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[Sanctus] Give me suggestions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sanctus, Oct 27, 2010.

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  1. Adieu

    Adieu Respected Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    Careful now =x
  2. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    Theres quite a few ppl on here that would made good GMs and they have active applications but unfortunately the higher ups think otherwise.

    Back on topic, Do you think you can get more of the RvR events and I mean the large ones like 50v50 or 100v100 ones. It seems all the events we have now are just lame tourneys or small group vs group event
  3. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Actually, since you went wack-a-mole with my signature.

    The warning you gave me yesterday, please explain it to me in -great- detail. I still find it 100% power abuse.

    I know you are Assumptio from pre-mod status (you posted a screenie of your character with the name) and you weren't fond of me before. Now you're using your power to inflict damage onto me.

    I am very interested in what sort of intellectual dump you will froth in to spit garbage on my face.
  4. Peaches

    Peaches Banned

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I really think there should be a strong definite line between "GM" and "Moderator". Karissa needs to hire real moderators, let GMs do in-game work and let Moderators do forum work. You moderate the forums a lot even though you are a GM.

    That's all I need to say here.
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  5. CakeBaker

    CakeBaker Sports Enthusiast

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Don't try to justify Communism through forum drama -.-
  6. deathpenalty92

    deathpenalty92 Expert

    Jul 14, 2010
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    well i think you are doing a good job, whenever i am online i try to jump into your events whenever i can. and the day that you and i had that conversation, that was very good. you are a strong GM, with more motive than you show. you have much potential. but the things that are blocking it possibly is your own personal time? maybe lack of ideas and leadership?

    overall, i beleive that you sanctus, have been a great part of this community and you have been around for quite some time now. so you DO understand the community and our needs. so what you need to do is start sittin down, grab a calender, talk with the GMs, "this day ill host this, this day ill dedicate to reports" and the list continues. being a leader is important no matter your skill lvl. for example, look at sycth! he joined my legion as a new player about a month ago. and now look at him! he is using his potential to the max. He was a leader in my legion as a centurion, and was an absolute GREAT centurion, and then he switched to elyos for illusionists. (-.-) but thats okay. because it was his choice to move on and see what else there is out there. he found what motivated him to be a leader.

    all of which you can do. just put faith and structure into it and you can become a much succesful AM of this community. :}

    ---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

    and i love you xD
  7. Hefner

    Hefner Banned

    Sep 9, 2010
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    In my opinion you're doing your job as a GM pretty good but you do have some attitude issues. Even with this thread I get the feeling like you're saying "Oh, I did something wrong? Me? What could it possibly be?"
  8. Neighbor

    Neighbor Expert

    Oct 13, 2010
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    some cake. you give me cake and i will purr your name in faver :D
  9. Sanctus

    Sanctus Banned

    Sep 2, 2010
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    First of all, let me say I appreciate your honesty very much.

    Along with my Game Master position comes a position of moderator over forum sections which relate to my standing position in game. That means, If I am a GM on Gamez Highrate, I should be spending time in forum boards related to Gamez Highrate server.

    I am strict. Both in game, and on the forums. I understand this. However, I feel your opinions on -why- I give out infractions is inaccurate. Truth be told, I give out infractions/warnings to posts who have clearly violated our forum rules, or have violated a "common sense" rule (something which i think we can all agree is wrong, or distasteful, even if it isn't represented in our rules).

    I think due to the multi-cultural diversity on our forums a lot of us tend to mildly misunderstand a lot of things that a lot of other people say. Though I do see your point here, and I'll keep in mind to try and be a bit more understanding with users.

    I mentioned earlier in this thread that I was considering making a schedule so people can better know when to expect me online. I'm not entirely sure how to do that fairly though as my time dedicated to GZN is volunteer, and my real world responsibilities (usually) come first.

    I don't think I've openly bashed other GM's ideas (though I might have. I don't remember). However, as far as events go I am rather creative. It's unfortunate you spend your time on Siel otherwise you'd get to experience my events ;P

    Everyday events on both servers is asking a lot. Especially if you want big events. It can take hours to do an event for one faction on one server (depending on how big it is) because people have a hard time following directions and/or rules. Mostly because of language barriers. Everyday events is not going to happen, though I do try to crank out an event every other day or so. I've been trying to come up with something fun to do to commemorate Halloween, but we'll see how that goes.

    As far as my judgment regarding hackers and my banning of hackers go, I stand behind every ban I've ever made 100%. Do not assume I don't ask for second opinions either just because I am not asking publicly.

    As far as your rough answer is concerned: No. I will not resign. I make this thread so I can get feed back from the community about what they'd like to see improved, what they'd like to see more of, and what they'd like to see less of. It is at my discretion to sort through the suggestions and decide which have merit and which do not. Telling me to resign has zero merit because I know I am a good GM and in game I know I do a good job.

    The whole point of feedback threads is to try and give the community more of what it wants, as well as taking an opportunity to communicate with players/users. It is just as easy for everyone to fully disregard the community and do what they want to do. At least I am giving you guys an opportunity to voice your opinions to me, and taking the time to actually fully consider them.

    Once again Raik3n I'd like to thank you for taking the time to write out such a long response, and your level of honesty. I respect that very much.
  10. Prestige

    Prestige Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Game masters (GMs) should only focus on the game and not so much on the forums. That is not your responsibility; it's the moderator's responsibility. Your job, in my opinion as I have been here for awhile now, is to be in the game and host events and help people with questions and problems in-game. I want GMs to more active and involved with the community. Don't hide all the time... spend some time to actually get involved.
  11. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Hoaa... We should both start writting book in Gamez. We got the touch of a writter xD

    On topic nao:

    I see that you are a tough guy, not as a GM (-I don't care much about the way some is acting on the net-) but as a person in RL. I see that you have the will to change things you did wrong in the past and you are not a quiter.

    Appreaciate that because I can see you are caring about Gamez as much I do. By staring this thread you started to become more open heart for the community (-which really great and possetive-), so I hope you will continue this way.

    Tbh, the rough answer was my trick to do my psycological test on you. (-reading a book nao about psycology xD-) I wanted to see who you really are for one simple reason: you have prove yourself to be good GM but at some times you were overreacting on silly things, so I had to be sure (-personal curiousity-) if you are gonna fight for wat you have manage so far.

    Ima gald you choose the hard way of improving yourself. I will try to help you and keep in touch every now and then to discuss with about many things (-some of your points of view are interesting, some others many me mad-).

    Cheers Sanctus ;)
  12. Sanctus

    Sanctus Banned

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Oh lordy I'd need so much help to hold events that massive, and if you couldn't tell I am a little low on helpers ;P

    Flattering, very flattering. But wrong. I lack the administrative access to the forums to explode your signature. I could've issued a warning in accordance with our rules but I didn't. You'll have to find the real culprit. good luck on your quest.

    I do spend a lot of time on the forums, so I think its a good idea GMs do get moderation over threads relating to what they do in game. However that kind of administrative call is not mine to make--even if I disagree with it a bit.

    In Soviet Russia, communism justifies YOU.

    Thank you for your endearment. I'll take your suggestions and see what happens.

    Alright... not sure what to say to this one @.@

  13. Arsuf

    Arsuf Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Since you want to know criticisms to improve your way to better serve this community I just want to add mine. (Idont have time to read all the pages, so never mind if my comments were on the previous page).

    This is not only for you AM Sanctus but goes to all AMs.

    Since you guys are AMs we are not expecting you to be perfect but just act/behave in manners we expect AMs should be.

    1) Be professional - This goes to everything you do even the replies on forums. Some AMs dont act like as their position requires. There were lots of dramas that involves AM, resolve matters between your ranks and dont involve the public.
    2) Have integrity - This is where mostly you guys lacks of. Controversies surrounds you, at least clear some so that the public will learn to trust and respect you.
    3) Be transparent - Not in everything, but some case which involves the community or if you think that the community needs to be informed.
    4) Dont be Autocratic - Dont make hasty decisions because you believe you are right. Its better to ask for 2nd opinions from your colleagues.
    5) Be change advocate - If you think there are some things you need to change for the betterment of the public, do so, or gather the ranks and debate on it.
    6) Be open-minded - Though lots of QQ/flame threads were posted on this forums but guys, please dont close it immediately, get the thought of the thread if non close it. People wont QQ unless they dont experience it.

    I thinks this would be all and I hope this suggestions would help not only you Sanctus but also the entire staff/admins.
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  14. ~VilletteSonia~

    ~VilletteSonia~ Forum Troll

    Aug 2, 2010
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    hey sanctus will you help me??

    will you teleport me back to asmo world.

    when i used return i landed in theobomos. :(

    if you do that you'll be the best gm :)
  15. Sanctus

    Sanctus Banned

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Certainly is not the right place to ask for this kind of help but sure I can do that.

    Send me a PM with your character's name, and which server she or he is on and I'll take care of it.


    @Arsuf: Thank your for your post. I think thats something the whole staff needs to see.
  16. ~VilletteSonia~

    ~VilletteSonia~ Forum Troll

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Deep in the Abyss
    ohh.. never mind me.

    Taelek alrdy teleported me.

    but tnx anyway.:joyful:
  17. Deadlychants

    Deadlychants Rainbow kittens Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2010
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    That's just silly, but anyway. .

    I feel as if you do your job well Sanctus. I don't feel it appropriate to bash on you and say that anyone else here is better suited to be a GM than you.

    Granted, some suggestions like posting a schedule and maintaining your online status should be done. I also see that Kev, and maybe other several GM's announce when they are online, and getting offline in game. Maybe that's something you can can do?

    Lay off the forums, we have moderators for it now.

    All in all I still feel you're doing as well as when you first started and it makes me happy to know you're a GM here.


  18. Nhuktala

    Nhuktala Expert

    Aug 13, 2010
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    since you are asking for this, that would mean that you're a terrible GM.... just GTFO along with the other wanna be's...
  19. Eyeshielder

    Eyeshielder Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    just be always Online and do more events
  20. yumilover

    yumilover Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    Somewhere in the heaven (With Many Hot Girls)
    be active....and nice....xD
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