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[Event]Sinister Minds - Halloween Horror Stories

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Carnage, Oct 13, 2014.

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  1. Cheyenne

    Cheyenne DropDeadGorgeous Forum Legend

    Mar 11, 2011
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    Depths of Hell
    Character Name: Yssabelle
    Race: Asmo
    Server: Siel
    Title: Possessed

    Way back 2006, Beth have this strange feeling that somebody has been watching her sleep, play and eat all day. Beth have been alone in the house for a couple of years since her siblings are not living with her. She has been playing all day and pause for a munch.

    When it strucks midnight, Beth always smell a burnt candles. Beth tells herself that it is just her Grandma and Grandpa visiting her at those hours. It's quite creepy since she is alone.

    One midnight, the TV just turned on by itself and some burnt candles all over the place. It scares the shit of her. Beth just says, "Please stop it, its not funny anymore."

    The next day, same routine and same thing she does. Again, during midnight, these burnt candles and dried flowers, then Beth prayed again, "Please stop! I'm scared!" A cold wind just past through her like they are leaving the house. For several days, never felt those candles and flowers anymore.

    Her Dad arrived from a trip and brought some candies and chocolates. Since her dad arrived, Beth already have a companion at home but they never felt those icky feeling about ghosts at home.

    On the 24th of October, Beth niece's birthday. They all went to her brother's house for the celebration. She had some shots. Suddenly, she went to the toilet then this horror happened.

    Anne asked Beth, "Where are you going?"

    She saw Beth's eyes turned red when she looked at her saying, "I am going home, I am tired and drunk."

    Anne just didn't mind what she saw thinking it may have just been an itchy eyes which she usually have. She saw Beth walking home.

    Next thing happened, Beth arrived home and banged the door so hard and keeps saying, "Open the door! Open the door" in a loud deep voice.

    Zie, her sister, opened the door and said, "what the hell is wrong with you?"

    Then she attacked Zie. She went on top of Zie and choked her until her breath runs out. Her dad arrived with his brother John, who has been trying to open the door but it won't open. It's like it was stucked or something is blocking it.

    Her dad keeps saying, "Stop Beth! Stop! What the hell are you doing to your sister?"

    Beth turned her head saying, "I'm gonna killer her!" "She is nothing but a selfless bitch!"

    Her brother John was able to open the door after a few minutes. Her dad and brother ran towards her trying to stop her. Before they were able to get near them, Beth had already threw them out like she was using magic.

    Her dad and brother were thrown away from a magical wind which they never knew where it came from.

    Then Anne arrived bringing a bucket of water saying, "This will get her senses back!" "Pour this water all over her." I think she is possessed or something." Anne has his third eye thing which she never told us about until that day.

    After her Dad poured the water, Beth fainted.

    Her dad brought her to her room so she can sleep but still showering her with water.

    After a few hours, Beth awaken asking, "what happened? Why I am all wet?"

    Her dad told her about what happened and she was shocked that she tried to kill her sister whom she loved so much.

    After a few days, they went to a folk healer because they are thinking of someone from the other world may have possessed her. The folk healer said, "He is a man who has been following you since you were a kid. He loves you and wants you to go with him in his kingdom as her Queen."

    So the folk healer did some chanting so that bad spirit or whatever that is won't be able to come near Beth again. Then Anne said, "When you got out of the toilet that night, I saw a black shadow who keeps following you." "I just thought it was nothing but something happened that night".

    After they went to the folk healer, Anne never seen that black shadow following Beth ever again up until now.

    - This is based on a true story. Names were changes tho :D
    ladyslayerz likes this.
  2. Alex

    Alex Expert

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Wait what my entry are deleted?:O
  3. flicker21

    flicker21 New Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Character name: Uzidra
    Server: Siel
    Race: Elyos
    Title: The Hotel

    In the spring of 2009, I bought a hotel and converted into a house for my family. My brother compared it to the Overlook Hotel in The Shining but that didn't spook me at all.
    We bought our ten bedroom country house in North Luzon in 2011. Originally built as a hunting lodge, it had since been a private home and more recently an up-market hotel. It took several months to convert it into something resembling a family home and I spent several nights in the building on my own after a day of stripping out walls, tiles and hotel furnishings. My brother Steve visited one day and as we walked along the west wing corridor he pointed out the similarity to the Overlook Hotel in the shining. I just ignored the comment. It didn’t spook me at all.

    We moved in during the Spring of 2009 and the house seemed warm and homely if not a little large for the five of us; me, my wife and our three kids. Possibly the least scary room of all was the toilet in the front hallway. Narrow, wood-panelled with a small window letting in light, it was by far my favourite toilet of the seven we had to choose from. I spent many happy hours sitting there in the mornings, enjoying a peaceful dump and a read. I could almost say it was my favourite room in the whole house. And then it happened.

    I’d been suffering from loose stools for months. I was never off the toilet. The doctor thought it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome (it later turned out to be lactose intolerance, but that’s not really important). One day things were so bad I’d bunged myself up with Imodium. An overdose on reflection. I was also suffering from an anal fissure (a tear in my arse) that caused incredible pain if I so much as farted. (At the time I thought it was piles, but that’s not really relevant either). I thought a few days without passing a stool would do me good. I wasn’t thinking ahead. Sooner or later I was going to pay the price.

    The stool, when it eventually arrived, was like a sack of hardened cement weighing me down. I wasn’t sitting on an elephant, I was sitting on a stegosaurus. I went into that bathroom like a condemned man. I’d never felt fear like it. I sat down, breathed deeply, and waited for the movement to begin. It came in contractions, every time the pain getting worse. I breathed as deeply as I could, grasped the radiator, sweat ran down my face, I groaned and I grimaced. It was like shitting a roll of red hot barbed wire, except there’d be more give in a roll of barbed wire. And then, after ten minutes or so, it got stuck. The pain was at its height, and it got stuck. It wouldn’t shift, backwards or forwards. I rocked back and forth trying to hypnotise myself, trying to suppress the agony. I’d never known pain like it. I had visions of elvis. I knew that if I didn’t bleed to death, my heart would pack in any second. I thought about calling to my wife in the kitchen to say goodbye. I thought how ironic it was me, a man who made a living out of toilet humour, dying on the toilet. I really thought that was it.

    The pain reached a hideous crescendo, and I felt my bumhole rending itself in twain. Then I reached the watershed. The girth of the stool began to reduce. As the log slid slowly out the pain subsided. The feeling of relief, the joy to be alive, was immense. I was euphoric. Before wiping what remained of my arse I turned to look at the stool. It looked like a rusting German bomb unearthed on a building site. Like the fortunate family whose roof it might have fallen through, I was lucky to be alive.

    The next day I went to the doctors and bent over while he stuck a telescope up my ringpiece. He diagnosed the anal fissure and gave me some ointment for it. Since then I’ve been fine. But that room has never felt the same. The ghost of that giant stool haunts it to this day.
  4. Alex

    Alex Expert

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Hello Deavea's!
    Character Name: Buffix
    Race: Asmodian
    Server: Lumiel
    Titels:John get up at one horroristic time!
    My story :
    One night our guy Johnny get up at 3 o'clock.He hear some whispers and packing from he's working room.He wanna check it but first he turn on the television because he need lights. No broadcast on television..so he hear "tsssk tsssssk". He get one knife to look better stats. He open realy realy slowly the working door's room.He already open it and the sounds are gone.Then he have to go back to bed room.He turn off the televizion.He gonna back to bed but saw that the clock still write 3 o'clock.
    -"What the hell?"-he do not know say anything only this.Then he go back to bed faster.He can sleep only one hour and again he hear the sounds.
    He turn on the television again.He go again to the working room.And open the door fast.
    One little girl voice say to him:
    -"Are you scarred Johnny??"
    -"No No No No!"-yelling John
    -"Can you play whit me?"
    -"What??? NO!"-The working room's window chrash..one teddy bear chrashed it.
    -"And now??"
    -"NOOO!!!!"-shouts John..At that moment he said it.Some unkown force wall points.John feel much pain but do not say anything for this.
    He wanna shouts for some help but do not know make it.Like from scared he frozed.
    The girl show her horroristic body but like he dead on car accident.She's face it was covered on blood and she got evil smile.
    She wanna tell to Johnny he die now only see he's face whitout make anything.Johnny more frightened from this.
    She released John a bit.-"I always want one good friend"-say the girl.
    -"But im a real guy i have my obligations, i have work i dont know always play whit you!"
    When she hear this, she again force John to wall and say to him whit a nervous tone: "I can kill you later we know play together!"
    "NO PLEASE Dont kill me!"-Said John. The girl gets more nervous. -"Too easy to pleads for your life,why you dont want speak whit me if you live???"
    John very scared.His heart was beating as if to fall.The girl grabbed John's hair and pulled through in the corridor.
    -"I wanna show you something.".Say the girl and go to basement.At that moment as they reached John see the sign of the evil.
    -"What is this?"-Said John. He wanna like run as roadrunner or faster but the girl still restrained him.
    The girl build fires and started say something in Latin.It appeared some spell or curse.John learn about this he found its one curse.
    The fire has become increasingly.And overlaid Johnny's body.John died by unknown fire.
    The police found him in his bed...

    Thanks i try my best :) ~-~ *-*
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
    Segref and cafeyy like this.
  5. Argel

    Argel Proficient

    Sep 23, 2013
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    Red Night
    Character Name : Elementor
    Race : Asmodian
    Server : Siel
    Title : The Adventure of Pedro Penduko

    High school is finally over for Pedro (Matt Evans), and with it, he is about to leave Tulay Buhangin for college. Pedro and Lola Maria (Gloria Romero) found their way to his Lolo Pedro's boarding house at the University Belt, where Pedro is hoping to lead a normal life as a normal student. Except that, a normal life is not really an option for Pedro.
    In the first place, Lolo Pablo (Cris Daluz) is not your average grandfather – he gets visions of spirits. And his latest vision is a frightening one – the demon Kalagua has escaped from her prison and is determined to find the chosen Engkantao - a half-human, half engkanto hybrid - whose power can bring her to Floreshka. Once in Floreshka, he intends to destroy the kingdom and all engkantos protecting the human race.
    In Pedro's arrival, he experienced culture shock. He was amazed by the things in the city. Then, Lola Maria was captured by an unknown man with an evil spirit within him, Pedro then rescued her using his new powers. This incident happened in Cubao,Quezon City. In the other hand, a different accident happened in Makati City. It was in a hotel, where Kalagua put an evil spirit on a photographer and one of the Engkantaos, Josef, helped stop the evil spirit. Another incident took place in Tondo, Manila, where an evil monster came out of the garbage dump, and attacked the people. Marie, an Engkantao, was there to help. In Monumento, Caloocan City, Dianne, also an Engkantao, fought the statues, that were brought alive by Kalagua. Also another incident happened in Luneta Grandstand, Manila, when a group of criminals captured people. The fifth Engkantao, Edward, helped them. Quezon City Memorial Circle, is where the last incident happened. Moy, the last Engkantao, used his powers to kill the snakes, that were attacking the people. These incidents happened in the same time, but different places. Those places, traced together, forms a Star of David shape, the symbol of the chosen Engkantaos. After the attacks, Kalagua, tries to find the chosen Engkantao, through the body of Dr. Eva. Will banding together help the young heroes.
    Just right when they came back from Kalalawdan, Pantas takes on a revenge on the Penduko family. Pantas stabs Juan, who later died. In return, Pedro made Pantas swallow the last stone of his mutya, that made him explode to death. Pedro, then decided to go to Floreshka to see Hiyas agrees to get married to the Napoleon in order to save her life and her soul from the curse of the black mutya In the other hand, Haddi and Kasimiro plans on taking Hiyas and Napoleon to Tarusay, where they can be alone and learn to love each other. Not knowing by anyone, Kasimiro and Isidra are planning something on the day of Hiyas and Napoleon's wedding. Pedro, however, tries to stop the wedding by going to Tarusay. Haddi, therefore decided to make the wedding earlier and asked both Floreshkan and Dalaketnon armies to capture Pedro and put him in jail, so the wedding will not be resumed. Maalindog and Marikit heard the conversation of Kasimiro and Isidra, but they got caught, so Maalindog turned into a sunflower. Marikit, however, escaped and helped Pedro get out of the jail and tell the Haddi that Kasimiro and Isidra's plan on capturing Floreshka. In the beginning of the wedding, Kasimiro decided to leave and let Isidra takes care of the wedding. In the middle of the ceremony, she attacked Hiyas, but Haddi got in the way, that lead to his death. The Floreshkans fought back to the Dalaketnons, and turned into war. A revelation was revealed, when Juan (who died earlier in the story), came back, but not as a human but a Floreshkan. Pedro was shocked when he saw his father. But Bukang Liwayway explained that her and Haddi went into an agreement that Juan's body will be killed but his soul will be alive and be a Floreshkan. As the war goes on, Isidra is killed by Napoleon using the punyal, Pedro and Hiyas goes back to Tulay-buhangin and there they faced the different creatures that Pedro once fought and Kasimiro follows them. He then attacks Pedro and Hiyas but Bukang Liwayway, Juan, and Napoleon comes in. Also they got attack by Kasimiro. Pedro then stabs Kasimiro using the punyal, that Napoleon used to kill Isidra, and dies. In the end, the Dalaketnons lost, Napoleon went to the Floreshkans, Bukang Liwayway became the queen of Floreshka. Being the queen, Bukang Liwayway abonished the rule that an encantada/encantado cannot fall in love with a human. Pedro graduated high school and decides to live as a normal person. Hiyas, in the other hand, asked Bukang Liwayway if she could be a human and live with Pedro in Manila, where he would study college. But at the end Pedro hears an old man calling for him...
  6. uchiha12

    uchiha12 Getting there

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Character Name: Kirlto
    Race: elyos
    Server: Siel
    Title: Nightmare of a Journalist
    The story is all about the journalist finding what happened in the lab 10 yrs ago including his father. he is appointed to an invetigative in a old mansion with a laboratory inside. In jan 19, 1998 an accident happend in a masion with a laboratory inside all scientist and experamentator are all lost and some of scientist saw died in that mansion and all journalist taking the expedition and taking impormation in what happened in that mansion are also lost and never seen again.Bob is a journalist appointed in that mansion to take some impormation in that mansion. Bob didnt know about that mansion he didnt know about what happened in that mansion ten yrs ago
    the mansion is need the under the mountain and it is so creepy there, the journalist bring his all gadget like Camera,Cellphone,battery,Paper and Pencils, ETC. when bob saw the mansion he feel scared because it is very abandoned old house. he is riding in his car and the door automatically open like someoneghost open it. Bob feel scared. when Bob went inside the garage of the mansion the door automatically close. Bob realize that someone operating the security system inside and he saw that he is coming. but when he is walking he saw in the security system near at the garage that no one inside in that tent and he feel nervous and shock, the strong wind blown to him and he feel cold because of it. while he is walking he saw and entrance near at the backyard and when he tried to open it luckly its open. When he open the door he saw a bloody mess and a bloody body of a dead scientist he feel shock and nervous because of it. He Record what he saw with his camcorder and while walking inside the mansion he hear a strange noise. He try to go inside that room, inside that room he saw a flowing blood in his shoes and a chop body of dead scientist. and he hear again a noise near at the locker. He open try to open the locker and when he open it he saw a girl crying and looks like she is very scared He approached the woman and asked her why she is distraught. woman hugged him and wept said. "Beware of them they have no mercy". Bob was astonished woman said.he asked the woman " who are they ". you cant able to fight with them they dont have mercy and they cant kill in with in a second make ur body in pcs im not done yet i will continue this later :D
  7. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Your story is too short and no creativity at all. Please read my rule.
  8. Alex

    Alex Expert

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I try to edit it more long..
    jhaylhen_04 likes this.
  9. jhaylhen_04

    jhaylhen_04 New Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    Character Name: Android
    Race: Elyos
    Server: Siel
    Title: The Call Of Demon
    This happened seven months ago. It all started with the fact that for my birthday someone brought a DVD with the movie "Jeepers Creepers" (and we love this movie) and, of course, we decided to watch it. But instead the movie, on the screen was some nonsense: it showed a room, all covered in blood, a lot of blood on walls, ceiling, and floors. There was no furniture in the room. Only one large mirror was hanging on the wall (you know, a vintage mirror with different flourishes and patterns). Strangely, the mirror was not splattered with blood. There was very low light in that room and that is why we didn’t immediately notice two things: on one of the walls it was written in blood "You will be dead" and in the mirror there was a reflection of a handsome man, although the room was empty. That lasted for about five minutes. Nothing was happening. We were about to turn off the TV, when suddenly this man raised his hand and said, almost inaudibly, "Mira." I need to let you know that there were four of us there: Mira, Judy, Alex and Peter . Why am I using past tense? Because they all died. All but me. But I know it is coming for me too. I'm sure ...

    But let’s get back to that damn evening. Mira got very scared, and we began laughing and reassuring her, saying that it was all a silly coincidence and that she should forget about it. Mira has always been interested in mysticism and was sure that it was not "a silly coincidence” and that something bad was supposed to happen. She said she wanted to go home. We never saw her after that… Only three days later they found her body floating in the river. But the police said that it did not look like murder. We were all stunned. Mira would never commit suicide.

    It's been two weeks since that terrible day. I was cleaning in my room and I found this DVD in a closet. I decided to watch it again. Everything was the same, but now the man uttered the name "Alex." I started to panic. I ran to the phone, dialed Alex’s number and told him to immediately come to my house. When Alex came, I told him about what I saw a half hour ago. But Alex said that I was still under the impression of everything that had happened recently and it was all in my head. He said that he would go home and on the way will throw this movie in the nearest garbage can. He told me to stay home and go about my day. And he left.

    Four days later I received a call from Peter who told me that Alex was gone. He was found hanged in his living room. At the same time he had cuts on his wrists. But the police did not find any traces of a murder. To them it looked like suicide. At his funeral, I heard his aunt (and Alex lived without his parents) said that in the DVD-player they found a strange disc, and there was a man in that video who said quietly, "Judy" ... I looked at Judy and I saw how she got all pale. We decided to go home together.

    As we walked down the street, we had the following dialogue:

    - I think it is all about the disk. - Judy said.

    - Where is this coming from?!

    - After the death of Alex I hear someone calling my name. And in my dreams I see that man, he calls for me. He tells me that I will like it here, that my friends and my parents are waiting for me and…

    - You mean he pushes you to commit suicide?! - I interrupted her. - But it's silly, it's just a coincidence! - Although I did not believe in it myself.

    But Judy as if read my mind and she said:

    - Do not try to calm me down, Kate. You understand everything pretty well. You heard what Alex’s aunt said. He'll still take me to him. Thank you for everything ...

    This was our last meeting. It's been three weeks since the death of Judy. All these days I’ve lived in fear, knowing that soon he will come for me. One evening I was sitting watching TV and suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the number. Peter. Shiver ran down my spine but I decided to pick up the phone.

    - Peter?

    - I watched that disc again. He said my name. He's waiting for me. Now I realize that Mira, Alex and Judy committed suicide! It was not murder. Now he's coming for me. He is the devil. He will take our souls. We will all die ... – I heard short beeps.

    That’s it. I realized that he will not rest until he kills us all. Then I gathered some courage and ran to Peter’s place. He was nowhere to be found. Only in his room the TV was working, and on the screen there was that man. Rather, the devil. I saw those cold, evil eyes, he was looking at me. I ran home. Peter’s body was found in the woods. It was disfigured beyond recognition.

    I'm scared...

    It’s been three month since we first watched that DVD. I'm not afraid anymore, I do not care. The last two days I’ve been hearing my name. At night, I see those cold eyes, that devil in human form. He is calling for me..
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  10. Mic

    Mic New Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Davao City
    Character Name: Mic
    Server: Siel
    Race: Elyos
    Title: MALIGNO "TIKBALANG" (Half Horse, Half Human)


    SOMETIMES IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN, I HAD A DREAM. i DREAMED that my sister Juliana is asking a help from me because she is being grabbed by a creature
    whose is like a horse and the body is that of a human . she keep on shouting asking for help. I immediately came for a rescue but to my surprised I cannot see who's grabbing her. I immediately use
    my knowledge in karate and kick the enemy which is invisible left and right but to my surprised I was able to hit my wife which she immediately wake me up because she said that I am suffering from
    "BANGUNGUT" (Nightmare) .

    I told my wife Auring what had happened in my dream. A year had pass and we visited our parents at Lucban, Quezon Province (Philippines). My wife and I was surprised because we saw my sister Juliana sick and cannot talk anymore but I know that she identified me because of tears that flow from her eyes. My mother told me that Juliana, my sister was lost more than 2 weaks after they find into the mystery forest of mt. banahao not in itself and old one say that my sister is taken by a "TIKBALANG" (Half Horse Half Human) and her spirit is courted by the said creature.

    and more than a year that they are suffering for what had happened to my sister.

    Immediately a flashback of my dream inculcate in my mind that what I have dreamed was not just a dream but true and happened in real life of my sister. My hair arouses while looking at my sister Juliana
    as I can see and feel that she was possessed by the what we called not like ours. She is out of herself. To my surprised she is afraid of something she is only the one can see.
    She said that he is there! he is there! and immediately my father get the broom and bit my sister as he(my father) is driving away something we cannot see a bad spirit according to the quack doctor.
    What is again surprising is that the quack doctor (ALBULARYO) who try to cure my sister is died while taking care of my sister and trying to cure her to back to normal.

    Medical doctors also surrendered that they cannot do nothing about my sister Juliana they cant even diagnose what the real cause of her being ill. and Other quack doctor (ALBULARYO) also say that the bad spirit who entered to my sister Juliana is super strong they all scared.

    After several years of suffering my sister died but to the belief of others my sister Juliana was taken away by the said "TIKBALANG" and her remain was replaced by a banana tree.

    The Tikbalang creature is demi-human,half-horse, half human. Its lower torso is part horse and the upper is human but the head is Horse, but more scary type as its eyes are red, and his arm and legs so long.

    A Tikbalang Will make itself appears to look like a friend or relative to lure them into the forest and devour them.

    Tikbalang nests in the forests of the Philippines, and is said that it would astray a traveler's way, making it go back to the same place over and over again.The Tikbalang's spell can be undone by turning your shirt inside-out or saying "padaan po or tabi po" meaning excuse me may I pass.

    Tikbalang also is believed to be angry Ghost of an aborted baby.

    According to people who witnessed its also called monstrous"Tikbalang". It smokes hugetobacco and eats leaves from 5-storey trees; and is said to be taking beautiful teenagers who pass by his home. They most likely live near rivers and humongous trees.

    When it rains in a sunny day, people here in the Philippines would say "There are Tikbalangs getting married".

  11. Terry1994

    Terry1994 New Member

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Character Name: Booomboom
    Race: Asmodian
    Server: Lumiel
    Title: Real Case
    Everything start with one movie on name "The Ring".I watch this movie with few friends everything was good.Movie was fun and scarry ofc util i want to go home.I start walking outside to my house and i walk maybe 2 minutes when one stranger start walking behinde me.He walked after me on evrywhere after 1 maybe 2 blocks i freak out i was sure that he is fallowing me.Of watched alot movies about spy's and evrything so i make few rounds on the streets wich i know i can escape but this guy was still behinde me i don't know why but he was just there so i don't have choice and make 2 rounds on the same street to be sure that he is following me and yes he was following me so i didn't have choice and start to run and i did it i lost him so i decide to stop and rest i was running for 3mintues i was so calm and relaxed until i saw him again.i stil wasn't close to my place so i decided to run few more blocks then to call the cops and wait to catch him.So i did it i run 3 blocks and call on the police they told me that they will come as soon as possible so i start to wait them to come.After 2min he showed again i was calm becouse i was sure that cops will come but for evry case i called them again and guess what they didn't have free car right now so i was alone there against him.I was sure that my Phisical shape isn't good enough to run the whole path to my home so i ask my self what can i do now ? Should i run or should i fight ?So i decide to run few more blocks and if he come again to attack him first my play was to don't give him a chance to strike first.So i run a little bit more sit for final rest and prepare my self for fight not long after i sit i saw him coming so i alredy know that i will have to fight.So i go to him ready to strike when suddenly i recognize him.He was just a drunk man who walks on the street i know that becouse he do that often.I ask him why he is walking after me so much time and then he told me that he just want to ask me do i have cigarette.I was so happy that he is not mass killer or just creepy guy who want to rob me or just want to fight.This was my scarry moment in my life fater this case i stop to watch horror movies when i'm not home :) and offcourse i learn something much more valuable don't judge for the book to her covers.So guys i hope this story was interesting and i hope you will appreciate her becouse this could happend on evry body and it's rly scary trust me.
    Sorry about my bad english but i'n my deffence i'm very very stupid boy :) so
    than you in advance and i hope you wont delete this storie becouse she is
    part of my life so i'm feling good shearing it with you guys.
  12. Visty

    Visty Brigade General Kalled

    Apr 8, 2013
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    Click Here
    Character Name: Veillle
    Race: Elyos
    Server: Siel
    Title:The Story by Ivan Garcia
    Eight more days before Halloween Day..wish my family will be complete again like last Halloween.
    Watta throw back the most scariest night of my life got inside of my head again, this whats happen. I'm studying at SMU High School Grade 8 Student our teacher ask us her student to make a project that has a connection with the theme Creepy Halloween and should be done by 2 individuals or by partner, so i ask my only friend is she wants to be my partner and her answer is YES !. It's the time we made our discussion we both agreed to make a book that was a different kind of story such as: "The Guy Standing on my Side", "My Toy", "The Sound", and the most Scariest is the "The Everlasting Road".. After 2 Weeks past it's the last night we are going to finish our last Story The Everlasting Road.. We begin it with a man who is walking alone beside the Cemetery.. While he walk strange things starts to happen like whispering, crying sound and feeling like someone is following him so his small hair in his arm starts to stand up and he starts be become cold like an ice... Ohhh look it's almost 12 mid night you should go home my friend said .. Watthe.. I really should go home i said ok will continue it tomorrow see ya. I'm rushing to go home but it's already late in the evening there is no rides now.. i need to walk or stay at my friends house but I'm to shy so i need to walk more or less 2 km. to get home but i need to pass by Cemetery and i am to scared so i planed to run as fast as i can when i get there and so that what i do.. while running i got to tired so i slow down until i didn't notice that I'm walking..suddenly i heard something that attacks my attention sounds like a crying and whispering person and my hair in my arms starts to stand straight and i started to get cold and realize that this happenings are all in the story that we are making that it's not finish yet so i start thinking what happen next.. i can't think what to do so ill just look back and seek where that sounds come from and then a not clear thing appear form a distance and it's looks white dress stained with a red i think i just saw a dead person that is standing so i ask, What are you doing here? but no answer so i started to get near to it and i saw that unexplainable face it's..it's..it's a Ghost..... I run so fast and i didn't see a car that is running i got bump in it i got so dizzy by that impact.. I woke up in the Hospital and i saw my Family there and started to ask what happen i just said that im running home cuz it's to late i didn't tell the truth cuz they don't believe me when i going to say it after that we go home and i said to my self finally im Home... and it's time to get some rest i sleep.... and It's November 01 the day of Halloween we celebrate go out with a scary costume knocking all neighbors door and saying Treat or Trick ... after that i got home and my my father told why we don't get a Family Picture yeah why not i said so we take a picture together wearing out scary suit and i look at the picture i saw a white dress deside me in the picture but there is nobody in my left side and i got shock cuz it's look the same what i saw in the Cemetery and i rush to call my friend about the story of the "The Everlasting Road" and she said it's finish now.. what (i said) yeah it's already done we just need to style it i ask him to go in my house with that Story... after 10 mins. she already in my house i quickly grab the note pages in her hand i read it and i slowly look at my back cuz thats what in the book... i saw the real face of the Ghost and i got shout............ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH until i got faint The End.....
    Sorry not good in Speaking and Spell English
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  13. Kiszlalats

    Kiszlalats New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    Character Name: Faild
    Race: Elyos
    Server: Siel
    Title: There was something about our new home...

    This is a story I have never told in print for fear that I would sound mad. It is the version of events as I remember them, so that the tale told by another member of my family might differ slightly in order or timing. But it is a true story, none the less. It happened, despite our collective reluctance to admit it, and my reluctance now both to tell it and to own it as mine. And before you ask, no, I don’t believe in ghosts. Only, as I say, this happened.

    I was 16 when, one June, my family moved to a lofty Victorian villa in the Midlands: ivy-strewn, hidden behind trees, high-ceilinged and replete with corridors. This sudden gift of space was not before time. When people asked how many siblings I had, I tended to chirp “we are too menny” à la Jude the Obscure, or “we are legion” à la biblical possession. Ours, in fact, was the perfect situation for a horror story: three girls of 16, 15 and nine, a boy of 11 and one of barely four.

    To be sure, our new house had a degree of notoriety. Local gossip held that it boasted three “presences”: a woman who stalked the ground floor, an elderly doctor forever racing up its stairs searching for a dying grandson and, in its upper reaches, the victim of an argument that had spilled over into murder. There was even what appeared to be the requisite bloodstain that could not be removed, since covered with carpet.

    The more credulous would not step inside it. We were not so naive. And yet, there was something unsettling about our new home, a personality, a sense that we were installing ourselves in a place already occupied. It never felt quite empty. Doors would shut of their own volition, footsteps would sound. It felt as if we were being watched, assessed.

    Very soon, this phoney-war period became the subject of nostalgia. For, when the house kicked off, it kicked off in epic style. Every night at 4am, someone – something – would tear up its stairs, rattling, then forcing open, the doors in its wake (all of which required proper turning and thrusting), until it reached my mother’s room, entering in a furious, door-slamming blast. Once – comically, but in ghastly, unequivocal fashion – it even seemed to relieve its excess energy with a few strokes on her rowing machine.

    This may sound like nothing, but I cannot tell you the uncanny monotony of its nightly repetitions. We refused to recognise it, of course, being sane, a family of atheists and, above all, British. One night, my furious doctor father, up book-writing in the early hours, bellowed: “Whoever’s charging up and down the stairs, will they stop?”

    His wife and children rallied indignant: “Well, it’s not bloody us.”

    One night, emboldened by drink, I roared: “Shut the ---- up” and it did, briefly, before recommencing with still more emphatic zeal. (There was a silver lining to this episode: my little sister, then nine, recently alluded to my big-sister bravery with the line: “Hannah shouts at ghosts.”)

    Back then, we didn’t use the G-word. In fact, we strove not to use any word at all – not to acknowledge our summer haunting, certainly not to discuss it. And so the house tried harder, with what, I imagine, would be referred to as classic poltergeist activity. We would return home to find the taps turned on full-force, requiring wrenching back into inaction. An oven, on the third floor, would have its rings switched to red hot, making the house’s already airless attics crackle dangerously with heat. After the second time it happened, we had it disconnected. It happened again. (And, believe me, as I write this, I too think it is mad.)

    Matters became worse. One night, the boarded-over fireplace in my room ripped open with a clamour. I wrenched my pillow over my ears, telling myself it must be a trapped bird. In the daylight, I investigated. Behind the fireplace, crammed up the chimney, were Victorian newspapers recording the house’s murder. I couldn’t read them.

    My mother started behaving oddly – pensive, distracted. We eldest and Nanny Williams, our beloved summer-holiday addition, interrogated her. Finally, she cracked. Waking in the night, she had seen a dead child. This is how she described it – not a ghost, but a dead child dressed in Victorian clothing, visible from the knees up. It had a certain logic: a child appearing to a mother. I became determined not to see any such thing. Sounds could be denied; but sights would be too appalling.

    But my mother was not the only person to be so affected. The house’s most oppressive room, overlooking the garden, we still do not venture into. It is colder than the rest of the house, now a repository for our old toys, which adds a certain Gothic element.

    Back then, however, my four-year-old brother occupied it. Like all youngest offspring, he was a golden child: charming, vivacious. That summer he changed: rendered quiet, hollow-eyed, with the air of a tiny old man. Asked why he was so exhausted as he sat yawning one morning, he answered: “Every night, it’s the same: the lady with the big bottom [a bustle? I wonder] and the two men fighting over my bed, then one man hurts the other and the lady screams.” From then on, he slept in my mother’s room.

    My grandmother bedded down there next, innocent of that summer’s events, then refused to ever again. My mother braved it to prove her wrong. Next morning, the room was locked. When we quizzed her, she refused to divulge what had happened, saying only that it was “something to do with time”. Somehow this was – and remains – the most horrifying thing I had ever heard.

    Still, the part of the narrative that brings most fear to the few friends in whom I’ve confided it is this. One bright August day, drinking tea in the kitchen, we elders – me, my sister, Nanny and mother – finally admitted that something was happening. We laughed and teased each other but, my God, it was a relief.

    Suddenly, a mirror sprang off the wall and shattered. On the back of its glass, in an old-fashioned script, the numbers 666 were repeatedly etched, along with the message: “I’m going to ------- kill you all.” I know you won’t believe this – I don’t believe it. But it happened.

    Like you, I am wary of ghost stories: their linear march and relentless building to a crescendo. This is a story with no denouement. Over time, a year or two, events gradually petered out. Again, I am told that this is standard form: ghosts (I can barely type the word) act up with newcomers, then they – and you – adjust. Plus, I like to think that Bettses are far more terrifying.

    Today, I love my parents’ house with its greenery and servants’ bells. It is our home. Yet still it has the capacity to act up. Our neighbour’s new cleaner recently informed him that she would not be returning, having seen a woman walk through a wall (our buildings were once joined). On another occasion, one brother’s girlfriend remarked that everything in her room had shaken at 4am. Was there some sort of quake?

    “Some sort of quake,” we replied.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  14. Hornett

    Hornett New Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Cool story :D
    Citlalli likes this.
  15. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    13th Circle of Hell
    i view this page EVERY day, and every day i find more and more non original stories, i mean copies, i look up all these online, it is easy to do, and im finding them on wikipedia, or about entertainment, and other websites, seriously this event is about WRITING a story, not copying one, OMEGAWEAPON is able to find all these easily online it takes me 30 secs to find any of these, 2 from fb too.....
    It's about WRITING a story, stealing someone else's work shows you are either lazy or uncreative. Be creative, write a scary story, it isn't as hard as you may think, after the first paragraph or even the first line it all flows naturally, the hardest part of any story is the first line. Come on you can do it.
    waacky1234, Citlalli and zeei like this.
  16. pirante123

    pirante123 New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Character Name: Ezsin
    Race: Asmodian
    Server: Siel
    Title: My Invisible Friend
    About a week ago my Mamai (Mum (I'm Irish and speak slight Gaelic so I call her Mamai)) asked me if I remembered Keenán. At the time I didn't know who she meant and since I was playing video games, I say that yes, I did remember her and dropped the subject.

    The day after that Mamai asked me to sort through some of my pictures of when I was about 5-7 years old. One of the pictures that a came across was one of me screaming, kicking and crying whilst my Dadi (Dad) was trying to take a nice photo with me. I asked Mamai why I was crying in that picture and she said that I told her, a while before that picture was taken, that Kennán told me that cameras were 'bad' and that they hurt her (I don't know how) - I then thought that cameras would hurt me and hated to have them near me. (This was a fear that I got over (I'm a total camera hog)).

    After this happened I casually asked Mamai how I met Keenán and Mamai told me that one afternoon when I was about 5, I disappeared for about an hour into the backyard (I live at the base of a mountain so my backyard is huge). When I came back I told Mamai that I made a new friend but I refused to tell her where I met her. I said after that that Keenán was always around me, that only I could see her and Mamai just thought that I had an imaginary friend. After Mamai told me this story I just guessed that Keenán was a figment of my imagination, but it freaked me out a bit that my imaginary friend could make me scared of cameras.

    (This is the bit that I'm confused about) Yesterday my friend and I went for I walk around my backyard (the mountain). About 1 kilometer (1,093 yards) from my house we came across a cemetery/war memorial and I don't know if I was paranoid or something, but I had a 'hunch' that Keenán may have been a ghost of a little fir or something like that.

    Can anyone help me with this? Maybe help me know if this is a ghost or just my imagination? And I'll ask Mamai if anything else happened relating to Keenán. Thanks for reading:D (And sorry if my punctuation is bad - English is my second language ^^
  17. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Here's a guideline to be competitive in your entry.

    Don't Rush - rushing only gets you nothing.

    Preparation - preparation is the key to be competitive. Having prepared on to something doesn't make you feel rush specially when writing your story.

    Dedication - Preparation leads to dedication. When you dedicate yourself on making your story, You will have your time to improve everything you wrote down on your story. You will in the end make it your masterpiece in a way.

    And a message to my participants.

    Please have time to make your own stories and not copied from the Internet. I know myself that most of you are pinoys who plays on a cafe. As a Filipino myself tells you that brainstorming isn't that hard. Playing game online isn't about everything. You have time to do something else. It's just me asking you guys to take consideration on doing something that involves creativity. We know you guys are smart on being lazy (copying stories from the Internet), but why not doing it something creative?
  18. cafeyy

    cafeyy New Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Cagayan de Oro City
    Character name:Splendor
    Title:The Demons in the jar
    Ever since Bobby could remember, he had been collecting insects and spiders. He would often trap them into his mother's mason jars, and read everything he could find about them. Some would say, he was destined to become a zoologist or even perhaps an entomologist. His teachers proposed that one day he might discover a new species of life, or even find a species thought long extinct, still thriving in some remote part of the world. But what they did not know, nor could possibly fathom, is that Bobby, at only eleven, was already surpassing their wildest aspirations.

    Bobby sat perfectly still, by a two-foot hole in the ground, deep within the woods. He made soft clicking sounds with his tongue, while dangling a sliver of lunch meat; as if trying to lore something out of hiding. It wasn't long before he heard a faint clicking in response. A smile then broadened across Bobby's face. He clicked louder in excitement. It had been days since he had so much as a nibble (figuratively speaking) and now it seemed that hunger was overcoming yet another cautiously shy creature.

    He saw its little ghastly head pop out from the darkness, but only for a moment. Bobby knew that he would just have to be patient. He had done this several times before, at this very spot. He reasoned that the hole must have served as ventilation for a mineshaft. He knew that abandoned coal mines riddled throughout these woods, and so one had to be particularly careful when wandering about.

    Again the creature had popped its head out, only this time a little further and for a little longer duration. "This one is silver-looking!" He thought. Each one that Bobby had captured had its own unique shade of gray, some even had faint blotch-like patterns upon their smooth skin. He wondered what type of creatures they could be. He had never seen anything like them before, except maybe in fairy tales and mythology books; often regarding them as demons, goblins, and such. But Bobby was much too old for fairy tales. There was a scientific explanation for their existence, and he was determined to find that answer.

    "He would be perfect for my collection!" He exclaimed.
    With his free hand, Bobby reached into his backpack and retrieved a jar. He readied himself, for at any moment this little creature could leap out, and snatch the food from his hand.

    It was important that it did not get away. The last one got away, and Bobby reckoned this to be the reason for not seeing another for so long. They talk to each other, Bobby was certain of that... in fact he learned to mimic their clicking sounds by observing them interacting with each other.

    "Gotcha!" Bobby bellowed, scooping it up in the jar. He quickly fastened the lid and held it up triumphantly. He watched as the little creature scurry around, angry, and confused.

    "You are a vicious one," he noted.
    Its little claws seemed longer than the other ones. And its lizard-like tale had small, prickly spikes running down the center.

    It paused only for second, to peer its little black eyes into Bobby's, before continuing to scurry around again, rabid with rage. Bobby felt as if that look was meant to be a threat... a grave warning if it were not released. But he only chuckled at it, before dropping it into his backpack and hurrying home.

    Bobby used the outside door to the cellar. He stumbled in the dark searching for the light, and with one good tug on the chain the room lit up, revealing an elaborate home-laboratory equipped with charts and scales, microscopes and test tubes, and of course a heavy wooden bookshelf; where he kept his living specimens. All of whom seemed quite excited to see their newest member, placed on the very top shelf at the end of the row.

    "Twenty four!" He counted, "Twenty four specimens of an unknown species!" Bobby wanted nothing more than to tell the world of his discovery. But for now it had to remain a secret. First off: he had to be for certain that nowhere else in the world, were creatures like these discovered. Secondly: he wanted to do as much research on his own, before turning them over to some glory-seeking zoologist; whom might take all the credit.

    While feeding them, (stuffing slivers of meat through punctured holes at the top, Bobby noticed that one of them had died. A little bluish one. He always thought that this one was a bit sick, for it never seem in a hurry to eat.

    "So it's decided then," Bobby announced. "You will be my volunteer for dissection!" Abruptly, all the other creatures squeaked and chattered as if in violent protest. "Did they understand what I just said?" Bobby wondered. "Quiet!" He roared back, "It's in the name of science. Be thankful it's not one of you!" All the critters then fell silent, aside from the newest one on the top self. He continued to make small Morse code like clicks to the others, as if telling them to be patient.

    Bobby stared him down until he too fell silent. Although alien to him, Bobby liked the feeling of power that he exuded over them. He was always looked down upon from adults. And of course he was an easy target for the playground bullies at recess. But now Bobby had someone to wield his might over. And he could not deny that it made him feel big.

    With a small hammer he tacked the dead specimen by its hands and feet, to the cutting board that his mother had been searching for weeks to find. He then grabbed his sketch book and a box of colored pencils from his backpack, as he was preparing to make detailed sketches of its organs and muscles. With a hobby knife he made a slow incision from the creature's throat down to its groin. "A perfect cut!" He proclaimed.

    He took notes... made quick doodles, while carefully removing each slimy organ, and placing them inside plastic cylinders. He was about to look at some blood samples under his microscope, when he heard his mother calling him to dinner. Bobby let out a sigh, "We'll have to finish this tomorrow," he concluded. After turning out the light, he turned to them and said, "If you really are demons, then welcome to hell on earth! I am your Devil now." He then turned away and walked up the stairs.

    On and on through the night, the critter stirred round and round inside the jar, mumbling chatter under his breath, growing more restless with each passing minute, till finally thrusting himself against the glass. The others tried to comfort him, but he was unresponsive. He felt the jar wobble, but didn't care. Harder and harder he threw himself, until the jar fell from the top shelf.

    That night while tossing and turning in his sleep, Bobby fell under a terrible dream. He found himself stretched out on an operating table. He tried to move but felt terrible pain, as his arms and legs were pinned down by long nails. He struggled to open his eyes, and saw his shirt ripped open and little demons, (like the ones in the cellar) gathered all around him. They wore little white coats and cloth masks over their faces. He tried to scream, but only dry air would come out. Then two of the little creatures hopped onto his bare chest, with a scalpel slung over their shoulders. Grimly they aimed the blade at his throat, pressed down, and proceeded to drag the blade down his chest.

    He felt his skin part, with cool air striking against his red insides. With silent agony, he twisted his face in ways, never before dreamed possible. While all the demons gathered around and applauded a "perfect cut".

    Bobby sprung up from his bed to the sound of breaking glass in the cellar. He rushed downstairs and flipped on the lights. He saw the busted jars by the empty shelves, then a demon taunting him by an open window. "No! Come back!" He cried, but Specimen #24 only mocked him, before leaping out into the night.

    Bobby thrust himself through the cellar doors and raced bare-foot after them. Like mice they scurried into the woods... leaping over rocks, and tunneling under fallen trees. Bobby, almost in tears, pleaded with them, "Come back! You are my discovery! You are supposed to make me a famous scientist!"

    But the critters wouldn't listen, they knew they were free and would never let themselves be fooled twice. Deeper and deeper into the woods the little demons raced, with the Devil not far behind.

    All too late did Bobby remember about the mine shafts in the woods. He felt the ground drop beneath him, and fell helplessly screaming into the dark abyss from which the demons spawn. They gathered around to savor the last faint whimpers of Bobby Hartmen, as he fell more than a thousand feet.

    ...and felt no remorse.
  19. zeei

    zeei lkaashl.deviantart.com

    Apr 21, 2011
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    where light is dark
    Plagiarism Alert! Srsly... I just copied the title to google and.. Didnt even do so much as rephrase > http://www.ibuzzle.com/articles/the-demons-in-the-jar.html
  20. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Thank you! Just a warning, whenever your entry is invalid, you won't have any participant's reward. Your entry is just as good as blank.
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