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[BDO] PVP is dead. Need changes.

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Hannibal, Oct 16, 2019.

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  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hey Rhonda, you are just prooving (how it sounds) my point by making your reply a direct personal attack, when all I did was make comments about groups never directed at you personally. Secondly the term "Frail" is in conjunction with structure and not what you want it to be as in something fragile. Frail is meant to encompass something structually weak, by nature feeble, sickly or the like. While Fragile is the most used term as in Fragile content when used about an object, but more commonly used about a person, as in a Fragile person is one who is easily emotionally stricken, or on edge.
    ""Fragile" means that it could easily break, either literally (china, pottery) or figuratively (a "fragile" person gets their feelings hurt easily). "Frail" means "sickly" or "weak" and nearly always refers to a person."
    "1) He is frail = he is old and weak.
    1a) He is fragile = he is emotionally on edge.
    2) The bottle is fragile = it is easily broken.
    2a) The bottle is frail"

    Also calling another user of this forum a Retard is in fact a hate-crime since it is quite frowned upon to be so ignorant as to use that term loosely without regard for the people who are in fact classified as Mentally Retarded, as if that was something to be made fun of, or used to poke fun, or be abusive towards another person.

    Sorry about this ...PR, but there is no difference between Damage Reduction (DR) and Evasion (EV) on our servers at all they are both used in the same manner. Simply because in the first many tests they made during the creation of the server in the first place, they quickly realized that the coding they had resulted in the players not being able to hit their targets much at all, as in nearly only 1 in 10 or 20 hits would actually land, making combats last a very long time, and this was only during the testing of the PvE, while PvP had an even smaller hit ratio with Evasion enabled as it works on the "Retail-BDO". So on our servers the combat mechanisms are quite different than on "Retail-BDO", also many of them are downright bugged making our server a haven for OverPowered Classes which most "Elite"-players already know all about, as well as how to abuse of the bugs that make them so despite that being against server service agreement (Rules of the GamezBD site).

    Just wanted to clarify this for you, but yeah the server could very much use some new incentives to attract new players, hopefully a more nuanced playerbase between the different ways to enjoy the game in general would improove (how it sounds) the entire community instead of just catering to one type of player.
  2. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Ummmm. This is exactly what I said is happening. Because of the wall of 0 making me hit for 0 95% of the time and me being killed almost instantly because I went for DR and not eva build (Uru ,Griff and bhegs). I am 318(+200)ap/381dp(178(+338)eva, 211(+140) DR) 358acc (+64acc +32eva from gems). I am about to lose my mind with this evasion being OP. Was thinking of losing 2 ap from offin to get 10acc from PEN Blackstar, but idk if thats even worth the effort.

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  3. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Would be nice if you Actually read what I wrote :p
  4. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    I read what you wrote. but man you write too much and its confusing AF... :confused:
    loboram likes this.
  5. Ronda

    Ronda New Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    yes youre old and weak, youre frail. don't write me another novel reply in mla format.
    man called me a keyboard warrior indirectly and you out here citing sources to me about frail definitions with your 1300+ forum posts lookin ass, go to sleep old man.
    Choovanski and OmniJournal like this.
  6. Aelynthi

    Aelynthi New Member

    Nov 7, 2018
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  7. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look it is fine that you are appearing as a very limited person by simply being unable to read, also the fact that you repeatedly use personal attacks which is a no-no on our community's forum, so I am just going to make it clear to you, that this sort of behavior is not going to make you an interesting person, just another bullying little kid who thinks it can get away with it.

    I couldn't help but notice that ALL you have done so far on our forum is attack me personally, I do not think that is a coincidence, so I am just going to ask you what it is I have done personally against you, that makes you act this way towards me?
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2019
  8. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    I thought forums were for suggestions, not verbal PVP D:
    You guys could just ignore each other instead of arguing over something so pointless and taking away from the point of the forums and creating toxicity.
    loboram likes this.
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Please notice that I am not engaging in actual personal attacks, nor incentivizing them, the last post was indeed just a way to get to the bottom of this whole thing.

    I mean it just seems weird that the only two posts that this person has posted were personal attacks against me. So therefore I asked what was the deal, nothing more, alright...I DID make a little fun, I know, I could've left out the first sentence easily, but bullies get what they give in my opinion, and sure that is how trolling happens but I am an old man so I am not really bothered by someone trying to bait me into behaving like a dumbarse-ignorant-little-spoiled-brat :p
  10. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    You have to understand that Intentions vs Perception are a thing and its not what you think or intended is true for other people.

    Your point of view might be valid to you, but if you continue the argument, you seem like you are bothered even though you state you are not bothered and had to write a paragraph on how you are not bothered.
  11. OmniJournal

    OmniJournal New Member

    May 20, 2019
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    BDO is NOT! A PVP game! The endgame content is seriously not about that! I am now going to write seven paragraphs about how you're wrong for doing the actual endgame content while I sit in my house making beer all day
  12. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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  13. OmniJournal

    OmniJournal New Member

    May 20, 2019
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    @PsychoticPR Oh sorry, I don't actually play the game. I just like sitting on the forums all day replying to everyone
  14. Ronda

    Ronda New Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    you just insulted me personally saying i cant read, im offended this is a no-no on my forums, do you understand very well mr old as hell?

    as for me not getting away with or something, idk what im getting away with but message received 10-4 dinosaur.
  15. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    I like the suggestions but I think the reason why BDO's pvp is dead is due to how unbalanced it is.
    Classes are unbalanced ,
    different level characters are unbalanced , gear is unbalanced .

    You can not beat a guy in V as a guy in IV and you are at a serious disadvantage against certain classes ( if not all of them ) by playing some class you like or by having your level be lower than theirs .
    Add in the fact that it actually takes a lot of time to level and gear up your character until it's "pvp ready" and you'll get why people just start thinking it is not worth the hassle.

    Red battlefield is also not an equalized battleground , no one likes to jump in and being repeatedly one shot by gs 700+ players while not being able to touch them. It's not fun or fair.

    What BDO needs to do ( and I am not talking about Gamez specifically here ) in order to revitalize its pvp is :
    - introduce equalized battlegrounds ( everyone gets the same gear while inside rbf , be it full I , II , III , IV , V , idm )
    - by basing themselves on data received from pvp AND from pve classes need to be rebalanced
    - gear scaling has to get better ( if you are in III you have to be able to defeat a guy in IV implying you have better knowledge of your class , of your opponent's skills and of the game's combat in general , same goes for I and II , II and III , ecc )
    - implement new battlegrounds ( 1 v 1 , 3 v 3 , 20 v 20 , objective based ones too such as capture the flag , ecc )

    What Gamez can do ( other than what I have written above ) is to make node wars happen more frequently so that players from all timezones might enjoy them , buff rbf rewards as you have already suggested , make the gearing up process be actually faster ( that's why we are here after all , 10x rates and better enhancing ) so that there may be more pvp ready players and so on.

    The population isn't dropping just cause of pvp ; it is dropping cause the game keeps getting worse and gamez is not helping as much as it should.
    Lots of ways to make silver were nerfed , lots of drop rates were nerfed , enhancing rates are not all that better , caphras suck when compared to renowned ( for as much as renowned sucked too ) , the lack of viable grinding spots is still an issue , the lack of content is an issue ( why grind mobs for 8 hours a day every day for an year when there's just no dungeons or raids to do ? Why pve so much if your goal is to pvp ? ) , the lack of balance is still an issue as already mentioned .
    People did not come to this server to grind as much as they used to do in retail , they came here to have fun ; if Gamez does not want to see its playerbase drop all they have to do is to keep their word and to please their players by giving them significantly better rates , making caphras be farmable other than purchaseable ( and in large amounts ! Reminder that you need 350+ just for +1 at V and you need to get to +20 on all gear pieces , the amount of stones needed exponentially increasing after each upgrade ) , buff the drops from other grinding spots until they become as good as the most contested ones .

    Hope the situation will get better.
    Until then , try and have fun everyone.
    loboram likes this.
  16. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Thank you SO much for this @Elyann, first of all for bringing this thread back to what it is really all about, and secondly for stating what is OBVIOUS to the players who have been with GamezBD for a while now as well as seen their highs and lows.

    I agree so much with you post I am in awe of how easily it is to get swept up in the conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with the Original Post, and for that I am sorry @Hannibal, I really should have done more to stay on point and try my best not to answer those egocentric-attention-seeking-trolls.
  17. PsychoticPR

    PsychoticPR New Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Unnecessary comments
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