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server has changed

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by fluxxxyyy, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. fluxxxyyy

    fluxxxyyy New Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    tbh i enjoyed gamezbd for the first 2 weeks of playing it it seemed like it was a good server where people could gear up and get straight into pvp without spending years gearing up i played for 3/4 months and the server is unbearable now here is why.
    1, the biggest thing that sucks about the server is the fact that people made billions easily because of the sd to the point where they can just buy all pen items for every character individually while leaving people that have started not long ago behind this server needs to be restarted after such a thing it leaves the majority of the community under powered against those players that made trillions of silver
    2. the pay to play service, i like the fact that the drop rate is so high however without premium you cant do shit yes you can buy all the inventory expansions however u try to spend a hour trying to get a rare drop and ur gonna be micro managing your inventory every 30 min.
    3, the enhancing system is almost as bad as retail at this point getting to tri is easy. tet 80 fs 8 trys done this 3 times the results where the same each time i would fail over 5 times easily and thats starting at 80 fs as a base stack i would probably have better luck on retail at that point.
    4, nerfing the server without telling anyone about it yes i understand shit may not work as intended like the time people where making billions on sd however u can tell us were not fucking retarded we will find out later on.
    5, the community there are lots of good people on this server however i have seen dozens of people criticize the server in the chat only to get bombarded with hate comments people that have spent lots of hours on this server seem like they dont want anyone to talk shit because they have invested lots of hours into the server however its pretty shit now you can tell yourself that its the same server as before however its not its basically retail bdo with exp boost
  2. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    I still play retail religiously. I also play GameZ BDO mainly to try out different options that would otherwise cost me real dollars on retail (basically to do a dry run to determine if it's worth paying the money to get stuff e.g maids, artisans etc ... and this has proved very helpful and also enjoyable).
    Tbh GameZ is very easy to get ahead, and I cannot fathom how you can compare the two in terms of how difficult it is to advance. Excepting that I don't yet seem to be able to get/snipe dim tree, urugons and griffons, I have higher AP after playing a couple of months on GameZ than I am for playing retail since NA release .. all my boss weapons are TET ... ok my Bhegs gloves are TRI, and the rest of my stuff is TRI Grunil but once I get the rest of my boss armour, I don't feel the same dread enhancing them as I did on retail lol.
    I've NEVER played SD either for the record, nor have I SMH or horse trained other than to get my own T8 Courser.

    I just use all my free artisans and easy to come by mem frags and just smash the enhancements until they pop (and I maintain spares to the same level for the next tier lol). There's NO WAY I could do that on retail!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
    loboram, PrestonGarvey and dziku like this.
  3. Goldim

    Goldim New Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    Ребят,хочу начать играть на этом частном сервере,уйти с оф сервера,подскажите стоит это делать или нет
  4. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Question is, do you get free pearls on retail? LMAO
    Also, the years you spend in retail, 2yrs+ can be achieved here in a few months. So It's not just an exp boost server, try the other trashy PS of BDO and compare for yourself how many bugs they are fixing daily/weekly compared here and retail :p
    PrestonGarvey, loboram, XFALE and 3 others like this.
  5. Goldim

    Goldim New Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    на офециальном сервере не дают жемчуг за время проведенное в игре и рейты на опыт очень очень редко

    донат очень большой для моего кармана,просто нереально догнать старых игроков

    но это еще не так важно,больше меня интересует онлайн на этом сервере,не окажеться ли так что очень мало людей
    Noyah likes this.
  6. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    Yes .. It is worth it in my opinion. Best PServer
    PrestonGarvey likes this.
  7. wensn

    wensn New Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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  8. sbrodolino

    sbrodolino New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    MAH......I get bored fast lately..
  9. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    But at least on retail everybody has same start and end. There are no ninja nerfs of drop rates while ruining players money making methods. Stop this BS with free pearls because it start getting boring. Most of people actualy dont give a single F about free pearls. Its getting harder and harder for newcomers to keep up with older players. But i understand you, i was a fanboy of this server for a long time. For me it looks like eating turd and saying it taste good even if you know it doesnt.
    eminescu83 and sbrodolino like this.
  10. Zefirio

    Zefirio Getting there

    Nov 28, 2018
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    another mad cringe kid my gosh just go back on retail please

    people don t give a *k about free pearls? so how you think people are enjoying more classes at time? oh wait you must be one of these plebs who can t even gear 1 class ^^

    The marketplace and the economy in this game are still in progress and if you only will be a bit informated about new contents and actual contents you will know where to get huge moneys same. But talking about SD seems in the DNA of noobs.
    loboram, Toenail and RevelationsOn like this.
  11. sbrodolino

    sbrodolino New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    in fact i have 50k+ pearls but the actual drop rate is very bad in some areas and i dont know why but my will to play vanished day after day...hope they do something cause i really miss old rates.
  12. fluxxxyyy

    fluxxxyyy New Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    you are the cancer community i was talking about instead of actually giving a valid and interesting take on this topic u instantly resort to shit posting we get it u invested a lot of time in this server dosent mean you must defend the way the server is managed ..
    eminescu83 and sbrodolino like this.
  13. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    It's all very subjective really isn't it? You see your own posts as "valid and interesting", but other people might not see it that way. I certainly don't :).
    One other thing; when you mention "the community", who exactly are you referring to ... and are you honestly able to claim that you are an authoritative spokesperson for said "community"?
    Interesting bit of information here (and you may be able to relate); most people with some type of NPD will assume that their view, if not indisputable, is without a doubt a view shared by the majority (or "the community" as you so succinctly put it).
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    PrestonGarvey, loboram and dziku like this.
  14. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    You may hate and like the changes but it WILL NEVER remove the fact that still gamezbd is the ONLY STABLE, SECURED AND BEST black desert private servers out there.
    Fanboy? Say that those CDO peeps who could never accept the fact that the old bugs which gamezbd has are there in their server and endless bug fixes are done lmao

    At least in retail you get to start etc? I played in retail as well, it sucks as you have to BUY everything with pearls so you can have some decent upgrade.
    Active money gathering? Lifeskilling? SD party? Heck, you won't get anywhere close on what you earn in retail as to here.
    If you indeed played in retail, you would know in fact how MONEY GRABBING devs are Pearl Abyss and you would see a lot of people quitting from there because a lot of people just swipe to PEN lol
    loboram, dziku and Toenail like this.
  15. Sticky

    Sticky New Member

    Mar 9, 2019
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    I’ve been on this server for almost a month now. Even during that short time I have noticed the silent nerfs going on. When I came to gamez I was looking to get away from the insensate grinding of retail and be able to get right into end game pvp which is the point of private servers. After hearing how different things are now to a few months ago when drop rates were much higher and money came easy. I can tell you without a doubt I have no more interest in playing here or giving any more donation to the server. New players that come to your server should NOT be at this much of a disadvantage from the veteran players who got to enjoy and reep the benefits of higher everything and get full PEN gear. As long as you continue down this path any new players coming here not for PVE reasons will get fed up and quit from being constantly 1 shot by veteran players while trying to catch up. Also I shouldn’t be spending hours at a grind spot with nothing to show for it. That’s ridiculous and a huge waste of a players time who expects a private server with “500%” drop increase advertised.
    sbrodolino likes this.
  16. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    Right there is where we should probably agree to disagree (frantically hits the buzzer!).
    It may be the point for some, but it's definitely not the point of BDO for others. You seek to redefine the game according to your point of view only. In my view BDO is much more than a vehicle to get to "end game pvp". First and foremost it was designed as an MMO and that is how some of us play it too. It sounds as if End Gamers would be happier with a battle royale implementation.
    It seems obvious to me that GameZ are interested in the long term, keeping the mmo component alive. I think your version of how this PServer should run is shortsighted. It'd be a flash in the pan, a short slightly charred sausage sizzle posing as beef wellington and then people would move on to something else.
    I guess only time will tell if their decision is the best one for business continuity; but I'm betting that GameZ have a more realistic and congruent plan for the future of GBD than the ill defined suggestions that end game pvp brigade offer.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  17. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    On point as usual Toenail.

    These newbie mindset are:
    "Oh a BDO private server? Then my years of progression should be easier there. I'll go and play then"
    -A few moments later..........after reading the forums etc..
    "Why do the old players here have so much edge towards newbies like us? Why with all the nerfs Gamezbd staff!?! I will stop playing and supporting your servers since it's unfair"

    This logic is the same as when your playing in retail. IF YOU PLAYED LONG ENOUGH AND GOT SO MUCH PROGRESSION, the newbie players will have YEARS and not just months needed to catch up on you. Get the logic? Here, you just need months compared to retail.

    These guys -_- for real, either their using new forum accounts, their really newbie or their the old guys who were getting out of hand on each other topic on this forum *sigh.
    loboram, dziku and Toenail like this.
  18. pa3ck

    pa3ck New Member

    Sep 30, 2018
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    I started playing when EU opened and here are my thoughts on your 5 points.

    1: I agree to an extent, SD used to yield 3x more money than now, so if you make 100m/h right now, you made 300m/h back then, which means you only made 1 billion a day if you grinded more at least 3-4 hours, now you need to grind at least 10, which is a huge nerf, but not as big as you imagine, you never easily made billions

    2: Can you imagine what kind of server resources does Black Desert need? GameZBD is not getting their server files / source code handed to them weekly, they need developers to constantly reconstruct the code from other clients like KR. Who on this world does anything for free? Do you think a team of at least 4-5 developers are going to spend their own time making a server just for you to enjoy for free? That's not how life works, I'm happy to pay 10-13 euros monthly to keep the server alive.

    3: Almost as bad as retail? You gotta be joking, look up BDO Enchant videos, getting PEN here is so ridiculously easy I can't even get a proper failstack, been trying the past few weeks to get a 60-70 fs but it pops TET and PEN every time, I mained like 4 characters, that's at least 8-10 PEN weapons that I enchanted (some of those shared their mainhand/offhand)

    4: They clearly said they nerfed SD, but on other aspects, I agree with you, nerfing something and not telling us is not cool and they should stop doing that or people will start leaving their server very soon

    5: That's just not true, if you think this server is almost the same as retail then you either never played retail or your don't have any gear, once you start going for TET on retail you'll quickly start to realize it's a lot easier on GameZ

    P.S: Oh, I forgot the "well pearls are free here" that's a very, very weak point, that's only true if you have low income and can't afford to buy pearls at all, when I played retail I spent 300 euros in like 5 months which is 60eu/month and I got everything I wanted so the same applies here, once you get your pets, inventory slot, maids etc pearl is just not a big deal anymore

    BTW, I'm not an active player anymore, I kind of come online every now and then, but BDO became boring for me, I just wanted to share my thoughts
  19. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Same here, not that active anymore.
    Login here and there, AFK for like 12hours or more to train level 30 horses (daily).

    Before, I never turned off my computer and actively grinding etc. But I focused on just getting income/silvers passively or what you can call AFK so I can play the other games I want to at the same time. I'll never leave this game unless there something new that would make me quit here. I'll be active again once I get at least one PEN accessories, sadly preordering here is like retail as well lmao.
    loboram and Toenail like this.
  20. sbrodolino

    sbrodolino New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Same here i at last have gived up i don want to spent hours of grind to gear up ...to be honest i was here cause it wasnt the usual grindfest as retail but now it's game over and Rip my 3 mouths of premium, well Wtf ...life continue.

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