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Siel's Wanted Week 3

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Dimitra, Sep 6, 2015.

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  1. lafitness88

    lafitness88 I LOL at hackers

    Aug 17, 2010
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    United States Of America
    IGN: Lafitty
    Name Of Wanted Player: Elegie
    Photo Evidence:

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    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Fendi likes this.
  2. Stopitsme

    Stopitsme Proficient

    Oct 31, 2014
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    @laftiness88 omg +20 sw too strong, can't handle :(
    Fendi likes this.
  3. lafitness88

    lafitness88 I LOL at hackers

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Damm right is what you get JJ!!!!!!!!!!
    Fendi likes this.
  4. Mythic

    Mythic LEGENDARY ICON MEMBER Forum Legend

    Aug 8, 2010
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    so stronk lafitty, killed my idol elegie :( teach me +20
    Fendi likes this.
  5. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    The following requirement is not met:
    Kill denied.

    Elegie didn't attack back at all, right? Rare to see a songweaver use only 3 skills while fighting a sin, especially a low-pinged one :p You'd think that in that case your skillbar would be full of cooldowns to protect yourself from the instant death of an experienced low-pinged assassin, but it isn't. Guess the assassin was napping :)

    @lafitness88 is disqualified from this week's Wanted for unfair play and will not be receiving rewards.
    Moreover, if Elegie slays the last Elyos player in the Wanted List, he will NOT receive double Bounty for unfair play.

    Also, the kill is denied. Elegie is still available for everyone else to slay.

    Your HP is intact, and Elegie's elyos is even in your party. This has to be the silliest attempt to cheat the event will ever see I believe. There is no rule against friends killing friends but goddamn people make it less obvious.
    Tesseract, Stopitsme, Aniline and 4 others like this.
  6. lafitness88

    lafitness88 I LOL at hackers

    Aug 17, 2010
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    United States Of America
    Well he wasnt attacking me LOL!!!! He was attacking someone else.. but... I figure you going to say that anyways..

    I posted it just because I killed him and it was funny. Also you can ask for witnesses, reason i did not get damage because he was ambushing someone else and I ambushed him. Plain simple and funny. Also this was meant to help the event to let people know who is after him that he is out there lurking just kill him! and KILL HIM good. But thanks this has to be the silliest attempt to educate I ever seen. I thought event suppose to be fun and happy:confused:.

    PS: I do see some posted turn in they have full HP and clearly stage... If you are going to be you main headline about denying my pseudo entry maybe try to be more consistent and fair to other players who is participating on the event. Unless you just turn blind eye to certain players, which I do not think you do because your a good SAM. I do not think being unfair to other players will be in your dictionary.

    Aww you flatter JJ so much John... I mean jen!!
    omg Everytime you state +20 gears ima play you small violin or drink a shot LOL:rolleyes::p!!! yes, it was free kill for me sosoyummy kill (is okay he owed me from couple times) and funny:p... He told me he jumping people, so sneak on elyos and bOOM! down goes the dynamite. LOL

    BAH HAM BUG!!! why do I even read you guys response you all are just so miserable and want to turn everyone else as miserable as yall =( boo! I am done here it still could be fun event though. Kill them good! ;)
    Where are the fun posters like momo and beastie and trent and ohh kenny boo! LOL
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  7. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    I am talking to you, not to other people, stop trying to drag other people down with you just because you tried to fake a kill. Go behind a page and you will see someone else disqualified for the same reason, watch the thread first before you throw in "you're favoring people" type of accusations. If it's such a fun event like you said then go out and kill people normally instead of setting up a kill and coming up with ten excuses.

    This matter is closed and any more complaints on it will be ignored, either from you or from whoever else needs to talk to me about "witnesses" and "ambushes". Also if you came to my thread to start drama I'd rather not have you here. Same goes to @Witch. Keep your personal conflicts private cause I'd rather not hear it.
    Nehal, Zannova and Witch like this.
  8. Stopitsme

    Stopitsme Proficient

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Why does the player have to get attacked by the target? Is the target not allowed to attack other members? Actually I full buffed to try and kill one of the clerics in his group but man the +20 chain set is just way too OP for me. Not to mention Stopitsme always has 1284748 healers in their party so it's totally unfair for just one sin :(!!!

    How come you disqualify him for getting a free kill but you don't disqualify your own friends for setting up kills? Like that glad who killed a sw in the most remote location and killed him with full health. Man I guess that sw must be so bad he couldn't land even one hit on the glad, not to mention not being able to debuff even one scroll on him :rolleyes:.
    lafitness88 and Fendi like this.
  9. Purell

    Purell - Forum Legend

    Oct 31, 2011
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    I'm not sure if you're just trying to be funny, but this isn't the place for it. She already made it clear to you guys. If you still got a problem with it then you can send her a pm about it.

    I don't know who you're talking about, but i'm going to leave this for you here.

    Dimitra and Aniline like this.
  10. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    @Stopitsme if you don't quit the drama right now you will get a permanent thread ban. I have mentioned that the kill was denied, and nothing will change that. Personal attacks won't either.

    How do I make this clear to you: My interest in your drama is equal to my interest in Justin Bieber's love life = non existent. So unless you want to post kill proof, your posts will be ignored and deleted if need be.
    Aniline, Nehal, Purell and 1 other person like this.
  11. Kessie

    Kessie alis volat propriis Forum Legend

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Did you kill someone from the list? Go ahead and post it.
    Did you not? Then either keep your comments to yourself or your inbox.

    EDIT: This applies to everyone, by the way!

    And people!
    Nayr, Purell and Frix like this.
  12. Fendi

    Fendi ♔ (っ◔◡◔)っ Forum Legend

    Oct 20, 2012
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    You do realize he was only replying to what @Frix has started? Why not tell him to stop his drama? From what I see, he is the only one starting shit here. You are supposed to be "fair" right?
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  13. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Same goes to you. Either post kill proof or remove yourself from the thread, and take your legion drama with you.
    Frix likes this.
  14. Fendi

    Fendi ♔ (っ◔◡◔)っ Forum Legend

    Oct 20, 2012
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    No one is starting drama. At least not us. I called you out on your statement because you were being unfair. Why is it that @Frix is allowed to response to anything but we are not? It was not even offensive in any way. If you are going to enforce rules, make sure you enforce it to everyone including your friends. Calling out only one person's mistake, when clearly your friend is the instigator? You can't see that?
    lafitness88 likes this.
  15. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    I will try to make this as clear and easy as possible for you guys to understand since it looks to me like you're having trouble. This is an ONGOING event. The list changes every week, and along with the list I change things that I feel like I should be adapting to the situation going on. There have been cases of setup kills in the past but I ignored them because I wanted this to be fun for everyone and not have to always be suspicious of everybody's kills. Top example being the person who killed Praxa, which I saw but decided after thinking and asking around to ignore. However, somebody yesterday on Page 2 decided to push my buttons again (here is the post since none of you have obviously seen it or bothered even looking back a page) and set up a really obvious kill, you know what happened? He got disqualified. Your legion tried to set up another really obvious kill today, you know what happened? They got disqualified. The rules on Week 1 did not include getting double Bounty, and the rewards did not include Amplification Stones, but I didn't see you complaining in the form of "wow you didn't have Amplification Stones on Week 1, yet you have them now". Do you see how you are not making any sense?

    In one picture:
    Take that word as what describes ongoing events aswell. They change. They adapt to their situations. They do not stay static.

    Your legion set up a really obvious kill. This is not personal. This is me refusing to accept an "in your face" kill with no effort from a person that has been "praising" me since day 1 that this event is fun, yet the only time he tried to get a kill from it was on a setup.

    About the so called "bug abusing" we were "caught" performing - give me valid proof of that and a combat log saying Chris pulled you through a gate, and I'll personally ban Chris. But that won't happen. Cause what you said never happened. I remember the incident and I remember what TRULY happened. Plus I never got a PM from you or your boyfriend. I either missed it or you sent it when I was offline.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Nehal, Tesseract, Tsurt and 2 others like this.
  16. Eyeshielder

    Eyeshielder Well-Known Member Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    North Carolina
    IGN: Sproul
    Name of Wanted player: Focker
    Photo evidence (unedited):

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    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Nayr and Alexmaxx like this.
  17. Fendi

    Fendi ♔ (っ◔◡◔)っ Forum Legend

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I don't know what any of that has to do with my previous replies to you. I simply asked you to be fair, that's all. But, thank you for the information. I get it, you are stressed out. You guys got so worked up over a silly joke. Did you honestly think they were serious about that entry? Did you think Chivaree really needed your rewards? No. Elegie could also careless if you disqualify him, he won't get the rewards either way. So if you denied it, it's fine. The funny thing is, your friends who hates us actually thought this was serious, turned your event in to a drama fest.

    Heard of this?

    Clearly, some people don't have it. :D

    I apologize in behalf of my friend's silliness. It made your thread interesting for a bit. It also proved, how much hate some people really do have for us.
    About Chris pulling me through the gate, I didn't need to get proof as I could careless about it. I only mentioned that to you because you were being a hypocrite the other day, preaching about bug abuse (when elyos stood close to the gates of the fortress which your legion owns) when your bf has done it with you as a witness. You were right in front of me after I got pulled through the gate. You were even attacking me.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  18. Thyller

    Thyller © Forum Legend

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Your kill will be denied because:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Muamon likes this.
  19. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Let's see.

    You wonder how I have the video in question? I recorded it with Shadowplay (records the last 5 minutes of gameplay) right after it happened. You wonder why? Because I knew you would complain. Because I knew you would have somehow manipulated this and accused us of something you are completely wrong about. And I was proven right.

    Let's look at some facts based on what @Stopitsme said when he accused us of it.
    1. The incident happened in Temple of Scales in Inggison, not in Gelkmaros. We hardly ever do Gelkmaros siege, because nobody goes, so decent and active PvP like Inggison is non existent there. People only go to attack the gate or kill an Ely to get GP and leave to go to Inggison again, which is what we also do the few times that we go, kill someone and go back to Inggison. This day you and your legion had gone out with your Elyos chars to do siege which is something I rarely see, and this is when we killed you. I don't remember fighting you another time recently since like I said I have not seen you use your Elyos characters actively when I was out PvPing. So this has to be the incident you are referring to, and you got the location part wrong since there was no other incident of me fighting you or your Elyos legion.
    2. @Frix was not with us. It was me and Chris by ourselves as you can see in the video. We were the ones that attacked you. So you got the group part wrong.
      It looks like you're the one with the memory problem afterall. Considering you also messed up Gelk and Inggison siege, two completely different fortresses which I doubt I personally would ever mess up, let alone only a week after. Might wanna check that.
    3. It took us merely 8 seconds to kill you by the time Chris started attacking along with me behind the gate, not 2 minutes. So you got the timing part wrong aswell.
    4. I'd let you look at the video yourself but I think you need some guidance to understand what was going on. You and your friends were bug abusing by gluing yourself right on the gate because you knew people from a distance could not attack you. I know this bug and I know that the only way to attack people who are bug abusing the way you were, is to go right on them with a 0m distance to be able to attack them normally. We were attacking you because you were clearly bug abusing, and we were right next to you outside the fortress and in front of the gate and not behind it to have pulled you through, something you failed to see. I was the one attacking you at first and Chris joined me after, and used a pull on you when he was right behind you to take you to him since like I said a few times, you were bug abusing. Somehow you got bugged by that pull and got sent on the other side of the gate, obviously unintentionally. I don't know if you can tell by the way I'm reacting on the video (even looked up cause I didn't know where the flying hell you went suddenly), but we were as surprised and questioning what the actual hell happened as you were. Once I realized you were behind the gate, we of course came in and killed you. So who was bug abusing here? Let's see: You. If I manage to make an official rule that this kind of geodata bug abusing (gluing yourself on a gate so that the other race cannot attack you) is punishable which I have actually been trying to do for two days now, this video can get you banned for bug abusing. So I'm glad you brought it up!

    So my advice is the following - just stop posting blown-up saucy lies and accusing people of things you are completely wrong about and adding more random accusations to the proof ("It was Gelkmaros", "Frix was there", "It took them 2 minutes", "They pulled her through the gate"), and just leave the thread with your head held up high full of pride of being now officially well known for spreading a bunch of lies to start the drama you yourselves claimed to have preferred to never be involved in. You have solid video proof that what you and your boyfriend just accused us of is completely wrong and filled with a bunch of extra accusations you just threw in there to make it more extravagant. If that doesn't stop you then I don't know what will. This is the last off-topic discussion I will tolerate from you or your boyfriend in this thread. Any future posts will be deleted, unless they are like I said, kill proof.

    On topic.
    As @Thyller said, I am denying this because the player's body is not seen. It is clearly obvious that the player was killed in open world PvP and not a BG (which is why the rule is there) because of the information text saying where he died, but I'd rather keep the formalities and deny this for not following a requirement than have others complain about unfair play once more.
    Kill denied.
    Tesseract, Witch, Frix and 1 other person like this.
  20. Pawn

    Pawn Perverted Asian

    Nov 6, 2014
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    Under the Heavens
    OMG what happen to this thread. #muchdramawow
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