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[BDO] PVP is dead. Need changes.

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Hannibal, Oct 16, 2019.

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  1. Hannibal

    Hannibal Proficient

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Los Angeles
  2. 3bonit3

    3bonit3 New Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    adding some kind of solo competitive pvp would really help the game i think, allows competitive people to feel like they have a place and are working torwards something, tournaments for rewards would be an amazing idea if they could implement it
  3. Sleier

    Sleier Archangel

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The answer for RBF, isn't a stat bracket, but probably better off with fixed roles and fixed stats. If you have a stat bracket implemented then it halts things like support builds that are good for RBF/larger scale pvp. click the attacker role, you get class cannon stats, click the front line role you get rounded stats, defense obvious stats, support, some damage capability with higher survival. Something along those lines. I'm not sure that's within the power of our devs to do though. It falls outside of the realm of being able to modify the UI client to grab html and display it in game. Who knows, maybe they do have the ability to do that. That would be cool. ch1-4 fixed stats. Arsha open RBF
  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Sorry about this, but that statement is in fact an oxymoron, since you cannot have "solo PvP" :D

    Alright, I see that brackets may be more work for the development team that is true, so I agree that it might be better to give ALL the same amount of AP/AWP/DP but that is all if it is to be an "easy fix" to give the PVP scene a much needed boost, because adding several options for player to choose from with different scores based on the option chosen is just as much work as making brackets (or so I think).
  5. 3bonit3

    3bonit3 New Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    oh right, i meant like 1v1s, my bad
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  6. Yarkinno

    Yarkinno New Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    As a returner, i do have around 600 GS at the moment.

    First problem for me, is the gap between endgame players vs others. There is no way i’m killing +650 GS with my 600 GS character alone. Since SD is almost shit right now, I can’t increase my GS fast enough. Especially after Ash Forest update, SD has no meaning.

    Second problem, overpowered builds and classes. We do have unfair classes (*cough* archer *cough*) but the real problem is evasion builds. I play in EU, there are some people that can’t die but still can one shot me (355 DP hybrid). It is very annoying, and to kill it, my entire team should focus on it.

    Third one is desync and latency. Emergency escape doesn’t work 90% of time. People teleport, skills don’t connect to target, CCs don’t work properly. I have no idea where the servers are, but my latency to a server in Germany is 50ms, to USA eastern side is 175ms. Also download and upload speeds are way above average compared to other connections in my country.

    I do love RBF and PvP but i hate getting stomped on. Losing is fine, but getting destroyed is not.

    The only solutions i came up with is special arenas with equal stats.
    Or buffing SD, so incredibly unlucky players will have chance to upgrade without fear or just buy better gear.
    Or nerfing meta builds.
  7. h725p

    h725p New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    all good ideas, but useless if not then then connect, I give an example, I and many other users wait for the weekend to play RBF but, strangely, for some time now every weekend the game does not work after the selection of the character, only solution would be to propose rbf several times a week, is the only thing that is making the game go on ..
  8. great

    great New Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    There is not pvp game. If you want strong pvp, you can find many real pvp-oriented games. But in this game PVP-oriented persons disturbs peace-players only.
    loboram likes this.
  9. Ronda

    Ronda New Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    If this wasnt a pvp game there would be no guild wars, no siege, no nodewars and there would be a lot more pve content, stop being frail or go play final fantasy if you wanna be a care bear and have no pvp.
    Choovanski and OmniJournal like this.
  10. Hannibal

    Hannibal Proficient

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Are you sure you're talking about Gamez BDO? The pvp game? Lol

    Anyways, let this forum post die. No ones gonna do anything about it anyways
  11. Hellborn

    Hellborn New Member

    Sep 25, 2018
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    They could make ppl dropping stuff if u kill them on arsha channel (not own gear) for example u go out to grind at crescents on arsha and kill a random person then he can drop randomly anything between markof shadow and tungrad ring . i think that would bring more ppl to pvp in open world. i think the main reason why siege and nodewars is so empty is there are not enough people with endgame gear. people are scared when the get 1 shot with a GS of 560+ . and the endgame people that wanna pvp there now getting bored because the time more casual people need to get at a gearscore they feel ready to participate needs too much time. it´s a death spiral tha twill go on and on as long it´s that hard to enhance ur whole gear to pen and caphra it. they should at least lower the ap/dp from endgame pve spots so people stop doing so much afk stuff and go more grindin.
  12. Yarkinno

    Yarkinno New Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    If people start dropping valuable loot like some mobs (if the dropped items are not victims' items), the entire channel, no, the entire game will change into an abuse shitfest. People will agree on killing each other for free stuff.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hey Ronda, please do the minimum required research before declaring some smartarse shaite like that. Has nothing to do with being "frail" -think you mean fragile- but has something to do with how stupidly aggro players are online where they can hide behind the anonymity of being online with NO consequences to their actions, so even the most frail (correct use of that term) kids out there can stand up to anyone without having the shaite slapped outta them.
    If you had done the minimum research, instead of listening to the mainstream (more like ignorant-dumbarses-stream) philosophy, then the first thing you would have noticed is that Black Desert Online is NOT a PvP-game. It is and has ALWAYS been an action-mmo-RPG game, and only the toxic -spoiled-brats on "Retail-BDO" think that it is something it is not, and unfortuantely too many players simply do not want to take the time or effort to think for themselves to come another conclusion than what the mainstreamers say.
    Really sorry if this message is offensive to you, but then you shouldn't be an offensive bully on our forum either :p

    Hello Hellborn, I was only wondering why you think things are coded as they are in this action-mmo-RPG game?
    I mean if this really was a PvP-game with some PvE thrown in for fun, then I am absolutely SURE that the function that you suggest would have been part of the basic core game mechanism.
    BUT as I have said like a million times now, this is NOT a PvP-game, only mainstream players who cannot think for themselves and just copy whatever they see others do think that. The "good" players, who do not abuse of the server rules, or bully other players, or behave abusively online in general, who used to be the foundation of this community have mostly left because the staff of GamezBD has NOT listened to them. Instead they have focused on what the "majority" have been complaining about, leading to the sorry state of things nowadays on our servers.

    So as sadly as it is, the real truth is that because the staff of GamezBD listened to the mainstream "majority" -who only had a majority due to the massive-mainstream guilds they were part of- and changed things to suit the ones who complained the most, the entire game fell apart around them which leads to this incredibly funny turn of events; When the same complainers are complaining about too few players online, which they were the very reason for.
  14. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    BDO is whatever type of game we want it to be. For some it is a PvP game and for others it may not be; it all depends on our approach.

    For me, BDO is a resource management game that has some interesting unpredictable people who may kill you on a whim (or try to lol). Tbh, I really like this last unpredictable aspect of the game, it adds spice and life to the game that someone could stalk you and engage in combat when you least expect it.

    Another thing, I think that the in-fighting between the different styles of play ultimately will hurt the game. The landscape and environmental culture of BDO should grow organically based on the game design which incorporates PvE and PvP.

    We can choose to roll with it, the good and the uncomfortable and find our own sweet spot or we can struggle against it. Either way, it just becomes another part of the ongoing plot :) and its all enjoyable until it stops breathing.
    loboram likes this.
  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Fair and good point to make, I do understand that most core-coded-game mechanisms have been installed by the ideology that gave birth to the game in the first place, but the upbringing and nuture should also matter, and that is where GamezBD comes into the picture. As a community we can influence what parts of the game we would like to enhance, but it is also a drawback as we have witnessed already; the crowd of complainers getting what they wanted and still left our server for another game or service.

    Some will say that the game is one thing and others another thing, it is completely understandable since this game is SO unlike any before it, which means it is bound to confuse some players into thinking of it as something it is not. I enjoy the PvE aspect as well as the group content leading to RPG'ing, but I also like that there is much more to the game than just that, I just do not use some aspects seeing them as contrary to what would benefit the entirety of the community and server, such as bullying others and essentially ruining their gaming experience just because you can.

    I do like contributing to the server and community such as gathering materials and placing them on the Marketplace, which is once again completely empty from the most basic materials needed such as Traces and Powders. However lately I have been reluctant to contribute since the time and effort I am putting into getting these materials is NOT being reflected in the sales price of them anymore, Especially if I am the ONLY source of delivery. So I have stopped, and through various posts tried to inform the staff that there needs to be an immediate change made to the MP (MarketPlace) items sales-prices to reflect the actual time and effort spent gathering them.

    So yeah all in all I am worried about the future of this community and therefore I might be overreacting, but that does not mean I am wrong about my worries, nor does it mean that I should just quit and walk away.
    I want to make it clear to the GamezBD staff that the amount of players using this forum is less than 1% which means that most of the time any and all suggestions/requests/complaints are made elsewhere where I am not part of, probably because I am REALLY old and therefore old-school in the belief that a forum is the most obvious place for these things, also there is this new unfortunate society-evolution where humans have gotten this dumbarse idea into their heads; that learning things, reading about stuff, or gaining knowledge from factual sources (instead of from the mainstream-media) is somehow a bad thing, something to be made fun of and disbelieved.
  16. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I have only one suggestion: add the Tribute Wagon.
    It's a fucking great event to even add New/PvE players to the PvP scenario.
    Just saying. :p
    Toenail and loboram like this.
  17. Mighty

    Mighty New Member

    Sep 3, 2018
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    Just let us coupon to eu server and add the arsha event @Kolka
    Hannibal likes this.
  18. Ronda

    Ronda New Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    ok boomer, also youre retarded
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
  19. Hannibal

    Hannibal Proficient

    Oct 8, 2010
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    When all is said and done. Geared players have nothing to do but pvp.
    Choovanski likes this.
  20. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Instead of 0's on evasion. make it 50% chance to do reduced damage like 33%-50% damage reduction. You still damage them and not be looking at them as you see a wall of 0 as your HP goes from 4500 to 0 in a matter of milliseconds after you thought your hard 5 months of grinding to get that extra 30gs was worth shit to someone who just got 240ap/700+Eva.

    Also. Lag plays a huge part in pvp. as I should be in super armor, will be cc'd and killed 60% of the time.

    DR is completely useless compared to EVA for PVP.

    RBF should get a buff in rewards(just double the base rewards) and a stat cap for a few channels (ch1 and ch3 for a random example)

    i might be completely wrong. but that is my experience and my suggestion. :)
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