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Game Balance..

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Malphas, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Nujabes

    Nujabes Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    It's 50%, Parry is 40%, Dodge is 30%.
  2. UltimateGladiator

    UltimateGladiator Banned

    Nov 7, 2010
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    Rangers/gladiators damage should be nerfed through the process.

    In terms of not always blocking, already explained. Not to mention you have a stigma you can use to do guaranteed 10 blocks in a row. Very useful if you time it well.

    Also, templlars naturally have higher hp, passive damage migation bonuses, block bonuses and an array of powerful buffs (one of my -favourite- <I HATE IT> being aether armor).

    Essentially you freaking over this is trivial at best, if this made or broke the templar class for you then the class truly is not for you. Period.
  3. Nujabes

    Nujabes Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Also, no, the damage isn't normal. You can try retail or simply watch retail pvps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCamGE-noXA - EAT user.
  4. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    they put temp back to be a steel wall, not attacker anymore...
    And thats the place of templars in party as it should be.. a tanker, not dps...
    Btw, this fixed make me down on templars now :annoyed:
  5. Farlen

    Farlen Getting there

    Nov 4, 2010
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    I have no problem with my Templar at all. Yes damage is low but when a ranger has to use all his skills to get you to half health... why complain? I start off with GS to do a strong opener and stun, one stun is gone, swtich to sword and board block thn react to to it, stun some more... switch some more... rinse repeat and its all good. Templars CAN do amazing damage you just have to know when to use them and not to spam every ability just cus it lights up. And yes i am glad to see the stance change to what the tooltip says.

    They are ment to be active when your not donig anything, and help alot when you get ganked cus hey i wont get stunned right away, stance goes away you switch to buff.

    ps if you say sword and board are useless for templar... reroll you dont understand the class at all.
  6. Spalonk

    Spalonk Proficient

    Sep 10, 2010
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    Just learn to play your class m8 the cd of Barricade is so short u can use it all the time if u go on the defensive in a fight till u feel u want to skill and go on the offensive then switch and use UD . Playing a templar well is about being able to read and adapt to the situation as it unfolds. using a combination of your skills and choices of weps is the best way to get results from your temp. Having barricade permanently up was bull imo because it robbed players of the true experience of playing temp.

    Other classes will have their day to be fixed and when that day comes and u already know how to play temp properly it will be GG for them :) mark my words.
  7. Teddie

    Teddie Expert

    Sep 24, 2010
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    Every class QQ's. You know why?
    Because this is a private server and there's lots of different skills and attacks that have been either boosted or nurfed. In my opinion, the really only way to stop the complaining is to make each class how it's supposed to be on retail Aion.
    2 people like this.
  8. Nujabes

    Nujabes Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Truth spoken there. No custom settings, just make the classes retail.
  9. aecoon

    aecoon 。◕ ‿ ◕。 Forum Legend

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Forever Alone
    there is always a class that will beat th other class pretty easy.
    but like many say . just learn to play ur class and u can take down any class.
    the only class that should be able to QQ is SM imo. they are the last class to get fixed in every update from UA. they have not been getting much love from the devs =)
  10. Reborn

    Reborn New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    I think its funny how you guys complain about this guy is Q.Qin etc... obvious its a problem for the templar as i seen how they die so fast evean before the fix... although i think if Gms are gonna fix others skills sooner or later we will just have to wait and see how it goes for templar... but so far ye its a issue for the templars

    ---------- Post added at 07:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

    lmao.. sm is the last class that should be QQ at all they have around 20 sec fear and silence,, bound and they got a pet to do melee dmg , and is consider the most OP class in the game
  11. Malphas

    Malphas New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    Guys stop flamin' lets just talk about the classes..

    And i understand you can switch weapons..Which is very handy but it doesn't work for me..
    I press it 5x it says Can't change in battle or w/e

    And no this Update didn't broke Templar for me..I already saw before this update that i could not compete against a ranger or a gladi..
  12. Reborn

    Reborn New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    You can have 2 sets of weapon... for templar ofc its one with 1H sword and shield,,, thean on the other page you would have a greatsword.. to find this press P and where your weapon is u can click on the "arrow" to get the other flank... and to switch betwen these two sets you go "K" actions and theres a "skill" called change weapon,,, i think...
  13. Bakulaw

    Bakulaw Proficient

    Nov 4, 2010
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    1 Thing is For SUre. . . Every Class are Good if you have a Good Gear + You know how to Use your Skills . . . But i'll put my Vote on SM +1 on Spirit Master <3
  14. Pedo

    Pedo New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    Shift + Z (you can change this)
  15. Malphas

    Malphas New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    Yes and when i spam Shift + Z it says can't change while in battle(Dk the actual error it gives but you get the idea)

    ---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

    Also i won't consider myself pro not at all..
    But i do know how to play Templar trust me..But i guess you guys never get "Target is to far Away" spam in your chat? And that happens even when im close..Therefore if i use my Doom Lure..I try to use my stun chain..And i just use 1 skill of the chain..And they just run..
  16. UltimateGladiator

    UltimateGladiator Banned

    Nov 7, 2010
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    I'm you're ideologies worst nightmare.

    1: First of all, spiritmasters pet commands are pretty much ****ed.

    2: Spiritmasters are a buffer class (yes, they are... with a strong array of buffs that a well-versed spiritmaster will know how to use almost perfectly) and none of them work.

    (This ESPECIALLY pisses me off as I could happily use the waterspirit buff to raise my maccuracy to rip apart mresistance stacking targets, which i did in retail. Not to mention in parties the buffs we use are as potent as a chanters buffs... we are essential for maximum party effeciency. Did you know we can even AoE heal/cleanse with our buffs? So yeah... this stunts a large portion of our benifits.)

    3: Spiritmasters Spiritsubstitution is pretty much in the damned toilet, which is pretty much the be-all-end-all of the defensive abilities present within this game.

    Not having it reduces our Hp by lets see.. Earth spirit (unbuffed, in a good raid group I'd demand it buffed for 25% more HP) has 10k HP... then we have two full spirit heals = 30k hp roughly, so yeah... it is a BIG deal to me.

    4: Spiritmasters debuffs such as shackle of vulnerability don't apply all effects (such as the -elemental defences... which is a BIG deal).

    5: Healing potions of any kind aren't working, so spiritmasters aren't able to pot off silence arrow.... which let's face it is a massive smack to the face for anyone.

    6: Multiple CC effects "don't apply". Such as if a sorc uses tree and then uses sleep then both CC's seem to cancel eachother out. I need to test this on my spiritmaster when I get it leveled up, but if its still like this then spiritmasters pretty much got a dick up the butt.

    7: In PvE even if we had 10,000 maccuracy our DoT effects don't seem to apply. Sure! They take the inital damage said... but the DAMAGE OVER TIME effect isn't applied... this is for the majority of the time.

    There are many more issues (such as Energy of Cyclone, Instant-Summoning Summon Alacrity, spirit damage seems low and etc) but I won't delve into them.

    Although I was just about to post a brilliant hype thread for spiritmasters... these are the facts that cannot be denied. Spiritmasters have pretty much been shit out onto a plate on this server. It was JUST yesterday we got our essential buff-ripping abilities given to us.

    Complain about spiritmasters being OP?

    Come back to me when they are close to their true potential. Templars we're over tapped and now their abilities are being toned back to retail standards.

    If you can't take having a nearly fully complete class then GTFO.
  17. Malphas

    Malphas New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    Why nerds always gotta come rage here lol..

    With their "Stfu" and "Gtfo"
    Man you guys don't say this stuff in real life either so why say it behind your computer?

    But epic that SM misses that much skills..
    Cause i fought a SM and lost..
    And that same person duels alot in Beluslan and wins most of his duels..

    Btw does anyone ever experiences "Target to far away" spam in your chat?
    With a close range class..This is what kills close range classes for me..
    Even when i see myself next to the enemy it says that..Even when im levelin' a new char on mobs it says that..Only if im completly inside the enemy i can attack him..Or if that enemy himself attacks me from close range and does not run..Maybe this is cause i have 400 ping?
  18. Cropolite

    Cropolite No regrets D:

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Balance? On GamezAion? A high-rate server?

    Don't make me laugh.. Not even retail can manage balance.

    Also... tl;dr.
  19. UltimateGladiator

    UltimateGladiator Banned

    Nov 7, 2010
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    Honestly... ... ... ... If a person says something stupid in real life I am just as eloquent in telling them that they may be at least a tad(whole hell of a lot) daft.

    And yes, spiritmaster really is broken that much. They can pvp as is... but they are a far-cry from what they normally were on retail.

    Could even stunlock people to death using windspirit and chain of earth :unsure:. Windspirit Spirit-disturbance doesn't seem to even effect players.
  20. dmaxcustom

    dmaxcustom Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Gamez aion?? balance??? hope you are not smoking anything to strong...

    Seriously, Classes have no much balance cause its an emulator, not the real thing... private servers does not have the developers a fully fledge company can have... so things go to snail pace... plus every P server adds a little of its own "creativity" to the mix.. resulting in powerfull armors... more dmg. free fly... no stigma system..etc, etc.. you get the pic.

    In short? same thing always... accept and stay.. or do not accept and go. The only real choices here.

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