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Sorcerer player versus player guide

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Angklus, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. Angklus

    Angklus Proficient

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Hi all, Recently i made a guide for our legion forum and i think it might be useful for some of you. This is based on my experience and if you wish to judge please be blight and forgive my ignorance.
    Here's a guide for sorcerer to pvp. I'll make up some situations you might encounter with:

    1. Sorcerer vs chanter: Likely is that you'll get stunned from a certain distance, so stack the remove shock button to remove the stun. Once removed use Illusion to dodge 2 physical atacks that will give you time to cast sleep or curse of roots, once their transformed you want to use Lava tempest. Why? It does not remove the effect of the curse of roots or sleep because it has 4 sec delay to do damage. Moving on..you use arcane thunderbolt to stun and then aether chain if it is ground pvp. It's likely the chanter is dead by now but if it isn't root him then silence so he can't heal (still alive) use frostbite and summon rock considering you got your self from a certain distance when you rooted him.
    You might have noticed the enemy gets a full lock from the beginning untill the end of the fight and that's how you have to think how to full lock him....no need for glacial shard, flamespray or inferno.
    If you have the advantage of the first hit, use illusion storm (10 meters don't forget) then the full lock combo)

    2 Sorcerer vs assassin: Sorcerere's can't see trough advanced stealth so you'll always get ambushed by assassin, unless he is really dumb.
    Stack the remove shock, and from here on it's exact same strategy that i said for chanter. Only assassin will be dead when you do the aether chain, assuming you have full anuhart and tahabata. There's a high chance the assassin does silence (30 sec) after ambush, if that happens your dead! So fast reactions are crucial. (Use pots to remove abnormal conditions such as stun and of course hp pots that might allow you to survive 30 sec.- doubttfully).

    3. Sorcerer vs Gladiator: Exact same thingh as for chanter. I consider gladiators very easy to win when you're not caught by surprise.

    4. Sorcerer vs templar: Very difficult that's how i should start. Avoid at all costs. Of course it's not impossible. If i get stunned i stack remove shock use illusion storm, curse of roots then lava tempest and now it changes...root him move back put iron boon shield or barrier of severance up (don't sorry you have 20 sec of root) because they have distance skills, then use dp jelly and shadowburst. There's a high chance he heals or has still haf of his hp ( =_='' ) From here on you might just die...but try to sleep him use archane thunderbolt then soulfreeze (to avoid shields), frosbite, summon rock and wind cut (takes alot of over time damage) If you casted wind cut and are dead he might die aswell. I bet your thinking why not use glacial shard ,well it does not stun and has lower damage then frosbite and summon rock together which they are instant...exchange vitality might help here..

    5 Sorcerer vs Spiritmaster: Very easy. "Secret" about SM vs sorcerer the only damage they have is the pet against you. So..if you were transformed by fear ,well wait...you should have less then half hp now. Use illusion storm, it will stun both pet and caster and then sleep aeo (sleeping storm) , use exchange vitality to restore hp at full and glacial shard the pet. Pet is dead?..cool. Some say it's useless to kill pet not for magicians it takes 1.5k damage aprox.!!!
    Now you can own the caster with full lock combo.

    6 Sorcerer vs Cleric: Also easy. To be different i'll make a scheme...Curse of roots>lava tempest>aether chain>soul freeze ( to prevent healing)> and finish off as you wish. That means you can use glacial shard (yay??!) and frosbite very quick...should be dead if he didn't cast shield.

    7. Sorcerer vs ranger: Hmmm...the anti-sorc.Very difficult to win. Fly or run away if you can. Anyways if you sight him at a certain distance use Boon of quickness...you have 8 seconds to run fly to him and use illusion and curse of roots. I think you know what do to do from here...Ranger dies very easily.
    Some rangers die in 3 hits (archane, frost and summon rock), that is if you can touch him. He might silence you and there's nothing you can do from here (=dead).

    8. Sorcerer vs Sorcerer: My personnal favourite..wonder why. ;P Well if it is on the air you might even play a little game with the opponent..let him have the first move. Likely is that he does lock combo, the thingh is your on the air and he can't use aether chain...so there's a gap in betewen the lock combo, cast barrier of severance when he realizes that he has to use glacial shard, inferno or flame spray...you resist! Alright now you do the full lock combo plus silence and since he doesn't have much skills left to use = dead.
    On ground you must have the first move and do the full lock combo don't use illusion of course go straight to illusion storm and you know the rest...forgive for repeating full lock combo so many times but it's essential you learn it.

    Angklus, sorry for being so big and for some possible mistypes.
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  2. jazzal

    jazzal Proficient

    Jun 3, 2010
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    The Cake Castle
    I did giggle at the part sorcs vs sm, you really need to play with real sms =]
    4 people like this.
  3. enemies69

    enemies69 Proficient

    Aug 18, 2010
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    boon of quickness is only for asmos though. :(

    IGN: Gabzhehe
    Class: Sorcerer
    Race: Elyos
  4. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    because sms seem like the lowest popular char in Aion so no need to worry much about playing with them:D
  5. Dunamis

    Dunamis Awesome Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    When you fight sins you can attack them while they hide with "illusion storm" or "winter binding", after they've been hit you can see them and use aether hold or w/e
    temps aren't that hard really, just keep your distance away from them (pull is 17m), and use silence so they won't buff,and suppelment or whatever it's called to get an m.acc boost incase they used their armor skill
  6. bhoot

    bhoot Getting there

    Aug 21, 2010
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    i m a elyos so i duel a LOT!

    here is what i have found :
    1. In ground pvp , sins tend to use the aether hold skill after ambush and all . [in a duel i start with illusion and kill em with a lockdown , I use the combo of: Curse of roots -> Buff Up -> Aether Hold (They will most probably use shock remover here)-> Arcane Thunderbolt -> (If he has a lot of hp left)Glacial -> (Less Hp) Both ranged instant spells -> Freezing Wind

    P.S : Silence skill has never worked for me . It shows they r silenced but my opponents always end up casting skills

    2. The chanter i have found is close to impossible to beat . They stub first thing and at that point , if u use remove , ur dead as they tend to follow it with a full stun chain . Best use it after they put u in second stun chain . Now u will most probably want to follow chain with Old Roots . Then try a lockdown . Now most chanters do stun lock u , but there r very minute instances when the stun lock will wear off [less than that of 1 sec] , I try to spam illusion storm here . The problem is that they have a good armor and hence can live through a full lockdown combo [andm y combo includes glaciel ice (its a complete 11k dmg)

    3. Templers r even harder version of chanters . I stopped fighting them some time ago .Its stupid since our m resistance doesnt work .

    4. SMs are "not" easy . A good SM will chain fear u to death . [The instant fear followed by casted fear followed by AoE fear and even their remove shock skill is followed by a fear . Now this is beyond that u will be hit by DoTs and the spirit (1.3k+ from spirit). [P.S Remove shock does NOT work with Fear. P.S Their Silence sigil skill is very difficult to counter for casting classes like us as well .] P.P.S They also have promise of resistance skill

    5. Glads r quite different from Chanters . They come with a skill called Second Wind . I seriously hate that skill . I did about 15k damage to a glad only to see it still standing i mean comeon ....

    6. By the time ur done casting CoR , u will be dealing with : Noble Energy , the other energy , a couple of instant DoTs and if the cleric has any brains some HoTs . Their thunderbolt for some reason hits far higher than it should . It did 4k + to me in a duel while the cleric was wearing partial Anuhat and thabata with no enchatments or Manastones. P.S Maybe because of my high ping (1.5k+ all the time) i can never cast tempest thingy b4 using aether coz the roots and sleep seems to last only for like half the time [10 secs each]

    7 . Rangers can kill u very easily . 1 skill and ur barrier is dwon and some more instant skills and u r dead


    Here is y i cant really use ur combo :

    1. The silence skill has never really silenced my enemies ever
    2. The sleep and roots last only for half the time they should
    3. Personally i have super high ping . I tried using the flame + glaciel in a roots (thinking that flame will dispell roots giving glaciel full damage, but my opponent came out of roots b4 i could finish and use arcane
    4. The net final damage of ur combo is too low to kill many classes as nearly everyone uses +HP manastones (How they hell do u kill a glad w/o Glaciel i dont understand. All my pvp skills go in CD including glacial and even then they r running behind ur ass] .
    5. I love Flame cage once i m dont with combo . But u cant sleep / tree if u use flame cage


    Lastly , this is not going anything against ur post , i m just giving my point of view .


    Edit : Just wanna point out that ur guide is Duel not PvP
    In PvP , ur gonna prefer to stay behind a tank class or nyone else fighting to drop in some nukes and all . Ur pretty much a high damage support character not meant for direct fighting .
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
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  7. Ekzh

    Ekzh B E W I L D Forum Legend

    May 30, 2010
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    I think u still need to duel more char, cause sm r not easy for sorc, actually its kinda hard to find a good sorc that kill one sm.
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  8. Zyrekx

    Zyrekx Proficient

    Jul 12, 2010
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    true.. xD wanna try alkadias and miich? i hate their sm's.. D:

    btw.. what i do with a no good sm who doesn't use their skill that dodges 1 magic attack.. illusion storm>Sleep Storm>Soul Freeze>Roots>then whatever skill you have there that you want to use.. xD though when the pet awakes it could deal some damage on you.. but i'm pretty sure you'll win..

    ---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

    And.. what i do with temps is that.. if they use empyrean armor.. (hate that skill)

    be sure to use supplication of focus.. to increase m. acc.. some temps might use their skill that boosts m. resist..


    This is before the duel
    Vaizel's Wisdom>Illusion
    when duel starts
    (If you notice that he used the empyrean armor)
    use roots.. run bout 24m.. then use sleep storm (about 10s though the skill says 20).. then run away bout 24m away from him.. then use sleep (bout 10s also).. run away 24m away from him.. then use curse of roots (bout 10s too).. then sleep again.. then curse then w/e lol.. i play with them using this skills lol.. ohh.. if you're short of time in waiting for his empyrean armor to be gone.. be sure to use soul freeze.. xD if you want to slow him up.. use ice chain + frostbite..

    i dnt use aether's hold.. i do flying combos.. though i duel on ground.. lol

    but w/e.. do what you want to do with your sorc.. xD i seldom overkill glads with my combo.. D: dnt want that..

    ---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

    ohh yah.. heya dunamis.. xD

    ---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------

    ohh.. and bhoot.. there are 2 types of skills.. magical and physical.. u could silence em but they can still use physical skills..
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  9. bhoot

    bhoot Getting there

    Aug 21, 2010
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    @Zyek Thanks for the tip on silence , everything seems to make sense now ;p .

    Nywyas , i already gave up on my Sorc and started a SM since fear makes it a freaking beast [glads seem to resist fear oddly , maybe coz i was 2 lvls lower at 53 , but he resisted fear , fear shriek and the instant fear and the fear after remove shock . Oh well still need time to get used to a SM .
  10. TheShaikan

    TheShaikan Banned

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Romania. Umad?
    fastest way for sm is...

    root pet silence sm = dead =))))
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  11. Antinature

    Antinature Proficient

    Apr 16, 2010
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    Sorcerer vs Ranger.
    First hit wins.
    Use skill to see them in stealth than use illusion storm to instantly stun.
    It works.... if ur lucky cuz they can instant sleep u as well :/

    Sorc Vs SM.
    If the SM is realy good sorc have 0% chance.
    They can evade 1 magical attack and have instant fear. That way the SM will have the first hit no mater what the sorc do.

    Sorc Vs Templar
    Easy just kep your distance and use your best skills at the end of the duel.

    Sorc Vs Chanter
    If u get stunlocked u lose so make sure u dont :D

    Sorc vs Assasin
    Use skill that see stealth and use illusion.

    Sorc Vs Gladiator
    If u lose ur a noob.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
  12. bhoot

    bhoot Getting there

    Aug 21, 2010
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    This is the reason i use Water Spirit 3 in most duels
  13. Zyrekx

    Zyrekx Proficient

    Jul 12, 2010
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    wow.. imma try that.. >:3 now i got a way to defeat ally.. xD
  14. TheShaikan

    TheShaikan Banned

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Romania. Umad?
    i bet u dont even know how to play a sorc...bcouse sorcs dont have detection skills for sins lol and btw...fastest way vs templar is...curse of roots, take max distance lava, silence, use the thingy with instant cast that slows the target (forgot the name...) then hit a glacial-spray-ferno ^^ (make sure u have boon of quickness so that u make the last 3 skills instant) if he didnt die improvise some skills (if he pulls u just pop an illusion storm sleep and take distance again)
  15. Angklus

    Angklus Proficient

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Hi all,
    Well, after reading all the posts, thanks for corrections as i don't have perfect strategies.
    And i must apologize if i have offended spiritmasters for saying their easy to defeat. Most of the SM i've encountered with are easy to defeat.
    Usually when i get to aeo sleep them, i use boon of quickness (or before if i sight at distance) so that all skills are faster during any gap betewen fears.
    And the gladiators...easy no matter shields or heals, no offense. ^^''
    One more thing, the reason why the guide is mostly ground is because Heiron and Beluslan are ground pvp only now, so pvp will become more like duels.

    (Edit) About the most unpopular classes for pvp, i've seen some poll where it was the cleric. (shocker hey?!)

  16. korrupt12

    korrupt12 Proficient

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Lol this isnt a bad guide pretty kool i gotta say
  17. Ekzh

    Ekzh B E W I L D Forum Legend

    May 30, 2010
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    It wasnt bad, just u maybe need more strategic and try to fight more "pro" people...
  18. korrupt12

    korrupt12 Proficient

    Aug 20, 2010
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    yeah sm kick butt lolz
  19. Zyrekx

    Zyrekx Proficient

    Jul 12, 2010
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    i was defeated by a cleric in our legion tourny coz of his magic resist set.. D:
  20. Ekzh

    Ekzh B E W I L D Forum Legend

    May 30, 2010
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    Only a few player use mr in his set...

    1/100 in this server xD

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