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Horror Stories

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Illusions, Oct 13, 2015.

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  1. elys3a

    elys3a New Member

    Oct 7, 2015
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    IGN: Terciel
    Forum Name: elys3a
    I wake up to a feeling that I am not alone - my pulse racing and my brow and back acrid with sweat. I look around wildly, not knowing where I am, only that something has been watching me as I slumbered. Then, sanity returns, gripping and steadying me, racing to assemble the jigsaw of my own thoughts.

    I am in my bedroom. It's three in the morning and I have been asleep, dreaming. A nightmare, a terrifying nightmare, but that is all that it is. Inhaling deeply, I try to calm myself.

    The room is chilly and full of darkness, as I lay listening to my decelerating heartbeat. The black iron-posts outside shone through the window, casting dim yellow contorted shapes across the bare wooden floor. At night, the room seems larger somehow, as if the walls are breathing in, caving in. I shuck my blanket and stir, listening to the creaks of the house, the settling boards and pipes before I become suddenly aware of being horribly and terribly alone. Not just now, not just because the house is empty; instead, it is something that swamped me and promised to stay. I feel a deep sinking feeling in my stomach, and I want to curl into my bed and sob.

    Perhaps I slept, perhaps not. It is difficult to tell. I could not tell whether I have truly dreamed or whether I have only drowsed until my eyes open again with a jolt of alarm.

    Something is up there, on the ceiling of my bedroom.

    My chest freezes in panic. The room has darkeded, I am sure of it, the shadows thickening until they choke out the light, and the temperature has fallen to the point where my breath is in rapid clouds. But even in the darkness, I can see the deeper shadow, the vast thing that stands at the foot of my bed and bends over me, pressing against the ceiling, a clot of congealed dark that oozes malevolence. It is impossibly tall, an undefined, faceless, looming presence, motionless, paralyzing me with fear.

    It is not there! something inside me screams, my rational mind pounding frantically in my head. It is just a shadow!

    But it is there, and it radiates evil so thick that I feel I might gag on it; the thing with no shape and no form, yet I can feel its eyes, staring at me unflinchingly, regarding me with a dead gaze.

    I am hardly even aware that my hands are scrambling for the matchbox that lay on the bedside table, kept there to light the vanilla-scented candle nearby. I do not dare to look away from the swarming blackness above me, fearing that the moment I do, it will descend on me like a shroud and I-

    A crack and hiss of the match break the spell, the small glow of light driving back the dark as I thrust the lighted match towards the ceiling. There is nothing there, but still, my racing heart can not be stilled, for etched on the ceiling is a line in black gooey mess that spells: I am under your bed.


    Word Count: 525 words.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    Lautaro and avi3ne like this.
  2. Visty

    Visty Brigade General Kalled

    Apr 8, 2013
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    IGN: Makkko
    Forum Name: Visty
    Word Count: 956
    A week before Halloween start teachers are giving assignments to their student connected to Halloween. One student decided to make a horror story as an assignment... and this was his story.

    Ivan will spend his Semester break at his Nanny who lives at mountain side. Ivan wake up wet with his sweat because of his scary dream, that was his last day on his Nanny's house cause tomorrow will have they classes again and still he haven't started his assignment so he grab his things and went at the Hut near-by Ivan was thinking on what to right and idea entered on his mind, He then start his story with a group of passengers a full grown man with a young boy, a boy with his mother and father and teen lovers riding a White Van that was stranded on the road near to the cemetery, signal was not available, no other vehicle passing-by, far from town only abandoned houses and cemetery was there means no help yet, so the driver decided that they need no to split out to find anything that can help them to continue their trip. Time passed surroundings starts to get dark and they are still stranded on the road. Then an lady with a white dress and some red dye splattered on his dress passing-by and the driver went near to her to ask about how to get help on that place, the lady just ignored the driver like she doesn't hear anything, so the driver got angry and was gonna touch lady's as the driver touch the her his hand passes through the lady's body and the lady look at him and he and the passengers got shocked for what happened. The Driver runs to the van and ordered all to go in and close everything, THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED!!!!! shouted by the one passengers they are all very very scared they the boy started to cry and the lady is walking at the van's direction. Then Ivan was called by his Nanny, and it was time to leave and go home now so Ivan packed his things and went to the station with his Nanny and that was the last trip of they as he got in the Van he noticed that all of the other passengers are like on wast he imagined for his story and said this is creepy, a white van, the same characters on my story on his mind, but he just think that it was a coincidence. As the van starts to move Ivan continued his story. Just a hour before they move the van's tire got nailed and the van got flat tires and we are enable to continue our trip. The driver said sorry for the inconvenience we'll fix this ASAP, but the driver's tool was left on his home so we needed to wait for help and one passenger said, Are we stranded? Ivan remembered that on his story the characters got stranded, he then look at the surroundings he seen abandoned houses, a cemetery near-by, then the driver said we "need to split out to find anything that will help us to continue our trip" he then started to got scared for his story is happening right now right here and right to him, he then said so that boy was me he said, the other look at him and said what? Ivan then told his story was happening to them but no one believes until he shows his book where he is writing his story but the Driver ignored him. After that a lady on white with a red dye splattered onto it appeared they started to get scared but the driver was gonna go and ask the lady Ivan said no that was a ghost so the driver look at him and as the driver look back to the lady he seen that his hand passes through the lady's body he was shocked and run to the Van and ordered all go in and close everything, the driver asked what's next on your story? I don't know i stopped right at this moment~..................................................................................................... Ivan seen light and he waked up wet with his sweat I'm just dreaming (sigh) huh~ , so he then went Ivan said he remembered that this was his last day and he haven't started his assignment yet, he then grab his things and went at the hut nearby while running we stops i-t-h-i-n-k-t-h-i-s-a-l-r-e-a-d-y-h-a-p-p-e-n-e-d slow said by Ivan so he got shocked.... and wake up wet again and that was what always happened after he wake up for a hundred times, em i trap at my dreams? he said to himself~.............................................Melissa mother of Ivan called by his mother Ivan's nanny, she said Ivan is suffering at comatose right now he fell at the tree he was climbing and his head bump at a rock, so Melissa and his husband Richard went to see Ivan~....................... Ivan think of a way on how to get out of dream what if i electrified my self he said, after trying it nothing happens, he died but still he woke up just like what is always happening at him..................... nearly a month pass Nanny, Melissa and Richard can't wait and see their grand/son to suffer more so they signed a weaver that allows the doctor to end(kill) Ivan's life for his goodness................... and then Miracle happened Ivan wake up in real life and the doctor and his relatives shocked on what happened...... Happiness on them can't be determine.............Ivan then retold his story on them and that won the most Wonderful Story on his class.

    and that was my story...........
    Sorry for if my English is bad.....
    Lautaro likes this.
  3. Patatas

    Patatas o'ya

    Oct 16, 2014
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    IGN: Agentkiller
    Forum Name: Mentalist
    Word Count: 587 Words
    The title of my originally created story is ...

    The story Begins in a Monday morning in Lucas college of technology when students are very busy answering their answer sheets for their prelim exam. "Romeo, stop cheating" said the teacher, "No ma'am , I'm not" romeo quickly replied, "I'm a giving you a warning!" Teacher said, "arghh, this is so fckn hard" romeo said with a soft voice, "What? Is their any problem with the test romeo?" The teacher got angry, "Nothing ma'am , sorry!" Romeo replied.
    After a minute...
    "Cheater.........." A girl with a very scary and horrendous face beside him shouted very loud.
    "Ahhhhhhh......." Romeo is very afraid.
    "Romeo, romeo, romeo, Wake up!" Romeo heard his father waking him up, "huh!..." Romeo shouted and finally woke up from his very unexplainable dreams, "What happen?" Said his father, "Nothing dad, just a bad dream" romeo replied, "Okay, Go clean your bed coz breakfast is ready, you'll be late, I'll gonna go ahead, I'm on a rush" Said his father while going out from his room, "Okay! Dad" romeo replied.

    In their School...
    "What a weird dream" Romeo said while walking to their classroom, "Hey! Romeo" Romeo saw his girlfriend shouting his name, "Oh! Sofia" romeo said and kiss his girlfriend, "Did you study for our prelim exam?" Sofia said while they're walking, "Ah, yeah!, a little" romeo replied and suddenly remember his dream, "Okay, gonna go in my classroom the test is maybe starting, good luck babe" Sofia said and kissed romeo, "Okay babe, bye" Romeo replied.
    Romeo continued walking to their classroom and when he's finally there it was so quite coz the test is already starting...
    "Romeo, you're 10 mins late, fast! Go to your sit so that you can start"
    Romeo go in and when he looked at their classroom, he saw...

    Romeo is very Shock and Shouted "Ahhhhhhhh...What's happening..."
    Romeo ran out ...
    When he's in the hallway the whole school became very dark and creepy...

    He entered in their library

    But still, their library became very creepy also...
    He hide under the table and shouts "Please! Leave me alone!! What i have done to you?Please leave me! Please!"
    And someone replies in a very scary voice...
    "You just forget your it easily!! CHEATER!!!! GO TO HELL....." (Scream)
    And she saw her again from above table...
    "Ahhhhhh... Please Go Away! Why'd you do this? What's my fault and who really are you?? Please tell me!" Romeo said while very afraid, "I am JUST your girlfriend before, And you're the one who broke my heart, CHEATER!" The Ghost replied, "Marry?? Is that you? I thought you're in Japan right now!" Romeo said "Huh? Japan ha? That's why you replace me with that bitch!" Ghost said, "No! That's not true" Romeo said it with fear "Then what's the meaning of your kissing scene in Facebook before, do you think I don't have eyes and brain, Argh! A cheater Man must go to hell!!!!!" Said the very angry and wild ghost.
    (When maria saw the picture of romeo and the girl, maria is very angry, sad, depressed (mixed emotions),
    So ... Maria decided to )...
    "Hahaha... Come to me Baby! To HELL!!!..." Said by the very fierce ghost.
    The bookshelf beside romeo suddenly fall down and ...
    "No No No! Ahhhh..."
    After that circumstances, No one could ever find romeo.

    On the Second day of the exam, when students entered on their respective classrooms ... They were shocked of what they saw on the blackboard...

    "Cheating is a Sin, So Stop CHEATING" written on the blackboard by blood!


    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    Lautaro, Wangfei, Witch and 2 others like this.
  4. Patatas

    Patatas o'ya

    Oct 16, 2014
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    Bru, Count its Words not its Characters. :)
  5. elys3a

    elys3a New Member

    Oct 7, 2015
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    I thought characters is just another fancy way of saying words. But I get your sentiment. Fixed it. :D
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
    Patatas likes this.
  6. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    13th Circle of Hell
    what he means is you are counting the number of letters/numbers/spaces in the story, not the number of words that it contains, no way is that almost 3k words. What it actually is, is 525 words not 2700+.
    elys3a likes this.
  7. elys3a

    elys3a New Member

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Lol. I've never used those software, thus the confusion. Thanks for the heads up. :D
  8. Witch

    Witch Scarlet Witch

    Apr 12, 2013
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    IGN: Power
    Forum Name: Witch
    Word Count: 1163

    Want to play?

    The Malone family couldn’t believe what a great deal they got on their new house. Located at the end of a cul-de-sac, it had four bedrooms and a large family room with big picture windows. The best feature of the house was the large backyard. There was even a swing set and sandbox for Tommy, their five-year-old boy.

    “Mum, can I play outside?” Tommy asked as soon as the movers had left.

    Mrs. Malone was busy unpacking and re-arranging furniture. “Okay,” she said. “But stay where I can see you. Over there by the sandbox and swing set.”

    Tommy ran outside into the hot summer sun. It was July and the weather was perfect for playing outside. Hot, but not too hot, with no wind at all. One of the swings was swinging by itself but Tommy didn’t put any thought in it. He jumped in the sandbox and started digging with his shovel that his dad had bought him.

    “Hi, do you want to play with me?”

    Tommy jumped at the voice behind him; he hadn’t seen anyone in the yard a second ago. Now there was a young boy about his age standing there. The boy was dressed strangely to Tommy but he didn’t care, he was just happy that someone wanted to play. Moving was scary and Tommy had been nervous he would have a hard time making new friends.

    “Sure, you can play in the sandbox with me.” Tommy told his new friend.

    “My name is James, what’s your name?”

    “I’m Tommy. You live near here? We just moved in today!”

    “I saw you moving,” said James. “I haven’t seen any kids here for a very long time. I’m so happy to have someone to play with.”

    James and Tommy played in the sandbox and then swung on the swing set. Tommy was jealous about how high James got his swing to go. He tried harder and harder but couldn’t swing as high as his new friend. Mrs. Malone looked out the window and saw how high Tommy was swinging. Alarmed, she ran outside and told him to come in.

    “I’ve got to go, I’ll see you later James!” Tommy ran happily into the house where his angry Mum scolded him for not being more careful on the swing set.

    “You can get hurt by swinging too high! You need to be careful Tommy. Otherwise your father and I won’t let you play on the swing unless we are out there with you.”

    “Sorry Mum. I was just trying to go as high as James.”

    “Who is James? Is he a new friend?” Mrs. Malone was familiar with Tommy’s imaginary friends.

    “Yes, he’s really cool and likes to play. I just wanted to swing as high as him. I’ll be more careful next time.”

    Mrs. Malone accepted the apology and sent Tommy off to clean up for dinner. She was making hamburgers and kept thinking about the swing set. She had been so worried about Tommy that she couldn’t say for sure, but had the second swing been swinging also? It couldn’t have been since there was no wind and Tommy was outside all by himself.

    Tommy ran down the long, wooden staircase excited about his Mum’s homemade hamburgers. He saw James through the window waving him outside and he forgot all about dinner. Instead he slipped out the front door to see what his new friend wanted.

    “I want to show you something,” James said leading Tommy along the side of the house and into a clump of bushes. There was a rotten old door set in the ground. “That leads to the old coal storage for the house. Open it up, I want to show you what’s down there.”

    Tommy pulled on the heavy rotted door but it wouldn’t budge. He tugged harder and harder, finally it started to open when he heard his Mum yelling. “Tommy, what are you doing out there? Come inside this instant!”

    James was nowhere in sight and his Mum was angry, Tommy tried to explain but his Mum didn’t want to hear it. “Stay away from that storage room. It is very old and hasn’t been used in over twenty years. Who knows what is down there!”

    Mr. Malone was also unhappy with Tommy. When Tommy tried to explain that his friend James wanted to show him something, Mr. Malone forbid him from playing with James anymore. “Snuffles and Rags are nice friends; they don’t get you in trouble. I don’t want you spending time with this James anymore,” he said. Snuffles and Rags were Tommy’s imaginary friends; he tried to explain that James was real but his parents didn’t want to hear it and sent him to bed after dinner.

    Tommy was awoken that night by someone shaking him. He jumped when he saw that it was James, still wearing the peculiar old clothes he had on that afternoon. “Tommy, your parents are asleep. Come outside, I need to show you what’s in the old coal storage.”

    “How did you get in my room? You need to leave, I’m in trouble and my parents don’t want me to play with you anymore.”

    “You won’t play with me?” James asked with a hurt look on his face.

    “I can’t. Maybe once they calm down I can but now I can’t. And you can’t sneak into my room in the middle of the night.”

    “You won’t play with me?” James repeated. “How dare you! This is my room and I let you stay here because I thought you would play with me. Do you know how long it has been since a kid lived here? Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for someone to play with?”

    Tommy was scared and yelled for his parents. James grabbed him with icy cold hands and covered his mouth. Tommy tried to fight, tried to get to the door and make it to his parent’s room but James was too strong. James wrapped his cold hands around Tommy’s neck and squeezed. Tommy couldn’t breathe, where were his Mummy and daddy? Why was James doing this? He tried calling out again but couldn’t get any words out. He was so cold. Hurry Mummy and daddy, I need you…


    The Osborn’s were excited about their first new house. A big selling point had been the large backyard which their little boy Alan would love. Mrs. Osborn told Alan it was okay to go and play on the swings while the movers were finishing up.

    Alan excitedly ran out past the small sandbox to the swing set. He was about to jump on the swing when he heard a voice behind him. “Hi, what’s your name?”

    “I’m Alan,” he said turning to see two little boys around his age. One was dressed normally but the other boy wore peculiar old fashioned clothes. “Who are you?”

    “I’m James, this is Tommy. Want to play with us?”

    - Witch
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
    Lautaro, Wangfei, Kessie and 4 others like this.
  9. Yoshiniko

    Yoshiniko Melhor ao vivo boas do que ruins

    Jan 26, 2015
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    IGN: Badal
    Furom Name: Iannaa
    Word Count: 300

    As a single working mom her life was a bit harried but she took it all in stride. Life was good and she loved her son John more than anything else in the world. He was her raison d’être (ray-zohnn DET-ruh).
    When John was just an infant he sucked his thumb. By age two he became attached to the silky edge of his baby blanket. Rather than carry that heavy blanket everywhere mom made silky toy by wrapping silky white fabric around a soft rubber ball and securing it with a rubber band (like a Halloween decoration.)
    John immediately became attached to his “Ghostie.”
    One advantage to Ghostie was he could easily be remade in case he disappeared.
    When John was about three years old mom made plans to eat at her favorite restaurant Michael J’s. It was not often they could afford to go out but you have to treat yourself once in awhile. She made sure John was well rested so there would be no fussiness in public. John invited Ghostie to dinner and Ghostie accepted of course. Even though he was never hungry.
    It was a fine meal – cheeseburgers and ice cream all around.
    With bellies full and the sun sinking below the horizon, mom strapped John into his car seat and home they went.
    About five miles down the road John asked, “where’s Ghostie?”
    “Oh no! We must have left him at Michael J’s!”
    Mom quickly turned the car around.
    Back at the restaurant they both marched up to the man standing at the little podium and asked in unison, “have you seen a Ghost?”
    As the blood drained from the man’s face a waitress overheard and came running over Ghostie in hand. “I knew you’d be back,” she said with a smile.
  10. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    http://prize.etisalat.com.ng/old-entries-2014/the-baby-ghost/ try again. Copying another person's story isn't writing your own.
    Patatas likes this.
  11. Patatas

    Patatas o'ya

    Oct 16, 2014
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  12. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    13th Circle of Hell
    cant be his story either, found it posted many times, as early as 2007.
  13. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    This event will forever be sealed tonight at midnight.

    Those unworthy enough will be thrown in a pit with thirsty vampires. Those who are worthy and followed the rules will be judged by the Council.

    Happy Halloween.
    Luff and Louy like this.
  14. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Typed Version
    IGN: Asclepius
    Forum Name: Luff
    Word Count: 943
    Entry: The Claw

    Waking up, looking around, I saw nothing but blood all around me, dripping off the walls, and making a trail from the living room to where I was laying. Trying to stand up I notice that there was some huge inhuman fingernails, near my hand; I quickly scurried away from them flattering about in the blood. Reaching up for the nearby chair, I stood to my feet, and finally getting to stare all around the room, seeing the destruction whatever monstrosity came through here had caused.

    “Tessa you there? Tessa where are you!?” I shouted, my mind finally coming back to me realizing that my friend was here at the weekend lodge with me. ‘Damn,’ I thought to myself, ‘where could she have gone? Did something happen to her?’ I pondered. Getting my hands washed up, I noticed some bruising and lacerations on my arms, almost as if I was slightly cut with knives, of which I have no remembrance. I grabbed my kit from the medical cabinet and started to walk outside afraid whatever had gotten to me, might have hurt Tess.

    As I started down the hill from the cabin, hearing screams in the distant, I tried to part the fog to see where I was going, shouting Tess’ name as I stumbled through the prickly yet damp woods and muddy ground. Getting closer and closer to the cries, I could almost feel my face being half frozen from how cold it was outside. “Tess!” I said as I saw her scrambling away from me. “Stay away from me you… you monster. Don’t come any closer!” Tess now screaming at the top of her lungs, crying and me confused as ever. “What is wrong Tess, what are you talking about?” She went on to tell me the cabin warden had come to visit us and warn us about some weird sounds in the distant woods over from us, and the incoming snow storm. As I looked up at the partial moon, as she described it, I had turned into a werewolf ripping the warden to shreds, and biting his heart out. I had tried to attack her as well, but the sheriff that was outside waiting the warden, had come in and shove me away, saving her.

    “I am so sorry Tess, I had no idea, please believe me. I do NOT remember any of what you just told me.” I pleaded. “I am just trying to understand what happened. Did I hurt you, how did you get out here?” Suddenly the cloud of thick fog, that had been covering the moon, faded away and I begin feeling my skin burning, I saw my hands start to sprout long hairs and my nails began to grow again. Crap I thought to myself and shouted to Tess to run, run as fast as she could. With a loud howl and a deep growl, I was transformed, and the only thing I cared for is to hunt anyone, anything Vampire, Human or animal alike. I thirsted for blood, to warm my soul and fill my veins to make me stronger.

    Dashing through the woods, I arrived at a close by diner, I lurked in the shadows in the bushes nearby, watching a sweet tasty couple, entering their car, getting ready to leave, “meal time” I thought to myself as I howled and followed them alongside the road – watching them as I ran through the bushes and between the trees. Up ahead, there was a stoplight and my chance to taste their blood once and for all. As the car slowed to a stop, I grunted and growled, and with yet another loud howl and roar, I pounced from the bushed into the top of the car, sinking my claws into the top and ripping it from its base – I grabbed the man from his seat by the neck, dead almost instantly from my long sharp deadly nails, ripping through is feeble and delicate throat, throwing him to the bushes behind me. Growling and staring at the woman through my blood red vision, I used my longest claw to remove her garment, gazing upon her beautiful body and hardened nerve endings. With a deep growl, I tried to speak, but only grunts of hungry and thirst for blood emitted my vocal passageway. I could not bring myself to hurting such a beautiful creature, so with a quick slash, I marked her shoulder so I could recognize her when I am back in my human form, to maybe apologize or something. I pounced off the top of the vehicle once again right onto my meal – laying there dead and ready to be had. Ripping through his bones and organs, I devoured him as fast as I could, gulping down every bit of meat without choking or missing a bite. I turned around to look at her running over to the phone booth to call for help that was nearby, and with a loud and long echoed howl, I ran off back in to the woods, to see if I could find Tess. She was long gone.

    As I sat atop a mountain, staring down at the house tops down below, I knew it was going to be a long night, I needed to be fed, and the hunger and thirst was too much to bear. As I turned around and snarled with almost a human grin on my face, I pounced down into the night, slashing and ripping through anything in my path, screams of fear and pain could be heard in the distance as I brought the once peaceful town to a bloody end.

    Signed: Luff.

  15. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    This event is now rotting in a tomb.

    Good Luck to all of you.
    Alex, elys3a and Luff like this.
  16. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    I apologise for the delay for the announcement of the winners. Will be done in the next couple of days. Thanks for bearing with us.
    Neilkhulet and Alex like this.
  17. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    And the winners are...

    First Place @Luff
    Second Place @Saruayu
    Third Place @nerf

    Thank you all for your patience. The users mentioned please get in touch with me with your chosen rewards. Thank you.

    Disqualified users : @zheno @Ianaa
    Luff likes this.
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