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EU server launch confirmed - copy our save files

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by raiasura, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Dont worry, the new priv will launch soon and this high server population is temporary. They now give us choise to start from scratch on GamezUE or at new server. You will join us on NA anyway soon or we will join you with our accoutns :) You have started here not long time ago so you have realy no reason to complain. But ppl who have spend thousands of hours to make all progress its real pain. And i dont mean inventory. Amount of time spent to get workers, gather contri, energy, lvl up life skills. I have made 3x t9's and now need to abandon all of progress just to be able to do beloved node wars...

    I need to disagree slightly. When we have all joined GamezBD it was not NA server. It was international server. Also MadKing had some great idea how to allow ppl transfer but let new players have fair fresh start without worrying about high geared others.
  2. Goliathe

    Goliathe New Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    I don't think you know what you wrote my dude, I personally want EU server, what i don't want is to start from the bottom. I want to keep playing with the stuff i got with my own effort and time spend.
    Theres upsides and down sides regardless the transaction behing available or not, people saying they don't want to start to play because there would be people ahead of them!? LOL I started to play on NA server 1 year after of everyone and i didn't complain.. I spend time and eventually i got to a point were i could fight back. People who asked for EU servers asked a server not a full wipe! You don't seem to smart since can only see the big picture. The people who already devoted time and money on the NA server not knowing the EU server would come are getting cuked;) The case here is that EU players didn't had a choice if they wanted to play gamezbd they had to play on NA and now that EU server will be available people who started on NA don't have any support from new players, because, new players want to start from zero because they want to be the best so they couldn't care less for those who have progress, those who recently started can drop the NA server because all they have is worth nothing and those who actually got decent stuff don't want to lose their progress but chose betten start over or play with 200ms both are bad so is a lose regardless what we choose

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2018
    xMovingTarget likes this.
  3. Owe

    Owe New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I began on Gamez on February, I put a lot of time and money into my account, like most EU players, i was here for the Nodewars introduction, and i had to lose sleep like everyone, and i will leave my account like a lot of the players.
    EU will be a new server, with an injection of new European players, if we try to be objective here, people wanting to transfer their characters to a new server when the economic climate hasn't even been set, are shamelessly selfish.
    If Kolka, in fact, told you he was going to give the possibility of transferring characters a thought, then you should hold onto that if you so eagerly want an account transfer system.
  4. Ermin

    Ermin New Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    Problem for me is not Gear PEN or anything like that problem is that when u start fresh you cant even play first 2-3 weeks you have no pearls for Value Packs, no pets, no inventory, no horse, no Wight and most of all i farmed knowlege like creazy here so 357 energy and 347 contribution with meny artisan workers empire etc... This is for me the worst thing, if i could get my Contribution and energy i would transfer in the heart beat this is most painful of all for me, getting that back its tedius and boring task not worth doing again.
    eminescu83 likes this.
  5. Kompleksli

    Kompleksli New Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    Just Stop Cryingggg lol that is a fresh start i waste my 2000h so idc abouth that
  6. Moai

    Moai New Member

    Oct 9, 2018
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    It's like the majority of people who will join the EU server and didnt played in NA gamezbdo server didnt already spent hundreds of euros and months of progression on retail. I personally got to soft cap on retail and it took me more than a year to get there but I dont mind doing it again if it isnt in a kashcaow server. For me its not a problem if people keep the pearl items like pets costumes inv slots weight at all, but just restart the gear grind like everyone else.
    Owe likes this.
  7. Vrykal

    Vrykal New Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    You will get 15 days value and more like T7 horse at start. More then enough. Please stop crying about Money.. It is a private Server. Wipes, server down, crashes, new server are always possible guys. Yeah it sucks, I understand that, but get on the Hype Train for friday:)! Cheers
  8. riku

    riku New Member

    Oct 28, 2017
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    I think it´s good that no one can transfer char or full family to EU server. I don´t even know why you are complaining at all, just stay on NA server and you will still have your gear and all the other benefits you allready have.
    haters gonna hate.(cool)
    Souldealer and Vixious like this.
  9. Vixious

    Vixious New Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    • You agree, that Cash is voluntary transfers of virtual assets from private individuals.
    • Donations are materials given by private persons without receiving anything in exchange.
    • You agree, that by making a donation you are not buying any product or service.
    • To show our appreciation we reward donators with Cash in return for their support.
    • The donations are used to keep the server up and running, as well as improving our network.
    • You agree, that all transactions made are final and will not be refunded in any way.
    • You agree, that virtual assets such as player items will not be restored if lost or stolen.
    Before you donated you had to know this stuff. I mean it's all right there on the donate page...
    If you decided to donate , cool. You supported the server and ultimately supported the possibility of an EU server in the first place.
    I didn't cry to PA/Kakao about my cash purchases when I quit retail. I learned a lesson with buying things in games impulsively and moved on. The difference between this server and retail is that you can actually earn everything by simply playing. You donated for cash which is a problem on your end if you expect a refund or any special service to be given to you just because you did so. I don't get the feel of grubby business from this server. I feel like these are people who enjoy BDO without all the cash shop BS that PA insists on.

    Also, moving over is a choice. Nobody is strong arming you into giving up all your progress to start over on EU.
    GekiritZ, Vrykal, Hyza and 1 other person like this.
  10. raiasura

    raiasura Getting there

    Sep 25, 2018
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    They've pulled a big one on the EU playerbase. Especially the veterans thanks to whom Gamez has grown to what it is today. Even the slightest bit of compensation for us, or promise on transfers coming later, might've changed my final opinion on this matter that's written below:

    I'll be playing on the EU server because there simply isn't a choice. BDO with 200 ping? Get shit on by NA players with low ping unless you're a geared monkey and they don't know wt they are doing (like 90% of the players on here).

    But let me tell you one thing, I'm not donating a single penny anymore to support Gamez.

    I'm done supporting them after this stunt. And I'm sure I don't stand alone by this decision.

    I haven't heard a single valid reason why not to copy databases. "New server, new start, fresh and fair for all" I'll translate that for you:
    4k playerbase, perhaps 1k-1.5k are EU? Say half of them move over. 500-750~ players that likely donate for premium because of the huge grind they'll have to do again and spend cash on the extra webshop items.
    TLDR translation: :greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy:

    They've chosen to provide us with better connections and treat us like business:
    Head GM "I understand the frustration of a new eu server after months of dedication. But you have to understand that no one is forcing you to move to the new server, it is an option that remains open to your decision alone. There will be no transfers and that's final."
    If switching to EU and wiping is a decision that's not being forced (lul). Remember donating is a decision we make as well.

    I'll spend that extra walk to the vendor to wipe my inventory every now and then. I'll spend 1 or 2 extra attempts on my enhancements. I'll spend a few extra attempts on T9.
    In the end this is a free server and you tip when the company's providing good service.

    I'm not trying to rub this off on readers. This is my personal opinion. If you want to donate for their services and support Gamez, do it.

    This'll be my final post on the matter. See you on EU. o/
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018
    Winning likes this.
  11. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Reasons i will not switch to EU server even tho i am from EU.

    1. No start help (Pets/costume/value pack/weight limit/inventory slots/storage/lodging/etc)
    2. No transfer of webshop items including premium membership
    3. Game progression i made here, including gear, silver, lifeskills,etc
    4. Last and the most important, FRIENDS. Those retards i had countless hours of good laughs and fun doing SD, PK, bosses or even fking around without a purpose. That shit is priceless i will not leave them for what??? Less 100 ping?

    Im sure lots of new commers will hop the hype train and switch to EU server just for few weeks later to notice that:
    1. They ride a Tier 5 horse
    2. Highest enchant level is +15 they got from drops
    3. No energy nor contribution for all the lifeskill things.
    4. Barely got a costume and 5 x Tier 1 pets
    5. Highest grind spot they can farm is Helms, because sausans or Valencia mobs will 1 shot them due to ...erm ... no gear.
    6. Good luck doing Kamasylvia quest part 1 and more exactly Manshaums
    7. Good luck doing world bosses. I would laugh the hell out of it when the world bosses will despawn due to low dmg.
    8. Just bought premium user? Dont forget to DO NOT add loot filter, because trash loot is actually money. Money that you will barely got 50-100mil on storage.
    9. Good luck finding any kind of food, elixirs, alchemy stones, lifeskills items,etc. We already lacking these things on NA. What makes you think on the fresh server those will be there?
    10. Good luck finding help for awakening quests, scrolls (weekly/daily) and even those scrolls for memory frags.
    and i can go lot more.

    On top of these add the fact that Gamezbd lacks of decent marketing. I mean....lots of us got here because of lolhero and from some retail guild friends that passed the word. They could incetivize content creators to spread the word about this server.

    These are my personal thoughts and take them with a grain of salt.

    Souldealer likes this.
  12. Souldealer

    Souldealer New Member

    Sep 26, 2018
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    I agree with some of your view points, but a lot of them are off in my opinion:
    1. the tier 5 horse is a setback yes i totally agree with that, but since the only AFK activity is horse training the horse market will be full in weeks with T7-8 horses.
    2. +15 is highest from drops yes, but getting a duo is not that hard, since lifeskilling is fast as hell here (gathering), and you can get a normal gear in no time.
    3. this point is WAYYYYYYYYY of, i played here for like 2 weeks (waiting for the EU server now for the last week), in that time i managed to get around 220 energy and almost 300 contribution points, that is in 2 weeks. So that is not really a setback, the only downside is the worker empire since the exp for the workers is not increases from what i know (not sure of this to be honest.)
    4. multibox, (gift for yourself), donate or be patient
    5. maybe your right but since people will be forced to group up, the spots will be easy to farm.
    6. Can't argue with kama spots in the begining it will be hard.
    7. i dought that world bosses will despawn, maybe they wont die in 2 min, but they will die in 5-10 with the amount of ppl killing them.
    8. Since everyone will start from 0, you will be able to find SD party to make some money.
    9. Food and elixirs will be a pain in the begining, either you farm them yourself, or be patient and try to snipe, no workaround for this sadly.
    10. Awakening quest can be done in +15 gear if you know what your doing.

    I think the new server will be good, many people will like it, myself included, if you know what your doing in the game (judging by your points i don't think you started the game a week ago) you will have an easy time to get back to where you started.

    Let me say that gearing up here is a cakewalk, like i stated earlyer in that 2 weeks i managed to get a pri-duo grunil set, a duo dim tree, full set of pri-duo asula ACC (not much but its something), pri kzarka, duo dandi, and a pri offhand. Maybe i was lucky, don't know but i managed to get a decent amount of gear in basicly no time. So you will manage.
    eminescu83 likes this.
  13. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    guess it would be a better thing, to move the whole server on Eu, and open the new one on NA but guess what, there are not that many donators, it's a better deal for them like this, new one on Eu. it is only a cash strategy
    Winning likes this.
  14. Chozen

    Chozen New Member

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Seeing a lot of comments about "not getting premium" or "need to buy premium" again when it explicitly says, all premium or cash on your current account will be the same for EU if same account is used. And I feel like society is too spoiled - you already get free pearls, a lot of perks and weekend events and now you get your very own server hosted in your country and they still aint happy. lol #Life
    Vybez and Souldealer like this.
  15. Souldealer

    Souldealer New Member

    Sep 26, 2018
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    People always complain about something, if they don't then they don't have anything to do.
  16. Villain

    Villain Proficient

    Sep 3, 2017
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    In a world where free pearls aren't enough.
    Vrykal and DrunkenMonkey like this.
  17. raiasura

    raiasura Getting there

    Sep 25, 2018
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    I think a reason is because when players started they werent warned: In the future there will be a EU server and you'll have to start over.
    So they started investing and dedicating alongside NA players. Now all of a sudden NA players get to keep their stuff and play with good ping. EU players have to wipe for it. They say its a choice but it really isnt. Try pvping a NA player when you have 200 ping. Also you cant attend node wars cause its at 3 AM.

    I think that if the roles were reversed, NA players had been dealing with high ping and cant even node war anymore cause its at 3 AM. They would complain just as much. If EU players knew this was coming a long time ago they would have likely waited.
    Winning, eminescu83 and BDlydNa like this.
  18. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    In my Case i bought and used Cash two Days before the new Server got Announced. The Announcement came in very shortly and alot of Players had simple no idea that we are going to have a better option this soon. I also don't want a Transfer option nor i want my Full Donations back. Stuff i bought month ago where used and i had Fun with it. But it would just be fair if they say, yes we are going to Refund every Donation made in, let's say, the last 4 Weeks, cause we aware that the Announcement came in very shortly. No one with a normal mindset would buy anything if he leaves one Week later.
  19. Simonas

    Simonas New Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    I don't usually step in these forum discussions but today I will. Please keep in mind that there is a small team of people working on this private server. How were they supposed to know that they are going to get a lot of people coming to their server therefore there was no such announcement as "EU server is coming so don't invest in NA if you are planning to transfer". Popularity increase was so sudden after the retail BDO went full P2W and developers of this private server instead of making the NA server perform better and support more people, they took action to provide us with EU server. And I really do like they way they chose to go. For the record, I did play on this private server for quite a while BUT I did not fully invest into it BECAUSE of the ping and node war times. I do not know why people can't appreciate things that are given for them for FREE. Also, I do like that they chose not to allow transfers as new players can actually enjoy the levelling and getting gear experience and therefore I think it attracts even more new people. I've seen countless of forum messages that go on like "EU server will be added, it is a perfect time to join", "EU server will start fresh, come join us at GamezBD". As for the real life money you spend on this server, I kind of feel you, but you had to keep in mind that these were donations and these donations let them grow and eventually invest into EU server. However, this is only my point of view on this topic, it's only my opinion. Have a nice day.
    rav88 likes this.
  20. Moai

    Moai New Member

    Oct 9, 2018
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    stop crying and enjoy the EU server, very few retail veterans would've joined if there were already full pen gear, so if you dont like it, just stay in NA and stop the babyrage

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