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lifeskill players

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by alaricky, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. telespapeles

    telespapeles Proficient

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Ok, let's break this up:
    The game isn't designed for players to run around with 100 of each meals and 50 of each elixirs. Most of the materials for cooking and alchemy are easy to obtain from node work and killing mobs alone. Plus, you now have the super high drop rate on gathering. Besides this, you want recipe numbers to be low? These factors all multiply the next one and it makes it so easy already.
    ps: 3-4 meats? You are getting meats the wrong way, as I can get 9-10

    High tier mats should be hard to get, to some extent. They are easier here. Lvling life skills should be a thing done overtime. You should first be a good gatherer and then be a cook/alchemist. With the change made to gathering, high tier mats are way easier to get from gathering alone.

    It will be poorer because the mats are easier to get if you ask me. Why would I sell you x, z and y if you need only 10min to gather them? And I'm sorry, but it really takes little effort to get most stuff done, when you compare it to retail. You can cook a batch of 1000 meals more than once a day if you are really into it. Not on retail, unless you want to lower your profit by buying mats. Cooks and alchemists should first be gatherers. The game has a way of building itself up in an order.

    You want easier cooking and alchemy. What do you think that will happen to the economy?
    Let's assume that the recipe numbers were lowered to 1 each. Give me a reason to buy meals and elixirs from the market when it literally takes no effort from me to craft a few? The economy will be worst.
    Just look at when you were one of the only players selling meals: good business for you, because most people (including myself) wasn't even aware that you could do cooking and alchemy with 1 each. As soon as people started spreading the word the market was flooded with everything and it took a while longer to sell. I bet that you kinda felt the hit.

    If I have to agree with you on something is that life skills don't match the "silver per hour" of grinding. But it kinda is the same on retail. All that you need is a lucky drop and grinding is tons more efficient than life skills. You should not be thinking that the game is one or the other. Players are supposed to grind AND life skill.
  2. RiseAboveU

    RiseAboveU New Member

    Sep 29, 2017
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    thats kinda incorrect - most silver income is from LIFE SKILLS and not grinding (at the retail version)
  3. telespapeles

    telespapeles Proficient

    Jul 27, 2017
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    As I mentioned, 1 lucky drop and the effectiveness goes away. You have to commit hours to get life skills going. I also mentioned "silver per hour". Unless you are on the top of the market and camping imperial delivery and trading, your profit won't be so high. You can be a pleb and get a lucky drop. But your point is right for consistent silver income.
    Retail aside, grind is the way to go here.
  4. szuszak

    szuszak New Member

    Oct 2, 2017
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    What are you even talking about?
    The game isn't designed for players to run around with 100 of each meals and 50 of each elixirs. Most of the materials for cooking and alchemy are easy to obtain from node work and killing mobs alone. Plus, you now have the super high drop rate on gathering. Besides this, you want recipe numbers to be low? These factors all multiply the next one and it makes it so easy already.
    The geme isn't design for ppl to running around with Pen everything either - it is literally designed for ppl to fail - in korea since the start there isnt a single person full full pen
    yet here you will have multiple 10s if not 100s of players with full pen gear - so saying that something "isn't designed" as something on private server is an ignorant statement

    Let's assume that the recipe numbers were lowered to 1 each. Give me a reason to buy meals and elixirs from the market when it literally takes no effort from me to craft a few? The economy will be worst.

    There is no economy on this server
    you will NEVER find all the materials needed on ah - on retail ppl specialize - if i wanted to be a cook i don't even have to set up farms , i dont have to go butcher animals either
    all i need is some silver that i can get from grinding than go to ah and literally buy all my mats i need for cheap - http://www.bdodae.com/cooking/index.php?item serendia_meal - i can get all my mats for this for around 2kish (i haven't played on retail for a while now but that used to be the case - i would farm sousans for a bit sell all my shit and go buy mats for the gold i farmed and gather my 6 farms on which i didn't even grow mats needed for cooking since strawberries and sunflowers were a better investment for growing , so i would buy all mats needed for crafting buff foods with money from farming and grinding and craft 100 meals easy) there is no way you can do it here EVER
    the market is empty when it comes to gathering mats or crafting mats because the rates are only slightly higher than retail for gathering and required mats for crafting recipes are EXACTLY the same so availability of any crafting resources is non existent from AH - even simple items like silver azalea is gone the instant someone posts a stack
    so crafters have to do crazy diversity to make stuff on this server - the unlimited energy and energy rates do help with this - but you have no incentive to do that - because you can go and farm some witches/helms/knights and get earing/marks/necks and sell those for 5-10 mil each - but once you have the silver there is nothing to spend it on - because the only things you find on ah are weapons/stones/accessories - so no crafter on this server will sell their products like potions/food/alch stones - and you will rarely see them on ah - while on retail those items are PACKED to a maximum capacity

    there are 3 things that need to be implemented on this server to fix this problem
    1- the drop rates from gathering need to be the same as item drops - so literally you should get 10x of everything that you gather - worker gathering included
    2- the default prices for mats and products like - wood/meat/fruit/metal etc on market need to be raised 10x so something that sells for 10 silver each would be selling for 100 silver each - so the lifeskillers have incentive to sell any extras they get from gathering and be able to purchase equipment with it - basically what it comes down to - should i go farm witches for 1h and get 5-10 earings that sell for 10 mil each - or should i go gather mats and make stuff like food and potions and sell them and maybe get similar amount of gold for that 1-2h of gathering/crafting that i can get couple earings to try to smash them together - so in short - a 10x price increase on gathering items and craftables in market - to give crafters any incentive at all to sell their goods
    3- lowering the required mats 1 per is actually a great mechanic for the server with x10+ rates and should be brought back - even with increased drop rates from gathering and increase of prices on market there is no way that lifeskilling can compete with with straight up grinding - the amount of silver you can get just from going to any node and heaving a maid to sell all your items with will never even be close to silver that you will make with gathering / crafting - which is also of course a case on retail - but the values are much much closer to each other on retail than here - so this change would make it even easier for crafters/life skillers to feel rewarded for their time

    and any arguments along the lines of "why do you even want silver as a crafter" are dumb - this game is a sandbox which means the lifeskills can be means to an end - in bdo gear is everything - upgrading it is everything - be it a costume/horse/gear/fishing boat or your ap/dp - you have a choice - get your silver from killing mobs or get your silver from crafting/gathering - or do both (which gives best results) - the lifeskill part does not exist here - and it should be fixed - because half of bdo charm are the systems behind their extensive lifeskills - this game isn't all about killing , half of it is about creating - and that part currently is missing from GameZ server
  5. telespapeles

    telespapeles Proficient

    Jul 27, 2017
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    That's all very beautiful but you fail to understand how retail is tailored to have that kind of balance.
    My point in "why do you even want silver as a crafter" was meant for some1 who posted saying that they don't pvp or even fight for anything, so why would you need money if you actually dont buy gear or get out of town? I know that BDO is badly designed but here, where sieges don't even happen and wars are rare, if you don't get out of town you don't need gear, because the way I see it, retail life skillers get their money to get better gear.
    Stop getting quotes here and there and answer them out of context.

    I do agree with you that a simple solution would be changing the market prices of raw and processed items. But this would require a complete market prices update to make things as close to fair as possible. Repeating what I once mentioned on another thread, BDO even has staff on payroll JUST to take care of influx of silver vs prices vs rates vs silver sinks (like rng patrigio, etc) vs material sinks (like imperial) vs everything else to make it as balanced as possible. For this to be close to retail, we would need that but we never will. But once again, I agree with that "solution".
  6. IAmMurgan

    IAmMurgan New Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Oh my lord, this post has been everywhere with no end to a means.
    Okay, i play BDO religiously, almost as bad as me and Archeage, The system for lifeskilling even in official was maddening, i have never seen such a horrible gather rate in any of my MMO's. The crafting though was legit, i like the mat requirements. Kudo's that way

    1: Take out the infinite Chopping/Mining
    2:Update gathering to ehhh, about double, so instead of your average 1-2 logs per tree, or 2-4 meats per body. etc etc. make it 4-5 logs, or 6-8 meats etc etc, double is good.
    3:I know this is work on their part (GamezBD Team), but BDO's Market Place is BDO's downfall, fixed prices are *inserts wtf face*, i never understood why they we're the way they we're, and especially having official prices here is truly a sadists playground. They need to be fixed to an official stand point in terms of "Ratio". If you increase drop rate on things that are high value due to a locked MP value, then you need to compensate to make amends, there is no drive in this private server to create... Other than yah know, that Epheria boat cuz ye, fishing boats suck and for personal use and maybe some guildmates.

    On an end note, Lifeskilling is stupid lucrative if you know what you're doing, i personally knew one of the first billionaires of BDO, he only did lifeskills because his gear was deleted via transport and kakao is such a beautiful company, took forever to reply to just say fk you, we not giving you your gear. Needless to say, he had better gear already xD.
  7. alaricky

    alaricky New Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    sadly pve/pvp players don't understand it, drop rates doesn't increase the gather rates, no matter how many they increase the drop rates, we'll get 1-4 items with gather, marketplace will be empty of meals and elixirs cuz nobody will do cooking/alchemy in a private server with retail drops.
  8. alaricky

    alaricky New Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    trade is the only lucrative way in the lifeskill and in this server trade is off, so we can't get money with lifeskill here

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