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What happened to the item drop rate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DKaiser, Sep 22, 2022.

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  1. DKaiser

    DKaiser New Member

    Sep 22, 2022
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    First of all, this is not a hate post, so hold your horses.
    Well, I came back to GameZBD after about a year and a half away, I was surprised by the noticeable decrease in the number of players. However, what shocked me was the current item drop rate, spending 2 or 3 hours farming and not winning anything is normal on official servers, however, on a private server this is really frustrating, after all, the purpose of playing here it would be to have a rapid progression. Also, I feel that some Hadumsha spots are really useless here.
    What exactly happened? Is this in fact the current reality of the server, or am I just having bad luck for days?

    And apparently this is greatly affecting prices in the market.
    PrestonGarvey likes this.
  2. nayavli

    nayavli New Member

    Aug 30, 2022
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    It's not your impression, really over time it looks like it had drop rate nerfs. A great example of this is the Ash Forest spot. It's completely abandoned by players due to the drop chance being minuscule, almost 0. There's no one grinding in the late game spots because it's nerfed and deserved a buff. You need to spend 2-3 hours to drop 1 Deboreka in ash forest, Ominous Rings drops are also tiny. The guys have opted for Hadum (Orc and Monastery) due to the trash per hour safe drop. That's why there are almost no endgame accessories on the market. People just grind in Star End, Manshaun and Thornwood spots (even though thornwood has a very low drop chance).
  3. hotdaawwwg

    hotdaawwwg Getting there

    Jul 2, 2020
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    I think you're looking at the marketplace and drawing conclusion due to the way things have changed over the year.
    there isn't a lot of players and silver is easyer to get now so obviously we get inflation on prices on top of the fact that there is little supply for the demand for a lot of things especially in some categories that have been misstreated over the years like cooking/alchemy due to our friend the oasis vendor.

    as for droprates your best bet is either reading patchnotes or actualy puting in the hours required to reach a statistical average to be able to make those claims.
    loboram likes this.
  4. nayavli

    nayavli New Member

    Aug 30, 2022
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    The problem is that. There are specific spots that are very bad. Ash Forest is the biggest example, there is no one to grind it. You are correct in saying that the fit of online players affects, but there is a huge amount of players today who are AFK doing LifeSkill because it gives much more safe money than grinding in spot RNG late game. Even so, they shouldn't nerf LifeSkill due to the high ease of earning silver, but rather buff the spots they need to meet the low demand of players who aren't spending time grinding. If it continues the same way, it will continue forever having 600 pre-purchases of Deboreka/Ominous/Earring of the Dawn because nobody grinds there because the spot is terrible and LifeSkill is OP.
  5. nayavli

    nayavli New Member

    Aug 30, 2022
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    Have 300+ AP/ 400+ DP, and need to grind in a lower spot of your gear, cause endgame spots are in a bad situation that have any good droprate. or you are forced to get a good party to go to Olun xD. And that also causes another problem. By having to go to spots of lower gear, you'll have to take out/kill weaker people that are grinding to increase gear, which is also extremely unfair.
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello there and welcome to the GameZ-network Forum. Unfotunately this has been posted in the wrong section of the forum, and although it may be a bit difficult to find your way around it, most of it is quite obvious and stands out. Such as the GamezBD section of the forum for instance :)

    Welcome back, just want to say, that I am a bit surprised, that after so long you didn't already have a forum account?
    Anyway, as hotdaawwwg alreeady said, the idea of "decreased/lowered" drop-rates is indeed just an idea. You might be buying into what a few trolls, want you to believe, but to truly know about statistical anomaly, you'd need more than 10.000 drops. The data has to be the same area, same character, gear, buffs, time of in-game day, and node investment. So it is nearly impossible to gather in the first place. Secondly, there are NO real databanks with worthwhile data points gathered by ANYone, regarding BDO droprates. All there is is speculation so far.

    Yeah, there has been an exodus, but it is mainly the work of rival Pservers, that send in a couple of players, to wreck havoc on their competition. That and the fact that the "new gamer generation" has a limited attention span, and will game jump quite quickly. This game BDO, is so far from anything previously published, that most players won't actually hang on to it, especially if there isn't some form of "Player versus Player Contest", such as you can find on the retail BDO server.

    On the retail server of BDO, you will find players very earger to "outdo" each other, by "showing off/bragging" with how much real-life money they can spend on a game, in order to "outshine" other players, so that is a form of Contest. While on Private Servers, the amount of items/bonuses/progress given, has to be tempered with how to manage the server, and/or which types of gamers you wish to attract to the server you are running.

    You Could start off, by handing EVERYthing that the game has to offer to all players, or only to the players who pay for it with real-money, But the thing is players usually get a bit bored, when they already have everything in-game, and there is not much to play anymore.
    These servers also have a very high tendency, of closing down after a set period, and leaving all the players without a server anymore, as well as nothing to complain about since they gave them money, without ever thinking that they would be wasting said money.

    Now I get that GamezBD, has and is currently going through a rough patch. However this is the sturdiest, and most reliable server out there. It would not be a good idea for them, to "cave into ridicules demands", if it really is a fact, that all other Private BDO servers out there, are running off a build, that is based on the server build used for GamezBD. Pruving (prooving/proving weird arse spelling but sounds like) GamezBD right, is the fact that NO other Pservers out there, currently have a version higher, or more developed than GamezBD.

    Alright, I am still on your side though. Not trying to argue, when I do realize that the population has dropped, significantly. However, once again why should the management "cater to" the population that is going to run off, everytime a "new game hits the streets"?

    Is it benificial to continually doubt, and render judgement onto the management and staff of GameZ-network, when NONE of the people outside, have ANY clue about what's really going on?

    I very much like you, would really love a well populated, and greatly working version of BDO here on GamezBD. However if you make a forum search, I don't know, try "nerf" or "droprate", you will see that it has been complained about, Endlessly ever since the very beginning of the server :D

    I do agree that it is important to discuss, and that the community of GamezBD, should indeed try their best to help out, But the amount of weird out there nonsense, about what droprates "should be like", is utter speculation with no basis in reality, since the game has so many Random Number Generator aspects.

    Yeah, I've seen so much of this, it is sounding like a broken record, yet none of you complaining people, are making 3+ hour videos, of how the drop rates are here, with a comparison to how they work on retail BDO :p
  7. DKaiser

    DKaiser New Member

    Sep 22, 2022
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    My inquiries are not based on market prices, but on my past and current experience. It's like I said before, staying more than 3 hours in a spot and not earning anything is natural on the official server, but seeing this on GameZ is really frustrating.
    And one of the users commented something that is true: The strongest Spots are pretty empty now. I remember there were constant conflicts over End Game Spot, but now I rarely see that.

    The fact is that every private server attracts public based on the ease of growth, however, this doesn't seem to be a reality anymore on GameZBD. Perhaps this partly explains the drop in the number of active players? Maybe, I don't know, for my part I feel disappointed.

    My impression is that GameZBD management has adopted the same troublesome thoughts of "always up the difficulty when things are good" that was characteristic of the official server in the past.
    PrestonGarvey likes this.
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Are you for real? Don't you understand that this is a Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Game? Hence the idea of party/team-work is already included right there, in the core of how the game is built. Otherwise it would just be a single-player game, such as Elderscrolls.

    "Being forced to work together" is Not a terrible thing, for an online game, but a priviledge. As for "having to kill/attack other players in the area" is utter meaningless nonsense, from an outdated backwards mainstream ideology, Entirely based on how things work on the retail BDO server.

    First of all, here on GamezBD, we have a quick respawn rate, which of course means, that the idea of "rotations" is meaningless. Also because of this, as well as a much lower amount of online players, there is No Need to attack others at all. The areas where players go to grind, are quite large, and can easily sustain more than two three player groups, unless they all mindlessly follow what others do on the retail servers of course, because then they will constantly be running into each other. So with more than one channel, and very large areas to "grind", as well as a very low population in comparison to the retail server, all the previous quoted, is actually obsolete, and nonsense.
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    @DKaiser @nayavli
    I do understand the core of the problem, however aren't the both of you, just blaming GamezBD instead of looking at the bigger picture here?

    Go ahead, give the long reply a try, see if you can understand the meaning of it, and then please give a response :)
  10. DKaiser

    DKaiser New Member

    Sep 22, 2022
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    Sorry for posting in the wrong place, it's my first time using the forum. And yes, I've never created an account on this forum before, because honestly I never had any reasons.
    However, now that I'm back after so long, I've noticed a sudden change in the server's situation, so I came here just to find out if it was reality or if it was just a mere misperception.

    My post boils down to speculation and doubts, it's like I said from the beginning: I didn't come here to make a hate post or anything like that.
  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    No worries, and again a bit strange, never having needed the forum before, but alright...I am old, I don't know what new gamers need :D

    I do also understand your need to speak up on this issue now, however you didn't really address anything else, other than the first line in my reply :(
  12. DKaiser

    DKaiser New Member

    Sep 22, 2022
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    I don't have answers precisely because I came here with questions hahaha

    However, about the loss of players, I honestly don't know what's going on... the only private server I play is GameZ, all the others I don't join because it's notorious that new private servers close randomly.
    loboram likes this.
  13. aaronmatthew

    aaronmatthew Banned

    Sep 7, 2021
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    you're not alone here. based on my own experience i have also experienced a noticeably lower drop rate over time with certain things. other people i play with have said the same thing too.
    Keeper0fElder likes this.
  14. Keeper0fElder

    Keeper0fElder Keeper Guild Moon

    Jan 18, 2021
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    I agree with guys. I've been playing here since 2019 and Drop and sharpening of things are starting to clamp down. And it becomes not very comfortable to play. An example of the whole policy of improving the drop and sharpening of things can be seen from the online people on the server, when there were 2,500 people here and now 400. Well, let's see what the administration does next, since they themselves kill the server with their own hands.
    NightTeam likes this.
  15. NightTeam

    NightTeam Night with MOON

    Sep 23, 2022
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    It would be a shame to admit it, but I agree with the guys above. What happened before is clearly very different from the current situation. I'm not arguing, time is passing and something is changing, but still let's face it, this is the only and noteworthy private BDO server that had and has every chance of success. Even if you just look at it online, well, it's true, well, it's noticeable that something is clearly wrong.
    You can waste these words about problems for a long time, so I'll just put forward at least some suggestions, because I didn't see them above:
    1) Increase the chance of dropping items (rare), as we strive for the chances of the official server....obviously not the best idea (Just as an example, and even in the same weekend event to do not 20% to drop, but 40-45-50%, so that people really see the result of their time spent and run on to farm)
    2) A variety of events. Even if you just look at the same official server, sometimes up to 10 events (sometimes more) of a different kind are launched there. What do we see here? 3 events, two of which are from 2019 and 2020, seriously? Berserk, an event that is meaningless, since there is no stupid costume .... As well as TRI (III) Boss Gear, my God, who even thought of adding the 18th boss stuff in 2022? This is not even done on the official server anymore...
    3) Auction. I understand perfectly well that everything that happens there directly depends on the players themselves, but the administration, you know how it happens on the official server, there are just admins buying things, balancing prices and somehow reviving the auction, help your newcomers, give them the opportunity to buy something or sell (since the players will notice the revival of the auction, they will see that it makes sense to sell certain things, and not just store them in a warehouse for years, thereby they themselves will be drawn into the revival of the auction).

    Help the players, give a push, start somehow communicating with the players and with the game mechanics in general, you see, online is falling a lot, doesn't that mean for you that you need to do something, give a little freebie, fix something somewhere, people aren't stupid either, they will notice that the administration has really started doing something and will call friends for an ALREADY comfortable game, those of their friends and online will begin to grow, you'll see.
    And to be honest, after all, the more online, the more donat for you, since people also understand what kind of efficiency a premium for donat gives.
    I really hope for your understanding and support of your server <3
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
    Keeper0fElder and marsseven like this.
  16. trishinivan

    trishinivan New Member

    Jan 21, 2022
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    To my great regret, I cannot disagree with the guys. I have been playing on this project actively for more than two years and I understand the drop is getting worse.All this was happening slowly but surely and has now reached its apogee, a critical point after which people can no longer remain silent.Therefore, I think that something needs to be done with this, to make any attempts to improve. And this applies not only to the drop, but also to other aspects of the game.I am madly in love with this project.I spend a lot of time here. But if it goes on like this, people will just leave. I don't want that. Nobody wants to. Therefore, I appeal to sanity and ask you to take measures to improve the current situation. Alternatively, you can conduct surveys of people in order to get interesting ideas for a project and vote for the adoption of an idea. You can come up with a whole lot of opportunities to surprise people and attract new players. The only question is whether you are ready to go for it and start working closely not only with colleagues but also with players.I want to believe in the best.
    NightTeam and Keeper0fElder like this.
  17. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hello GamezBD Forum community...I am glad that there are active players, and that they understand the usefulness of a forum :)

    First up, I have to start by saying, that I am NOT a part of the GameZ-network management nor Staff, in any way.

    Secondly, I do acknowledge the need to discuss things, and "to bring light into darkness". However, as far too often, these "Discussions" seem to have a terrible tendency, to devolve into accusations, complaining, and of course blaming.

    I do see the need to address things, when there are clear things happening, and that have a certain ease with which to be fixed.
    Unfortunately all I am seeing here, is very vague accusations, based on "hearsay" and "other people", instead of factual data.

    In fact, none of the people who are complaining, have made comparisons to the actual "server base code"; Retail BDO server.
    So if you are all just imagining things, or just following what someone else has said, or just thinking that you are right without any form of proof at all, then what are we even discussing here?

    Here we go; "...other people have said...".

    A real observations, or just speculation? Where is the proof?

    So apparently NightTeam here has worked for Pearl Abyss as an Administrator, because this person KNOWS how things work there? Also just a "headsup", but things aren't going to suddenly and magically improove, if the GamezBD staff start meddling with the Central Market in-game. Mostly because it would take online staff available around the clock, to actually make what you are suggesting happen, and it would only be a bandaid since the whole in-game economy is based on Player to Player interactions.

    How long have you played on the retail server? Have you got any proof of what you are saying?

    Yeah we already know this, hence the Suggestion Forum Section, which has been here all along: https://forum.gameznetwork.com/forums/suggestions.400/

    Alright, I can see that I am mainly just being "mean" to the posters here, but a discussion only works, if all the different points of view are added. If all there is in this thread is more endless complaining, then this is just another thread of mindless complaining. There have been loads of those, but none of them have real merit, because all people are doing in those threads, is complaining their little heads off.

    Let's try to make this a balanced discussion, you know an adult back and forth, in order to arrive at some meaningful conclusion, alright?

    So let's start then:

    1. There is a big loss of players happening

    2. There is a perceived loss of drops or lowering of drop rates

    3. There is a big problem with the lack of items available on the Central Market

    ALL these topics have already been posted, several times, in several ways. But none of you have included this information, in this new (yet another thread) about these topics.

    These topics have also been included in several Suggestions Threads, with added votes in order to gauge the reaction of the GamezBD community.

    There has not been ONE single response, to the questions; "How do you Know that the drop rates have been lowered?", and "How do you Know that this hasn't happened on the Retail server as well?"

    There are problems with these types of threads in general, where a handful of players come in here, and start blaming the management and developers of GamezBD, for EVERYthing that is "wrong" with this game. While completely forgetting the facts that;

    Firstly Pearl Abyss are the creators and ultimately responsible for everything that happens in-game.

    Secondly GamezBD has a limited access and control of how the server code works, and how much they can manipulate it.
    hotdaawwwg likes this.
  18. Gold

    Gold New Member

    Jan 21, 2019
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    The only problem is that there have been no global updates for a year:(
  19. aaronmatthew

    aaronmatthew Banned

    Sep 7, 2021
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    some of the drop rates on retail have actually been increased believe it or not. omonius rings and distros are 2 examples.
  20. Keeper0fElder

    Keeper0fElder Keeper Guild Moon

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Until we prove something to you, the server will simply die, and the best proof is the fall of the online server. For all the years of the existence of the project, could you add at least something of your own? (Server players hundreds of proposals and ideas of the administration offered and offers) But in response, only indifference and the fact that We, those who have been playing here for more than 4 years, do not know and do not understand anything. And in response to why We answer here because we do not sit at computers 24 hours, we also have life.
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