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Note for GameZ BDO dev team - Future of the game - Seasonal servers

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by eminescu83, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Hello everyone,
    After reading the recent dev diary, i noticed that they are not interested in implementing the seasonal servers with the next big patch that will come.
    In my opinion, guys, you should reconsider that thought and if is possible (technically speaking) please add them.

    Here is why:
    - Our current meta issues:
    - People complain about the new players have no chance in defending PVE grind spots over veterans with 600+GS due to gear disparity
    - Veterans that reach let's say 700 GS and reached other end-game goals might feel the game stall since RBF is active during RBF event weeks
    - Players that are in between these above mentioned areas might get a bit bored and tired chasing that "end-game" goal with the recent balances for PVE content.

    - How "Seasonal Servers" will fix any of the mentioned issues:
    New players - will have a "fresh start" with everyone else and at the end of the season getting gear equivalent to TET boss armors/weapons/accessories will definitely boost to a more pleasant area their in-game experience and could give them a chance to defend their grind spots or grind somewhere else that previously they could not.
    - Veterans - will find these new Seasonal servers something interesting (in my opinion) one going for the fresh start with everyone else (and we know that people are not against fresh start thingy - EU server release was a great example), and two going for the all new features/content that seasonal servers can provide
    - In-between players - will see this seasonal servers either as a new competitive challenge but at the same time a way to prove to those vets boosted by gear in PVP that they are equal or even better than them. Also, getting all the goodies from the seasonal event could, as well, boost their gear progression or their end-game goals as well.

    If is feasible in terms of coding and adding into the game, please consider this feature as a viable option for the entire player base that GameZ BD have.

    @Kolka - If u want and have time, add a poll on Telegram and/or here on forums to see the people feedback regarding this idea. YES or NO for season servers.

    Thanks a lot to everyone that read this and all the best for the dev team!

  2. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Are you sure you read it? Because I understood that they would implement Season Servers, it's in this sentence:
    If Black Spirit Pass will be active and only available on Season Servers that means they will use Season Servers.

    Which, in my opinion, they shouldn't.
    Season Server will get you one single Boss TET per Season. Boss Armor is the easiest item to acquire and enchant on GameZ. Besides that, gamez already rush your gear and progression with the high rates. People leave gamez because they don't want to invest time and knowledge to do better. They already can get full boss in 1 month or less, seasonal server won't give you the items needed to pass the gamez soft cap, far from that to be honest... If player wants the 700+GS they should work to get that. Can't grind in end game spots because of low AP or get too much PK? Change the spot, get one with less competition. Do some lifeskill (which, you know, gives way more silver than grind)... But no, people want everything easy. But the easier they get, the fast they leave. What we should have is a balance between all activities in gamez, and stop breaking the game with mechanics like caphras' exchange.
    Anyway... We'll probably get season server anyway, at least will be easier to hit 70 with it. lmao
  3. ZeroFox

    ZeroFox New Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    Yeah, it was worded like seasonal servers will be a thing.
    Also don't seasonal rewards include a bunch of advice of valks too? That would make seasons worth playing, especially considering, that:
    1. Valencia pt.1 speedrunning will be heavily nerfed (will require finishing mediah questline) so no more quick 30+50 fs runs in 1-2 hours.
    2. "3. Blackstar and Fallen items (included weapon) enhancing will be x0.2 per fs for non prem and x0.25 per fs for prem users." will mean that we will need much higher fs count to get pen blackstar/fallen armors.
    Note that it will also likely mean however, due to the above mentioned - it will be easier to obtain higher fs counts, since right now blackstar rates are close to normal boss gear and reaches around 40% chance on 50fs with premium+event active. And if calculations are right, to reach the same with 0.2 / 0.25 fs rates it would require 130 fs.

    So overall seasonal content might be quite beneficial, especially if it will have custom-tailored rewards (maybe allowing higher FS rewards and more than one tet gear piece). Unless of course it will require setting up a new physical server or some other technical difficulties (idk really how it works on retail).
  4. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Thanks for the heads'up my dude. Kolka posted that at 12:30 today but i was away with some family problems.
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    First off a disclaimer, that means that this is merely my own opinion as a player, not as a staff-member.

    I am sorry to report to you, of oh so little knowledge :p , that after saying this around 20 times already, it Still seems as if players still do not understand what this phenomenon was born from. It is just something that a small handful of "small-minded-egocentric-intolerant-players" (do not really know how else to describe them without using extreme language) on the western-retail-BDO-version DECIDED. There was no voting process, no actual rules established, and certainly no statement from Pearl-Abyss saying that "this is how we want our players to interact".

    So basically this idea that it is a "rule" in BDO, to arbetrarily shout out at other players, just going about their business and trying to enjoy their game on GamezBD; "MY SPOT!" is NOT something that should be acceptable.

    Yelling "MY SPOT!" is something little children do on the playground, not something that should be a part of a computer game, games -which by the way are meant to be played for fun and enjoyment- that people play should not be dictated by the lowest "common denominator" of behavior. So once again I can only urge players who really want such a game to look elsewhere, since GamezBD is supposed to be a place for everyone who accepts others for who they are, without prejudice or intolerance, and certainly without bullying abusive behavior.

    Surely the ones who think this is the ONLY reason for playing the game, are going to argue loudly that they have "the right to" Player Kill anyone anywhere for any reason, their reasoning being "this is an Open-World PvP game", but as I already have pointed out to these ignorant players, that is NOT the design that Pearl-Abyss (the creators of BDO) had in mind when they created the game: "Black Desert - A true MMORPG" (https://www.sea.playblackdesert.com/GameInfo/Feature). Directly from Pearl Abyss.

    One more for those who do not understand that MMORPG doesn't mean "sandbox PvP game":
    "While open world PvP certainly is available in Black Desert, the doubt most players often first inquire about is whether or not they can be attacked at any time. You absolutely can be engaged at any time while out in the world, in what is considered "non-consensual" PvP, achieved by "flagging" (Activating PvP by clicking the icon or by pressing Alt+C), being level 50, and being outside of a Safe Zone (cities or towns as indicated upon entering or exiting one and some other areas).
    This changes your status to flagged, indicated by the flaming swords symbol, and allows you to openly engage any other player level 50 and above in PvP, regardless of them having it activated. Upon actively attacking a player while in this stance, you will begin to glow red and have a debuff applied that allows all non flagged players in the area to freely attack you.
    Remember that there are extensive penalties that quickly add up for engaging in this style of PvP."
    (https://wiki.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?title=PvP). Directly from the official western-retail-BDO-version information site. CLEARLY it says that this way of NON-consesual PvP is punished, and that it is meant to STOP this form of "bad behavior".

    Unfortuantely this is entirely due to the design of tha game, and how players choose to play it.
    So if the PvP-instanced environments in-game were to be more accommodating to new players, who just want to try out PvP, then there would surely be more players, that in time would become good PvP'ers and therefore the PvP-scene in general would see a change for the better here on GamezBD. But as it is now, new players rarely go into any of the PvP-instances, simply because they realize that not only do they have to devote tons of real-life-time (they will never get back) to a mere computer game (that gives them nothing in return), But that they also have to spend an equal amount of time learning how to PvP on the level of the top PvP'ers. Because these top PvP'ers are the same ones in the PvP instanced game-zones over and over again, and they are NOT very tolerant towards new players, so they will not slow down or give any chances to these new players, but just plow right through them. This leads the new players to loose interest in the PvP aspects of the game, and the top PvP'ers start moaning and crying once again, that nobody is going into the PvP instanced game-zones.

    This is an absolutely true statement, BUT it is the way the Entire game has been Designed. "Keep players playing, and spending money, forever on our servers" is the main mandate of Pearl Abyss and the publishers of Black Desert Online (BDO).

    So if you want to change this, I suggest you go right to the source; Pearl Abyss. Get a movement going and get them to change the principles of the game.

    I Absolutely agree with this...it is a NEVER ending silver-making-machine, that should NEVER have been allowed by the owners of the GameZ-site. This alone is the reason that there is almost NO other Central Market turnover, it basically means that noone needs to do anything else for silver anymore. Just AFK doing nothing, and convert the Pearls directly into silver. If this were changed, sure the "lazy-non-active" population would be really upset, that now they would actually have to play the game instead of doing nothing. BUT on the plus side, the Central Market would become a much more diverse market in general.

    GamezBD could of course add more Caphras Stone drops to life-skills overall, which would balance out the loss of these from the market and in-game. That would make players realize that the BDO-game is SO much more than just running around killing other players, and spending the rest of the time doing nothing while online harvesting Pearls for in-game silver.
  6. eminescu83

    eminescu83 Getting there

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Im glad that we will get seasonal servers with all its features.

    Im not showing off but this is the gear i made after the season ended on retail.
    TET Armors i purchased them with the silver i made during seasons. (Excluding TET Dim tree which was converted)

    So, back to my points from the post, i think ending the season with 241/243/305 stats could help any new player to start their journey in GameZ BDO world, for the in-between players will give some backups for their PEN attempts while for veterans could fully equip a boss alt with ease.
  7. brianabcd2

    brianabcd2 New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    One of my biggest concerns is when can we graduate from the seasonal server.
    I got all pen in the retail seasonal server within 4 weeks as a new player.(around 5 hours grinding each day )
    With +900% drop rate, getting all pen would only need less then a week or 2. Then we will stuck at 242/304 cause seasonal server cannot wear anything other then the main story gear and tuvala
    If we need to wait for 2 months in order to graduate, it will be a problem cause you cant improve the character anymore.

    I suggest that we can graduate our character anytime we want.

    Another things that i would suggest is to increase the number of gear that can be changed to boss gear.
    We can only exchange for one boss gear(non tradable) in the retail server. I think allowing players here to exchange all Tuvala gears(or maybe more then 1) to boss gears can really motivate the players to upgrade their Tet to Pen, rather then buying it off the market.

    If it is totally same as the retail server without adjustments, I would rather play on normal server if I am a new player.
  8. ElySium

    ElySium New Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    You forgot for new players is good also if they dont go on Seasonal server the TRI Boss Gear from Oasis Vendor , and Suppressed boss permament also (Its TRI boss Gear on stats,).With Valtara Training u can get full capotia accessories, also you can rent Nesser gear https://grumpygreen.cricket/nesser-gear/ , for me the seasonal server from retail is only the crons / failstack and some usefull staff there. and ofc PEN capotia Ring equivalent as TET Crescent , so if u dont have plan to stay 3 months on seasonal just do only Daily on Fughar
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hi there...just wanted to add one thing that I noticed wasn't addressed at all; namely that Most players have Real-Lives outside computer games, and that they prioritize quite correctly, when they put their Real-Life ahead of a mere computer game.

    So when you are "talking" (actually writing) about players having Way too much time left to do things, you are Very much forgetting people who have Real-Lives and things to do in it, who do not have a bunch of time on their hands to play games. Maybe an hour or two a week is Not surprising when you have a Real-Life to care about, so the Seasonal server letting players build over 3 months is NOT a bad thing. However having so much time on your hands that you can literally stay playing for more than 5 hours a day, is quite bad for you. You aren't moving around much at all, you aren't actually socializing, you aren't getting a lover/partner/friend from said socializing that you aren't doing, basically ALL the things that make life worth living in the end, you are missing out on.
  10. brianabcd2

    brianabcd2 New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    hmm... no idea why your are focusing on my 5 hours play time and trying to attack me as a person, saying I got a bad life and missing out on social events.
    I have my own life and who are you? Someone who just reply my post knows that I got no life,no lover,no friends, because I play 5 hours a day?? Nice stereotype
    I am just suggesting to let players to graduate early and more boss gear, not suggesting to make the seasonal server shorter.
    No idea why you are focusing on me as a person. Maybe you are trying to make me look bad so that you feel good about it?
    So If you are trying to discuss on this topic by attacking me, saying I am just a nerd who plays all day, have fun and good luck being the staff member and Moderator.
  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    AT NO POINT, did I "focus on you as a person". Please stop reading into things, and think that EVERYthing I say, is a negative comment on you specifically.

    I said some very obvious facts...it is NOT my fault if you are taking it this personal at all...nor is it my fault if you cannot read the text as written, instead of making it ALL about yourself.

    It is incredible the amount of players, who say that I am the sensitive "snowflake", and yet THIS happens SO often.

    Players just freaking out over something I Wrote, not about them in anyway or form, even missing the whole point of what I wrote, but making it into some Personal attack as usual. I think it is a trend, just something that seems to be the most obvious to some players, to react this way, and then claim that I am the "bad guy" around here for just saying (writing) what I am thinking.

    Look, I am so sorry that you take things so personally, especially when that wasn't my intention AT ALL.

    Please for future reference, don't read into things, just take it as it is Written, not what you Think it means.

    *Edited: AHA! I now think I understand the problem...perhaps you aren't familiar with English to the point where you are aware that the word "you", can be used to describe the person you are talking to, OR used to describe a different person but as a non-localized person or people. So when someone writes "you", it can be tricky to figure out whether they are talking about You, in particular and as the person in question, OR whether they are refering to the "imaginary you", someone else who is a generalizing term of the word: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/you (see number 2 for meaning).
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  12. brianabcd2

    brianabcd2 New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    okay, nice try by talking like a primary student "oh, I am not talking to you"
    Referencing "5 hours playing" in your reply but not replying to me, hmm... maybe you are talking to yourself maybe? or everyone except me
    And you talk about "letting players build over 3 months is NOT a bad thing", LOL no one here said anything about the duration of the seasonal server is too long or short, maybe you are talking to yourself I guess.
    If you want to lie to yourself and act like a child, so be it. It just shows me how childish you are.

    Maybe I should also try acting like a child while talking to a child. If you are reading this, I am not talking to "you", I am talking to you.
    So don't reply if you think your "you" definition makes sense. Or else your are just making yourself look like a fool.

    And yea, I am not that good at English because it is my sixth language. Have been studying it for a year only. So my English may not be good.
    Also sorry for playing 5 hours a day and not study, I should spend more time on my Master's graduation essay.
    Came here to give suggestion for the game I like to play, but ends up talking to a stubborn child. This world is full of surprise.

    One more advice, if "Players just freaking out over something I Wrote", maybe you just have to stop being so stubborn and reflect on what you are writing
  13. Noyah

    Noyah ᴜɴғᴏʀɢᴇᴛᴛᴀʙʟᴇ Staff Member Admin

    May 30, 2015
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    None of us staff members have the right to give personal criticism and certainly NOT to behave disrespectfully towards the rest of the community and you have definitely crossed the line here. Unfortunately this is not the first time, but I can assure you it will be the last.

    @brianabcd2, I apologize and thank you for the suggestion!
    Jessica, RokuVI, Ethereal and 2 others like this.
  14. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Skipping the white elephant in the room...
    It is said that we can graduate early. I'm just not sure if it's only after the update for season 2 or what. Because season 1 ended early for everyone in retail. Now that s2 will start, they have made some changes to it. Like... I didn't noticed that the equipments we get graduating (like dimm tree TET) can't be sold at the Market Place. I'm not sure if it's related to season 2 or if this rule was there since s1, haven't read much about seasonal servers since I never thought we would get it here due to our rates. If those changes are related to season 2 and after, we can't have more than 1 season with the features and rules from season 1.
  15. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    They shouldn't? I don't know about you, but everybody and their sister could use the free failstacks that come from seasonal servers. The enhancement materials and money would be a nice little bonus. The Pen capotia will be nice for newer players, same for the pen tuvala gear/single tet boss gear conversion in some rare cases.

    Tons of misinformation here. Boss armor isn't the easiest item to acquire on Gamezbd. Of all the yellow gear, the capotia accessories are the easiest to obtain, followed by boss weapons, then boss armor. If you look at the marketplace, the most expensive boss weapon is kutum offhand. At base, it's roughly 90m, and at pen around 2.4b. Besides bhegs gloves and muskans at pen (we don't talk about Red Nose), all the other boss pieces are much more expensive. Dim tree is gonna get more expensive next patch, too. Nothing from the seasonal server is gonna change having to work for your gear. Accessories are still going to kill your bank. Now we get to add Blackstar gear and Fallen God Armor into that mix as the most obnoxious things to cap in the game.

    All the supposed changes made to the game to keep it balanced and fair have only served to screw new players over. Horse training nerfs, SD nerfs, upcoming enhancement rate changes for orange grade gear, all of it. All of those have served to make things harder for new players. Contrary to what you believe, people don't leave this game because it's easy. They leave it because they either hit a wall and can't progress at a reasonable rate anymore, or they cap gear after 3-4 months of going very hard, have nothing left to do, and/or they burnt themselves out. So basically all because of burn out. Or they buy their account and discover they aren't the pvp god they think they are. They can't balance the game because the Pearl Abyss keep a huge imbalance in everything to begin with.

    Lifeskilling isn't more silver than grinding at top spots. They're about even. All the best spots to lifeskill also have players sitting on them, so there will be competition there, too. You can't get away from competition. It's just how this game is built. The only activity that doesn't provide real profit is pvp rn, and that's where the imbalance in content lies. If we get pvp content that makes you money as an alternative to pve, we might see some surge of activity. Then again, the community here seems to be really carebear at times.

    I'm gonna be real with you, chief. If you honestly think caphras exchange breaks the game, you've lost your mind. With premium, it's a solid 15m/hour for afking. That's garbage money. Horse training was roughly around 40m/hour at the low level before the second nerf 2 years ago, and something like 100-200m/hr at high end with good skill rng. Free caphras are the only thing keeping the majority of your playerbase from being oneskilled by most siege guild succession classes. Hell, same for them most likely.

    You continue to surprise me with how close-minded you are towards pvpers and how much you want to argue that this isn't a pvp game. I get that you don't like the toxicity that comes from some of the endgame pvpers, but it isn't bullying if someone kills you in a grind spot. It's bullying when they choose to verbally harass you before or after the fact. If you tell them you're leaving and ask them to stop killing you, then it becomes bullying. But pk by itself is not bullying.

    As for PVP not being the intention of the game: bull. The world map is designed to force competition between players. Otherwise grindspots wouldn't be so small, and there wouldn't be different concentrations of mobs between rotations. The whole reason teleportation across the world isn't in the game with few exceptions is to keep people from just teleporting out from a fight. Karma penalties were implemented to keep aggressive, heavily geared adventurers from mudstomping low geared players continuously with no consequence.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020

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