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GamezBdo Hate Speech,Racism/ Apology

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by ColdAssHonkey, Jun 12, 2019.


Should people get Perma-banned for a first time offense of hate speech?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. ColdAssHonkey

    ColdAssHonkey New Member

    Jan 30, 2019
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    I'd like to extend a formal apology to you and to the wonderfully respectful community of GameZ's BDO. Earlier I typed some letters in server chat, two specific letters to be exact, and I apologize for allowing a weak moment to overtake me, and make a poor decision. I'd like to make sure you know that those letters don't actually reflect who I am as a person, or what my actual views in life are.

    This post is a sincere apology and a contract, if you will, ensuring that I never stoop to ignorance I did today. Again, thank you for everything you do for all of us in the GameZ BDO community, and I hope you consider reversing the ban you levied earlier today.

    Your Humble Customer,

    FunkyTown likes this.
  2. Owari

    Owari New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    I'd like to additionally apologize to you and the community of Gamez BDO. Earlier I was using server chat, and some slurs got thrown around, and I apologize for allowing myself to jump on the bandwagon and also utilize racial slurs. I'd like to express that those words do not reflect who I am as a person, or what my actual perspective on life is.

    This post is a sincere apology and a contract, if you will, ensuring that I will never use these words ever again. Thank you and your team for everything you do for the game, and I hope you consider reversing the ban you levied earlier today.

    Thanks, and have a good day.
  3. oMasterchef

    oMasterchef New Member

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Dear GamezBdo admin team,
    Yesterday quite a few players fell victim to a pressing issue that has been occurring in GamezBdo, which is hate Speech and racism. There were about five to eight participants yesterday who were having a conversation about the word N** in server chat some were defending the word, while others were using the word in a derogatory manner. Out of the year and a half I have been playing this game nothing has been done about any type of hate speech, many people including myself has made multiple reports about another player using hate speech and the GM's had taken no action until yesterday.Many players that were invloved in the conversation yesterday even pointed out that nothing will happen to you if you use hate speech in gamezbdo because nothing has ever happened to anyone who was involved in any type of racism or hate speech until June 11, 2019. Not only did they not receive any punishment, but players continue to use racial slurs not only against blacks but against All other races that play gamez. Earlier in the day someone was referring to another Asian player as a C** and has yet to receive any punishment for hate speech in gamez, but the people who were merely having a conversation about the word N* which is used HEAVILY in GamezBdo recieved a permanent ban for their first offense. This ban has caused an uproar in the gamezbdo community, because well known players of Gamezbdo were permenant banned and deemed racist with no chance of appeal. After looking at the terms and serivice of Gamez the rules on Hate speech goes as follows First offense:48 hour temp ban, Second offense: 7 day temp ban Third Offesne: 14 day temp ban Then finally a perma ban. The players who were effected and banned yesterday inclduing myself received a perma banned and from my knowlege this is the first time they had ever been reported for using any type of hate speech.
    This is not me defending what had happened in server chat yesterday, but me addressing an issue that needs to be fixed instead of overlooked by the community and the GM's; more bans need to be handed out then what was given yesterday. There are a handful of people in the gamezbdo community who have names like (N**** Destroyer), (LynchingPost), (N**** Killer), and all of these players continue to have their accounts and can roam around gamezbdo saying whatever they want to without receiving any punishment even after the name change policy was implemented they still have those names unchanged and if you watch system chat you will see them enchanting. For those curious about what was said in server chat here is the conversation below. Shortly after the screenshots a few players participated by typing 1 letter at a time spelling out N**** all of those players were permanently banned including myself, but i was defending the word earlier in server chat and wasn't expecting anything to happen because nothing has ever been enforced.

    I have talked with a select few of the players who were banned being, Owari, Starreach and Curtis. We are not racist's who actually hate people because of their skin color the few of us just happened to make a mistake and meme about hate speech which shouldn't be joked about. From the bottom of our hearts we sincerely apologize, but i dont think that longtime supporters of GamezBdo should be perma banned because of 1 mistake we made in server chat. Do we deserve a punishment? yes we do deserve to be punished so that others can finally clean up their act and we can make gamezbdo a fun environment for everyone else to enjoy like how it was designed. But i personally think the punishment was a little harsh being permanently banned for a first time offense. I think everyone in the community should have a say so in what should happen to us so i will be dropping a Poll down below to see if we should remain permanently banned or if we should have a reasonable timer attached to our bans. Thank you all for reading, If you want to continue to support this cause i would like for this petition to reach 100 signatures so we can raise awareness about the issue. https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/405/820/627/


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    Goldwirth, Nyxtus, Yonik and 3 others like this.
  4. sk74267

    sk74267 New Member

    Apr 23, 2019
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    in my humble opinion... i think punishing people for so-called hate speech is a joke.


    hate speech
    noun: hate speech
    1. abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
      "we don't tolerate any form of hate speech"

    keyword in that definition, "EXPRESSES". now on the other hand, if people want to HARASS people with their hate speech... that is a different story. this behavior should be punished. however, under no circumstances do i believe they should get a perma-ban, or whatever the highest form of punishment is, for their first offense. how could anyone be expected to better themselves under such a ruling? they should be punished, yes. but the situation shouldn't force people into an ultimatum. that is borderline tyranny.

    it shouldn't matter what words a person uses. it shouldn't matter how prejudice or racist those words are or that person is. everyone has the right to be whoever they want. so, i could be saying all kinds of crap... but unless i am making it personal, it shouldn't be a problem. unless i am forming a cult and actively persecuting people, it shouldn't be a problem.

    again, unless it boils down to direct harassment, i don't see the issue.
    Yonik and oMasterchef like this.
  5. imrahil

    imrahil Asmo's face smasher

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Anyone that racially abuses another person in game or outside of game should be punished no matter the serverity racism is wrong no matter what people say and hate speeches are called hate speeches for reason they aren't called nice speeches now are they

    so no people shouldn't get a warning or anything perma ban is right u wouldn't want racial abuse or hate speeches put u now would ya and u shouldn't do it to others treat others how u ur self would like to be treated
    Now if u was banned for it then serves ya right u got what u deserved if it asked me
  6. Nyxtus

    Nyxtus New Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    The person with an avatar calling people retards is saying others should be banned for using a no no word. Good one.

    Nobody should be permabanned for a bad word, especially not when it's not used in a derogatory manner and is simply in a discussion. This isn't retail, do you guys really want to go about banning your top players because they said a gamer word in a discussion? Again, PERMABANNED for that? Oh man.

    I also want to note the person in OP's pictures is literally bragging about getting people banned, and admitted to intentionally baiting them into saying the word. They're the ones that need to be banned. Pathetic.
    Goldwirth, NATURAL and Yonik like this.
  7. imrahil

    imrahil Asmo's face smasher

    Feb 7, 2013
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    My avatar has nothing to with how I speak to people
    If u think its fine to abuse someone in any sorta way verbally, physically or mentally we live in 2 different worlds I wouldnt want any of that directed at me in anyway and neither should anyone else so a perma ban is fair
    loboram likes this.
  8. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Racial, abusive, and all around hate speech is NOT acceptable what ever the meaning behind it is, whether it is personally between friends, (or cult members) it's' still altogether wrong and i agree, it should be a perma ban for it.
    loboram likes this.
  9. Nyxtus

    Nyxtus New Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Sir, please stop responding to me. Every time I am forced to read your profile picture, it damages my mental condition due to the brutal and unnecessary verbal assault it conveys. Maybe in your world it's ok to insinuate I drive you to suicide with my poor skill and low IQ, but that kind of behavior is unacceptable. A permaban would be fair for YOU, because I am literally shaking right now.
  10. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Obviously you "sir" (and i use that very loosely here) obviously doesn't understand a joke.
  11. Nyxtus

    Nyxtus New Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Are you putting Sir into quotations because I'm a known trans on this server? I would highly suggest you reevaluate how you decide to speak to me. That's disgusting and I don't appreciate it.
  12. imrahil

    imrahil Asmo's face smasher

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Lol if my avatar offends u in anyway imagine how people feel when they abused cos of race or how they chose to dress, how they choose to live, thier sexual orientation, the way they look which ever
    then I'm sry for ur insecurities
    loboram likes this.
  13. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Not suggesting what species, sex, or trans-dimentional swamp rat you are, just putting "sir" as i usually do for any snow flake. You thinking that hate speech or such shouldnt be a perma insta ban, you of all people should accept that it SHOULD be, being the kind of person you claim to be. Accept it, hate speech is wrong on ALL fronts, as you just pointed out, and made a mountain out of a mole hill, and for you information, my partner is trans, so..... yeah, don't judge me like you believe i judged you when i clearly did not.
    loboram likes this.
  14. Nyxtus

    Nyxtus New Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    I made a mountain out of a molehill? Because you attacked my gender? I think you guys made a mountain out of a molehill when a blackman was speaking about the word and his opinion on it.
  15. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    I never attacked your gender at all, i said "sir" as most snow flakes would on here, since 1. Dunno what species of swamp rat you are, and 2. Why would it be so important to clarify sex to anyone? Are you human? barely i bet, but it doesnt matter, you be stupid, i treat you stupid, got it?
  16. imrahil

    imrahil Asmo's face smasher

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Lol ur trying to pick anything outta what is said to ya to win an argument they never attacked u on the gender u choose to be or are did they no they didn't ur just nit picking now
  17. Nyxtus

    Nyxtus New Member

    Jun 12, 2019
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    And now you're attacking me, saying because I identify as Trans I am not a human, and am a "sewer rat". You're also claiming that I'm an idiot. I hope you're both banned ingame. You're far worse than any racist.
  18. oMasterchef

    oMasterchef New Member

    Apr 21, 2018
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    you are correct it is wrong to be involved in any type of hate speech and it shouldn't be taken lightly thats why i made this post so people can voice their opinions, BUT in the gamezbdo and aion terms and service it does say first offense is a 48 hour ban and the whole terms and service steps were skipped and a perma ban was initiated . although we are in the wrong do the mods have a right to bypass their own terms of service that they made when the word was not directly insulting anyone ?
  19. imrahil

    imrahil Asmo's face smasher

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Dude or lady which ever u chose to be stop it ur just making ya self look more stupid they haven't attacked u on which gender u are ur taking offence to nothing ur making it up to make seem like they are
  20. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Wow, now this has gotten WAY outta hand, i'll say again, and i'll use smaller words. I DID NOT ATTACK YOUR GENDER, i used "sir" as an assumption as to what you could be, as i had NO IDEA WhAT YOU IDENTIFY AS. Frankly, i do not give a shit what you identify as. And i never said sewer rat, might wanna go re-read what i put. And ma'am, you are literally doing what anyone these days does, you are twisting everything to make it into a personal attack, you call me worse than a racist, well, that is your opinion, you are welcome to it. But you are quite clearly trying to turn it all around as an attack, directed at you, for reasons i cannot fathom. You are taking what you think from what i say, not for what i have said. Pretty much giving up at this point, but last hurrah here, Racial, hate speech, or anything of such nature in game where KIDS PLAY, is wrong and people like that should be banned. And people that take things as a personal attack where no such thing happened, should just learn that not everything is about what they choose, no one cares, it's your life, change sex, change species, change your over all IQ (which i have done typing here now.....) i don't care.
    loboram likes this.
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