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Make PvP Great Again

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Bombolino, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. Bombolino

    Bombolino New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Hello, first of all i know that if the PvP is boring, 90% of the fault belongs to the players.
    Now, i'd like to point out that i'd personally love to try out any of the newer maps to PvP, instead of being stuck on a 10 years old map. But let's still take Heiron as instance. In order to prevent (at least for a while the ping-pong Zerg) and trying to replace it with some old school rift PvP can't we make like:
    1. Remove any base, if that's not possible just put them as far as possible from each other (like bottom left and top right corner of the map)
    2. Place 2/3 "rifts" per race all over the map (would be even better if they could move randomly by times) and then, place 1 portal per race in pandae/sanctum
    What i mean with this is that when you enter the portal in either pandae or sanctum you're not going to know where you'll get ported in Heiron. The only one portal into the city, will take you randomly to one of the portals into Heiron.
    With possibly no bases where to camp you'll have to go around the map and find your place. Again, no bases means you shouldn't know where the enemies are. Most likely after 1 day both sides would pick a place and start camping it to use it as a base but actually, with no guards and anything, one zerg should be ok to take it off.
    If the rifts in heiron could relocate (if you can't spawn randomly just create 12 for instance and show 3 randoms at time) that wouldn't give people that much of chance to camp rifts (at least would make it somewhat harder).

    If we could try this out on a newer map, that would help even more avoiding camping, at least at the beginning, due to people lack of knowledge about the map itself. I believe this could give PvP a new fun. Legions could PvP by themselves, avoiding zergs and having more fun. Solos (like sin but anyone else too) would have more chance to get some kills instead of being bullied, again, by zergs.

    Hope to hear some feedbacks from both staff and playes. Have a great day.
    Anog and Cycles like this.
  2. wolfik332

    wolfik332 Expert

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Ok so lets talk about it. First about rifts, @Noyah did say it xy times to the public who was takling aboit this. Rifts are allowed even now but nobody bother to go there so I see this complain as useless.
    Second with current population its so hard to make pvp on whole map. Zers style is shitty, no talk about that, but anyway while one group find another on the map , u will get bored again. Adding to this, as far as I remember ppl always found their way to zerg.
  3. Farkle

    Farkle Blizzard

    Aug 24, 2018
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  4. Bombolino

    Bombolino New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    And these are both reasons why i opened the thread saying that it is mainly players fault. I know everything they did to make the PvP as it is now, was asked by players basically. I'm not complaining neither saying it's staffs' fault. I'm just trying to give a personal opinion about how PvP could possibly change to get any better.
    Heiron is not a huge map and imo even 20people on each side could be fairly enough to have so decent fun over the map itself. It's all about lazy people having the possibility to get a portal and know exactly where they will be and where the enemies will be.
    Then they stay there cause everyone wants to get a kill and so nobody wants to try and relocate the pvp by going around. Just suggesting a way to make it harder for players to camp that much. But there will always be places like Observatory or whatever where people will go just cause they know there will be someone. Starting Zerg again.

    Having everyong spreaded out on the map could make it harder. Imagine a legion group whch doesnt want to Zerg. Can set up a kisk and have a base away from the one of its race zerg. Same for a solo player and so on. Zerg can really get a reduction this way, i hope.
    Cycles likes this.
  5. Ayvell

    Ayvell ἔσσεται ἦμαρ

    Jan 10, 2018
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    (y) I keep suggesting that too. No guards, no safe zones, just rifting and kisking. Even the default rifts would be enough if ppl actually had the intention to kisk up.

    ! Kisking might be a problem for events if still bound, since you can't rez in the event in case you die. At least not in guardian...
    Why would anyone use a rift if they can use the statue and stay afk in the safe zone drinking tea with the guards? :pompus:
    Well said.-
    Cycles and Bombolino like this.
  6. Apokaaz

    Apokaaz New Member

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I'll just come here to say that Reshanta's PVP was the best of all time IMO. We are talking about a game that has FLYING PVP and we are not enjoying it. Cloth classes and Leather ones have a difficult time in Heiron and with actual meta, i tried a lot of classes with end gear and i'm almost forced to stick to plate ones or chain. Going back to RESHANTA and flying PVP could improve PVP overall and ranged characters could come back to meta again IMO.
    I'm an old player that came back many times in 2015,2016 and now 2018 and i just miss too much those old times of PVP, big map where you could do almost everything ZERGS and even SOLO PVP whenever you wanted. It's just a opinion of a old player of Gamez.

    Regards to everyone, hope someone have in mind my little opinion :D
  7. Ayvell

    Ayvell ἔσσεται ἦμαρ

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I got goosebumps only seeing that.
  8. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Something similar was tried in early 4.0 with a ".pvp" command that would teleport you in a certain map in random locations. And it was massive shit. People will pick one spot and use it to pvp regardless of how many you put. After that any random port that isn't to that specific place is a massive pain in the ass, even more when you're trying to play with friends. What used to happen is that one person would get ported and wait for 1-15minutes till the rest of his group gets lucky and ported to the same place, by then the action is over and everyone is just pissed off so the idea got abandoned. Could easily be fixed by just making the rifts static, for example at 15:00 both ely and asmo rifts from pande port to one region of the map in a fixed predicted location, then at 18:00 another and etc... you get the point.

    Ranged classes don't have a hard time in heiron, shit players do. Flying pvp is cancer for melee and everyone would either stop playing or reroll to caster shits. SW will dominate all the others because ofc it will and nobody will have fun. Then they all got ebola and died, the end.
    And i threw up in disgust
    Ayvell and Bombolino like this.
  9. Bombolino

    Bombolino New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    You see that? I've started playing this game about 9 years ago, coming from other servers and retail. Dude i've loved those maps. I've loved reshant as i've loved heiron but come on. You guys always saying "bring back old PvP". Why? Just why?!
    After 10 years from the realease of the game don't you think it's time to stop playing the maps that were realesed with the game itself, and start giving a look at the newer ones?

    Seriously, seems like none cares about trying out anything new but still everyone complains if gamez does not update.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
  10. Bombolino

    Bombolino New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    I didn't know about that. Still i'm not talking about that kind of ports. Rifts just like there are now in pandae and sanctum which take you to differente places on the map. You can still regroup with your friends but the chacnes to find other solos or other little groups could possibly by higher i guess.

    How can this fix it? It would just move the zerg in different locations every, let's say, 3 hours.
  11. mousekiller

    mousekiller ̶̶G̶̶L̶̶A̶̶D̶̶I̶̶A̶̶̶̶T̶̶O̶̶R̶̶̻̻̻̻̻̻̻̲̲̲̲̲

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Behind The Shadow̶̶̻̻̻̻̻̻̻̲̲̲̲̲
    as far as i know the only one make pvp enjoy and happier or zerging is sharing gp like ap does. No more event like two gods, 1v1, 2v2 or etc.. PVP in any map as long you can see enemy nearby and gaining gp and ap, neither you are in group or alliances and gain gp and ap even you didn't kill those ely or asmo. Most likely players always or sometimes afk.

    ps: this is my idea or you guys approve my idea or disapprove as long i share my thoughts to you my fellow gamers or staff members.
    ShotByLove likes this.
  12. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    It's exactly what you're talking about but instead of clicking a blue swirly thing you type .pvp and wait 15seconds. There were 10-12 locations total and they were all in danaria. Since you got ported up high you couldn't just walk up to your friends and use their kisk so people had to "spam" the command to get in the same place.
    If you have 3 random locations available at all times, players pick one, zerg eachother near it and the other 2 locations get ignored, my suggestion forces the zerg to move.

    Ok you shared your idea..and it's shit. Why would I want to go pvp when most of the ap/gp I get will be lowered just to feed some worthless leeches and afk alt accounts who can't get anything on their own. Mindless open world zerging is fine for the players who can't get anything done by themselves or don't have gear. Events are way more enjoyable for competent people.
  13. Bombolino

    Bombolino New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Not if you avoid putting useless bases. In the "good old times" everyone keeps talking about, there were no safe zones etc when you went through a rift. You'd just have to walk your way to somewhere sneaky and place a kisk. Now, i've heard about kisks' bugs but i believe we could work a way around that somehow.

    Yes but again, maybe i'm missing something, it forces it to move to the next rift every 3 hours but doesn't even try to stop that at all.
  14. Apokaaz

    Apokaaz New Member

    Jul 28, 2015
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    So you suggest to still enjoy the 50% of the game only?
    Beside that no one is saying to remove running PVP.
    And don't say shitty players because you know not everyone has 50 ms, i play with 220 and with gladiator is easy. But i go to SM and it gets kinda difficult... Having both maps of flying and running pvp could be a great idea so everyone can choose. Like you say ''Flying pvp is cancer for melee and everyone would either stop playing or reroll to caster shits'' is what is happening now with ranged ones.
  15. Ayvell

    Ayvell ἔσσεται ἦμαρ

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Rifts are way better option than commands, especially in a server full of bugs. I am scared that I'll use .pvp in Gamez and appear in NA siege.

    * Reshanta is bugged af. You die even thinking of it, so stop suggesting that map. It's not even working properly for quests...
  16. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    There were no bases, just every port was in a really high location so people could kisk since all maps from 3.0 onwards are full of invisible walls that you can't even jump over a bush, much less do a hike in the mountains with unfinished terrain like the "good old" kisk spots.

    Forcing it to move is the point, obviously it wouldn't be trying to stop what it's intended to do...
    You can't spread people around the map with no incentive. They will always try to form a blob cause it's safer, at least this way you get a change of scenery.

    You are shitty players if you can't faceroll people on ranged, especially with sm. Jesus, the damn thing has 30seconds of fear and 50k shield with the pet. Flight pvp is nowhere near 50% of the game and ncsoft realized that all the way back in launch. Having one more axis of movement is confusing and annoying for most players, the only reason ranged would have it easy is cause while neither player knows if the other one is above or below him, the ranged shitter would still be able to blindly tab and use his skills. It's not about "fair". On the ground ranged classes can still use all their abilities from farther than melee. In aerial the melee also have 2 more directions that they have to figure out before they can even reach the target. They don't have an "advantage" on the ground, it's default for both, aerial is just way more advantageous for ranged.
  17. JueVioleGrace

    JueVioleGrace New Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Putting reshanta in the "potential pvp maps" made me laugh more than I should.
    The devs didn't even fix the current status of reshanta as of now.. its already about 1 and half year since reshanta got bugged. But meh they still havent fix it yet.

    PS: Flying PvP sucks. Y'all will look like a dick with wings
  18. mousekiller

    mousekiller ̶̶G̶̶L̶̶A̶̶D̶̶I̶̶A̶̶̶̶T̶̶O̶̶R̶̶̻̻̻̻̻̻̻̲̲̲̲̲

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Behind The Shadow̶̶̻̻̻̻̻̻̻̲̲̲̲̲
    what you want those players always afk waiting those events ?, yeah my idea is shit but think of it more or less players like that kind of pvp.
  19. Apokaaz

    Apokaaz New Member

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah i understand that is bugged. But any other map that has flying pvp could do it. Even newer ones, i agree to change to newer maps obviously (including replacing Heiron).
    Reshanta was my suggestion because i don't now the newer ones and i just came back a couple of weeks ago
  20. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    The players who want that kind of pvp can do and do it anytime. FORCING the people who don't want it to go and participate by deleting what they enjoy is shit. And if the bg portals were constantly spawning with no downtime i'd be fine with that, wouldn't give half a shit if they made reshanta core the pvp map and gave every caster a mandatory +50% pvp damage buff there because "waah, im too stupid to move and cast at the same time so the mean bad melees are farming me like a mob"

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