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The biggest problem on GameZBD

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by TheGuy, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    horsetraining is NOT destroying it, if it did then the server never grew.
    It has been generous before, around 6-8hours you get level 30's but now it's way longer it was nerfed already and now you keep on asking for nerfs.
    Someone who have just played vs someone who have been here a year and so you don't know what you are talking about lol
    loboram likes this.
  2. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    everyone should know that having the bigger portion of the server being 100% afk is not the way how a game should be played.

    and how long you played does not matter, if you are blind to the fact that a game; which is not played, is inherently dead, then its not my problem.

    YOUR only argument you managed to provide was "I PLAY LONGER THAN YOU SO IM RIGHT" which, to be fair, is quite a useless one.

    before nerf, the horse training was better than it is now, cause now ppl legit waste a full day FULLY afk, cause you cant sell a horse thats not lvl 30; unless you wanna lose money.
    before that, they atleast took a break and actually played every now and then.
    thats the vibe im getting anyway and i really cba to look deeper into it, cause the server as it is now is pointless to play on.

    if i want to be afk 24/7 i might as well not play the game, so thats what i do. no point "grinding horses" for exactly nothing.
    silver doesnt buy you anything these days, pvp is inherently dead anyway (mostly due to questionable balancing from PA), playing the game is basically ergotherapy at this point. so definitely no reason to touch it.
  3. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    ''Silver doesnt buy you anything these days''. Of course, if you are an old player, you already have it all, and fuck new players.
    ArchDevil likes this.
  4. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    so tell me, how many PENs get listed per month compared to how many players being able to afford them?

    do you get it? the market is dry af, therefore silver doesnt buy anything. cause it cant buy you whats not there.

    EDIT: ofc im talking about rarer PENs like accessories and boss armour...
  5. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    My responses are inside the quote, in red.

    My responses are again, inside the quote, in red.

    My god, how you are this senseless? Them nerfing horse training isn't going to make pen accessories appear on the market more often. But I get it. You think that them removing that potential horse training money is gonna either, at best, push people out into the grind zones to grind for accessories, or at worst, it'll mean less possible competition for winning bids on pen accessories. I can guarantee you this won't happen either way. People don't want to grind for them to begin with because they don't drop often enough. It won't make them play the game any more than they already do. Your money isn't gonna be more valuable because the guys that have been grinding longer than you still have way more income than you do, so they'll still win the expensive bids. It won't generate anymore pen accessories because generating pen accessories isn't about your silver count. It's about getting lucky enough to either build the stacks you'll eventually succeed on, or being lucky enough to get it a lower, more accessible stack.
  6. Zacat

    Zacat New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    Are ppl doing training 24/7 ? I guess nope. Pls stop whining and use training to get more silvers while u sleep/work/live ur real life.
    This thread is retard.
    loboram and RevelationsOn like this.
  7. ArchDevil

    ArchDevil Getting there

    Jun 22, 2019
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    Do you actually see people in Velia or Heidel? Do we play on the same server?
    It's just too easy money to do, there will be no other so profitable afk acitvity.

    If this get nerfed let's say exp to like someone mentioned 25% more than retail people will still do this somehow, if the price on the other had was cut to half or less I belive a lot people may quit.

    For real after reading this discussion the only solution which somes to my mind is to buff drop rates of PvE and sharps, hards and capra from gathering, even friends of my are getting too lazy after seening of some drop rates and started just afk with wagon, like someone said, one narc per hour is just like on retail.
    loboram likes this.
  8. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    1) i played retail for ages, but i couldnt be arsed to roulette my gear every 2 weeks for a 1/20 chance to get a pen at try lol
    its funny that you also assume here, that you already know the facts....seems to be a nasty habit of yours eh

    2) yes ofc they do, thats how it always is if someone has a longer history they had more chances to generate whatever is considerable as currency....quite obvious.
    2a) i never said other things dont need to get buffed, im not sure how you read between the lines like you do.

    3) ofc i can bring forth such an argument, since its not up to me to bring forth any evidence to begin with.
    its gonna get nerfed either way, if you dont want it to get nerfed; then its you that have to bring sensible arguments, not me.
    you have the "duty to inform colleagues".

    4) so 24/7 afk horsing is "fun"? or did you try to say making afk silver is "fun"?
    eitherway, pretty retarded argument as well....and then you move on and ask ME "what the fuck is wrong with you?"
    whatever floats your boat i guess :^)
  9. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    1. You don't need pen to compete with people on retail. Full tet gear and some tet accessories are enough to compete. You don't need to roulette your gear either thanks to Cron stones. Again, proof that you don't play retail. In my case, I wanted to progress beyond tet and some caphras since max gear means something to me, yet I continuously failed until I gave up on retail. It doesn't mean anything to anyone who isn't in the same mindset as me.
    2. Of course it's obvious, but you act like it isn't and ignore that nerfing horse training is going to hurt new players massively. Nerf or not, it doesn't even affect you since by your own admittance, you don't even play the game.
    3. You're the one of the ones who want to see things changed to begin with. The burden of proving that it needs changed lies on you. I'm disproving your stance with facts and logic. Simple as that. And no, it wasn't going to get nerfed either way. It's a stance the devs are taking after receiving complaints. But either way, it doesn't matter. You haven't brought a sensible argument yet.
    4. I never once said if it's fun or not. But if you want to talk about it, then yes, it is fun. It could be fun for someone to be able to earn sizeable money by afking. I like making good money afk, since it costs money to run my pc during that time, so it is fun for me. As for raising horses, yeah, it is fun. I know people on retail who did/do this, and they have to pay money to make 4.25x less income. Horse training was a huge draw for me to this game back in 2015/2016. I was huge into the horse training system until I realized I couldn't make money off of it without investing real life money into every horse. I came to that realization within a month of the game being live.

    I find it laughable that you call my arguments retarded, but you're trying to argue for a change on a game you don't even play.
  10. jeric

    jeric Yumilover / Rushitsu

    Sep 16, 2016
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    they doing horse training to get some silvers to buy some gears or buy some stuff to enchant gears, every aspect of the game needs silver, how can you pvp when your gearless lol

    though i agree on horse training nerf haha
  11. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Bottom line is, good luck for this nerf that you guys want to be implemented. By the time it will be, I guess you are out somewhere playing another game :p
    Kolka and the team here would only implement something that would not affect most player base, if you look around how many of you have started such threads since last year, you'd know what I mean. Try searching in the forum section of for gamezbd and look at every other suggestions.
    You will see Kolka or even GM Noyah responses about YOUR ISSUES.
    Better for you guys to create your own server lol
    loboram, Synx and jeric like this.
  12. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    Unfortunately, Kolka has already talked about nerfing horses. You can find his post about it on the forums. Like I said earlier, he talked about a potential 4x nerf to exp rates in pms between both of us after I asked him about his post. He's pretty adamant on not listening, despite the fact that he later said something about a player raising concerns over central market pricing becoming crazy due to horse training. What he failed to realize, or just didn't convey it properly because of our language barrier, was that central market prices have a ceiling value just like our current market does. Central Market changes max and min order prices based on supply and demand, but again, max price caps out at a value determined by the devs. It's just more volatile than the current market system, buying and selling happens faster since items go for sale instantly, and everything is based on ordering. Oh, and pre-order silver sink is going to be completely gone now. You'll get 100% of the value of the order placed, minus marketplace tax.
    loboram likes this.
  13. Magikarpsghost

    Magikarpsghost Getting there

    Jul 19, 2019
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    honestly as a new player getting started is a pain. I don't pvp so that does not effect me but I am outgeared by everyone so farming is not the easiest lol
    loboram likes this.
  14. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    This is what I keep trying to tell people. I have 274 ap atm and there are people I can't even kill because of caphras, whereas I would nuke them on retail. New players now don't stand a chance against the old guard, who have level 5, 10, etc caphras on top of 280 or 290 ap before caphras is considered. If they want to nerf horse training and remove silver from the economy, then they need to figure something out to compensate new players for it. I'm willing to bet the horse nerf is gonna drop with the Shai update, and we'll see how bad it is.
  15. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    -Small number of channels
    -Lifeskilling is not rewarded (Alchemy/Cooking)
    -Small number of players (Compared with retail)
    -Retarded accessory enchant system. (I couldnt managed to get a DUO Crescent ring out of 16 PRI rings using lower stacks and higher stacks as well)
    -New players have a very hard time trying to catch up. (I suggested to Kolka to implement something like full TRI boss gear for new players that are not enchantable nor tradeable and will expire after 2 weeks/ 1 month)
    -Empty market

    These are, for me, the issues that keep me from coming back to this server.

    I have dozens of billions of raw silver in my stash that i cant do shit with it because the merchant have empty shops...
    ArchDevil likes this.
  16. TongYuenKitYaki

    TongYuenKitYaki New Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    The biggest problem is not silver, the main issues are lack of the AP Accessory & stones.
    And the low RNG rate also main factor cause lack of AP Acc / items.
    On the other hand, the drop rate are not really higher so much than retail. (SD Nerf. )

    Lack of PVP cause by player difficult obtain AP Acc to increase their AP.
    Lack of High end items cause by lack of stones with low RNG rate.

    We wanna play in Private Server because less time effort to achieve or near the end game.
    If every thing become difficult to achieve, than we should back to retail / leave.
    Pokotion likes this.
  17. ArchDevil

    ArchDevil Getting there

    Jun 22, 2019
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    Yet, players with full pen won't care, I quit enchanting this shit becouse of that and selling them on 0+ is less frustrating than burning everything over and over one month straight. I had 150 witch earings and out of that I only hit two on duo and zero on tri and is not like I'm fucking doing it with 0 fs, and I also have premium which I never felt like this enchant chance is boosting anything.
  18. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    loboram likes this.
  19. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    U gotta love people like you :) .. "Go back to retail if you love that server as much"

    Why u gotta take such forums threads as offensive? Why u gotta put on your whiteknight robe and go rampage? Why dont u stay away from posting if u dont like a thread/post/comment and play your lovely game?
    I do hope u get the fact that people who really care are the ones that complain here. If they would not care, they could simply uninstall the game and go back to retail, as your lovely suggestion is, or play something else.
    Anyway the player base from gamez is getting dimmer and dimmer with each day passes but ... hey ... we can always go back to our lovely retail server and play there.
    ArchDevil likes this.
  20. Magikarpsghost

    Magikarpsghost Getting there

    Jul 19, 2019
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    My question is, why do we fight? as a community why do we not band together and help one another. experienced players leaving ego behind to help new players. make Gamez not just another server but something worth being on. No mater the game I help those less experienced then my self, be it knowledge or guild assistance. BDO gives some people an ego the size of a CoD player and it just shows how mentally unstable one is. Sure be the best at pvp but don't be a jerk. make it fun get people close to your level giving you more of a challenge. This is just my opinion after playing MMOs since ultima online and watching the communities change from helpful and fun to egotistical and selfish.
    Toenail and loboram like this.

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