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Enhancing only failing

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by JulieH, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. JulieH

    JulieH New Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I've tried to enhance for quite a while, I also got premium and everything, but I do nothing but fail, at this point there's no RNG, even done crazy over stacking and I still just fail and would like some help cause it really makes this impossible to play at this point, it's either the only way of making money or getting geared, without it, stuff will take way way way too long and I might as well just stay on retail at that point... Which I obviously don't wanna do, much rather support this than a corporation.
  2. bigtablecloth

    bigtablecloth Getting there

    Apr 25, 2020
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    hi , i don't play this game anymore just stopping by for fun. Use those and you will generate tons of profit.

    PRI to DUO = 60fs
    DUO to TRI = 70fs
    TRI to TET = 80fs
    TET to PEN = 90 to 100fs

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2021
    aaronsf101 likes this.
  3. JulieH

    JulieH New Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Says the who don't even read what I said, like what is actually wrong with you? I won't even explain and just let you soak in just how dumb you are.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2021
  4. CLANNADaniel

    CLANNADaniel Proficient

    Nov 7, 2019
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    I mean, it is what it is, it costed me 80 failstacks to make a PEN Kutum, I was desperate enough to make it with that number, highly overstacking.
    If you are enhancing accesories, your best bet is to buy DUO or TRI or TET (I have trust issues with enhancing to DUO or TRI so I used to buy TRI and two tapped PEN), build failstacks with boss gear. Urugon sells well so if you PEN it by mistake you won't feel like you are losing much, and Dead God armor or Black Star (or any orange gear like Manos tools) also has less rate so they are good to build failstacks too for that reason.
    Like, you can use like 50 failstacks, try to enhance Dead God, fail 2 or 4 times, add the +13 Valks Cry and boom, you have high enough failstack... You can also use Cron Stones, I did. You may fail, that's for sure, but don't lose hope, every step you make is one further to your goal.
    It is recommended to build failstacks when there is no enhancement weekend, make some money in case you need it and when the enhancement weekend event comes, you'll be prepared.
    loboram likes this.
  5. JulieH

    JulieH New Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Finally someone with an actual answer... Anyway problem is, I can't even enhance to Pri, failed Pri none stop, even had a friend try and enhance for me to try and see if it's just me, but it seems to be my account, cause he does this for him self and makes quite a lot of money, but even he says that something is wrong, that there's not even RNG in play on my account at this point.... It's like my account is flagged to only fail or something cause it's insane the amount of fail stacks I've used just to pri stuff and still just fail.... None stop, spend a lot of billions now and not made a single million in return... Now my income consist of only AFK gathering potatoes and getting caphras to sell from afk pearls.
  6. bigtablecloth

    bigtablecloth Getting there

    Apr 25, 2020
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    What did you do to pissed off the RNG god? I have a feeling you werent very nice. I have 860b silver...i know what im saying...
    aaronsf101 likes this.
  7. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    There's no such thing as a flagged account to always fail an enchantment or something like that, I'm sorry, that's just your RNG.
    I know for fact that a lot of players can get lucky, but don't be fooled by that and try to find your own rule to enhance.
    I also have struggled to find my own methods, but as soon as I did I felt more comfortable to enhance my own equipments. I don't overstack, but without Premium and Weekend Enhancement Event you may consider doing so to guarantee a successful upgrade.
    Regular Boss items, meaning Yellow Grade items, I go by this amount of FS:
    Duo: 20~30, Tri: always 40, Tet: 45~50, Pen: 50~60.
    Sometimes I do use Crons on TRI, because it's hard to get and need way less Crons.
    loboram and Choovanski like this.
  8. CLANNADaniel

    CLANNADaniel Proficient

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Yeah, flagged accounts don't exist you just have bad luck, like I did with my Kutum.
    Try to enhance Reblath shoes to TRI or DUO to shake that out of your mind, they are also a free failstack method, like enhancing boss gear but with almost no cost (no memory fragments and/or Artisan's Memory involved) and since we got lowered DUO-TRI enhancement rates, failstacking with DUO-TRI gear is relatively safe even for high stacks. Tho, if you get "lucky" it may go up and you lose the failstacks so...
    You can also afk ride T7-T8 horses overnight if you have income problems, they are a good source, 500m for a T8 female is very nice (You'll need Manos Riding Crop, and don't wagon them)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  9. hotdaawwwg

    hotdaawwwg Getting there

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Surprisingly enough id call that lucky!
    Rule number 1 of enhancing: don't overstack! Thank god it failed you could keep those stacks to enhance accessories later on for a lot of profit.

    Too many people forget that failstack have value, see it as liquid silver being held back until you can use it for the right enhancement.
    Every stack counts, you never will have enough of them!

    We all need our enhancement to succeed but we all have our own issues id rather have too much FS than succeed without failure and be stuck until i sacrifice some silver to make a stack for a single attempt and fail.

    If i were you and be as "unlucky" as you claim to be until this point id just do a big all in into some acc depending on your failstacks after all you can't be unlucky forever.
    Choovanski likes this.
  10. JulieH

    JulieH New Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Not sure how I feel about that, with how unlucky I've been for about a month it really does feel like a flag at this point and making the game impossible to play... And yes it is Accessories I'm enhancing, they are the highest profit margin... Don't really enhance my own equipment, I buy it, would never even attempt to enhance to PEN when I can't even get PRI... I'll just continue my AFK money making till the day I have good enough gear to leave a town I guess. Thanks for the answers though.
  11. CLANNADaniel

    CLANNADaniel Proficient

    Nov 7, 2019
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    You can get Capotia from waragons, it takes some time but they are nice (you can even buy the Seraps from market to craft them, and you get them from level up reward too). They are equal to TRI yellow accesories and since they can't be enhanced you won't feel the need to go all out and end up breaking them.
    I never enhance to PRI or DUO and only enhanced TRI the Deborekha, I tried to PRI/DUO/TRI once with proper failstacks and a lot of base accesories and felt scammed like you, then felt like I had to use Cron Stones because I was losing too much money but the result was the same.
    So that's why I only enhance from TRI to TET or from TET to PEN.
    TET and PEN seem like a big deal but they are not that hard, it's cause PRI-TRI rates are lowered that they seem out of reach but with 70-113 failstacks and Cron Stones it's not that bad. Tho, when you fail a 60~% 2 or 3 times it's normal to think the rates are rigged, we all thought so, and we all hated it...
  12. Vazel

    Vazel New Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    I always fail my accessories enchantment too from the start of playing this game with or without premiums. Was using 90 fs to TRI it but fail like 3 times. I gave up on enhancing accessories alltogether and buy it instead, save me lots of trouble.
  13. bigtablecloth

    bigtablecloth Getting there

    Apr 25, 2020
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    I made 12x pen deboreka necklace in one day during enhance event, let that sink in. You just need someone to show you how the pro do it.

    Ps: all were made from base
  14. McConnel

    McConnel Getting there

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Ehm no, the price for pen items on gamez is super cheap, not to mention there are ton of items being sold each day.
    Turo belt for example is 20 bil here, on a server where you could easily get 700-900 mil/h on grind spots, it will take you 28 hours of grind max and 14 h for other accessories that are cheaper.
    On retail you are going to make 400 mil/h max with accessories going for crazy prices like 150 bil per pen item.

    Enchanting here is way easier, at 100 fs you have around 80-85% enchant chances for pen accessories, this is insanely good.
  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I am sorry to report that the Black Desert Online game, has been designed that way on purpose, it is meant to take forever. I know that a LOT of players struggle with Enhancing, because it is so random.

    The trick is; Use the "Nadarr's Belt slots" (https://bdocodex.com/us/quest/21417/1/) (https://bdocodex.com/us/item/47113/)

    Whenever you fail a PRI-TET attempt, do not despair, but save the now higher FailStack for another try :)
    That is all good, but it seems like you are trying to showoff/brag more than help here. Especially for a person who no longer plays on the GamezBD community, I just find it a bit rude, to come in here and start calling other players "noobs" (it is newbie), instead of just answering their question, without the smartarse part :p

    Again entirely subjective response, since there isn't really any set "silver per hour" gains, in a game that is Entirely based on RNGs. If you were to upload a video, with a "Loot Counter" active, so all can see after an hour how much you made, then we can start being invested in things you say :D

    One last thing, for everyone having trouble Enhancing: https://grumpygreen.cricket/failstack/
    hotdaawwwg likes this.

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