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Suggestions to make the server friendlier to new players

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DOndee, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    And that is exactly why I said there is no perfect ranking and matchmaking system in an MMORPG. All ladder systems are abusable by smurfing like you said. However, to successfully smurf, you need to spend a crapton of credits in buying new weapons, minions, daeva skills and xforms for collection bonus. Even then, if you're over-geared on the current tier you are in vs noobs with no gear, there's no way to lose. And if you keep winning on your smurf, your smurf will keep ranking up and eventually hit the same rank as your main. There is literally no reason to smurf other than to have fun owning noobs or get easy rewards. But is it really worth spending all those credits to win a handful of BGs?

    You sound upset so I'm stopping here. There's no point in having a discussion if you're already resorting to passive-aggression.
  2. Meliodas

    Meliodas Proficient

    May 10, 2016
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    ok, so from what i understand from @ghettogamer's suggestion is to pur a GP barrier i.e 50 or 100 to queue for BG(doesnt have to create mmr system for now just make it a requirement for bg queue, this will not IN ANY WAY hinder newbies to join bg, why? because when you farm genesis(if you're playing on your legit character and not from a newly created toon just for bg) there's a quest that gives you gp.
    DOndee likes this.
  3. OliverStylez

    OliverStylez Legendary Box Hunter Forum Legend

    Dec 9, 2016
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    This is a game. The only reason people play is to have fun... Of course people are going to smurf so they can have fun and thus make PvP unfair.

    The point of the discussion is to try to find a fair way to group players into PvP so that more people will have fun, and thus more people will come to the server and stay.

    I'm not being passive aggressive Dondee. I'm very upset that someone as smart as you can't see the long term effects of adding a ranking system that can easily be circumvented. The best way to have a fair PvP system for now is to keep it randomized so that EVERYONE has the same chance of either getting pitched against you, or getting pitched against a noobie...

    Group PvP SHOULD be an option... But pre-made groups should be pitched against pre-made groups. Pre-made groups should not be put up against randomly generated teams of noobs... Nor should elites have the ability to shift their gear to a new character when they're tired of going up against the same opponent time and time again, only to be pitched against someone struggling to get LDT gear.

    If you're looking for an answer to fairness, this is the best example I can think of right now. If you're looking for a way to keep newbies from leaving the server the first time they try a PvP event, this is the best way I can think of. It's not perfect, but nothing truly is... I just know from experience that a ranked matching system that can be taken advantage of is worse than not even having one.
  4. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    That is what was suggested bro...........
  5. OliverStylez

    OliverStylez Legendary Box Hunter Forum Legend

    Dec 9, 2016
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    That's literally NOT what was suggested...

    Do I have to quote your wife again? I wasn't debating your original suggestion. I like what you wrote originally... But her suggestion isn't viable, and that's what I've been trying to say.

    Did you think I was talking about your original post this whole time? I thought I quoted her enough to show what I was talking about?
    Lag likes this.
  6. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    No, not once did I think you were referring to my original post.
  7. OliverStylez

    OliverStylez Legendary Box Hunter Forum Legend

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Cool. As I said then, your original post was great. Well thought out and well considered... I love the ideas and suggestions.

    Others obviously haven't put as much thought into the issue as you, however, and those peoples ideas were the ideas I was critiquing and warning against. Not that Noyah would implement such broken systems into the game without looking into the long term consequences or possible ways to circumvent the system.

    Hopefully between our collective minds we can come up with a viable solution, but like I said twice before... I can only look at what has been suggested and tell you how the matching / ranking systems can be easily circumvented, because I've seen it before. I cannot think of a way that is more effective and beneficial than what you already recommended in your initial post.
  8. xSugar

    xSugar Jesus loves you ♥ Forum Legend

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Don't partially quote me, and read first. I suggested premade vs premade along with class restrictions.

    You obviously didn't read my post. I already suggested that even if they unequip their gear to cheat to still calculate the gear score in their inventory like Black Desert does. Is this system perfect, no, but the current system that is in place is matching players with no gear, no xform, no minion, and no stigma enchantment levels against max geared players with kaisinel xform, maxed minon, and maxed stigma enchantment levels. Atleast this would balance it some rather than nothing like now. Is it possible for the developers to do this, I don't know but I put the idea out there. That'll be their decision in the end.

    Who said people with similar GP would be pitched against each other? For example, if the minimum requirement to join a BG is 100 GP, how does that suggest only people with 5k GP will fight others with 5k GP each other? Once again please take the time to read people's posts.
    DOndee and Meliodas like this.
  9. OliverStylez

    OliverStylez Legendary Box Hunter Forum Legend

    Dec 9, 2016
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    How are you going to do this, first of all... Seriously. Let's stick to the realm of reality plz.

    That's a negative .

    Oh i assure you, I read every word... And i didn't see much good. Everyone is entitled to write a suggestion and have an opinion, but I'm also obliged to give an informed response to your idea.

    I have told you why your suggestions will not work on a basic conceptual level. If anyone can think of a way to prevent other players from abusing what you suggested , then I'm all ears... But i have told you exactly how to easily abuse the rules you want to implement and why they will not work. If it doesn't make sense to you by now then i honestly don't know what what else to tell you... I'm definitely not going to make a power point presentation to try to explain it. o_O

    Like i said. I think Dondees original idea will solve many of the problems in the server as it stands now. I don't think anything else is necessary as far as implementing divisions or ranks. Stick with the KISS principle.

    "K.I.S.S: Keep It Simple ... Jackass!" (cwl) (cwl)
    - A wise old wild west cowboy
    Lag likes this.

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