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PVP 5.0

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by jsonborne, Oct 12, 2016.

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  1. jsonborne

    jsonborne Getting there

    Dec 25, 2011
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    well, I have been playing since dec 2011, and I have enjoyed gamezion everyday, but here in 5.0 I am just disappointed why there is no more pvp ground for asmos and elyos to clash which is in fact the best place to play everyday. people are unhappy of it. but they don't complain perhaps they are afraid to be ban??? with respect the the owner and AMs and GMs , I respectfully please ask to bring back the wherein we play play pvp and enjoy gamezaion. modesty aside because I enjoyed gamezaion eversince, I did many donations before but for this 5.0 how can we enjoy mix fight 2v2, 3v3 that are coming out from the elyos square every now and then. ppl (players wants to pvp)
    and that is obvious, . yes mix is good and others ....but how about those players who cannot afford to get the best armors and weapons and others to play? will they be just always killed in mix? in pvp there is a lot of pt, group, ally and everybody enjoys it. to the GMs and AMs , sirs, I am not complaining but I/we would respectfully request to return the pvp in heiron or anywhere u think of or a new map. so that other players may enjoy gamezaion and not only those OP players. thank you very much

    ....sirs, maybe there can be a voting for all players who wants to have pvp or just thest, mix, 2v2, 1v1, 3v3 and others...in pvp we can play/hunt and enjoy anytime of the day or night...again thank you very much, hoping for a result regarding this matter..
    Rellya, Denden, Nayr and 4 others like this.
  2. jeric

    jeric Yumilover / Rushitsu

    Sep 16, 2016
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    yeah i cant pvp in mix without a party, if you entered in the mix without a party will get rape instantly xD thats why open world pvp is more fun at least you have an option if you get bored in the mix fight or FFA battleground
  3. jsonborne

    jsonborne Getting there

    Dec 25, 2011
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    I agree more. let everybody enjoy gamezaion as it was eversince and not only the OP players..with respect to them.
    Rellya likes this.
  4. nonsense


    Jul 22, 2010
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    in short you are looking for open world pvp? why?
    because in the first place it was not removed. there are still maps open for elyos and asmodian anytime. like katalam. (*kaldor, rather)
    it is just that people nowadays prefer those portals as they offer rewards which is necessary to have good sets.
    if you want to pvp in an open world, you will have do extra effort to shout and shout just like what most of the zergers do before in the open world maps.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
  5. Seika

    Seika 内向的

    Feb 14, 2016
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    It's so hard if you're solo in mix. Dmg here dmg there and dmg everywhere :(
  6. Noyah

    Noyah ᴜɴғᴏʀɢᴇᴛᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Staff Member Admin

    May 30, 2015
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    now when you get GP from mix you really think people will just give up on this portal and pvp in open world maps? im sure not..
    Jessica and vantooth like this.
  7. jeric

    jeric Yumilover / Rushitsu

    Sep 16, 2016
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    FYI katalam region is not available in gamez anymore i think it was remove
  8. Angelinaa

    Angelinaa Proficient

    Jan 12, 2016
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    going solo in mix is hard if you not use a good pvp gear :( i hope there will be a open world pvp again...
    jsonborne likes this.
  9. jsonborne

    jsonborne Getting there

    Dec 25, 2011
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    tell me sir, before 5.0, does everybody do the xtra effort to shout and shout in heiron like for example?? there is a place like in heiron where elyos and asmos standby where there are guards and to respawn whenever they die, does this still exist in those places? like in heiron GRAY FOG MARSHES (obelisk for asmos) and in LEPHARIST RESEARCH CENTER (also obelisk for asmos). tell me sir, why was it removed?. that is why there are no more FRIENDLY ASMOS OR FRIENDLY ELYOS STANDING BY out there.

    yes , an open world where there are places where friendly players , asmos and elyos can bind to recpective obelisk and pvp out there.

    ahhmm, is this a competition who gets first to be general or governor? I thought gamezaion , like before benefits all players OP or WEAK to enjoy and play with friendly asmos and elyos out there in open pvp. coz everybody knows open pvp is really enjoyable like before 5.0. I am not against any portal out there but why no more open pvp.. thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2016
    Rellya likes this.
  10. xHak123x

    xHak123x Getting there

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Not everyone is GP whore or care about GP....we just want to have fun period. all we ask is portals to maps like heiron use to be. I'm sure it doesn't take a lot of efforts or time to put a portal or two in Sanctum that connect us to Asmo land or vice versa. You be surprise how many will go open world pvp. Open world Pvp is a combination of groups, solos, 2 or 3 people going together. Yes, there's zerg when everyone is online....but isn't that expected? As someone said......Mix is just OP Gear people running wiping everyone in their path....so if you don't donate $$$ or go in with OP people...guess how much fun you will have? Zero...! OH yes you get great damage and defense buff for solo.......really? Have you guys actually tested having 3 OP gear vs 1 OP gear with that buff? OP buff or not....that solo guy/girl gonna start porting out ASAP. You really think Mix is for everyone just come n look at people in Sanctum....all I see is people standing around...some waiting for hours just for Portal to open.........some just log on then log off cuz there's nothing.........I mean nothing for them to do. If you guys really care about the community, do something. Voicing our opinions is not complaining....We (the community) is your fan.....if you don't listen, it's your lost not ours.
    Giullia, Shiyori, anewgirl and 5 others like this.
  11. jsonborne

    jsonborne Getting there

    Dec 25, 2011
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    guys please lets all respect each and everyones opinion, no matter what we say here in forum , its up to the GMs and AMs. lets us not say things that will generate hate. lets just have a friendly discussion, if its possible. Gamezaion is for us human beings to GAIN FRIENDS AND NOT HATE. maybe the responsible Admins will have a look at these issue. I hope they will understand those who like open pvp for all of us to enjoy be you asmos or elyos.
    Rellya likes this.
  12. Jban

    Jban New Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Same concern here , im a returning player since 4.5 i guess , katalam days ..
    i went back 5 days before 5.0 will release ..
    i miss the old days doing open pvp in katalam specially in sillus fortess Siege days ...
    same what hak123 said not everyone cares about their GP`s , me or the other players just want have a fun ..
    mixfight and open pvp is not the same as what the others thinking ( Just a opinion ) ...
    even asmo has a low population now , they wer still good in open pvp ...

    I know 5.0 is new beginning , but hoping that open pvp will be back :)

    Rellya, clengcleng and jsonborne like this.
  13. Purell

    Purell - Forum Legend

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Most of these complaints are just players raging on how a stronger group wiped you or you have trouble beating them. It's just like any other game the strongest will survive and the weak will always fall. I don't see how it would be anymore different if it was open world when you will still go against that strong team. I will tell you why a very few of you want open world and that's because you're use to having a alliance and guards to use to hide behind to avoid death. The problem is accepting death in a game to which not many are very use to when they're always running away to safety. If there's something you have to understand about open world pvp is that there's never been many asmos around, and it dies very quick. Another reason why very few dislike mix is because of how not many are use to dealing with group vs group combat when for years there was just this whole ping pong fest that everyone would complained over and disliked.

    These complaints aren't necessary when no one is stopping you guys from doing open world pvp. If no one does open world pvp then it isn't because there's no way to do it, it's because not many are interested on doing open world pvp. A big complaint I see is "gear" I don't know where all this is coming from or if it's just a excuse, but I can see everyone's gear and to tell you the truth they're very few running with the new gears at the moment since it's still new.

    I understand the whole long wait after mix closes is a issue and I did requested the bgs time to be adjusted and it got declined. It is still not a reason to not form a group and announce yourselves in a another map for some open world pvp. You guys were able to find pvp on your own without my help in the past.
    mortganz, Ollo and Gilldartz like this.
  14. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    In the past this is how open-world pvp war started and I don't see why it is being an issue now. You talk about soloing in mix is bad etc, well group in open world announce yourselves when Mix and other BGs are closed and I'm sure the enemy will come crawling, even if it is in the new map/zones.

    People are seeking pvp and that is what mixfight along with the other battlegrounds bring and guess what? They all serve multiple purposes. With great rewards and rewards required for ranking up, so everyone sees it as a win win. Open world has always been branded and badmouthed as too ping-ponged and it often left people having nothing to do, saying PVP is dead and boycotting it entirely.

    That issue no longer exists, people can solo in mix with the OP buff they get, or group up and take advantage of having someone by their side. Either way? It's all about having fun, enjoying the pvp that is available, rather than sit around and complain about the ping-pong nonsense which is never and can never be considered PVP.
    Ollo, Gilldartz and Purell like this.
  15. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    well i agree and disagree . mix is good, but not good 4ever. we are missing the part with ely vs asmo somehow. about finding a pvp area is kinda hard, with the rift system, and huge maps. maybe we should bring back pvp on ingi/gelk, but low lvl guards will be a problem again. anyway, not many will pvp cuz the pvp not giving gp. we all know on 4.8, during siege time, pvp area was empty. that's mean ppls will always prefer gp rewards 1st.
  16. PoWeLL

    PoWeLL Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    as returned player, and starting all over again with new set, i dont think open pvp would be any different for ungeared ppl.
    We are discussing two ways of pvp here:

    + Open world pvp:
    • Something fun about it was the whole ganking thing. Some people like that, some not. I do like it but at the end of the day, you realize ganking is all about surprise and having an adventage to hit first and catch them unprepared.
    • Zergs. This is the worst part of open world pvp in my opinion.
    • It is hard to find some solo pvp, specially if there is no many people around. How many complained about running the whole map without finding someone to kill sometimes?
    + Event /bg type pvp:
    First time I saw this idea was in another server, really famous which i wont name to avoid spam. But honestly, they got lot of players because this method worked so good for them for lot of reasons:
    • You enter to pvp, and you just do it. You dont need to look outside for it. You just wait the entry and that's it.
    • This method gives the chance to reward for winning and even losing, which gives more oportunities to the new coming players
    • More fair pvp because of number in most of BGs.
    • In the other hand, needs much more work in programming and making good decisions, stay creative and make variety in time to time.
    Here this method could have some better upgrades, but I guess staff is working on it.

    I would suggest something to let new players get geared faster:
    • Give more AP by killing or in pvp events, because if you want to get a piece you must make party and enter pve bg, and sometimes not easy to find ppl to do that. Would be nice to get some more ap going in pvp Bgs, even if you lose, get something more. RIght now is not worth for me to register on them.
    • Of course the exp thing. The boost function allows server to keep votes, and that's a good idea. But take off the online time requirement. Reaching level 70 and vote is just more than enough. 60hs online to exp when Its a pvp server is pointless.
    • Some kinah boost too. You give 1kk at start and maybe you can get some drops by mobs and get.. like what? 50? 60?kk a day?. (and that is farming a while and selling 500k-1kk each item) You want to get a feather, 100kk. You want to enchant above level 15? jesus I had 400kk before I returned. It almost vanished by enchanting a weapon to +20. Remember that you cant make any business with craft anymore. I tried to sell enchants, and is really rare to sell some, definitly not enough.

    //edit: Maybe a good idea would be to let ffa bg all the time open with no reward, just to kill everybody in a closed map, some dungeons like dredgion, or FT, etc. And when there is a BG with reward or anything it would spam an announce, so people would leave the ffa to do that and then return. I know there is alredy ffa bg, but maybe you should keep it open always.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  17. jsonborne

    jsonborne Getting there

    Dec 25, 2011
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    Sir purell, running away is part of the game and hiding.that is why there are assassins specially for those who have no good gears. since 2011 in gamezaion as I recall that was the game. so the main reason is that some players cannot kill the enemy just because running away and hiding in the obelisk with guards. and about the alliance to alliance, that's the way the game was and im sure everybody enjoys that. now sir I understand why the Gamezaion doesn't want to have an open map again (im sure everybody will understand what you just said).with respect to you sir, so this Game is only for the OP players to enjoy and not for everyone, thanks a lot for your message sir.
    Rellya likes this.
  18. PoWeLL

    PoWeLL Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Aion is 75% gear, 15% skill, 10% internet connection in every single server.
  19. jsonborne

    jsonborne Getting there

    Dec 25, 2011
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    again with respect to everyone...my point is just ....let every single player enjoy gamezaion as was before and should always be. wether with good gear or not , wether with good skills or not, wether with good internet or not. just enjoy the game which I have loved and enjoyed for so many years but not only for me or other players but for ALL people who wants to play gamezaion....to the GM or AM , I hope u would not misunderstand me.
    Rellya likes this.
  20. PoWeLL

    PoWeLL Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Well maybe there is a way to make everyone happy.

    On retail there was more pvp in open world because you had to enter the rift and enter the enemy's Rentus instance to get mythic gear, and stigmas. This could work here as well. Give people a reason to enter the enemy map, something they want to farm. That would limit the map to a zone to defend or attack too. For people who doenst want open pvp, they can join the BGs, and if you like it, you farm in enemy map instance.

    //edit: In fact, i came up with a good idea.

    You can get that new set in webshop that can break by enchant, and you are working on a system to prevent that in the webshop, right?.
    Why dont you create or use a token that can be exchanged for that? like Kharum symbols, after 4.8 you can no longer get them. So you first delete all kahrum tokens from the server, to make sure nobody has any from prevs versions, and then make possible to exchange like.. 2500 kahrum symbols for the cheapest token, and make Rentus drop like 50, or 30. Set the instance cooldown to 3-5hs or so, so people continue using the rift and having pvp.
    ANd for the no-doners bring some medals, or something too.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
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