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[Event]Sinister Minds - Halloween Horror Stories

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Carnage, Oct 13, 2014.

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  1. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Before Christmas Season, there's an event that most people celebrate. The Halloween. We are proud to announce to the community that we will be having this event be celebrated by participating these events hosted by our staff. We hope that you will do your best on participating the events hosted, and may you do your best to win.


    We all have heard some scary stories - Ghosts, Ghouls, the Paranormal and the Unknown. What we are looking for is a bit more extreme, something different. Your goal on this event is to have your own stories created by your vivid imagination. Your goal is also to SHOCK YOUR AUDIENCE through your entry. You may add plot twists at the end of your story, make it bloody as much as possible and gory as much as possible. The key on arousing someone's interest is the detailed execution on how the victim got killed. Most of these scenes are mostly censored on films or on books, but what I seek is something out of these areas. Again details are the key. Having a detailed entry, your story will not end up short.


    If your entry are copied from a website, your entry will be marked invalid, or deleted.

    No Short Stories
    If your entry is too short, it will be deleted. We need your creativity and your imagination on this event.

    Staff Members
    Staff Members are welcome to join.

    Narration & Comic Strips
    This is also a good way to gain points on winning this event. Creativity is a vital point to win.

    1st. 1x Rare Costume of Choice
    2nd. 1x Ultimate Prize List
    3rd. 1x Advance Prize List
    Participants. Halloween Boxes

    Event ends on October 31st.

    Thanks to DeathAngel for having me hosted this event.​
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
    Claire, Idrilke, bansot and 28 others like this.
  2. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    609 King's Way
    This event is now open as well!
    pirante123, Argel and Carnage like this.
  3. PageUp

    PageUp New Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    • Character Name: Princi
    • Server :Siel
    • Race:Asmodiam
    • history:
    • Title:Creepypasta
    • Stories of Horror -
    • The mirror stealing souls What I remember most from my childhood was the large mirror that was in the house of my paternal grandmother's room. Was always covered by a large black sheet, which aroused my curiosity and my cousins. My grandparents said that it was a cursed mirror, able to steal the soul of anyone who looked at his own reflection in it. Though we are quite young did not believe the story. If it were true it would be better to destroy the mirror? One night we were playing alone in the room when my cousin Arthur, had the idea of taking the cloth mirror. I kept silent, despite not believe he would have the courage, my younger cousin Felipe also did not say a word. You guys are two sissies! He walked toward the mirror said. Approached the black sheet held with both hands and pulled him down. Instantly brought my hands to the eyes, did not want to look. I heard a thud, and then Felipe gave a cry of despair, soon my whole family was in the room, at least I thought they were, I still capped with the eyes, I only had the courage to look when you hear my grandmother say can open eyes are the mirror capped. My cousin Arthur was dead, his eyes were rolled back showing the white part, and his tongue hung out of his mouth. Philip sat on the floor in shock, rocked from side to side with your thumb in your mouth. I did therapy for years to forget what had happened that day. The therapist made me believe that Arthur's death had nothing to do with him taking the sheet of glass, it was an unfortunate coincidence, he had suffered a heart attack, is unusual for a child of ten suffer, but his case not was an isolated case. Had frequent nightmares about that mirror for years, always saw me in the room and a growing curiosity made me take the sheet. At first nothing happened, then saw Arthur with the blood drenched face with rolling eyes, crying out for me: - Come Cousin, I feel so alone here, it's cold, is not such a big space, but it's enough to play with. Even today, though not as often I still dream about him. My cousin Philip was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for ten years. At the time I believed that Philip had looked into the mirror, but he said in one of his rare moments of lucidity he saw his reflection only sideways. My psychiatrist also had an answer for that, it was the trauma of having witnessed his brother's death that left him so, some people are stronger than others. He once told me. I got married and accepted that what had happened was a fluke that my own grandmother told her it was all an invention to frighten us. After the death of my cousin just went back to her home on two occasions: The first two years ago when my grandfather passed away, and the second a few months ago when my grandmother died. Although my grandmother was a person full of life after the death of my grandfather she was no longer the same rarely linked in, or visited, was found dead in front of the mirror with the black sheet in hand; his features were as told me the same as my cousin. At least once a year I still have that dream ... Now not only one, two are clamoring for me!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
    Otosan and Louy like this.
  4. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Your entry is marked invalid. Your story is quoted from this website- http://www.bubblews.com/news/8062706-stories-of-horror-the-mirror-stealing-souls
    Please read my rules about plagiarism.

    Let me reiterate again that your stories mus be on your OWN and not copied from a website
    Otosan likes this.
  5. Daiin

    Daiin New Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Character name: Daiin
    Servidor: Siel
    titulo: the puerta
    Me was invited to a club of literature of terror; Since that night I changed, then opened a door that is not already returned to close.The idea seemed like an interesting way to waste a weekend. "Spend hours commenting on books with some aspiring writers, that exciting...", I thought, full of sarcasm, when Paola invited me. But as newly knew it seemed to me that the best thing was to go. To become a night I thought that I was going to save the boring evening, because it started to rain very strong, but when you call her she said that conditions were ideal. I had to drive in the rain. She was going to wait in the House indicated. The streets were already half flooded so much that it was raining, and other vehicles passing by throwing water towards the sides, while the windshield of my own was defeated by the wall of water that clashed against the city. Views from the cabin, streets lights is a little borroneaban and projected beams sideways, effects of the heavy rain. After I desemboqué in a suburban area without light, and I noticed that he flashed hard. Facades of old aspect appeared for the moments when everything is clarified by the lightning. I had never before been in that part. It seemed to me that there homes were abandoned. To read a rusted sign, I braked the car; the House had to be there. When I looked to the side, I salute with the hand from a window, it was Paola. I went through the sidewalk and patio of the property under an umbrella that wind I wanted to boot. It was by the door threshold is reached when it exploded a ray and the façade is illuminated with a white light. It seemed more ancient of the block. I went to a very spacious room lit with candles and a bluff that burned in the center of a round table. Paola presented me to four people, two women and two men. Everyone looked at me smiling and seemed to be very excited. One of the types, a bald beard lock veteran, asked me to shake my hand:-you is a descendant of Melisa Strauss, isn't it? -Yes, it was my great-grandmother's father. How do you know? -questioned it. -Her great-grandmother was a famous spiritualist, and her family is known in some circles. -I know that it was medium healer or something as well, but AFAIK, but nobody in the family has been dedicated to that. -Age spiritualist, not healer, and was well known - he said again. Your answer not explained how I knew I was descending. Although I had heard or read a lot about my great-grandmother, I didn't understand how I had associated to it, because the name that my great-grandmother used was not of the family. To know that I had to be investigated. I thought that perhaps Paola had done, it could not be coincidence. She now avoided my eyes. I felt uncomfortable among those people. I was invited to sit, we settled around the round table. Next to this, there were some books. Paola gave me one, it was in tales of terror. They apparently had a different mechanics in that literary club, and would not say anything, just going to read. I know that in these groups they also read together, but that was a little strange for me. All seemed fascinated by my presence, but when I looked at them divert the gaze, as if to hide it. That situation more awkward. And everything was going to get worse. The flames of the candles that burned over the fireplace and on the top of furniture every now and then were inclined all to one side, as pushed by the same blast, and in doing so the shadows moved also. The flame of the lamp that we had on the table created a huge and deformed shadows on the walls. Outside the storm raged, neighed and got lightning lights through the windows. Everything was a horrible night and was more gloomy environment in which we found ourselves. A few minutes after started reading, my companions seemed to concentrate and not already looked to either side that wasn't his book. Watching them secretly I noticed that everyone had the same book, I only had one other. What were you reading? I didn't see them change the page, and by the movement of his eyes seemed to be back to the same line over and over again. When they began to murmur I realized. That fool had been to not discover it before! That was a seance! I was going to get when I saw that we were surrounded. Where had those people come from? Paola seemed to notice that I saw something and reported them to the others. They turned to all sides and then started to ask me:-what do you see? Are many people? Many are, how are they dresses?All asking me questions as well. From one moment to another there were more presence there. They were now around the room: they were men and women of various ages, there were children, and all wore old clothes. The most frightening was noticed the countenance of their faces; all seemed to be dead, and were, were appearances. The flames of the candles is shook and the shadows were shaking wildly. The others seemed not to see those who were around us, but obviously noticed that cold wind that exhaled from various parts of the room. They looked round about and looked between them with an expression of amazement and excitement. Damn crazy! For them it was exciting because they did not see those faces empalidecidos by death. When the apparitions began to move toward the table without taking a single step, the terror pushed me towards the exit, and strides came to my vehicle. There was no book club, and only Paola had approached me because he knew that he was a descendant of a powerful spiritualist. I don't know how he knew that I had that "don", because even I know it. They perhaps found it that night. The truth is that since that time I see spirits, and if I can't find the way to close that "door", will see you until the end of my days.
    Otosan likes this.
  6. jayvigomez0

    jayvigomez0 New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Character name: Nkai
    Servidor: Siel
    Race: Elyos
    Title: Mr. and Mrs .Berini

    Mr. and Mrs. Berini and their two children moved into their New England home in May 1979. Almost , immediately, the Berinis heard a voice during the night.

    "Mama, Mama, this is Serena," a girl's voice cried.

    The Berinis knew of no one named Serena, but when they asked Mr. Berini's father, he recalled that his sister Serena had died in the same house at the age of five. For example, Serena cried for her mother the night before Daisy, the Berinis' daughter, suffered cardiac arrest while undergoing a tonsillectomy.

    Serena's ghostly crying gave way to the figure of another ghost. On March 19, 1981, Mrs. Berini awoke to see the ghost of an eight- or nine-year-old boy dressed in white clothing: shirt, pants, and shoes.

    "It was almost like looking through a milk bottle," Mrs. Berini told researchers later. "The boy would walk back and forth in the hallway. It was a very peaceful experience and I was not afraid. It stayed for about two hours on and off, coming and going."

    The next night, the ghost reappeared, but this time it spoke to Mrs. Berini.

    "Where do all the lonely people go?" it asked. "Where do I belong?"

    When she told her husband, Mr. Berini believed the ghost was that of Giorgio, one of his father's brothers, who had died at eight. He had been buried in his white communion suit. A few days later, Mr. Berini himself saw Giorgio's ghost trying to pick up a rug in the upstairs hallway. When the ghost disappeared, Mr. Berini moved the rug and found a medallion of the Virgin Mary between the floorboards.

    Over the course of the next two months, Giorgio appeared two or three times a week, sometimes to Mrs. Berini and sometimes to her husband. Many times he spoke to them. Once, he told Mr. Berini, "My oldest brother is the only one who can help me." Another time, he spoke of Carlos Berini, his twin brother, who still lived in another part of town. Giorgio's ghost accused Carlos of taking something from the Berinis' house.

    When Mrs. Berini mentioned the ghost to her priest in the middle of May, he suggested that the Berinis ignore it. During Giorgio's next appearance, on May 27, Mrs. Berini completely ignored his presence. In response, Giorgio slammed a closet door twenty times. A few days later, when the Berinis again ignored Giorgio, something pulled a package of macaroni from Mrs. Berini's hand, spilling its contents on the floor. On June 3, two other priests blessed the house with holy oils, but Giorgio's ghost returned the next night. Finally, Mr. Berini, following the instructions of another priest, commanded the ghost to leave in the name of Christ.

    Giorgio's visits ended, but another ghost appeared, first on June 5 and again a few nights later. This figure wore a black cape and had a hump on its back. After its appearance, the receiver on the bedroom telephone kept flying across the room. Dishes and religious figurines were broken. A bookcase at the top of the stairs was twice found downstairs, and Daisy's desk once moved out of her room and down the stairs. The scene of the most violent activity was the upstairs hallway, where the retractable attic stairs opened and shut repeatedly, which caused the hall ceiling to crack. The family experienced no relief from these incidents until Daisy's birthday, August 28, when a carving knife was discovered stuck in the kitchen table. That night, the Berinis moved out of the house until a priest could perform an exorcism. When they moved back in on September 25, they experienced no further episodes.

    This haunting is unusual for a number of reasons. First, three different ghosts appeared to the Berinis. Serena's and Giorgio's ghosts were seen repeatedly, while the caped ghost was seen only twice. Second, the ghosts became increasingly more troublesome. The Berinis heard Serena's voice for only six months, before Giorgio showed up. Giorgio was fairly temperamental, especially when he was ignored. But the caped ghost was positively scary, and its appearance was followed by significant poltergeist activity.

    The most troubling aspect of this case, however, is that the Berinis did nothing to try to understand why the ghosts appeared. They listened to Serena cry for her mother, but not once did they ask Mr. Berini's grandmother (Serena's mother) about Serena or any specific details related to her death. Why did Serena want to see her mother so much? She had a wish that wanted to be fulfilled.

    When Giorgio appeared, he, too, wanted to communicate with the Berinis, as Mr. Berini's discovery of the medallion of the Virgin Mary indicated. What did the medallion mean? Why was Giorgio's ghost so persistent? And what object was Carlos accused of taking? Rather than explore the possibilities, the Berinis ignored Giorgio, who had a major temper tantrum. If only Giorgio hadn't been ignored, perhaps the third ghost and the poltergeist activity that followed would never have happened.

    The Berinis also missed the opportunity to prove that their ghosts were real. By the time ghosthunters were called in, the hauntings had stopped. What could the Berinis have done? First, they could have attempted to tape-record Serena's voice. Perhaps someone would have been able to identify the voice as Serena's. Second, they could have asked Carlos, Giorgio's twin brother, to help them understand why Giorgio was so upset. What could Carlos have taken? Why was Giorgio so troubled? Giorgio might have appeared to Carlos as well, which would have provided even more proof that Giorgio was real. Even Mr. Berini's grandparents could have been asked to help, since the ghost of their dead son was involved. Third, the Berinis could have contacted former residents of their house to see whether they had been troubled by any of the ghosts as well.

    Although the Berinis did stop the haunting eventually, they missed an opportunity to understand why it happened in the first place.
    Otosan likes this.
  7. Citlalli

    Citlalli New Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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    Character name: Adorisse
    Server: Siel
    Race: Elyo
    Title: 315#
    "Kids, if you hear something strange and no one isnt there, just yell it to go away" said my Grandmother. Yeah, nobody believed her as everyone was getting settled in the new big house. My family and I had lived in a small house before but since family was getting bigger, we needed more space. My mother, grandmother, 2 aunts, 2 sisters and me started looking for a new place to move out. We visited 3 houses and the family finally decided to buy the amazing 2 floors wooden olive green house on 16Th street in Kansas City.
    The house was big spacious, there was a big hallway that leaded straight to the kitchen and straight to the backyard door as well. To the sides of the hallway there were the stairs and to the other side ,the living and dining room , it smelled like home, although there was something strange about it that had not convinced us yet.
    My two little sisters and I got a room in the middle of the other 2, my parents got the big room and my aunts and my cousin got the room in the back to the house that had a balcony and a view of the backyard and My grandparents got the room from downstairs. No one wanted to ever go to the attic, no one even explored it, so now that everyone was ok with their room no one got interested in the attic.
    We had moved to another county so we attended to a new school from 7 to 3 Monday to Friday. My parents worked full time, so we were left in the house with my grandmother. Every afternoon that we got home, she kept telling us this stories about when she was a small girl. " I went to my aunt´s house but no one replied and afar from the woods I got to see my little cousin with a puppy on his arms and he told me that nobody was home and he needed to go get something, that it was late to walk alone, he was scared to walk alone. So there I was, walking with my cousin in the woods at 11pm, then he said "look" and he ran as fast as he could and I lost sight of him, so I went back to his house and found my aunt in tears saying that my little cousin had died a day before":
    STORIES LIKE THIS creeped me and my sisters out, but no biggie. We were curious kids and liked scary tales like every kid would. (or thats what I thought)
    So the first 3 months carried on and we were getting used to the new house, school, neighbors, new room, new everything, everything changed after this.
    I was 10, my middle sister Eve was 8 and the little Jamie was 7 and we slept in 1 indivudual small bed (we were small thin girls).
    It was 3:00 am sharp (according to our small wooden alarm clock next to the bed on the nightstand) and I was awaken by this strange movement in the bed... My 2 sisters were shaking! I got surpriesed and as soon as they were able to talk; just paralized shaking, Jamie said "Karen, yell it to go away" ! So I asked "What?" and a few seconds later I heard it.
    Strong clear footsteps coming from the attic above us. It sounded like somebody was walking on heels just right above where we were sleeping. So I remembered what my grandma said and scared but brave I yelled " GO AWAY, LET US SLEEP".
    Everything got quiet after that and she did not bother again... YES SHE.
    Two weeks later, my new friend Veronica from school came to visit me. She was a blond crazy girl with green big eyes, and we always had fun together laughing to the most meaningless stuff no one could ever imagine, but there was no laughter in the house. No laughter this day.
    As soon as I heard she got out from her moms car oustide the house, I went outside and recieved her with a big hug, we went upstairs and grabbed some barbies to play with. I was sitting in the bed, and she was sitting next to me. The radio was on playing "My Inmortal", coming from the old alarm clock. Suddenly, it got so cold that we could see each other´s breath. "whoa Karen! its so cold turn ur aircon off" - "But look, its not on"
    She didnt get the time to turn back to take a look, when we heard the song just making strange noises and saw the radio changing stations by itself, and then BAM! the door shut right in front of us.
    She never came back to my house.
    The footsteps just continued for the next 4 months and we got used to it. We heard footsteps everywhere around the house. Harmless sounds that were not scaring us anymore.They continued until my uncle started living in the big wooden house. My grandparents said he could keep the "girls room", our room. But not only that, plates just smashing on the floor for no reason, air being so cold, not being able to move in ceertain zones of the house. So me and my sisters moved to my parents room 5 people sleeping in 1 room, it was big enough so we did not mind much.
    It was 4:00am and an "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH" was heard upstais. We got up inmediatly to find my uncle, shaking. Speechless with a big bloody scratch mark on his arm. He didnt say a word that week.
    A week later he decided to talk:
    "I was sleeping and I got up to get more blankets because it was getting very cold, so I got back to bed and saw a figure, forming in the corner of the room, the figure started turning to a dress, a black wool long dress, then I saw a veil, I saw her eyes throught that veil, a white skinned lady was moving towards me, as she kept floating I could see less of her skin, and more of her skull, I saw those big eyes that turned to holes, black holes, I just tried rubbing my eyes thinking it was a nightmare, and as soon as my hands were not blocking my view anymore, her bony decayed rotten face was in front of me, and I could feel her cold bone hands on my neck, trying to choke me".
    My uncle could not sleep in that house anymore for a long time.
    2 months later, another uncle with my 4 year old little cousin came to visit us one day. My uncle went straight to see my grandmother and talk to her and my sisters and I were watching a movie in my parents room. The little Andrea decided to go play alone in the room, the middle room (the haunted rooom)
    We (as small kids) kept watching the movie and when my uncle decided to leave, he yelled "Andrea come downstairs mami, we gtg!" She did not repply, so he came upstairs to find the most horrible thing that he could ever see.
    His little girl holding a hand, a hand that was coming from the corner of the room, a bony hand and a black dress.
    2 Months later, a priest was hired by my Grandmother to "Bless the house".
    The priest, came inside the house and said he could do it. 20 minutes later he ran out of the house scared to death because a hand had pushed him down the stairs. All he could say to my grandma on the phone is that we needed a Demonologist and that he thought a body was burried somewhere in th foundation of the house. lacasah.jpg
    We got out of the house a month later and today we do not know what happened in that house.
    Sometimes I feel like she keeps watching us from the corner of the room.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  8. Azumaza

    Azumaza New Member

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Character name: Azumaza
    Server: Siel
    Race: Elyos
    Title: 9 Souls Taken :confused:

    Zarina visits the funeral of her boyfriend Joseph Maurice who hung himself. She is driven away by the boy's mother, insisting her son died because of her. When she arrives home, her sister asks her if she did the "9 souls taken" but she replies that she doesn't believe in it. Afterwards, she is suddenly haunted by the ghost of her dead boyfriend.

    Cedric , his friends; Hannah , Ashley , Justin and Rico enter a horror house. Hannah is assaulted by one of the men in the haunted house and Cedric fights for her. At home, Cedric's father scolds and grounds him and takes Cedric's fake keys for the car. While his Dad gave orders to their maid, Cedric escapes and drives the highways until he almost runs over a girl, Leni . They fight and Leni unknowingly loses her charm bracelet in Cedric's car.

    Cedric and his friends party on a hill. Cedric and Hannah have a heated argument which ends in Cedric revealing that he doesn't actually have feelings for Hannah and is not ready for a committed relationship, which prompts her to throw a rock at Cedric, wounding his shoulder. Cedric loses control and drives up until morning where they come upon the funeral of Roman with his wife, Lucy, in despair. They soon discover that the funeral was arranged by Leni, Dencio and Marcelo. After the funeral, Marcelo is seen sweeping the room when Eva suddenly scolds him as it was a bad superstition. All of the unwanted guests violate a superstition including: Hannah, who dropped tears on the coffin when she saw Cedric holding Leni's hand; Rico, who wiped the coffin with a handkerchief; Justin, who stole bread from the funeral; Ashley for looking at her reflection in the mirror; Cedric, by attending the funeral with a wound; Dencio, who stole the money below the coffin and Leni and everyone else who did not do the "9 Souls Taken," an act of dusting off oneself after a funeral to avoid evil spirits following you home.

    At home, Leni's stepbrother Mac-Mac sees apparitions and draws nine figures with a number 8. Marcelo who was sweeping outside is killed by a malevolent entity. Dencio blames Leni for not doing the 9 souls taken and tells her that the spirit is coming back for the rest of them. He proceeds to tell her the story of how Roman, the husband of Lucy, died. Roman and Lucy once had a child who unfortunately died. Roman made a pact with the demons to bring back his son's life, but on the consequence that he kill nine people in order to do so, and he willingly obliged. After committing his sins, he found his son well and alive inside his coffin. One night, the people from the barrio tried to burn Roman's house down because they knew he was working for the devil. This act led to the loss of Roman and his son, Emmanuel lives.

    Meanwhile, Hannah is planning to commit suicide when she suddenly sees a shadow which she thought it was Cedric's, which she tries to follow. After a while, her phone suddenly rings and it turns out to be Cedric telling her that he is on his way there. Hannah panics and a demonic form gouges her eyes out and throws her into the pool, killing her. Cedric witnesses the event and is blamed for what happened. One by one, Cedric's friends are killed by the unknown entity they brought back with them from the funeral. Rico is killed when the soul from his handkerchief throws him against a wall in a gym's shower room, which he first thought was Justin and says that he is really gay. Cedric consults Justin and Ashley and insists them to burn the clothes they wore so they did.

    Cedric decides to go back to the house of Lucy so he can talk to Eva. While on his way, he sees Leni in the market and decided to follow her. While in the market, Leni suddenly sees the ghost of Roman which caused her to run and panic. Cedric saw Leni panicking causing him to worry about her and chase after her. Leni blacks out while being chased and Cedric rescues her before Roman's ghost catches her. Cedric brings Leni to his car and drives. Leni woke up and was alarmed she ordered Cedric to stop the car. After the car stopped she and Cedric talked, they both find out they have the same goal and decided to team up.

    When they found the coffin, the body is not there anymore. They searched the house and saw three human figures in the wall drew in blood. Leni goes to find Mac-Mac in the church and Dencio, together with Eva also arrives to warn them and tells the group that Mac-Mac is really Emmanuel. She tells them that during the fire, she went there to save the baby in order for him to stay away from the demonic lives of his parents. When Eva tells Cedric and Leni that the body is in their old house, they went to find it. In the church, Eva is killed when she is sucked inside a tomb. Meanwhile, Ashley and Justin had done what Cedric asked them to do, they went inside Ashley's house, Justin told Ashley he will leave for a while to make a sandwich in the kitchen which caused Ashley to panic and to be scared. To overcome her fear she took pictures of herself but while she was taking pictures she saw one of the images has the face of the ghost. She is soon thrown to a mirror then falls down. Ashley is impaled by a falling chandelier and Justin, who was running away in the streets calling Cedric about it was crushed by two trucks, getting sandwiched.

    In the church, Dencio is trapped inside his car when he plans to save Mac-Mac in the church. The spirit taunts him and he tries to give back the money he stole. He rolls down the windows and tries to get out but is ultimately killed. When Cedric and Leni find the house, they realize that it was Lucy who sent her husband's spirit to murder the victims until he obtains nine lives for him to be alive. Before Leni and Cedric are killed, they tell Lucy the truth about Emmanuel. The entity tries to kill Leni and Cedric, but Lucy intervenes and was impaled by a girder. After Roman reanimates, he rushes to Lucy, who reveals to him that she was pregnant which killed their second child and explain to him that their son is still alive before she dies from her wound. Enraged of her death, Roman attempts to kill Leni before being stabbed by Cedric. In the aftermath, Cedric arrives in the hospital to visit Leni and Mac-Mac. Within seconds of having fun, they see the apparitions of Lucy and Roman smiling at them eerily.

    Hope i won !!!:):):):):):)
    Otosan likes this.
  9. ombinx

    ombinx Proficient

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Character Name: Racun
    Race: Elyos
    Server: Siel
    Titels: Paranormal Activites at Friends House

    It was the winter of 1995 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I was a teenager back then and and having the time of my life... until this incident happened and my whole belief in the paranormal changed.

    I had a friend whose parents where going on a vacation for a week. Since my friend was going to be alone that whole time, he begged me to sleep over. The first night was fun. We had other friends over, did crazy teenager stuff and had a blast. Some others slept over, too.

    Second and third night was the same... until the fourth night. There was no party. Just me and my friend. We spent the night watching TV. At around 11- 11.30 p.m., my friend was asleep and I thought, Great! Nothing good on TV and my host is on to dreamland. I was far from being sleepy.

    At around 12.30 a.m., the TV just increased its volume by itself and I was cursing at it. I couldn't get it to stop, so I unplugged it. I plugged it back in and turned it back on... and nothing. I checked to make sure it was plugged okay, and still nothing.

    Right about this time, I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I tried waking my friend to no avail. The noise in the kitchen was getting louder, like somebody was cooking. So I went toward the kitchen thinking there must be an explanation - and I almost passed out from what I saw!

    There by the sink was a bluish smoke, like thick blueish smoke shaped almost like a person. It was just floating there. Suddenly, I heard loud knocks starting from the front of the house and going around. It was so loud I was sure my friend would awaken. I have never been that frightened in my whole life. I can't explain it.

    I just stood there not knowing what to do. Then I felt like something hit me behind my head. That's when I ran back to where my friend was sleeping and frantically tried to wake him up. He opened his eyes and I was just screaming words at him. He just listened and went back to sleep. I was so pissed, but my fear overtook my anger and I just tried to sleep.

    I noticed it was very cold. I was shivering. I grabbed a blanket and covered my body from head to toe. I kept thinking, How am I going to sleep now? Then 15 to 20 minutes later, my blanket was being tugged away from me. I pulled back and I felt a force tugging it from me. I couldn't take it any more. I just started screaming at it to leave me alone. I just kept screaming.

    Suddenly my blanket was just pulled completely away from me. Whatever this thing was, it was strong. I was shaking with fear. I have never known fear like that before. I kept thinking, Is this thing going to kill me? I was just frozen.. I couldn't speak or do anything. That's how I was for 10 to 15 minutes. I was about to bolt out of the house and run as fast as I could toward my house, which is just four houses away.

    My friend then woke up and didn't have a clue as to what happened and asked me if I had trouble sleeping. I didn't know how to tell him. He saw the look on my face and was puzzled at my expression. Halfway in telling him what happened, there was suddenly a very loud bang in his parents' bedroom. We just looked at each other. We slowly walked toward the bedroom and the door was wide open and on the floor was the TV. This was 1995 and flat screen TVs were nonexistent, this was a big old heavy style TV. It took the two of us to lift it back to its place.

    How could he explain this to his parents? How could we explain it to ourselves? I couldn't take it anymore. I just walked out of there, went to my house, and lay in bed, all the lights on. I just kept asking myself, What in the hell Just happened?

    It took me awhile to put that memory aside. I'm now 33 years old. I'm still afraid of the dark. Still afraid at sleeping in an unfamiliar place, may it be a friend's house or hotel. It may be a long time back, but my memories keep it from fading away.
    Otosan likes this.
  10. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    I've deleted some of your entries because your stories are short. Please refer to my rules: "NO SHORT STORIES". Be creative.
  11. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    13th Circle of Hell
    Character: Actios
    Server: Siel
    Race: Asmo

    Near to the town i live in, is a relatively small and completely empty abandoned building, no idea what it was used for but it has been rumoured to have been a Insane Asylum or a hospital of some kind.
    The story of it goes before the place became abandoned it was always full of people, rumoured to be experimented on or just insane. But not so long ago, weird things happened, bumps in the night, screams down the halls, where no one ever was, strange voices whispering in the night into the staff's ears. No one knows why this all happened but eventually all the "patients" and staff moved to another place and the building was left forgotten. Recently, many people have gone in to find all sorts of demonic symbols (pentagrams and such), but many of the people going in, don't always come back, some even come back different, often acting like a totally different person.
    Intrigued by these stories and rumours, and always being interested in the occult and paranormal, I went up alone to investigate. This was the first, and last time i went to a "haunted" building, and i wanted to see if i had the courage to goo through with it. I packed up cameras, batteries for my torch, sleeping bag, laptop, and sound recording device, and headed on up into the hills where the building was. The building from the outside, already had a feel of death and decay from just looking at it from a distance. Dark stone like walls, smashed windows, dead trees, no plant was alive within the grounds of this place. From here I took a few pictures, but noticed nothing strange from this point, so i carried on in. Now i heard from investigators, and demonologists, that if you appear without fear, the spirits cannot use your fear against you while in their presence, i admit i was afraid, but i did my best.
    Walking towards to building i take a few more pictures, since it is daylight right now, i thought i would try and get as many as i can before it goes dark. As i enter the building what was a warm summer day, turned to a dead winter evening, or at least it felt like it. The building had rejected all the heat from outside, it was like a freezer inside. I took a few more pictures around the inside of the building, noticing pentagrams around in every room, except one, which was in the main lobby. So, i used the main lobby as base for all my stuff, I decided before setting up stationary cameras, to do a general walk about to get used to the building, feel how it feels, and familiarise myself with the layout, since there were no maps of this place anywhere that i could find. I went into what appeared to be an office, a big desk in the middle was a pretty big give away. Suddenly i felt all warm again, in a building with no working heating and no insulation how could there be heat in this room? This would be a great place to set up at least one of my cameras, and maybe have sound recorders in there too.
    I went all over the building, covering as much as i could of the ground floor with cameras, and one on the top of the stairs leading into what appeared to be a basement. But before i could finish setting up all the cameras, i heard a load crash noise come from one of the far rooms, it sounded like it was the office. I cautiously went to the room, sound recorder in hand and recording. "hello?" I call out, "anyone there?". Nothing, no voice, no sound, nothing, not even the wind dared to make a noise. I entered the room, still recording, "Hello?, anyone in here" i repeat, still nothing. I look toward my camera, and its been thrown across the room from one corner to the direct opposite corner, i had it aimed to the door, its now next to the door laying down. I set the camera back up, switch off the recorder, and switch on all the cameras. Since none of the cameras were currently recording I had no proof that anything paranormal happened to the camera, yet.
    Heading back to base, i switch on the monitors and start recording the footage to my computer, at the same time, I connect the recorder to the laptop so i can hear if I captured anything at all. I couldn't believe what I heard, i heard a deep voice. It appeared to be mocking or laughing at me....
    I was excited, first time ever in my life i have caught a voice on a recorder that wasn't my own. I couldn't wait to see if caught anything later on that night.
    So, i waited till just after midnight, when it was the darkest, and quietest. The night was still, the only light i had was from my torch, but i didn't use it. Instead i used my IR camera screen to see where i was going in the pitch blackness of the building. The only sounds i could hear, was my footsteps as i attempted to quietly move about the place. I called out again, "hello?, anyone here?", no sounds, not even a rustle. I went closer to the office where i caught the voice, "hello?" i called again, "show yourself". Still nothing, at this point i was getting a bit impatient. "Hey" I shouted out, "are you some kind of coward or what? I'm here all alone and you're afraid to come out? You coward!!" At this point, a huge rawr enveloped the entire building, and shook me to the bone. I knew this was working, so i did it again, "come on out then you filthy coward, scared of little ol' me?" Next thing i knew, i am in the air being thrown out the building from the office window onto the hard exterior floor. Now I really was freak out, I ran from that place leaving all my gear except what i was carrying.
    I returned in the morning later that day, cautiously, to retrieve my stuff, only to find all my cameras, the laptop, everything was completely destroyed. To this date, i refuse to go back, the only evidence of it all is my account, and that one recording.

    This is a true account of what happened to ME, 4 years ago.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    Otosan and imrahil like this.
  12. Super

    Super New Member

    Apr 25, 2014
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    Character name: ForFun
    Server: Siel
    Race: Asmodian
    Titels : Hatchet Man

    There were warnings all over campus about a Hatchet Man who was supposedly abused and killed a woman in Bloomington. All the girls were warned to walk in pairs and to stay in brightly lit areas if they had to go out at night. The sophomore and her roommate were staying in the empty dorm over Thanksgiving break, since both their families were out of the country. They grown very bored as day followed boring day and night followed boring night. Tired of staying inside every night for fear of the Hatchet Man, her roommate suggested they have dinner at the local bar, and the sophomore agreed. The two women had lingered longer than anticipated, and it was almost midnight when the sophomore, more than a little drunk, decided to walk back to the dorm. Her roommate was busy flirting with the bartender, so she headed into the dark, silent streets alone. The sophomore had forgotten all about the Hatchet Man warnings. It wasn’t until she took a shortcut through a dark, creepy alley that she remembered there was a desperate murderer on the loose. The sophomore shivered, feeling suddenly sober and very much alone. She felt as if hostile eyes were peering out at her from every menacing shadow and darkened doorway. She quickened her pace. Was that heavy breathing she heard behind her? Were those footsteps walking in time with her own? The sophomore broke into a run; heart pounding fiercely, sure that someone was following her. She darted onto the college campus, zigzagged through the buildings and flung herself panting into the dorm. She pounded up three flights of stairs, down the hall and slammed into her room, locking the door behind her. It was only then, leaning against the door with her heart racing, that she started to feel foolish. There was no sound from the hallway. No footsteps, no heavy breathing. No hatchet breaking through the wood of the door. She'd been a fool. The sophomore staggered to the bathroom to wash up for the night, leaving the door locked behind her. She kept glancing in the mirror to make sure that everything was secure. The scene in the mirror was normal. And there was no sound in the empty dormitory. Everything was just fine, she told herself. Then she remembered that her roommate was still at the bar. She didn't want her roommate to walk home alone, so she called the bar and asked the manager if he would arrange for her roommate to be brought home in a taxi. The music in the background was loud, and she wasn't sure if the manager understood her request. But at least she'd tried. The sophomore curled up in bed with the reading lamp on, determined to wait up for her roommate. But the combination of heavy drinking and her earlier fright sent her into a deep sleep almost at once, and she did not awaken until the sun came pouring in the window, early the next morning. She woke with a hangover and rolled over, trying not to be sick in the bed. When she looked across the room, she realized that her roommate wasn't in the bed on the far wall. In fact, it looked as if her bed had not been slept in at all! She rolled to her feet, heart pounding with dread. Maybe her roommate had spent the night in the lobby? Her roommate had done that once before when out partying until the wee hours of the morning, saying it was too much trouble to climb three flights of stairs. With trembling hands, the sophomore unlocked the door and wrenched it open in search of her roommate. The unmistakable, faintly metallic scent of blood smashed into her nostrils as the door swung open. That was her only warning before her shocked eyes saw blood spattered all over the walls and floor of the third-floor hallway. She screamed in terror, leaping backward away from the partially decapitated body of her roommate, which lay dead at her feet. Her throat was slit from end to end and blood pooled under her dead body. The nails on her outstretched hand were torn and splintered where they had scratched desperately at the wooden door. A black shadow lay across her roommate’s body. She looked up in a daze, her gaze following the black shadow to its source. Embedded in the window frame near the entrance to the staircase was a bloodstained hatchet, outlined in the light of the rising sun.
    Otosan likes this.
  13. Gummybear

    Gummybear Bad Ranger

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Character Name: Gummybear
    Race: Asmodian
    Title: A Bad Vacation
    My Story:
    Makoy travels from Manila to the province of Pulupandan to visit and bring back his girlfriend, Sonia, who is pregnant with their child. When Fely, Sonia's mother, always ruin Makoy's attempts to see or go near her, Sonia's father, Nestor, and their helper, Bart, befriends Makoy. When Makoy and Nestor prepare things for Sonia's birthday, Bart requests them to buy and cook a pig from his cousin Ringo, for surely they will have a discount. Makoy and Nestor go to the marketplace, where they are stunned by Ringo's kids. Ringo appears and apologizes, but can't offer a discount after an exchange of words. When Ringo leaves, Kulot, one of Ringo's sons (who knows Sonia is pregnant), sells Makoy and Nestor a young pig for a cheap price. Nestor hesitates, but Makoy agrees and buys it. Returning home, Nestor tells Fely that Makoy should spend the night in their home, which Fely and Sonia disagree. After dinner, when everybody's asleep, Makoy and Nestor hear strange and familiar noises from the forest. Reminded of the aswang tales he heard before, Nestor tells Makoy to secure the house. The pig they bought from the market transforms into Kulot and then transforms into an aswang, who quietly enters Sonia's room to get the baby inside her womb. Makoy and Nestor are alarmed when they hear Sonia's panicked shouting. Nestor enters the room, and Makoy grabs a huge furniture fork to stab and kill Kulot. Bart, shocked to see his nephew to be an aswang, is aggressively attacked by Makoy, who mistakes him as an aswang on his family. In the forest, Ringo's kids: Hilda, Kulas, Mutya, and Cedric wait for Kulot's return with the baby. But as they wait impatiently, Ringo appears and tells them he is tired of hiding from one province to another because of them exposing themselves as aswangs. Ringo appears infront of the house, accompanied by his kids, and asks Makoy and Nestor where Kulot is. Seeing the lifeless body of his own son, the whole family angrily transform into tiktiks. Makoy then takes Bart hostage, and asks him to choose a side. Ringo and his family give chase as Makoy and Bart ride a jeepney into the forest. As the chase is happening, Ringo's family proved to be more powerful and agile but still cannot catch up to the fast-moving jeepney. Makoy and Bart stops at a security checkpoint. Makoy tells the captain, Regalado, that people are chasing them. Regalado orders his men to check but can't find anything. Ringo and his family appears, now back in normal form, claiming that Makoy took Bart hostage.

    As Regalado's men point their guns at Makoy, Ringo and his family start to attack them. Ringo kills Regalado and his men as soon as Makoy and Bart find a truck with a gun inside. Starting the engine, a chase again ensues. As the truck speed its way through the forest, Kulas tries to block them but is killed when the truck rams him in a tree, and explodes. Returning to the house, Nestor has already prepared molotovs and throws it into Ringo, slowing them down. Makoy and Bart safely enters the house again. The humans barricade themselves in the house, putting salt and garlic in every corner, windows, and doors. Soon after, Rex and his son, Abel, invited visitors to Sonia's birthday, arrives. Nestor tells them to get inside, but Rex is killed by Ringo, and Makoy only manages to save Abel. Ringo sends Hilda and Cedric to search for openings outside the house and with luck, they find a window unbarricaded. Meanwhile, Sonia is in her labor and only hours to spare her child. Hilda and Cedric enter the house and attacks Sonia. Fely attacks Cedric but is killed. Nestor, enraged, kills Cedric by slitting his throat. Fely tells Nestor her final words and advises him to not allow Makoy marry their daughter. Meanwhile, Hilda attacks Sonia but is killed by Makoy after. Bart now shows signs of transformation, and Makoy proves them he is right all along, Bart is an aswang. But Bart defends that he was bitten by Hilda in the woods on the way to the checkpoint. Sonia is about to deliver her baby when a horde of people, lead by Ringo's father, Tatang, arrives. Ringo apologizes to his father for his kids' deaths but Tatang kills him too. Now Ringo is dead, Tatang leads the army. He releases a bird from his mouth and transforms all of his army into Tiktiks. Bart chooses to stay behind in order to buy time for Makoy, Sonia, Abel, and Nestor to escape.

    The Tiktiks start the assault in the house. Bart manages to kill some of them using molotovs but when he is overwhelmed, decides to blow up the house instead, incinerating himself and most of the Tiktiks. Makoy enters a sari-sari store and confronts the store owner, Pacing. Pacing tells them she has a business with salt farming which can aid them on their final fight. Makoy helps Sonia deliver the baby while Nestor crafts the weapons they will use. Sonia is sucessful on delivering the baby, but the cry of the baby attracts Tatang who is searching the house. Nestor and Makoy decide to stay and fight them, while Sonia, Pacing, and Abel escape. But Abel, wanting to avenge his father's death, joins Makoy and Nestor. Tatang orders the Tiktiks to attack. After a long brutal fight, Makoy and Nestor narrowly defeat the Tiktiks using a whip, a pesticide with salt, and garlic. Tatang then transforms into a demonic winged creature and grabs the baby. But Sonia throws salt in the air which wounds the demon helping Makoy deliver his final whip onto the creature and kills it. Makoy and the rest of the surviving people rest and celebrate as the dawn has begun.
    Otosan and seantex like this.
  14. venTR

    venTR New Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Character name:Ichirooo
    Title:My Funeral

    They are praying for my soul. I do not know how I came to be lying here in this box. I am too young to die. Someone must be the responsible for my death. It is my funeral, and the reverent all are gathered here like on the Sabat. Surely, not the priest. He can’t be here.And also my bitch enemy Maria. I told my best friend she owed me satisfaction for sowing disorder through the village and right next to my very own home. Entertaining all hours of the night, corrupting the young with drink and shovel board. I am glad I threw the game pieces in the fire. I saved their souls when I did that.

    But I hear her voice. What? What is she saying? She lies like the witch she is. She must be the Devil’s concubine, her voice rings with such sincerity.

    I long to shout, “She speaks falsehoods! Lies sprout from her mouth like Satan’s serpents.” This is a house of the Lord, she has no power here, though, does she?

    She is saying we became friends: that I asked forgiveness of her and she gave it freely.

    Why is she saying these things? Is she covering for some deadly sin? Could she have harmed me to cause my present condition? I would not doubt the truth of that. And now, my dearest, my Pedro, agrees with her. He says I always tried to follow the Lord’s guidance, through prayer and fasting, and that if I did any evil, such as throwing the shovel game pieces in the fire,

    Why it was naught that my own hand performed, but rather, my hand was guided by the Devil’s temptation.

    My memory of the last weeks has faded into a gray fog. I do not comprehend why everyone is talking with such judgment about me. They whisper falsehoods as if they were evil serpents in Eden itself, implying that I took my life with my own hand. I would never do such a thing. Have they all been seduced by Satan?

    I address my attention to my task. I must recall recent events or I shall burst from fear.

    And now I remember. I did feel badly about my evilness. I spoke ill to Maria. And after fasting and prayer, when I came to my senses once more, I did beg her forgiveness, and she did give it to me. My dear, sweet Pedro. He has always defended me against the evil in the world. Only Pedro understands the torment I go through.

    They come to me now, one after the other looking down at my face and blessing me.

    Here is Pedro. My dear, dear husband. He bends down towards me. When I see his face, I recall my last words to him.

    “You lie with Satan too!” I had shouted. “You cannot deny the way you look at Maria. How many times have you bedded her?

    My remorse paralyzes me now.

    “Forgive my harsh words, Pedro,” I say.

    He must hear me because he leans in close, touches my throat and I realize everything that happened and who is responsibleI remember seeing the small scissors in his hand and his eyes—small and cruel—and how the vein on his right temple throbbed and how he shouted, “Shut your Godforsaken mouth!” I remember him stabbing the scissors into my neck and the blood, the blood!

    My dear Pedro kisses my forehead, lowers the lid.

    I am left alone in the dark.
    Otosan likes this.
  15. tertius

    tertius Banned

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Character name: Bulukan
    Title: whisper
    I spent my teenage years living in the Highlands of Scotland, in a little white cottage by the sea on the North East coast. My mother still lives there and has a strong spiritual connection to this house. Many people have commented on the "welcoming" and "peaceful" presence of the house. However, at times when my mother has been away, creepy things have happened.

    One night in Autumn of 2007, I think, my mother and my younger sister had to take a trip to Aberdeen for a night or two, leaving me (17) at home with my other younger sister (12) and our granny who came to visit to keep us company. My sister was upstairs in her room, my granny had gone to bed, and I was in the living room watching TV.

    At around 9 or 10 p.m., I could hear my little sister sobbing out in the hallway. I went to investigate, but she wasn't there. Thinking the sobbing voice must have actually come from up in her room (directly above the living room), I yelled her name up the stairs. I heard her open her bedroom door and call back in a cheerful voice, "Yeah?" This startled me because I was expecting her to come out of her room crying about something or other. I asked if she was alright because I thought I heard her crying, but she just said that she was fine and I decided I must have imagined it.

    Soon after (five minutes later?) she came bounding down the stairs and told me she could hear a little girl giggling in her room. I told her about the crying in the hallway. We each huddled together on the couch under duvets with our dog and turned the TV off. Every 30 seconds or so, we heard little footsteps run past the couch and a little girl voice giggling, going from left to right, then right to left.

    There was no sinister feeling. It felt like a playful interaction, but we were still very scared, and the dog was reacting to the sounds by looking, but no growling or barking from her. The sounds eventually stopped and we decided to go to bed.

    The next day, my sister told me she heard the voice again in her room, several times, this time accompanied by a man. Each time they would say, "Ready... steady... GO!" like they were playing a game together. That night took me back to around four years earlier, when I was 13 years old. My bedroom at the time was the same one my sister had been in that night. I was sitting up in bed reading a book at around 11 p.m. when all of a sudden I heard a young woman's voice whisper right in my ear, "Die."

    The light was on and my door was closed. I was completely alone in that room. Yet she was so close I could feel her breath in my ear.
    Otosan likes this.
  16. ladyslayerz

    ladyslayerz 기분이 나쁘다

    Oct 21, 2014
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    napanood ka yan ah xd ^_^
    alejandro likes this.
  17. bern

    bern Banned

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Character Name: Ber
    Race: Ely
    Title: Traumatic Memory

    My story happened in 2006 in indramayu, Indonesia, an old town no one cares about, no renovation, all the buildings are very old. During that year I got to travel a lot and spend some time and work abroad. It was great.

    During that time I met a lot of people and I fell in love with someone with whom I saw more countries across Europe. I wanted to try something with that guy to see if it was going to work with him, because we didn't have much in common and we often disagreed with each other.

    We were looking for a small apartment in indramayu in September, 2006. He was going to come on the 1 September, and I found a place for us on 31 August. The apartment was messy, still full of furniture. I got into arguments with the agency's lady and I called the mother of the previous owner. She told to take whatever I wanted and throw the rest away. I was quite surprised. I think I did throw everything away.

    The same night, the electricity went out. I called a neighbour for help. He couldn't help me, but he told me I could stay in his apartement for the evening since it was pitch black in my small apartment. That guy told me that the owner didn't have much luck with my apartment; he said that no one stayed, that everybody left after a few months.

    The next day, everything was ready for him. We spent exactly one month together and things didn't go well, He had to go back for his business and I just told him not to come back, that we were done. I know it was the easy way.

    From that moment, weird things began to happen. The next day, I got with a little burn on my back. I wasn't worried or anything, but I checked and saw three small scratches. I didn't think about it anymore. A few days passed by. Another night, I was in bed and not sleeping yet, and I heard something crashing to the floor. I went to check and the mirror in the bathroom was broken on the ground. Ok, again I didn't think anything special about it.

    The next day, I got up with another three scratches. I didn't feel good about it. I just found that very weird and it shouldn't have happened. I was living alone and I couldn't do that to myself. I got scared at night and pushed my bed against the wall. (I was imagining some hand was coming from there!) I tucked the little space still there between the bed and the wall with a blanket.

    The next day, I was really in shock. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had three more scratches from my top shoulders to the bottom of my back, and they were perfect scratches without any stop. They were burning like hell, really painful. I thought that there was something in that apartment that didn't want me to stay. I felt that if stayed one more day, something really bad was going to happen.

    That same day, I packed my stuff and left. I didn't even tell the owner. I just left a letter saying that I couldn't stay any. And that was it. I didn't tell my parents why I came back home, and I didn't tell anyone about what happened. But when I think about it, it gives me the chills. Today I live in another town with my friend and my daughter.
    Otosan likes this.
  18. waacky1234

    waacky1234 Getting there

    Aug 19, 2014
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    In Your Dreams
    Character Name: Snoopy
    Race: Elyos
    Server: Siel
    Title: The Night While Watching Horror Movies
    - One night. There was a boy that really love to watch horror movies and read Horror stories. He watched many movies, like "Evil Dead" , "Paranormal Activities" ,When he finish to watch some movies, he always tell some story about the movie he watched to his friends, in the night he spoken that stories to his friends, when he was going home around 10pm-11pm, he seems to be little confused, scared to something while walking home. When he got home, he opened his T.V. and Player to watch some movie, then suddenly, that night. While watching some movie, "You're Next" ,around 2:30am He heard something wreck outside their house, He checked it, to make sure if its someone stealing something or just nothing or nothing or etc. He saw something terrible, A dead cat! He got scared, but little confused about it, so he just ignore it and take a smoke. While smoking outside, He notice someone walk pass to their dining table inside their house, going to the bathroom, he noticed that because, they have an aquarium inside the house, facing the window, and of course, that boy is standing in front of the window while smoking, that's why he saw something that pass the table. He got scared because, he thinks that's his grandmother going to the bathroom. So he throw his cigarette and get inside. And surprisingly. He saw he's grandmother still sleeping in the other bedroom. after that, he texted some of he's friend and tell what he saw, while taking another cigarette. He can't focused in what he's doing because, He's noticing someone staring at him in the bathroom, but still he ignored it, when he was done smoking, he smell something like burning flesh or something, around 3:00am he headed to his room to watch again, but when he opened the door, he saw something STANDING in FRONT OF HIM! A black tall man, without face! He screaaaamed! RUN! OPEN and SLAMMED the door, and never come back home till the sun rises. After that happened, he can't barely sleep in his bedroom, and he stop watching horror movies. In the morning, He tell it to his grandmother, and after that, they call a priest, to take care of if, to make that THING go and be gone forever.

    - This story happened in August 18, 2012 / 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    Otosan, Wangfei, jhaylhen_04 and 2 others like this.
  19. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Your entry is copied from this website http://www.wattpad.com/37829975-never-again/page/3

    Your entry is marked invalid

    Your entry is copied from this website - http://www.jamesmdeem.com/stories.ghost1.html

    Your entry is marked invalid.

    Nope. You have no creativity at all and your story is copied from this website - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagpag:_Siyam_na_Buhay
    Please read my rules.

    Plagiarism - http://paranormal.about.com/od/poltergeists/fl/Friends-Poltergeist-Kept-Me-Awake.htm

    Entry is Invalid. Your pretty good at editing something from someone else's work and claiming its yours. Your a disappointment.


    I appreciate your effort on modifying something from the internet and claiming its yours. Sadly though, your entry is marked invalid. Read my rules please.

    Entry is invalid. - http://americanfolklore.net/folklore/2013/03/hatchet_man.html
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
  20. zeei

    zeei lkaashl.deviantart.com

    Apr 21, 2011
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    where light is dark

    The room the stranger woke up to is devoid of any light. A faint memory hours.. no, perhaps days ago, seems to linger, that despite the darkness of the room, he seems to have a mental map of an unseen hallway beyond.
    He then wondered how he was sleeping- was he standing? No.. He was hanged, the numbness on his wrists and the aching of his arms confirms that he had been so.. And for quite a while. He tries to move but the restraints on his wrists did not even budge. Struggling is futile. He then tried moving his legs and he did so but without touching anything but space he could not gauge the height from which he is hanged or the size of the room for that matter. In fact, he couldnt even tell amidst the darkness if his feet are there.

    Suddenly an eerie shriek so horrible frightened him out of his current thoughts. It came from the imaginary hallway.. Or so he thought. The acute cry, the hallway,the restraints, the feeling of dangling from his wrists, he again wondered for a moment why its all vaguely familiar to him. And then he heard it again, much louder- perhaps nearer this time. In an instant, like someone flip a switch, the room brightened.. His eyes blinking rapidly to cope with the blinding light that snap the darkness out. "I knew there was a hallway" the stranger said to himself as his eyes adjusted.. And at the end of that hallway is a circular red door draped in what look like plastic.

    He surveyed his surroundings and caught a glimpsed of an object but it disappeared beyond his peripheral vision. Instead his attention drew to the restraint on his left arm... Of course he wouldnt be able to budge.. Its metallic and its molded perfectly to fit his wrists, he cant even figure out how his hand fit through.
    What was strange was that the restraint itself is what was suspending him from the floor- and upon looking down he was naked. Beyond his knees he saw the pool of what look like blood and beyond that a hovering tray with, to his horror, what seemed to be his feet. Each scraped of skin and nails- and surgically cut from the heel!
    Panic surged through him like cold blood on his veins, chilling him from the inside. For the first time upon waking up he felt the desire and urgency to be free despite how dire the situation is. He tried to look behind him for his captor- a face to blame for the suffering he is in. A sudden sting pierced through the nape of his neck and he felt his body heating up. For the first time he tried to shout but he couldnt actually hear his voice- "did he cut off my ears too?!" No... He heard something earlier for sure. This strain of thought vanished as a figure loomed upon him from above. He wanted to scream. It.. Was floating and created no shadow that he didnt even noticed it hovering above his head. To his surprise it had a human like face- but upside down... Yet he wasnt sure which of its cube-like body is up or down. That it had four identical limbs that are neither arms or legs didnt help. One of which was needle like at the tip and what was what probably stung him earlier. It then hovered in front of him. It tried to imitate a smile by pinching the face it is wearing..
    at this, anger replaced panic, the cold blood now boiling hot. Like a reflex to his anger, it stabbed him with its needle limb, so fast, it was over before he could even blink. It leaned ever closer to him.. Eye to eye it was then that he realized that his face, like the feet below, was skinned too. He can see it in the eyes behind the creature's face.. The face he now realizes was his. There is no face to blame from the start. It then proceeds to remove its face mask in response to his realization. It was empty and all skin like the rest of its cube-like body except for what seemed to be a singular eye, so dark in contrast to the bright light illuminating the room, it mirrors what it sees. As if to further remind him of something, it threw his skinned face down to the pool of blood below.. The act made a reverbirating sound like a wet blanket to a puddle. In a burst of white flashbacks the stranger remembered everything leading up to this moment.. It all started several weeks ago.. He remebered the otherwise normal afternoon after school. The heavy rain as he was halfway home. He remembered looking at his reflection on the puddles that emerged from the shallow holes in the pavement, so sudden, like the clouds that brought the rain that gone by. He remembered seeing a sphere shaped object in one of those puddles, he looked at it for a while, mesmerized.. and then looked up, realizing what he was seeing was a reflection.
    A blinding light and then darkness. He remembered the torture and the pain. The creature then let out its shriek which snaps him back to the present. It was again wearing the mask it threw.. This time stained with glistening dark red blood. All the stranger could think of was... That he should have never woke up again. Then total darkness.

    *edited for grammar, also inserted some xfiles
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
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