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[Conquest] Dark Contract: Ogre and [Conquest] Dark Contract: Troll

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Kolka, May 9, 2020.


What you offer to do with siege Ogres and Trolls?

  1. Nothing, now not only 3 guilds have castles.

  2. Nerf for drop ogre material or add 90% fail chance on craft item to compensate droprate.

  3. Implement limitation like 3 conquest mounts per guild on siege.

  4. Investigate more and deep, for example possible ogres can be dismount and captured etc.

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  1. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    We got alot complains about implementation of Ogre and Troll mounts fror conquest wars. Thats system was made in retail for force rotation of castles. One different with retail that we have x10 more chance to get items which need for craft that scrolls. So it can be reason larger waves of ogres on conquest wars on Gamez if compare with original game version. One part of community said its ok its fun and rotations of castles is good. Other part said its not fun and its made them bad pvp experience. So this vote not guarantee that we will change any in game by result of this vote, but for have understanding is need waste time on it inall.
    hellfique, Sef, loboram and 4 others like this.
  2. DNTK

    DNTK Getting there

    Apr 21, 2018
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    It's not only x10, it also drops x2 on advanced loot scroll, which makes it x20 actually.
    Also it's very smart idea to ask whole community about topic, that applies only to maybe 5% of people that are actually going to siege.
  3. Kentaya

    Kentaya New Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hi kolka !
    First, THANK YOU for asking Yourself and US which is the place of ogres.
    I participate on siege for some weeks. Since Ogres are leading the siege "pvp" I stand in the position of saying it's not balanced.
    First it kills pvp = people basicaly chase ogres ; kill them ; repair the base. It is the main cycle of current siege for most people. What is around it is summon ogres and run in the enemy base.
    We are far from normal PVP condition right now.
    I would like to keep Ogres but to be selective on it. I can suggest 1 Ogres per guild over the whole siege or maybe just delete that item or even divide the base droprate by 2000% from what is it now. So we Don't ever go into siege with 25 ogres vs 25 ogres and Watch that. Worse than wining or loosing by that is playing 700gs and runing ogres. Gameplay is poor and boring its Nothing related to being a good player or pvp vision.
    This ogres gameplay looks like a video game from 2005, boring and ugly :/
    Best ,
    Mindset / KentayaFR
    Miloplum, ericvr and syc89 like this.
  4. syc89

    syc89 New Member

    Jun 22, 2019
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    People who are saying its fun are the same people abusing it on siege war to win,limiting the max summonable in siege war is ok to maybe 1 ogre per guild,no need to remove it entirely.

    Or increase the damage they take from players or reduce damage they do structures by a high margin so that siege doesn't become all about ogre. People winning siege with just ogre,not doing any pvp because they spawn 5-6 at a time and rush base and u cant clear them fast enough even with 50+ 280ap people.
    muroman123, Miloplum, Madom and 2 others like this.
  5. Sef

    Sef New Member

    Jan 6, 2019
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    I'm glad you listened community and are willing to do some changes. Right now this is getting out the hands, it does have some feature in the Sieges, but it needs to be balanced out. I feel people need to decide if they use x amount of Ogres or x amount of Elephants (lets say only 3 per Siege).

    Both T1 + T2 Elephants and Ogres & Trolls should share same type of limitation.

    I have feeling if this continues in the Sieges, we will soon see 20 / 40 or even 60 Ogres spawned same time. When this happens no pvp gate / fence / barricade or fort can stand this. Right now it takes around 60sec for 3 Ogres to burn down the entire Siege fort. If there is 40 Ogres on the fort then fort should be destroyed 3-4 seconds.
    This sadly is not PVP I feel mass PVP should be fought with player versus player actions. Elephants / Trolls and Ogres are something what come on the side of possible support feature, not full on feature what will make the content.

    On the other note Ogres & Trolls should have their base HP kept as it is, but their damage against structures should be reduced.
  6. Tafkang

    Tafkang New Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    So just to put my opinion in on this,
    Yes 40+ ogres is unhealthy for the game but i dont believe this is the core issue,
    Ive noticed this since coming to gamezbd from retail and its pretty simple,
    The biggest issue i have seen is the fact that there are only x amount of ogres alive at one given time, i think its 6-7 but dont quote me on that, this isnt an issue on retail where there are 20+ channels to farm them on, however with the seemingly growing population of this server and still being limited to 5 grinding channels, one guild can farm each ogre on each server 24/7, which in my opinion isnt a good way to play the game, ive noticed this with high population grind spots e.g stars end as well, there just isnt enough availability to grind on just 5 channels.
    Now i dont have an issue with stars end being contested, after all it is a top grind spot with many rotations most of the time you can just duel for a spot or go arsha,
    The issue with ogres is that there are not many that are spawned at one time, therefore one guild as i said can monopolize ogre farming and if it is a large guild alliance, it is impossible for any other guild to farm them, so i suggest either putting a limit on how many can be spawned during a seige, or putting a fail chance on crafting the item as i understand that more channels wouldn't be a feasible solution.
    Miloplum and Kentaya like this.
  7. Koorosh

    Koorosh New Member

    Jun 9, 2019
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    Whoever that has complained about Ogres they have ABUSED the Ogre system themselves with the difference that they FAILED in winning the siege. Literally 20 of them for the siege to attack the base yet they failed every every time. Those who are happy with the Ogres and Trolls are the people who enjoy all aspect of the game and all mechanics. Since the drop rate cant be changed i would recommend limiting the ogres/trolls to 10 per guild per siege with having 3 active at the same time or a number similar.
    For the last 3 sieges that i have been part of and mainly this post is because of that NO ONE win because of Ogres/Trolls, they played a part BUT the team work and players won it. Stop making excuses about ur poor management and team work and blame Ogres.
    merime, Naweed and bsari004 like this.
  8. Naweed

    Naweed New Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Hi Kolka, these days siege wars have brought so many players to it and its been really crowded. 1 big reason behind it is actually their existence in siege. As you already know they are implemented in other servers and those who cant use them properly and loses is not related to Ogres. Please dont change this mechanics in game because lots of people are enjoying it in game :)
    merime, bsari004 and Koorosh like this.
  9. Madom

    Madom New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    10 limitation is in my opinion waaay to high. If u look at Retail, ogres are designed to be very rare. On gamez it seems like the main PvP between players falls behind quite a lot and ppl only focus on playing with their Ogres. The ogres are not designed to exists in such large amount because they are just too powerful on their own. On top of that it also seems that our forts are way less tanky then the retail forts which is a whole other problem. They are intended as a nice addition to the overall siege experience but right now it seems to be the main focus.
    Miloplum likes this.
  10. Singod

    Singod New Member

    May 9, 2020
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    PVP is player vs player. Get rid of everything else. It only helps those who can't win in actual pvp.
    muroman123 likes this.
  11. DNTK

    DNTK Getting there

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Now those are typical pve players abusing anything possible to win without pvping at all, farming whole week on mansha forest? No problem, everything just to not try getting better at the game KEKW.
    Guess why people on retail don't complain about it, maybe because drop rate of this is so shit that nobody even bothers to farm ogres for that and they just get 1 or 2 players that got it from muraka.
  12. Madom

    Madom New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    I would prob disagree. Siege should be more then just PvP. It should be more about Strategy. Having different ideas, trying out different things to take down ur Enemys fort. And judging by how the last weeks of NA and EU gamez siege went it was not much strategy involved at all. Its all about who is throwing more Ogres at the enemys base. But yea gamez should def lower the amount of ogres u can have drasticly, so you can use them more as a Triumph in hard situations
  13. Naweed

    Naweed New Member

    May 9, 2020
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    We have that PvP in DOTA or LOL :D Its MMORPG game , Please o_O
  14. Koorosh

    Koorosh New Member

    Jun 9, 2019
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    For the retail server i do understand it, but just now were in siege and with proper management we were able to kill about 15 ogres that were sent to us. In gamez u have people with very high GS which is Max point. If we remove the ogres or limit it to 1 or 2 or even 3 its pretty much win only for the GS. Ogres bring a whole new level to the siege. I would recommend 10 or 9 max number per guild per siege. Its a number u can make a difference and also u can defend if u are smart. It would be fair for both sides of the deal.
  15. Kentaya

    Kentaya New Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    So you mean people enjoy playing with 0 spells from their class lvl 66 and just using this ability :
    jump ogres , run ogres ; big attack ; and left click button. + W S D A (directions controlers) .

    Siege is high end pvp content designed to bring the best elite knowledge of the game and ogres is the opposite of this caviar.
    It's not because we could that we should ; saying ogres are a good thing about bdo but it (might) needs to be adapted to gamez server which is not retail.
    I can understand you find your fun in it but did you really grind hourS to just press 5 buttons instead of 20+ ..
    Miloplum likes this.
  16. Naweed

    Naweed New Member

    May 9, 2020
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    so you can go to mansha and farm it Pro PVP Player :D btw about retails Ogre Drop you are right but who has such gear score in retail ?
  17. LaVerole

    LaVerole Getting there

    Sep 7, 2019
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    If you dont like pvp and BDO you will probably like to play an ogre ...
  18. Sef

    Sef New Member

    Jan 6, 2019
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    This is sadly not true.

    Some facts: there was video posted 3 weeks ago (what was made in retail couple of months ago):

    and guilds before in GameZ were not aware of the Ogre / Troll mechanic. At least past 2-3 months nobody used them in Calpheon / Mediah or anywhere - I have been on all of them.

    We first saw Ogres used 2 weeks ago (Valencia Siege EU server) when there were max 4-5 during the Siege on the field.
    Last week the number was increased to the point, there was around total 10-15 Ogres and Trolls used during the Siege (never in amount of more then 3-4 same time).
    Today we saw this number moved to the point that 6 Ogres spawned in the waves of 2. I think total was around 30-40 ogres combined with all the guilds.

    There has yet been any single attack any of the forts what will consist 20 like you claim.
    But trust me this will happen. I think we will even see 40 Ogres and Trolls spawned same time, when this happens it will stop being Siege but more so Ogre zerg.

    I feel the first week when Ogres and Trolls were used was the ideal balance / maybe little bit lower. 3 is total what should be amount of how many you can use.
    For example it takes one good Guild Command to Gather, spawn the Ogres / Trolls inside the fort and make some serious damage. Right now you can make Guild Command to Gather, spawn in 40 Ogres and wipe the fort. I don't know about you, but this is not PVP. More so PVX / PVE.

    There is no fun in it, for example I had amazing amount of fun when I was fighting those massive battles against other players.
    In times we won, in times we lost. This is what Sieges should be all about, good solid hard PVP.
    Moment Ogres started to Zerg it just lost the whole meaning of the PVP.
    It is abused and it will be abused even more no matter what side people fight mark my words.
    USE, Miloplum, syc89 and 2 others like this.
  19. bitsog

    bitsog New Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Me personally would prefer for ogres to be removed in total, BUT I understand this server is suppose to feel retail like with a much easier gear progression and no p2w elements. With that being said I would think best solution of the ones listed is the 3 mount limit per guild. It gives you retail feel but also takes away ogre abuse. It is very noticeable that a lot of players on server have never touched retail or been at an endgame pvp scene. Sadly those players don't know what to do which is fine and people can learn, but when an exploit like this is such an abundance and over powered it gives off a poor lesson to those players and guilds. Players should learn from experience and that experience should be proper pvp that is retail like which then allows guilds to grow stronger which then strengthens the pvp scene making it more competitive which is ideal. So yes ogre abuse is not only bad because of spam and structure/fort damage being insane, but it gives a even worse feedback to players and guilds telling them "its okay to spam these. This is how to pvp" which is just false entirely. Today on Valencia EU one of the guilds went down to ogres only. With 3 guilds on them not one guild was able to push inside base and do fort damage. It was all ogres. From being a endgame retail player its astonishing to see that a guild can lose without any guilds being able to get a wipe and push in. It shouldn't be like that and I am glad that Kolka is listening and willing to do something about it. I just want a healthy competitive pvp scene and this just keeps it far from it.
  20. Madom

    Madom New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    This sums it up perfectly.

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