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totally unfair

Discussion in 'Contact Us' started by zarek69, Mar 7, 2015.

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  1. zarek69

    zarek69 New Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    well... ill explain my case.
    i do Sauro instance every day at 22:00 on my time... all week from monday to friday... any GM is online when we finish the instance so we cant kill last boss... (keys dont work)... today i think i was lucky... puddles was online so i asked him to teleport me there, he just said no. i have to run all instance so he can teleport me there, thats unfair because i do every day missing last boss. well i asked him if i do instance he teleport me there and he said... maybe... if im online... i just go Sauro instance and finished in 15-20 min, so i pmed him but no answer.... i pmed again and he was offline.
    this is no funny... we are injuried by gamez buggs and GMs dont help...
    what players think about this?
    im really angry about that... sauro instance is bugued but this isnt our fault... GMs must teleport us to last boss without asking about if we did the instance... we did many times loosing the last boss.
    I´ll continue like this doing Sauro every day at 22:00 and missing last boss? because GM dont want to help... ?
    we are injuried... and its not our fault.
    hope some1 solve the problem or atleast GM teleport us there when we ask...
    thx and regards.
  2. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    1) HGMs supposedly have better and more important stuff than porting 6 people to do an obsolete boss
    2) do IS like everyone else, sauro gear is trash and if you want the remodel go to mix_fight or idian depths bosses. No other reason to go in sauro
    Zatox likes this.
  3. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    thats why ppl leaving this server..in half year will be like Lumiel.
    Shame on this gm who allways lie that all will be fixed and its nothing untill new free emulator will be relased in some russian forums with some fixes.
    i think just the ceo of this server have knowledge to change something,the other dont have or if they have it,dont have authority to change something.
    so the answer of this thread will be: "if u dont like,ur free to leave"..
    Ren and Alourn like this.
  4. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    are u kidding or u really think what u write there?
    Alourn likes this.
  5. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    i said supposedly. If it was me I would have really told him to do a better instance cause i cba porting.
    Since you can't play on gm toons and hgms don't really do ingame events pudz must have been online to mail prizes or something else, not to "i'm available for questions and concerns"
    Zatox and peraltajc like this.
  6. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    that's right,but Puddles is not the only GM who can port ppl..some of new guys really need do make instance,or maybe they do it because they get bored from IS.
    the server really needs new players because its going slowly down!
  7. Puddles

    Puddles Tͮh͌̀ͩe̅̋̔̓ͣ̎͟ ̔ͫ̈́̾ͩG͗́̓o͐̍d̊̊̄d͑̔̎͑ ̋̾͏e ̏̏ͬ͌s̶s͛ Forum Legend

    Dec 29, 2010
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    When I am online, it is for the general run of the mill stuff.

    Prizes aren't handled in-game anymore so, thats not really a concern as far as it goes. Yay for control panels.

    Now, for you to say it is unfair. I do believe I did tell you many times in-game, which spanned around 15 mind you, that you need to actually run the instance first before we will port you. You when you asked, were sitting in Sanctum, so do you expect a free taxi ride when your not even doing the instance. To which you then complained about the fact that I was telling you that you won't get ported unless your actually doing the instance?

    Was I online after that as well? Yep, for a good half hour or so before my dinner finished cooking in the oven. To which, well, you know eating and eradication of hunger had to commence.

    Your thread here, has little point other than, that the following, let me paraphrase for you.
    'SSB Is Bugged, So we should get free portals to the boss ALL the time, no matter what if we did the instance or not, because it's bugged.'

    Then again, you could have bothered with explaining the conversation you had with me in the first place, though I somewhat presume that you felt it was not needed to give the full amount of information which ws provided to you at which time you had asked me for a port to Sheba, sitting in Sanctum, not having an instance key at all; so I guess I should just in that case if you so wish to be lazy and expect portals to an instance boss where no effort has been introduced.

    In such a case, mayhaps, after we check your physical location, group, group member locations, and if none are doing the instance which is having an issue. Then port you to the instance itself so that you can do it? Dunno maybe just some third rate boss that drops level 40 equipment. I have a decent one in mind; and I do think he's actually still spawned somewhere out there.

    Either way. Your complaint, is somewhat mute at the fact that in reiteration you failed to provide full information, as to the circumstances and or the conversation you had with me.

    Do have a lovely day.

    If you have any further concerns, and or questions you are welcome to PM any staff member here on the forums, and or in-game with them and we will do our best to assist you where applicable and, with in our abilities to do so.
    Argel, Zatox, vesiinabox and 12 others like this.
  8. Stabbalot

    Stabbalot ♣ Nudist ~ ♣ ~ Unknown ♣ Forum Legend

    Apr 12, 2013
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    why so pro... xD
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  9. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Grammar Puddles. Grammar!
    Emita, Zatox, Ren and 3 others like this.
  10. Rubyah

    Rubyah The Celestial Nostrum

    Dec 19, 2012
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    You are encouraging this man to leave the server with that words. Although, it is procedural and in general terms still it implies discouragement. A little consideration might help tho.

    First, supposedly instances are working 100%, everyone who love PVE will surely enjoy. Without asking any favor from AMs, GMs, SAMs, HGMs etc. bla bla bla. You think this would happen if everything is fine? Bugs and other dem things sucks ya know. Set your self with players side, not just think about ur THRONES.... OMAY!

    Second, if we wait for another update to fix this, those instances might be obsolete as history. Even if the drops are trash, some other people find them useful/important and a treasure as it worth the effort they exerted. The time. The mindset. The joy & happiness. The bonding.

    You are makin' ppl leave, not themselves.
    Zatox, lisveth, Ren and 4 others like this.
  11. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Consideration? All the dude did was change what happened around to make himself appear a victim and make puddles seem like she was ignoring him which was not the case.
    Zatox likes this.
  12. Georgie

    Georgie Ḏɪ̭̜͓̜ͅs̪ᴛ̩̪͓ᴜ̬̖̗̬ʀ̻͚̖͎ʙ͉̜͓̖͙̼͖̳ᴇ̖̞̻ᴅ̻̞̫̘̫ͅ Forum Legend

    May 28, 2010
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    Life is unfair child, get over it.

    By the way, having fun playing something that's free? Scrubs
  13. Davidkht

    Davidkht Proficient

    Mar 6, 2011
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    with all do respect, this time Im siding with the players that actually put in the effort for these instances. They are upset for a reason and you just got them even more upset in my honest opinion.
    I mean if there are many players complaining about bugs and instances all you have to do is remind them that you're in the process. Lie to them if you have to. You guys are just making the fire even bigger. please note that those players you keep upsetting are 50% of the population. and i dont think im gonna continue playing on siel, the last server standing, has 50% players less. Ok i understand the technical issues. but you cant even port the poor kid? its a few buttons on a keyboard even on you're smart phone if you're a smart guy. If he wants a port to an instance just give it to him. PPL are leaving for a reason. Just asking you guys in this post for some consideration.
    P.S. 5 times every week i check the progress in the server siel (not outside like forums thats just full out retarded) and for the past several months its getting worse as in theyre saying all the methods you guys created and changed up, ruined the pvp, Instances dont work, Broker dont work portals dont work, portals ruined pvp roaming and lfg calling etc. Theyre all saying it was not like this before. seriously this is what they think of you guys (NOT ME but sooner or later will be)
    First i came to the conclusion that most of the staff here are like this [​IMG] and i quote from the famous puddles "Was I online after that as well? Yep, for a good half hour or so before my dinner finished cooking in the oven. To which, well, you know eating and eradication of hunger had to commence."
    thats totally UNDERSTANDABLE. But makes most of the players feel like you're saying this to them [​IMG] all you gotta do is reassure him i mean he doesnt even speak english properly. he probably didnt even read 75% of what you wrote Sis. But it doesnt mean hes completely wrong.

    I mean hes asking for 1 port. 1 simple port to shut them up. and when a gm isnt online they suffer even more of the remaining days of their lives trying instances expecting a boss in the end or so but in return get a big pile of nothing. So yeah i feel bad for them i kill these ppl on my elyos and asmos. I would be very upset when they all leave. there will be no one else pvping after that.
    and hey im looking at this the other way around. I give props to this kid. he could just legit stopped giving two shits about this server and just went retail or something. Instead he took his time and effort regardless of his grammer mistakes and other shiet you get the point. He/she is frustrated. he/she just wasted over 40 minutes of his life for nothing. and that all wouldve changed if he got 1 port who fucking knows. his date is Oct 6, 2012 so he knows a good amount of games. he didnt start 2 days ago. so he is an active player in gamez hes not your enemy. he just wants to enjoy it like it was before. Now rage me.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2015
    Mae and Aza like this.
  14. Reminiscence

    Reminiscence Proficient

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Well in my own opinion i will agree and stand on the side of the players instead. For sauro equipments / items aren't considered OP as well as high-valued in trades so i don't see why there's a need to reject people who are interested to farm from the boss anyways since the instance is currently bugged and people might not be able to farm it unless an AM or HAM is online. I don't really think it's acceptable for players to stay online starring at the screen for hours and hours using .gmlist command to wait for AM or HAM who maybe be free to assist, just to enjoy PvE.

    Since it's the server's fault that the instance is bugged, and the players aren't asking for specific drops itself, just requesting to be able to port to the boss to farm whichever the boss drops i think it's really reasonable request in that sense. It's a little harsh to reprimand, nonetheless hoping that AM / HAM can be more understanding and less rigid sometimes, things must go according to rules yes but not always the case, as long as they don't exploit or as for ridiculous request.

    I apologies here in case anyone is offended, but truth and sincere thoughts are always less accepted since they hurts more than sugarcoated or boot-licking ones.
    Morgicula and Mae like this.
  15. Ren

    Ren Fried Fish

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Turin, Italy
    Why not just put random NEW/OLD bosses in NEW MAPS? with specific, it may bring new PvPvE fun, tho the server is unbalance ELYOS will get all the drop :D
    Louy, Wangfei and Kyungmi like this.
  16. Kyungmi

    Kyungmi ♥♥♥ Forum Legend

    May 20, 2014
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    Oh yeah! I remember they did this in Lumiel back then... when they spawned the Sauro Base bosses in various locations in Danaria and Katalam. It was so much fun to PvPvE then. :3

    *Go to boss with elyos/asmo character > sees that there are 20 elyos/asmo camping the boss > logs in on asmo/elyos character > wipe the zerg with your group > kill the boss. :3
    Zatox, Ayaria, Wangfei and 1 other person like this.
  17. Ren

    Ren Fried Fish

    Oct 13, 2014
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    it wouldve be cool if they make that event again, but i suggest new boss, Gamez was best before coz its only the private server with latest Working Instances but now its all ruined that made the game suck, yeah for real GAMEZ now SUCK
  18. Eyeshielder

    Eyeshielder Well-Known Member Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Such long conversation. Oh please.... chill out!
  19. peraltajc

    peraltajc New Member

    Apr 20, 2012
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    grrr mmg
  20. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Are you people actually reading what was said before you posted? I have a hard time believing that you did. The player lied about puddles ignoring him. Puddles simply refused to port him because he wanted a free ride to the last boss in an instance in which he wasn't even doing. This was definitely the correct action. For someone to get ported to said room they first need to be in a group and actually completed the instance thus far or is that too hard for you to all understand? For those saying pvp is dead? Maybe you should stop afking in sanctum and pande and actually fucking pvp?? Ive gotten 1000 kills in the last 3 days of pvp I dont know what the fuck you are all doing. Put forth some effort you groveling little scrubs.
    Louy, Argel, Zatox and 1 other person like this.
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