There is little we can do since the technology that can solve the problem is like frickin expensive (for no obvious reason lol/ because some people want to sell their petrol untill it's depleted). As for religions - just a way to keep lowly farmers from killing themselves, because the local oligarchs were robbing them big time. If the humanity gets rid of this ridiculous concept about god, things like political corruption, war, natural disasters will be met in a much more proper way.

    And the BIGGEST problem of them all - the society is getting dumber and dumber with every passing day. This will surely kill us if nothing else. I mean there are people which don't know that the Sun is a star... For some reason I feel this is being calculated and monitored somewhere. The quality of today's educational system is below the minimum treshold and that needs to change very, very soon. Otherwise it'll bring us to our deaths in the next 100-200 years, as you said.

    I still believe that people have the potential to turn this whole mess around. The key for this to happen is what we are doing right now - debating trough the internet, learning what other people think, filling in the blanks about different problems. So the internet is like a makeshift patch for the failing educational system (at least I view it that way). It's not perfect, but it'll have to do for now xD
  19. Potato

    Potato Banned

    Mar 11, 2013
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    No one Tells you to read it and besides you're clearly an alien.

    OT: God exist and human life depends on themselves
  20. Georgie

    Georgie Ḏɪ̭̜͓̜ͅs̪ᴛ̩̪͓ᴜ̬̖̗̬ʀ̻͚̖͎ʙ͉̜͓̖͙̼͖̳ᴇ̖̞̻ᴅ̻̞̫̘̫ͅ Forum Legend

    May 28, 2010
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    Glad to see there's a few people here that you can always talk to about anything c:)

    I just found that somewhere and I founds it pretty "funny" and I thought I should share it with others.


    Glad to see I was a helpful SAM xD
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