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BDO Dead PVP. Something Needs to Change.

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by bitsog, Jan 12, 2019.


Do you want more PVP in GameZBD

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. bitsog

    bitsog New Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    The state of GameZ is horrible. Desync, unbalanced classes, and NO PVP. Desync and unbalanced classes can be fixed with the devs of the server, but PVP is on the players. Players need to be joining guilds, gearing up, and fighting as guilds against others for experience. Then guilds with experience can drop on nodes weekly and once guilds are able to steadily takes nodes weekly they can drop on territories and fight there. It should all be a progression, but no one and not enough guilds are willing to put in the effort of doing so. Kolka needs to look at this problem seriously since the server and BDO in general lives off of PVP. Kolka needs to make PVP have more of an incentive and make AFK things like horse training less profitable. My personal idea for Kolka to make PVP more alive is limit amount of nodes a day you can take so more guilds have to actually fight for them instead of sniping, make nodes way more valuable letting guild payouts be bigger and better allowing people to be encouraged to want to join a node war guild and allow them to gear up easier, also bring back SD to make open world PVP active again by buffing it atleast or what it was before, and finally the big one is making a Global Siege server. What I mean by this is making a channel that is merged along with EU and NA. Allowing guild from EU and NA to drop on a node/territory and fight. This would easily increase the PVP scene making it much more alive. Remastered isnt going to fix this issue, it might help, but somehow and quickly Kolka needs to merge the servers back allowing more PVP action which makes players and guilds excel more and enjoy the sever a lot more. I do not want to see this server die. If anyone else has any other ideas please let me know in the comments. I will be sure to look at it for others opinions.
    Choovanski, Winning, Cryy and 6 others like this.
  2. YouWOTm8

    YouWOTm8 New Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    Server population is too small to have competetive PVP. Specially with FML bending over players from other guilds making the problem worse. What happened to PlayerOne, Mayhem, Grr, Disruption, Tyrant, ParkingZone, Pandemonium heck even Dsync is falling apart now. There is no siege scene nor has there ever been. PVP used to be alot more fun before siege was ever a thing.

    FML came and all the fangirls started flopping to them since day one and here we are ever since. Nobody wants to PVP anymore, what's the point? Players want to have it easy after getting spanked a couple times so they join FML. You can look at the FML roster and see all the different guilds half their players were siphoned from. We are then left with half azz "PVP" guilds with the left over players. If you combine all the decently geared semi active players into guilds. You would probably be left like 3 or max 4 imo.

    That's not even keeping into account the aids class inbalance this game has nor the desync.
  3. Vanityfair

    Vanityfair Getting there

    Aug 16, 2012
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    Lurking under your bed
    I Totally agree with you sir, PVP in open world should not be abolished, your total idea will be a big help in order GAMEZ to fully be back on track, i have been playing Gamez started at 2.0 , its sad to see how the server is slowly dying from each update, and less and lesser population of players, its SAD how 6.2 update is much of alike game killing update im on game and im seeing 15 asmodians are playing !
    insanqta likes this.
  4. lesbayan5

    lesbayan5 New Member

    Jun 25, 2018
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    Bedind You
  5. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    buffing SD (up from 35%) and nerfing horses to encourage active play and fights is a good idea. means PvP players can get geared for nodes faster too.

    further limiting nodes, which Kolka has talked about before would be good. more fights that way. increasing payouts from nodes could be an idea too.

    as youWOTm8 points out FML recruiting the majority of geared players on NA is an issue. currently they crush other guilds and steal members. uh, definitely not great- but how you gonna stop people from being pussies and bandwagoning? literally I do not know

    as for merging servers, that's just going to be more dysnc and will still run into the issue of NA and EU not being able to attend each others wars.

    lastly, yeah it would be great if dysnc was fixed-rate but it's a byproduct of how BDO client and server communicate. if it were even possible to rewrite the system, it would introduce skill lag to the casting of abilities which would be harmful for the overall feeling of BDOs active combat, and honestly might get more complaints than dysnc... I mean imagine BDO but not fluid with instant ability activation...

    but yeah, more PvP good FML too big buff SD blah blah blah lol
    Winning and BlubblerNuggets like this.
  6. BlubblerNuggets

    BlubblerNuggets New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    This man thinks this is retail or something haha. How long have you even been playing OP? PVP has always been a meme in this server (although I'll admit it's been extra dead ever since FML came back). The NA server has 1500 players online on average (I've seen it drop as low as 1200s). Out of those 1500 I wanna venture and say 80 to 90% are logged in AFK processing/horse training in order to get the free pearls. You would have to be a fool to think all 1200-1500 players are actually actively playing. Hence why the numbers don't fluctuate very often. That leaves about 150-300 "active players" you might see running about in the world throughout the day. Most of those players are likely already in the few "PVP guilds" that are left. Just keep that in mind. Why do you think it's so easy to memorize peoples names you fight out there? It's from such a small pool of the same players... Then you have FML taking all the geared players and bandwagoners from the few active PvP guilds and boom you are left with a couple 30- 50 man semi active PvP guilds and maybe 1 more big merger.

    I have always said this. I would rather have everyone be full PEN than have a dead ass server that nobody plays. I don't get why Kolka and the Devs think peple will quit once they hit full PEN. Thtat's where the fun begins. That's where you can finally start making other PEN sets for other classes. That's why I think them nerfing SD was such a horrible idea. We had 7-8K players at one point. It's dead ass hell atm.
    Winning, TheScorpionGR, Kyro and 3 others like this.
  7. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    as far as NA goes, things like buffing SD etc are good- but there is going to have to be a culture change to fix the FML issue.

    even with more money in the economy, I don't think much will change if people still bandwagon. however what SD buffs would do, is make it easier for active players to gear up- so guilds can help gear new players, and hopefully that would result in more PvP. maybe even some more big guilds, that would be cool.

    however as long as FML is as big as it is and keeps on recruiting from other PvP guilds, the NA siege will be fucked. if FML wants fights it needs to stop recruiting everyone geared enough to fight them lol.
    Winning and Toenail like this.
  8. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Yes, buff SD but nerf every other money making method to FORCE others to do pvp. How clever idea! This will just kill what remains of this server. I hope Kolka already had lesson what happens when you nerf some things to keep people, they will leave. Population of server has dropped from almost 8k players to barely 3k,where half of that is just AFK farming pearls.
    Calling people who avoid pvp "pussies" is disrespectfull. How can those gear up at any spots if 600GS monkeys kill them even at lvl 50 grind spots?
    marsseven and insanqta like this.
  9. Yeonq

    Yeonq New Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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  10. Choovanski

    Choovanski New Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    yeah dude, people shouldn't grind they should just afk horse great game all people should afk it


    yeah man. good meme. afk horse simulator is a crap game. everyone knows this.

    encouraging things other than afk horses is a pretty good idea, especially stuff like active group gameplay.

    to pretend that SD buffs only benifib high GS players is pretty dumb. it's been the noobs that's were hurt by the nerfs the most. high GS players have enough gear to make money w solo easily, so I know I didn't feel much loss after SD nerfs.

    much harder for new players to make money and gear up tho. which is bad for guilds and the PvP environment.

    considering that SD nerfs made people leave the game and a lot of people enjoyed the SD grind I would think more people would play if SD was buffed rather than less. feel like group grinding is much more fun than afk horse simulator homes
    Winning likes this.
  11. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    My conversation with you is already done.

    I dont say that SD will only benefit high GS players, but atm its almost impossible to grind Skeletons or even Rhutums for 30 mins without some tryhards appear. Personaly i dont breed horses once i made my t9'ers. Anyways horse breeding, gathering and any method of making money while AFK is part of this game mechanic. You cant force people to do something because you want to spill some blood. If you want more pvp try to find sollution that will increase server population, not the one that will make more people leave it.
    marsseven likes this.
  12. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    lmao, this topic again even after this was multiple times posted (I remember making one before re: FML domination :p) and in the end, people would just give up.
    I'm happy I have gone solo and just doing lifesklills now + can play other games at the same time compared to before when we had a guild trying to get nodes etc.
    While we would agree BDO's end game is PvP but there's tons of things to do in the game which if you just pay attention on them, you'll learn to love doing them.

    That is why I agreed on another post somewhere here which is a suggestion post stating to have perhaps a new server or so with having people with ALL PEN so they can just destroy each other since everyone is 615-16++ renown score, this removes the gear restrictions of new or old players and have a balanced PvP server where it would be like an Arsha server open world, people just killing off each other, doing node wars/siege wars and endless guild wars.
    While at the same time, there will be the same server have at the moment. While it may pose is a threat on having a dying server, it will likely give gamezbd more players specially those who are from retail who of course can't transfer their gears progression from retail to a private server. Everyone would be happy, except those other players who are dominating in the current servers we have at the moment. lmao

    I wish the OP made it a poll voting though lol.
    marsseven likes this.
  13. Charlyvp

    Charlyvp New Member

    Nov 3, 2018
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    Solution Limit a Guild in 40members... re-scale size of clan, 20members mid, 30 large, 40 extra large.. so have more clan, FML divide in 2 guild, so mby u get more pvp on node/territory...
    PS: sorry my english.
    Winning likes this.
  14. Villain

    Villain Proficient

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Wrong game m8
  15. Kamara

    Kamara New Member

    May 21, 2018
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    I've been a gamer since Atari made its first appearance, when the only arcade game was space invaders and pacman. Forced pvp never works, never will work and most know this so... this has to be some kind of trolling to bait people into an argument. Horses already make way less profit than SD. SD's can generate in one hour well over what it takes over night to level a single horse. There is a pvp channel with an increased drop rate, node wars, and RBF for "just pvp"... Pvpers are more than catered to without alienating the other half of the player base that provides materials, consumables, tools, ect, ect, that the so called pvpers can't seem to be bothered with that part of the game...that is until they want something and its not on the mp. Non pvpers also buy a large percentage of boss drops that pvpers post because they are usually in very small guilds, play casually, or solo. For a private server this is also a very healthy game with a solid community, and I'd also like to point out that many of the servers trainers also maintain premiums for the bonuses it gives to breeding horses. In fact I buy my premium and my partners a month at a time. Pvp is ok, there is nothing wrong with it but its not the entire game for many of us and trying to force people into changing their play style to suit others will only end up alienating them and send them shopping for another game in the end...
    dziku, Toenail, SexyWitch and 2 others like this.
  16. SexyWitch

    SexyWitch New Member

    Jan 15, 2019
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    This topic is laughable at best.
    First off I hope by pvp, people don't mean attacking people in open world where either they are:
    1) Unaware
    2) Lesser gear
    3) Don't want to fight at all
    4) Doing something other than farming in YOUR precious pot lolz
    That is not pvp, not by a longshot
    Now if its pvp, where its 1v1, teams etc, in designated arenas etc Now that is pvp.

    I started reading some of the posts, then I stopped at "nerfing horse afk". That will kill the game more than anything.
    You want to know how to fix pvp, here is how.

    1) Create exclusive separate servers for PVE and PVP. Sure BDO markets their game as PVP, but like it or not its more PVE than you think, hell its a sandbox game after all with tons to do. Then you can add arenas maybe like BnS, where people can fight one another FAIRLY (equalized gear, common gear brackets etc) in proper pvp
    2) If u can't do the above, then remove the ability to attack people in open world UNLESS they are flagged for PVP. They can add timer restrictions when people flag on for PVP, so there would be no abuse.

    Having a game that is geared towards PVP but with lots of PVE aspects running together in one server never works, it displeases both sides. Either exclusively separate them, or fix the flagging on/off.

    Ganking and griefing people in open world to stroke your epeen off of your shiny new PEN, is being an ass, rather than PVP.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  17. firtstsense

    firtstsense New Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    I used to be a competitive WoW PvPer as well as constantly being in top SIEGE guilds on retail BDO before quiting.

    Me and a lot of my friends and ex guild mates (literally a LOT) would love to return to the game in some form, but atm retail is really bad and so is Gamez from PVP perspective.

    So I made this thread, please take a look at it, maybe some of you guys will also like the idea.

    RevelationsOn likes this.
  18. Cryy

    Cryy New Member

    Jan 24, 2019
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    To be Honest the SD nerfs are killer to the new player population i just have a few friends who got into the game and its almost impossible for them to gear up to catch up when theres Full PEN people at every SD grinding spot. Its honestly becoming really stale and as a longtime supporter of the server ( since beta ) Im honestly thinking about dropping premium and quitting. Like said before PvP isn't some Full PEN person flagging on the unsuspecting 150AP 150DP person and one shotting them. PvP is actual fighting with some back and forth and counter play. And now since AFK horse simulator has been nerfed thats not even a viable tactic for them to make money and gear up.By itself the horse EXP nerf was terrible because it was a consistent way of slowly getting money to progress your character especially for low geared players, but i really think it could have been turned into something good by buffing the money you get from doing active life skills/SD/other active things. I'm really Glad Crimson Desert Online is eventually going to make a high rate server because once that comes around this server will finally have some real competition and hopefully that will make the Devs see that people being full PEN isnt whats going to make everyone quit but getting one hit by full PEN ppl all day just to stroke their e-peen will make them quit and there will be a alternative

    Edit: also i know it says i just joined today but ive been playing since the server was in beta i just finally got around to making a fourm account
  19. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    "And now since AFK horse simulator has been nerfed thats not even a viable tactic for them to make money and gear up.By itself the horse EXP nerf was terrible because it was a consistent way of slowly getting money to progress your character especially for low geared players"

    Huh? What's the AFK horse simulator? lol

    Horse training was never touched/nerfed. Don't believe me? Ask the devs themselves also if you have truly been paying attention on how many exp you get during training you'd know how many hours till a T7 or T8 goes to level 30, it never was nerfed lmao.
    It's almost a whole shift of working but hey, I don't blame you. The fact you said you just joined today here in the forums, you may be outdated a bit regarding those people who say trash things about the server.
    vagabond13, dziku and Toenail like this.
  20. TheScorpionGR

    TheScorpionGR MrPearlAbyss

    May 17, 2018
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    We need to convince Lacari to start streaming GamezBD

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