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Night update for Templar, and it's time. Farewell; ver 4.0-4.7

Discussion in 'Hot Spam' started by Treise, Apr 27, 2015.

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  1. Treise

    Treise Proficient

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Sadly I had to google search the its vs it's for the thread title.
    Warning: wall of text but it gets entertaining... well not anymore cuz a mod removed the best part

    All good things must come to an end.

    It has been a good run for me in GamezAion and it was very enjoyable during my time here. I still have one more video (Aethertech) to make for which I have taken most of the PvP scenes already.

    I might just log on occasionally to mess around in FFA or participate in a KOR (not as a captain). I've passed on some of my techniques to Raysen (@Stark) who has been a good friend here.

    Theres 3 primary reasons why I'm quitting, if you would bother to read.

    1) Life
    I am nearing the final exams (in weeks) for the last didactic semester of my pharmacy school in Philadelphia. Then during the next month I will start the practical rotations. I'd probably still have some time to play during rotations. That said, there is no way I can play this game like I used to. Besides, not having exercised for like a month makes me look like a fat slob cuz i spent alot of time on this game (im actually underweight but i dont look good as before). It reminds me of when I got fired at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, I was not looking good back then cuz of all the things I was dealing with then BAM. Whenever there's changes apparent to me, then that's when I draw the line.

    Besides, I'll be a pharmacist next year, so it's time to move onto the exciting life I have planned for me. Also, putting time into this game has made my grades plummet, but that was well worth the price for what I got out of being in Deja Vu. Speaking of which...

    2) Deja Vu
    Deja Vu is a great legion, just like the retail legion that I was in. But it spent most of its strength fighting Touch Me (same case with Touch Me). Its really the legion of retail and this server that kept me going, not just the 7 classes of characters I play. Last summer (Summer of 2014) is when I feel Deja Vu was at its finest, which was version 4.5. Those mixfights between 6 man groups of Deja Vu vs Touch Me was nice and I enjoyed that time immensely. Then came Stopitsme and when all 3 legions were in mixfight, things were epic.

    But now none our originals play anymore. They either stopped playing or got banned, and each time it makes us sad. None of the Deja Vu never needed to hack to beat anyone. (Except for Prime the glad, cuz he probably did hack). I still keep in contact with these guys at least.

    People not playing is one thing but the issue of having a leader is another. They say there is no good leader left in Deja Vu besides me. That may be true. Chris and Marcia have left, Alex is away, and it is just me left. Yes I can lead Deja Vu, but that would be a lie because I dont have the authority to invite anyone as a Centurion. It is simply not possible to take over a legion while the main leaders are gone and me without the ability to invite or kick people (I have a couple people in mind for inviting/kicking). Now I know what it felt like for Purell who tried to revive Touch Me, but even worse because I don't even have the authority to do so. Its pretty frustrating.

    3) ME -
    Thats the first time I realized I was acting quite uncharacteristic and different from my real life persona. As much of a video game this is, it still is has some semblance of society here. Sometimes it leaves me wondering why I would do/say certain things in this came that is very uncharacteristic of me. Again, when I see changes in myself that is apparent, that's when I draw the line.
    Another thing is that I did not realize until now how much people can be hurt by the simple one-liners I say, as both Treise and a Pharmacist-soon-to-be. Out of the countless of such acts I've done that I don't like having done, I would like to address the two of the following:

    @Marz: Congratulations Thrax, you've grown from a shitter to a decent. What did I tell you all this time that SW are beatable as a Templar. I would've told you HOW to do it if you weren't such a piece of shit, but now you are a fully fledged decent-ling form now on. Job well done at that KOR where you took out two SWs.

    @Astii A man does not regret, but mourns of his past actions. I do not like the fact that I did/said those things even if I had a few beers or so. You were one of my FEW student even if it was for one day, and I should've instead been proud of you for beating me. I suppose I did that just to try to put a smile on Marcia's face. Also, I remember my dad telling me that those who do not thank for what they are given will lose those that they take for granted. I forgot to say "thanks for group" when you invited me for a 6v6 (even tho my legionmates were saying EW YOU WENT WITH STOPITSME) even if you'd probably never invite me again for a 6v6. Such things I took for granted, so THANKS FOR GROUP.

    But one last drama before I go:
    @Stopitsme not sure if you are Elegie, but if you are, this is coming from my sober as hell mind.

    Removed by a moderator.

    Speaking of videos, looks like one of my videos is set to reach 10k views eventually. I never thought I'd have such a success and wonderful time in a private server. The videos will be my legacy and of those who I played with. I would like to thank the following people for the wonderful time I had in Gamez:

    @Puddles @Dementa @CoMmAnD @Ellym @Witch @Alexmaxx @vesiinabox @Meanz @Starstruck @QueenSydney @Stabbalot @Bordy @Kyungmii @horacio911 @Sammy @Dan @Glory @Ziegex @xYuffyx @Finaldestiny Gunboundz Pacmann Impairment Rjvs Kinsekalibre Sexonheavens Raysen Dimitra Deb Upro Iceqqq Aluccard(bobby) Cheater(nexun) Legion <re TOP> @Shelo (who made our legion cape look like crap now I cant play my elys anymore)

    and ofc my arch-nemesis of Touch Me @Tykimik, you won't be seeing me anymore buddy. Its funny because I was Elyos in retail and I should've been Elyos here, and possibly in the legion Touch Me instead of Deja Vu had I made a simple, different click at the start.

    If I missed anyone, post here so I can add you here. Btw, I have an officer quest to complete on my AT Orcca, so if any ely wants to give me officer kills I'll reward them with a godstone of their choice from the turn-in.

    And that is all ladies and gentleman. I AM DONE. It was fun winning the countless amounts of KOR fights as a captain and winning all those 2v2 tournaments with Upro, Queensydney, and Raysen. It was awesome going on an 11-kill streak in a Ely vs Asmo KOR tournament on my Chanter main. Winning that valentine event and getting a stormwing pet egg was nice too.

    It was an epic battle between Deja Vu and Touch me but it is over. GG @Purell
    PS1: I ain't giving away s*** except to @Dimitra who refused the offer.
    PS2: if anyone wants to say officer-kill trading is illegal, go f*** yourself I've killed so many officers its laughable.

    Like I promised in the title, here is the night update for my Templar. This is the second to the last video I will do (AT is coming). Shout-outs to my buddy Sexonheavens/Angelinfernal/Renaissances (@peraltajc) who recently got hacked, lost his gear, and was denied the recovery of his gear. But at least I got to shoot a duel with him here:

    Vol.3 The Sword of HURT
    Featuring - Upro, Shelo, Lul, Holyshit, Cheater, Eilthana

    Duels Against
    vs Renaissances - "Deus Ex- Hum-n Revolution [Extended RMX] - GRV Music & Michael McCann"
    vs Raysen - "Two Steps From Hell - Wrath of sea ( Instrumental Core Remix )"
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
    Giullia, Zaido, vesiinabox and 10 others like this.
  2. Momo

    Momo Arrogant Member Forum Legend

    Nov 19, 2010
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    cya nerd........
  3. Marz

    Marz Expert

    Jun 27, 2012
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    mate calm down and eat 8====D........ i would have taken out heart fyi.. so count that 3 sw's
  4. Yumii

    Yumii Pizza Delivery

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Cabin in the Woods
    Sad to see a good player like you leaving..
    Best of Luck to your life Senpai..
    You will be missed..
    get me some Zantac im having ulcers..
    Treise likes this.
  5. Llama

    Llama The Drama Llama Forum Legend

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Llama Land

  6. Witch

    Witch Scarlet Witch

    Apr 12, 2013
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    Hi Len,

    Sorry to see you go, I hope you come back full time around 4.8 and hopefully you will still log on occasionally to hang around and do events.

    Anyway take care Len!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
    Treise likes this.
  7. Stabbalot

    Stabbalot ♣ Nudist ~ ♣ ~ Unknown ♣ Forum Legend

    Apr 12, 2013
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    <( o _ o <) Unknown (> o _ o )>
    My eyes hurt...
    Wish you luck man! Hope to see you return ;)
    Treise likes this.
  8. Dan

    Dan Proficient

    Jan 15, 2012
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    in another life homie <3 stay bless. do what you gotta do! ^_~
    Treise and Davidkht like this.
  9. Davidkht

    Davidkht Proficient

    Mar 6, 2011
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    I didn't know you hated ppl in the server. You always seemed the silent type in game. Anyways read it all and much respect. All i can say is all your rights and wrongs no matter, for you were an inspiration to us all. [​IMG]
    Homicide and Treise like this.
  10. Tykimik

    Tykimik Expert Forum Legend

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Good luck with w/e it is your doing.

    Well we have been in group before back in 2.0 when you were back in '' Epic'' legion. I don't think u noticed me back then caz i was under geared and a newb still am :), always room for improvements. Those times TM and Deja clashed in mix was hella fun. But now things are different. When touch me went inactive i transfer to Asmo along with Kyungmi. I was surprised how we all get along so well even though we fight each other in the battlefield i love how no grudges was taken. We hung out you taught me you taught me basics of a chanter i hung out with u guys in Deja ts it was fun. Sad to see you leave. Try to at least drop by when ever you have free time :D

    Take care -
    Treise, Davidkht, Witch and 1 other person like this.
  11. Kyungmi

    Kyungmi ♥♥♥ Forum Legend

    May 20, 2014
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    @Treise , sucks you had to leave but I'm glad you're moving on and high up in real life. You'll be one of those persons @Tykimik and I would surely visit one day if ever we visit USA. :)
    Thank you for all the fun times with you and against you. <3 Fights between Touch Me and Deja Vu were the ones I love the most and I'll forever look back on those fights while watching all them videos. Honestly, those group fights are the most memorable fights I've ever had since I started playing in this server. (Actually, I always tell Tyk that I miss the 6v6 against Deja Vu esp. with you, @CoMmAnD , @Ellym , @Witch , Kinsekalibre, Upro, and @Alexmaxx and the others). 2 legions that had lots of drama back then (LOL!) But we definitely grew up and got over it and just had fun times PvPing together. Thank you for being one of those people who welcomed us in asmo side. :)

    ^ This made me almost cry.. Too nostalgic..

    I wish you all the best in real life. Don't forget to drop by in forums from time to time.

    God bless and see you around pro sir!

    P.S. If you ever decide on doing group PvP again someday, please let us know Q.Q
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
  12. Finaldestiny

    Finaldestiny Lead by Example Forum Legend

    Feb 18, 2013
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    See you around.
    Treise likes this.
  13. Tykimik

    Tykimik Expert Forum Legend

    Dec 3, 2011
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    It's alright you can take his spot David. Make a chanter and its extinction to all Elyos
    Davidkht, Treise and Kyungmi like this.
  14. Ziegex

    Ziegex Getting there

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Ahhh mannn i just met u and ur leaving me alredy ??? :( i will miss u my teacher !
    Treise likes this.
  15. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    Itens pls sir. Bye bye have fun WEAKLING.
    Treise likes this.
  16. Treise

    Treise Proficient

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Bye weak.
  17. Harrdone

    Harrdone Ģǿđ ǿƒ Ðẹạŧħ™

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Best of luck with you're education bro hope you do well ^.^
    Treise likes this.
  18. Nehal

    Nehal Ancient Halloweed Forum Legend

    Apr 13, 2015
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    Belmont California
    I like ur temp so strong and nice ping you got :) :D
    Treise likes this.
  19. Nehal

    Nehal Ancient Halloweed Forum Legend

    Apr 13, 2015
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    Belmont California
    Well anyway good bye god bless you mate so touchable tought
  20. Treise

    Treise Proficient

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Thanks bro. Btw, you made me crash my car LOL

    I woke up 8 am and was driving to school in my 2004 Acura. I was thinking about the glad vs glad the previous night vs you (which I should've focused instead on driving), and I dunno if I ran the red or she ran the red but a Santa Fe ran into my driver side wheel while our cars are both rolling.

    I ended up getting a brand new Acura LOL, it was funny how it turned out with my insurance.
    Ziegex likes this.
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