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Bullying is happening

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by loboram, May 17, 2018.


Is it alright for the GamezBD community to allow Bullying (despite having rules against it)?

Poll closed Jun 17, 2018.
  1. Sure it is alright to bully people because they are just so easy to upset

  2. No of course it is not alright to bully (or harm) anyone especially because this is a game

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  1. azaireth

    azaireth New Member

    May 11, 2018
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    This is a pvp based game with gear being the main factor in most situations. Every pvp based game where gear and time investment are a factor, you will have guilds and players that play from the start or no-life to end game status and grief everyone else below them. What ends up happening is a massive gear difference between old and new players and the server will eventually start gaining fewer and fewer players until those old players are all that is left. I played Lineage 2 for years, before it became the f2p disaster. Same shit happened back then. Insert any pvp based game with gear based progression and I'll tell you the same story. Players never learn. The few times I've asked any questions in-game on this server, all you get are trolls and people being assholes. "bullying" is a strong term for what this is, its more just pvp games attract a certain type of playerbase, most of which are elitist, same ones that complain when the game/server they play on dies from this type of thing and move on to another. People being behind their keyboards tend to bring out the worst in these types of players because they have no draw back to their actions. So instead of letting new players start and get good competition they would rather grief and trash everyone that starts, then get bored when they have to pvp the same players day in and day out, until everyone moves on.
    loboram likes this.
  2. DuskValley

    DuskValley New Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    If you don't enjoy being killed, don't look for trouble. For the ''harass or threaten other players'' part, i agree i guess... I'll give you an example of what happened to me this week.

    I was grinding at hexe for witch earrings when suddenly, a low-geared player (around 350 gs) comes in and try to take my rotation. PK activated, he die, i keep grinding. but he then comeback over and over. I went from 300K karma to -1 000 000 and this guy kept coming. So i insulted him. Am i in the wrong for insulting him ? he's literally being a d*ck. This person is ruining my experience of the game. What i mean by that is it's not because you're the one killing low-geared players, that you actually enjoy killing them. It is frustrating when someone is being stubborn for stupid reasons.You lose time and this person also loses time.

    Harassment is something that can be done by low-geared and high-geared players. Also, have you ever heard of the ''BLOCK'' option ? It's quite nice. If someone is saying mean things to you and you don't like it, you can block this person. All the messages he sent you will be instantly deleted and he won't be able to message you anymore.
    Nyaon2 likes this.
  3. FuRiouS

    FuRiouS Legendary Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    BDO = BvB (Bully vs Babies)...

    Dont like being killed over and over by players? Go sit in town and life skill or go play another game. Stop complaining about being killed in a player vs player game. Please post your in game name so everyone here can track you down in game and kill you none stop just for making this post.
  4. Nyaon2

    Nyaon2 New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    you FuRiouS bro? Calm down xd

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  5. FuRiouS

    FuRiouS Legendary Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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  6. Noyah

    Noyah ᴜɴғᴏʀɢᴇᴛᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Forum Legend

    May 30, 2015
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    I see that you're trying to fit into the discussion, which is fine, but it has nothing to do with norsvold, the whole discussion here is about BDO.
    loboram likes this.
  7. llspacemonkeyll

    llspacemonkeyll (ง •̀_•́)ง (눈_눈) sweet demon

    Aug 10, 2013
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    (ノ_ _)ノ(ง ˙o˙)ว٩( 'ω' )و (*´罒`*)
    ooooooo yea yea i forgot the BDO thing yea black desert online yea well i deleted the post since ur right i do not really have any relevance to this discu...its just i saw this post while im doin something i thought d dude was talking about gamezaion...my bad
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    @azaireth Thanks for you contribution and as unfortunate as it is I agree with you, the very people who absolutely love bringing misery and harm to others are the same that get bored with the situation when nothing changes for the better in their community eventhough they helped shape their community for the worse. However that should not deter us from dealing with abusive language on the Server chat as well as players who actually take the time to whisper to you only to throw bunches of "chat abuse" at you since I already know that the odds of changing the pre-acknowledged behavior for online gaming is near impossible but by changing the way we all react to "bad behavior" we will indeed make a difference when seen by people new to online gaming and/or this community, in the end is it not what we all want a great community where you feel like you can ask a question on server chat without any dumbarse and "belittling" answers, wouldn't that be awesome?

    Babies trying to post a comment that would make any sense but fails?
    Naah rather a person that has not read the first post or if so did not understand it since this is again a reference towards PK'ing and/or Guildwars. Sorry but this is not the topic at hand.
  9. Ampnode

    Ampnode New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    I'm just about 2 weeks new with 194 AP and have never been pvp'd at any grind spot. Hell, the only pvp I've seen was at Dim Tree, and that was a guild war. 9/10 someone isn't going to just run up to you and kill you without a valid reason. Even my friend says he's never been in a pvp encounter. I see no "bullying" happening.
    DuskValley likes this.
  10. FuRiouS

    FuRiouS Legendary Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    I highlighted your original post that I was referring to, thanks. Spawn camping and endless PKing someone is not bullying, its called active player vs player in a player vs player game. Now you are correct about the "harassment" within chat, that is a per server/game offence and can/well be dealt with by staff/moderators and should be reported. Outside of chat there are no rules of engagement within BDO, You upset the wrong person here or on retail you bet you and possibly your entire guild will suffer in endless PKing and or mob griefing non stop which is completely legitimate. Welcome to an open world PvP game! NOT open world real life game. (devil)

    There are tones of players out there here and on retail as well as hundreds of other games that take advantage of lower leveled and or geared players finding it "fun" in killing them if the game allows it (PvP). This does not translate into bullying within a video game. In real life when a bigger kid picks on a smaller one that is bullying and not allowed (In most government operated countries) in our "open world real life game" but in a video game where PvP is active there are no rules other then what the game mechanics provides (safe zones, level restrictions and such).
  11. LightSpike

    LightSpike Unlimited Ego

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Bullying is such a strong word to use in the gaming community. In all technicality, you have all the tools necessary to make someone's tasteless writings in chat go away permanently. You have that power. Now as far as everybody else goes - they have this power as well. Shaite posting will always happen in chats, for this is the internet. I'd trust people to have the clarity of mind and the wisdom to determine for themselves which posts in the chat matter and which don't. We don't need someone babying the chats 24/7, that's just silly. What would be next? Expecting someone to wipe our butts after number 2? /kappa
    And when it comes to stuff such as PK/PvP - it's part of the game and people can avoid it to a high degree. If you get PKed somewhere, just do someplace else. If you keep going where you know you'll die, that's just you looping your bad decisions, not the world being out of whack. The only thing which you can be entitled to in this game, are your stats and skills as a player. There's nothing else, no police, no gods, nothing. Just you. And of course, your guildies if you have a guild.
  12. Sleier

    Sleier Archangel

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Bullying online--- (Verbal harassment/abuse) can be dealt with by harnessing the power of the block function.
    outside of using the block function, players will find ways to get to you to continue harassment such as having several of their friends grabbing your location from the velia guy and constantly chasing you down, if you switch servers and they continue to pursue you then this is a clear harassment violation (regardless if you are able to be pked by switching to an alt or using any other methods to remove yourself from any mechanic that they may have at their disposal to interact, slow down or any other form of malicious attempts they could possibly use to interact with your online presence that would impact you or any other player negatively) and should be dealt with and treated as a very serious offence.

    Many of you will disagree, but the fact still remains that bullying is a form of harassment, and doing it online falls into the "stalking" category, which in most states/countries/provinces is a serious criminal offense to begin with and can potentially lead to physical harm to the victim in RARE cases. I've personally experienced stalking from players who were simply upset that they spent thousands of dollars on gear and lost to me repeatedly even though i was playing and grinding my own gear, had far worse stats and was capable of killing half of their group, which led to stalking via facebook, death threats, threatening messages to family members, and even a threat of raping a minor. All of that over an online game... so yea I treat bullying and harassment very seriously. In fact most of the players from that game moved to black desert online and some of them could potentially be here on GamezBD.

    Some key signs that it is in fact bullying:
    -they are persistant
    -they are purposely trying to harm you or those around you
    -you are being targeted, without a shadow of a doubt
    -they've previously made threats
    -they cause higher than normal frequency of interaction via pvp, server chat contact/whispers, people they are friends with contacting you etc.
    Any action more serious than the above listed probably falls into the stalking category. Racism, Threats of physical harm or slander, and any type of prejudice towards a player is also gateways to stalking and hate crimes. As stated before there are not many places in the world where these actions are not considered criminal offences, but due to international and border limitations not much can be done when the aggressor is from another country which is why it is very important to make sure that you are in fact being bullied, harassed or stalked and why it is even more important that delicate but stern and harsh punishments be put into place to keep something minor from turning into something major.

    We all came here because we were tired of the unfairness/toxicity/boredom and many other reasons from retail, we came here to have a good time. With our community here, even after frustrations of pvp, enhancing, or just not being able to get the drops we were hoping for... this is still OUR home and after you've faced your in game hardships for the day the last thing anybody should do is walk away from their pc mad at another person online, its not healthy. There is always a tomorrow, but burned bridges between people in a small community like this rarely ever fix themselves, so don't burn them in the first place, instead keep a cool head and look at every situation logically because emotions RUIN all judgment and that is the last thing you want to fail if you plan on staying with a small community.
    loboram likes this.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I am actually glad for you and hope that this will be the case of all your gaming experiences :)
    The only problem I have with the comment is that this has nothing to do with Player Killing or Guildwars or Spawncamping or anything like that at all and it truly seems to me that none of you read the first post.

    Harassment can easily be following a player around and attacking them whenever it is possible as well as interfering in general with their gamplay which is not chat-based abuse however still very much harassment.
    The problem I have with the comment is that this has nothing to do with Player Killing or Guildwars or Spawncamping or anything like that at all and it truly seems to me that none of you read the first post where I mentioned these two things that you highlighted as examples of how players can harass each other.

    I am sorry you feel that that is the only way for people to behave while online and in a game of all places since it is far from "norm" to continually let people treat others like shaite online, this here our community is a perfect opportunity to show the world how people should treat each other while online without fear of harassment or stalking or abusive chat.
    If only you had taken the time to actually read the first post though.

    I welcome your comment with open arms as it describes in great detail what it is that I am trying to accomplish here, an end to the sort of behavior that is ruining people's gaming time (i.e. time spent having fun) and since time is limited then we should all do our best to make sure that players who want to ruin the gaming experience of others just stop or leave our community since they are not welcome here.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2018
  14. LightSpike

    LightSpike Unlimited Ego

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Far from the norm? Not quite. If you think this is far from the norm, you clearly haven't been playing korean grinders that use the same PvP/PK system that BD has (and those are pretty popular precisely because of this system).
    It's quite a common misconception that PvP/PK aren't normal if all you played were PvE servers like the carebear (this isn't used as an insult so don't latch into it) servers of TERA or any of the B&S official servers and this is something new to you. TERA was specifically separated into PvE and PvP because the publishers caught a whiff that they can cash in on all the carebears that were interested and as far as B&S is concerned, it was simply a stuttering mess from day one and they couldn't get the Lineage2/Aion PvP formula to work with it, so they had to compromise and limit the PvP/PK aspects a lot.
    Rest assured that in a PvP/PK enabled servers, getting killed and fighting for farm spots and for your "life" is the norm, not the exception. And here's the kicker - there are no pure PvE servers when it comes to BD. Retail Olvia is basically there to break people in, hence the exp bonuses and the defaul PvP/PK immunity. 30 days in or past level 50 and you enter no man's land. In other words, BD was never a peaceful farming game, which is basically the main reason all the peaceful carebears are on an uproar in official forums and trying to shame everybody for PKing and PvPing people for farm spots, when this is absolutely normal stuff to do in a PvP/PK games since the dawn of time.
    As for the whole safe space idea - not gonna happen. The more we treat people like babies and protect them from the oh so harmful words of people who they don't even know, the further we drop into the wretched den of mediocrity. This is no way to teach people the virtues which will lead them to living a healthy stress free life, it's how we get to cultivate weakness and laziness.
    DuskValley and n0tl0c like this.
  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Wow, once again I can only say please read the first post :(
    Forget the topics Player Killing, Spawncamping and PvP because if that was the topic at hand that would be the title but since it is not and why somehow all the mainstream people just keep reading the last post and think they know what this is about is beyond my understanding, so if it not too much too ask then open your own topic and discuss this among yourselves :)
  16. Ampnode

    Ampnode New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    But... you said "EVERYONE takes a screenshot of the offending chat and/or spawn camping/endless PK before reporting the problem." Advocating that anyone who's being spawn camped and/or PK'd over and over to report this "bad behavior". So is endless PK no longer part of the main topic? You've listed offending chat and endless PK as methods of bullying. What other types of "bullying" are there besides those two you've mentioned in the original post? The reason why most of us are going on about PvP is because being offended in chat is so simple of a task to deal with that it's not worth talking about. You just block them if you're really that too thin-skinned to handle it. Constant PvP, however, can't be easily dealt with since you can't quite escape it if you're a low GS player, which again I've never seen this happen to anyone or myself.

    Aside from me never seeing random PvP happen by someone for the sake of stroking their ego, I've also never seen anyone go up to a random and start shit talking him. Bullying not being stated in the rules is literally a self-explanatory rule. It doesn't need to be stated. Just because it isn't listed doesn't mean it's allowed. Not to be rude, but the thread doesn't really serve a purpose :\ The vast majority already know not to do this, and it is currently not a problem in GamezBDO.
    DuskValley likes this.
  17. DuskValley

    DuskValley New Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Could you edit the first post and remove the ''Endless PK'' part ? It is actually way easier than just correcting everybody about the actual topic of this discussion.

  18. azaireth

    azaireth New Member

    May 11, 2018
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    Glad this discussion is still ongoing, I've been reading through some responses and found quite a few saying they have never really seen pvp and been playing for a short while. Mind if I ask what time of day you guys play? Because I've been playing about a week now, and I'm yet to go more than 10 minutes or so without being pked out of a farm area. Even earlier tonight i had a small guild group of 3-4 people start channel chasing me because I refused to leave an area that I had been in 1st. Most of these people are already super gear compared to someone just starting out like myself. I literally try to farm and gear up, but just keep getting 1 shot. So I shared that to say this isn't me complaining, I'm aware it's a pvp based game and new players get the shaft like usual. Just killing and taking farm area is one thing, these are people that walk up, 1 shot you and then talk a lot of trash. No reason to trash people just starting, you won't have any new players and will have a dead server with that attitude. If you 1 shot someone and still talk trash, you have some issues outside of the game. I don't see the enjoyment, never had fun griefing lower leveled or geared players, in any pvp game I've played. If you want the farm area, sure just contest it, but if you are harassing people just because you have a pretty big advantage and then still feel the need to trash someone, you may need to talk to someone buddy. I'll probably be moving on, I see no reason to put anymore time into this server. This is the attitude that kills games. I watched this exact thing happen countless times. Again, I'm NOT complaining about being pked out of a farm area, I'm stating that the people harassing, spamming racist slurs and whatever other trash talk they can come up with on the spot while their parents aren't watching while 1 shotting people that just started the server are bad for the server. This isn't an isolated thing either obviously, this has happened to me multiple times in the week or so I've been playing. Anonymity behind keyboards is all an all time high in general anyway, you should do more to get rid of these types of players.
  19. Lareldal

    Lareldal Patience is a virtue <3 Forum Legend

    Jul 21, 2017
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    If someone is spamming (or even saying once) racial slurs, take a full screenshot showing the chat and it will be dealt with. Racism is never tolerated. You can either report it in the forum player reports or directly to any staff member, including myself.
    loboram likes this.
  20. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I am actually glad you brought this up because if intelligence is to be applied here then look at your own quote: "...takes a screenshot of the offending chat and/or..."
    Can you see what it is I am talking about now? Not yet?
    Alright if you want to read the quote you made of my ealier post then you have to realize that the person reading the post is reading it with whatever preconceived notions they have of what this post is about, even I can read my own post as about something completely different than the title suggests, but the very quote you made has my point in it and all I wanted to say with that line was: "Take a Screenshot as proof and please report, because if you do not report that dumbarse-spoiled-rich-brat will just go on and keep behaving like this towards others".
    "You just block them if you're really that too thin-skinned to handle it..." please read the first post :)


    So to all of you people who have had a great run so far without having had any contact with the abusive and toxic people I want off our servers, or at least have them not behave like shaite towards others while on our community, I am really happy for you and may you continue to have a bunch of fun, however for other people it can be a frustrating and harmful experience that should not be a part of our community. So in order to make a small change I will from now on take screenshots for a week of everything I see as too much for our community and WILL post them just to show the GamezBD staff what it is that is driving off new players as well as other people who suffer when it is their turn to be screwed over by these waste of space people, and sorry to talk about you in such a way since I hope that you must have some really good reason for behaving like you do but it still does not excuse the way you are making others feel.
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
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