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[LostOnes/TheLost] Social Guild (only real RP Guild EU/NA server) [English]

Discussion in 'Black Desert Guild Hall' started by loboram, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Welcome then :D
  2. feral26

    feral26 New Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Hello all! Im new in BDO, and i would like to play with a PVE mentality with others! Any chance to be recruited in the guild? My in-game name is FeralNyar

    Family name is BrokenEchoes
  3. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Absolutely you may, and you are most welcomed.
  4. Streakhaven

    Streakhaven New Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Hello, I'm interested in joining Bloodhawks
    IGN - Swiftdeath
    Family - Heavensphree

    And my main reason to join this guild is because I was invited to join, and since I am totally new, and would need friends and support to show me the ropes as I climb along, I think this guild would be the one !
  5. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Just want to make it clear that the guild is on the EU-server :(
  6. Streakhaven

    Streakhaven New Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Oh no, how do I know which server is EU ?
  7. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    In the Launcher-screen, the opening screen right after you login, there are two flags near the start button, one is NA, and the other is EU. There you just choose and you end up on that server.
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Well, once again the Christmas and New Years holidays are approaching, and during this particular time, we are more than glad to receive wayward players, who would like nothing more than a few players to chat to, while enjoying some game time.
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Well, it hasn't been much gaming I got to do so far...BUT eventually, after New Years, I will be back to the game, and recruiting again.
  10. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Aaaand we are back and have resumed our usual schedule of programming...We are once again recruiting players, who are aware of this just being a game, and patient enough to know that the game will take several months if not years :)
  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Just an update for all those players out there who actually are intelligent and curious enough to come in here and read about the guilds :]

    First up, thanks for reading this...just wanting to read is an actual Skill nowadays, since the "new" gamer generation seems to think, that being intelligent and reading are both really bad things :argh::depressed::inpain::rage::banghead::dead:

    So you cannot take ANYthing you read for granted either, especially all the Guild adverts, they are VERY loose in their impressive invitations, and once you join you find out that they are just liars.

    So please give yourself some time, first of all to figure out; What is it You want when you are playing a game?
    Secondly; What would you want from the players in your guild?
    Thirdly; What do you expect from the guildmembers and especially management?

    In our guild you will get;
    1. Long game mentality, as this game is designed to take "forever". If you are looking for a game that you can "complete" in about a week or two, then this isn't the game for you. Mainly because there isn't a way to actually complete it as such, the best thing you can accomplish in-game is to get the maximum gear.

    2. So in our guild we take it Extremely easy with our online-game-time. Whenever you have the time AND will to enjoy a bit of socializing while gaming online, then you do that. No one will tell you when to play or how to play, although there will usually be players in our guild to advise you, if you have any questions.

    3. In our Guild we don't have management to Constantly whip up some hype, or take you by the hand to do stuff all the time. In fact it is a rare thing, simply because everyone is allowed to play when they want to, and to use that time as they see fit. So while we Do want to make some group events, and have a lot more Big Guild things happening, it isn't going to happen until we get more intelligent individuals, who are capable of playing a long-game, and understand that things do not happen overnight.

    Basically, we all WANT to have a bigger and more active Guild, BUT we aren't about to make demands of our players, nor will we implement requirements; OTHER than the most obvious one: ALWAYS ANSWER MESSAGES!
    Goes without saying that this is only possible when online actively, however even if you leave your game on in the background, you will be able to see the messages later on, which is why it is just rude to Not answer messages.
    We just want you to have a chat window tab, with our guild chat in it, and maybe whispers ONLY. That way you can ALways catch up with what has been happening.

    Oh yeah, one last thing; SOMEtimes, people have a bad day, sometimes it is a whole week, and in these circumstances you might not want to be social, which is completely okay. The thing is, the minimum you can do, is just say so, "I'm having a bad day, just gonna play on my own now".

    Personally I have made many mistakes, as a manager of a Guild, however I am not a robot who is always the same way, and in the same mood every single day, so sometimes I have an "anger fit", which shouldn't be in the Guild chat, but that isn't how it works sometimes. I do apologize to the players who have been through that, I never meant it as a personal insult towards any of you, it is mainly just my ongoing rant against Mainstream-massmind-Traditional Thinking. If any of you have taken it personally, then I am truly sorry, since all humans ARE individuals, but so few choose to stand their ground, against the machinery of the mainstream-system.

    I do get how it is So much easier to just follow the stream, say and do whatever everyone else is, have the same opinions and interests. That way you will never be "outside" the group, but it is just terrible later in life, once you've matured and realized how much time you wasted trying to fit in, when you aren't at all like any particular "type of person". Mainly because there AREN'T any such thing, the idea of stereotypes is completely false, and is one of those things put forth by Traditional Thinking, which is the basis for mainstream ideology.

    OOPS! Got sidetracked AGAIN! Bloodyhell, this happens WAY too often :embarrassed::playful::blackalien:

    Well, WELCOME to our Guild: Lost Ones
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2022
    skarpz likes this.
  12. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Been playing a bit more often lately due to the wet and cloudly weather, but what I would like is to get the Guild back up on its feet. Had to kick several members who hadn't returned to the game in over 200 days, so we're very few left now.
    However this is far from the first time this has happened, and we have had up to 40 active members at a time, so I consider this a mere setback.

    Hope that all new players to our community and the game itself, will come by our guildhall section in the GamezBD-Forum, and find some interesting possibilities, but most of all, I hope that the players have a good time while on our community in general.

    So; WELCOME! To the GamezBD-community, and may you enjoy your stay with us.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Once again, we are trying to revive this Guild, hoping that there are players who enjoy some good oldfashioned Roleplaying while gaming online.

    Nothing too complex, just pretending that your character is an entity of its own, with personality and views unique to that character. Kind of like when someone is acting, they pretend that they have a whole backstory for the character they are playing, and this informs the dialog as well as actions they take. Well that is all we want when it comes to Roleplaying here in my Guild.

    Nothing too fancy or complex because it is just a game, and we all have to find a sweet spot for enjoyment, that most intelligent individuals can agree on.

    So please...if you've ever played REAL Roleplaying games, you know sitting around a table, listening to the GM (Game Master/Dungeon Master), rolling dice and acting things out for each other, while taking a wonderful rollercoaster of emotions, which are usually topped by laughter most of the time, then this is certainly a good place for you.
  14. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello once again GamezBD community, seems that things have changed quite a lot in the last few months. Unfortunately it isn't all for the better.

    The majority of life-skilling players, that were once a part of our community, seem to have left GamezBD. Which has left our population dwindling, as well as made our Central Market look like a joke, since pretty much all the activity of player to player economics, has become ONLY about items that the mainstream are promoting :(

    There is little to nothing we can do about that as players, since the few of us who actually care about the community part of GamezBD, aren't enough to really make a difference, BUT as I have tried many times before, I will try again to make this a worthwhile place to spend some downtime time.

    LostOnes Guild is now recruiting once again, and hoping to find some English communicating, like-minded players, to join us, so that the GamezBD community can have a slightly louder voice, in an attempt to improove (how it sounds) things around here.

    So stop by the Guild page in-game to leave a message for us, or to join our Discord, or to find a GuildOfficer online, so you can join the LostOnes Guild and Family.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2022
  15. Kurshi

    Kurshi New Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    Hi i would like to join the guild. I can't find you ingame and i'm on EU
    Family name : Kurshi
    loboram likes this.
  16. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello there Kurshi, I would love to invite you, so I am going to try adding you to my friends list, then we can communicate in-game through the friends list-messages. Those stay even though you log out, and back in.

    Just one quick question though...what made you want to join this guild?
  17. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello Once Again GamezBD community...In an attempt to revive the entire server, I am trying to create somewhat larger guilds, from all the tiny and small guilds, formed exclusively by a group of friends, that only want to spend time together, while playing a game online.

    I can FULLY appreciate that, and will by all means be encouraging towards such people, however my main premise is merely as follows;

    Joining an online MMO-RPG, means that you are already aware, that there will be Loads of players on the server, that aren't just your friends. If you create your own guilds, and choose not to be a part of the larger game-world, that is completely fair and no one should tell you not to do so. However, it stands to reason, that at some point you would like the guild you are in, to have access to all the guild bonuses, as well as be able to partake in some more elaborate parts of the end-game scenario.

    Now while our [LostOnes] Guild isn't readily available for hardcore PvP just yet, we Can offer to all joining, an extensive amount of Guild Bonuses (almost all of them at maximum), and will also be able to create a space, for you and your group of friends, to be treated fairly as well as with the basic common courtesy, that you would treat each other.

    So please take a look at the first page of this thread: https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/lostones-social-guild-pve-life-english.212853/

    See if anything there makes any sense, and then let's hear from you and your friends...Perhaps we might become a grand Guild of many many players...who knows?
  18. zealisa

    zealisa New Member

    Mar 25, 2022
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    I just wanna see some human interaction while playing the game. But I don't play consistently. I think this could be the right guild for me. Family name: Zealisa
    loboram likes this.
  19. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    There is no need to worry about attendance in my Guild. Most are people with real-lives to care for, and therefor few have a lot of time on their hands. But on the occassions that the members of my Guild do meet, we tend to have a good time in each others company :)
  20. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Once again, trying to make it a real possibility, to play BDO as well as have an extra enjoyment; Roleplaying on top :oldman:

    Are you tired of the typical daily routine, the Endless "grinding", or always just semi-afk'ing, getting more bored? :yawn::grumpy::meh:

    Then check out our Guild (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/lostones-social-guild-pve-life-rp-eu-english.212853/), the ONLY one on the GamezBD EU-server, offering Roleplaying (https://forum.gameznetwork.com/thre...d-pve-life-rp-eu-english.212853/#post-2145873).

    Also a Big Great Welcome to all the new players, I mean not just newly arrived players, who already have experience in playing the game, BUT the really completely new players, not only to the GamezBD community, but to the Black Desert Online game.

    I would like to guide you through the first part of the game, if you feel lost or need some information, I am glad to help out. So I can recommend that you join the guild, that way you can have some company, as well as help when you need it.

    I do have to say, that we are mainly Adults, who have busy Real-Lives. This means that to us, computer games are just a means of enjoyment, while wasting Real-Life time. So First and Foremost; Real-Life. Always make room and space for what is Really going on, and not what is happening on a computer screen, Because everything you do in Real-Life actually matters, while everything you do in computer games; Does Not Matter at all :D
    Forte likes this.

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