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[GamezAionEvent] Show Off

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Kevster, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. Vaugn

    Vaugn Respected Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    and the winner is?
  2. reycats

    reycats Legendary Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    yeah who wins?
  3. kenkatesumi

    kenkatesumi Proficient

    Jul 26, 2010
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    Soooo winners?
  4. Kevster

    Kevster Legend Forum Legend

    Jul 17, 2010
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    Asmodians were very hard to choose from, all of them were good, but there was only one that stood out the most.

    Elyos had pretty good ones too even though they're all non-evil based. Good job finding "evil-themed" settings though.

    Elyos Winner: Chichi
    In Game Name: Missminchin

    Server (Lumiel/Siel): Siel

    Race: Elyos

    In Game Gender: Female

    Your Best Evil Screenshots:




    Asmodian Winner: Kenkatesumi
    In Game Name: KiiaraServer (Lumiel/Siel): Siel
    In Game Gender:

    Your Best Evil Screenshot:

    Here's some quick comments/feedback that I spent some time on:

    Kenkatesumi – My favorite and perhaps the winner of this event. Very nice effects.

    Chichi – The pictures are really nice,although it is a little boring I really like the setting; really matches the theme of the event.

    Magsyboy – Your background might not be as great, but the creativity is awesome even though the effects may lack a little, the creativity and humor is awesome.

    Iorifilth – I love the creativity, when I started looking around one of your pictures, it really surprised me, otherwise excellent work, definitely in my top list.

    Hitsume – One of my top 5, excellent effects, background could have some more work into it, otherwise, great choice of different styles in each picture.

    Ivandunn – Also one of my top 5 which drew me attention quite quickly, the background was not so well, but I can see you used the background as an effect which is a great idea. Your character also had decent effects, but the overall color was about the same, I was expecting much more colors and effects.

    Marlonx – One of my top 5 for Asmodians, it has little effect, but the photography of it is just terrific. Keep it up.
    iPink – Just need to work on the background depth/detail and the character effect/action.

    Saintanger – Truly one of my top 3 for Elyos, excellent use of making yourself look evil, the effects are alright, but the background/setting can use some more work.

    Lynsage – The reason why you were not chosen is because the pictures taken were too boring. The character does not have any action, the colors/effects are not catchy nor does the background draw any attention. For future reference, I prefer using maps with a lot of details and maybe try something new, use a skill to make some effects or add other elements into it by bringing other in game features like mobs.

    Volt – The theme is to be evil, your last picture with your back towards the screen is pretty good, it has nice effects, but it’s just missing something, it’s too plain and does not quite draw my attention.

    Melforce – When taking pictures, I suggest closing all windows, with the windows up it just messes up the picture. Otherwise, your pictures you submitted was not creative enough, it’s just too simple and does not suit the theme well and it needs more lightning towards the center, so maybe use some of the in game features as well.

    Freedt – Your pictures are not that bad, it has some nice effects/glows in some of them, but that’s the best it can get. Try using features in the game as well to add some cool effects, and also, I prefer a background with much more action going on.

    Dicolnus – At first, your pictures were pretty good as far as the rest, but when I started seeing more and more pictures being submitted, I realized the latest submitted pictures had a lot more action going on, as well as background texture and effects. Again, it’s too boring, it needs more action and effects with a better setting.

    Harvard1932 – I highly suggest to not cut out your photos and also take out the windows. Your pictures are not creative enough, it seems you just went into a map with lava representing evil and danced around. Needs more effects and creativity.

    Suicide – Your entries were not that bad overall, it just needs some action. Your background was pretty good, but needs some more depth. Otherwise, just give it some action and effects.
    Digitalism – Your photos taken were different from others, not implying that is is bad, but I prefer closing windows as well. The setting was ok, it could have more depth and details, and your character could also have some action and effects.

    Minaki – The photo really drew my attention, but it was too small and the quality was not what I expected it to be. The setting of the background needs more depth, and the character needs some effects, not just action.

    Jankop – The first photo where you were charging up was excellent, the only thing I would say is that it needs a better setting, a background with more details and texture, for extra attention getters. Also, I would suggest removing all your windows as well, but otherwise, keep it up.

    Xzeborin – Your settings are astonishing, very nicely done, but your picture needs more action and maybe some effects, but keep up the good work.
    Pitcher – Way too not creative, it’s just a shot of a character standing in front a camera while in combat stance. Needs more depth for setting and creativity.

    BlazedBullet – Not bad choice of setting, needs more action and effects, it doesn’t quite draw attention.
    Laftiness88 – I kind of like how you brought the element of NPCs as well, but the entire things is quite boring, little action and little effects.

    Reycats – I can’t tell if you are going on the beach or actually trying to match the theme. The setting was a bit plain and old, seen it many times, your character can use some extra effects too. Try using different places and different styles for each picture, they all look the same.

    Devilsjudgement – I like your last picture with the dragon. The other pictures were not too bad, but again like everyone else, you need more effects.

    Trexman82 – Your first picture seemed so effortless, your other pictures did not quite suit the theme, nor does it have enough effect and setting depth; it’s too dark.

    Newbie – Your pictures are not creative enough, it’s only a shot of a character facing straight, all the pictures are the same, just different backgrounds, no creativity at all, if you want to win this event, you have to be creative.

    Karas – I like your pictures a lot, but one is enough, try having different kinds, it’ll boost your chance of winning. The effect is ok, it should have a much more dazzling effect instead of just a big white bang effect.

    Adamantiumz – Truly evil, but needs much more action and more background effects.

    Eiriz – I really like the effects, but the camera angle is a bit bad; all the pictures have the same angle and gets a bit boring, try different places with different effects.

    Detox – The setting could be better, the effects are ok, but there needs to be more action.

    Behlato – Way too dark, not enough effects and action going on. The background lacks, I can’t feel it enough, but it suits the theme perfectly well.

    Charmcaster – The theme idea is well produced, but the background and effects could be improved a bit.

    Mizu1987 – The effects are excellent, I really like it, but the settings are not at my expectations, needs a more creative location and the pictures of the first two needs to be much closer and not have the back of the character facing the screen unless there is a purpose and is easily identified.

    Magsyman – Gosh, what can I say about these pictures, very evil? Just take off the windows and have some more effect use and setting effects.

    Razor – The quality is very bad, the picture is too small, I can’t see what is going on.

    Triniel – All I can say is excellent, the only things I’d work on is the background depth.

    Chkvoi23 – I really like your images, very entertaining, but gets boring over time as I keep on reviewing it.
    Ins4n0 – The creativity is ok, but background depth and character effects could help you improve catching my attention.

    Spalonk – Yes, you look evil, but again, needs more background depth/detail and more effects.

    Xhampagne – Background needs more work, I really like your first picture though, the wings looks like hands which is quite creative.

    Myaion001 – For some reason, I thought your pictures was just a picture to show someone an outfit, it needs more effect and a better background; creativity.

    Calyztso – Needs effects, background and more creativity. Your pictures are all up-close in different kinds of stance; needs more creativity.

    Blind – Needs more background depth and creativity, it doesn’t quite draw my attention.

    Polkore – The theme is suppose to be “evil.”

    Fox – Again, this looks like a screenshot to show off your character instead of trying to show off what you can do with impressing screenies.

    Hexsteria – I can take your pictures without a problem either; it needs more creativity, more effects and a better background.
    3 people like this.
  5. Razor

    Razor Master of Disguise Forum Legend

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Sofia, Bulgaria
    umm.. kev, dont you see that is was a thumbnail.. the link for fullscreen is below it :pinched:
  6. Chichi

    Chichi Getting there

    Oct 25, 2010
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    OMG i-- i won? :O

    holy OM-holy-GGGGGGGG!!!!!!! thank you soo much! \(*u*\)♥♥♥

    but sir kevster, what's the prize and how do we get it? :love:

    p.s. congrats kenkatesumi! ♥
  7. iorifilth

    iorifilth Proficient

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Congrats to the two winners :D

    Thank u

    in the picture when my char is walking and 2 more asmos dead around him, i spected to do with 10+ deads around, but no one wont help me D: only this 2 (thanks ennvy and mauarhe)

    and the pic with the fire, i used lava tempest on my char xDDD

    anyway.. theres no prices for the 3rd ?? xDDDDD

    ok ok.. nice event, really funny ^^
  8. kenkatesumi

    kenkatesumi Proficient

    Jul 26, 2010
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    All my freinds were rooting for me irl. :) thanks all for the lovely screen shots. Grats on chichi.

  9. Kevster

    Kevster Legend Forum Legend

    Jul 17, 2010
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    Where? :andy:
  10. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    Kev you really hard working to take a look the whole of these screenies and judge... And gratz on Chichi and Kenkatesumi....
    I think i need a new PC, have to set my game graphic to low made my pic sucks...:-(
  11. Hitsume

    Hitsume Proficient

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Rematch!! = =
  12. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    let's wait for the next Halloween day to have a rematch...:whistling:
  13. AdamantiumZ

    AdamantiumZ Expert

    Sep 13, 2010
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    The Silent Hill ;(
    YESSSSSSSSSSS im truly EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yessssssssssss
    kinda agree with the background.. and some action =(
  14. Shinabi

    Shinabi insomniac

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Asmo has an advantage during Halloween for look evil but wait until Christmas jk =P
  15. alrianjay

    alrianjay Getting there

    Sep 12, 2010
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