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My experiences with trying to obtain decent pvp gear..

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by asphyxiate, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. genjitodru

    genjitodru New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    These are the words of an ignorant person who has not even read the entire thread. Also, learn to type correctly and not use caps. It's plain rude and annoying to use caps and large font. It does nothing but leave us with a worse image of you. You see how in my quote I made your words smaller? Learn to do that, it's easy.

    Furthermore, now that I have told you how to correct your sentence to be more pleasing to the readers, I will address your ignorant position on the subject. You obviously must already have a full ABG set on at least one character or be close to completing one. Top level items should never ever be untradable or even unobtainable in the server for people who are not donators. There is no way that keeping ABG untradable would help maintain the server's stability. Sure, the dupers would be a pain in the ass, but you probably shouldn't be trading without screenshots, a movie, or a GM helping you.

    The fact that if we do not donate, we cannot obtain ABG anymore is extremely disheartening. Sure we can vote, but waiting a full year for gaining a set of ABG is definitely not worth it. Many people would most likely quit before they obtained a full set of ABG from voting. The mounting anger and frustration at being beaten by a talentless person who simply paid their way to winning is more than enough to drive a person crazy. Sure new players would keep coming, but there would also be a loss of a valuable base of players.

    What we are trying to say is that, we don't expect Anuhart to obtain the same stats as ABG or any freebies to be given to us. We just ask for a chance at gear that is well equivalent to ABG or even the plain ABG gear itself without becoming donators. The best gear that we can obtain at the moment is Anuhart or Fenris, both much worse than ABG gear. The Abyss gear is also hard to get, well atleast the level 50 gold Abyss gear is since Gold Medals are untradable and hard to get.

    If you read my wall of text, congratulations, perhaps you understand what we are trying to achieve. If you didn't read it, you probably don't want to try and understand what we are trying to accomplish. :unsure:
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  2. Riont

    Riont Proficient

    May 29, 2010
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    Get silver medals the next best thing is lvl 40 abyss gear
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  3. genjitodru

    genjitodru New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    People with ABG gear can still stomp the living crap out of anyone with even level 40 Abyss gear.
  4. Crusher

    Crusher Expert

    Aug 20, 2010
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    i think u didnt read all my replies... shame on u!

    im not american my english is not perfect, sry if bothers u.

    U didnt give any solution u are only complainig. There is nothing constructive in your post. U are only unhappy cuz ABG is not tradable. Again: they cant make it tradable! u seems not be able to understand that... a shame u dont seems to be the low iq type.

    How about u give and ideia like others? Some1 made a topic where he give the ideia of making a NPC that trade AP for Gold and Silver medals. How about that ideia with a shop that sells ABG AND EAT?

    Give something usefull and stop complaining!

    PS: As i said before i use a full anuhart armor + ABG spear.
  5. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    I couldn't have said it better myself.. I don't even think I have anything to add to this post. Bravo
  6. Xalamander

    Xalamander Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    donation arent suppose to be rewarded
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  7. Kentiah

    Kentiah New Member

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Abyss points for medals does sound pretty good, and I'd imagine it'd promote actual PvP.
  8. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    What exactly have you added into this thread that was constructive? The fact is your first reply to this thread was insulting, and arrogant. You claimed anyone who agreed with the thread was not important like their opinion didn't matter.. So if that is giving out idea's or constructive behavior.. I'd HATE to see what you think is the opposite from that. You have not braught one idea to the table yourself, so asking anyone else to do so makes you look hypocritical.

    Sorry, had to say it.. and I really am trying my best not to turn this thread into flaming one another, so please if you have something constructive to say then say it.. But your negative attitude isn't helping you or anyone else here.
  9. Crusher

    Crusher Expert

    Aug 20, 2010
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    How would i look hypocritical? I didn't creat the topic and im not complaing! For me it'f fine the way it is! It's not me that have to come with constuctive ideias! But ok, no flame. I already said all i want, i'm not going to reply this topic anymore!

    Good lucky with your white whale!
  10. Ald

    Ald Proficient

    Jun 6, 2010
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    You people have to understand how Aion works. Gear is way too important in this RNG based piece of crap to overlook how it's handled on a private server. Skill can make the really great pvp'er truly shine but for the average player, the gear is everything. And that's the problem.

    The second you open up the option of selling the best gear in the game in an item shop, you essentially make it a pay to win server. I'm sure the rest of the world might be ok with this, as there are many free to play Asian games that adopt this philosophy, but this thinking doesn't work with the majority of the west. We like to earn our shit in the game, you know, from actual pvp. And before someone tosses the overly played out "go back to retail on me", get over yourself and your sense of entitlement. Fun is relative but it should never be determined by the depth of someones wallet in an online game.

    Vanity items, enchantment stones, manastones and things like that are fine for item shops and would more than easily sustain the server and make nice pocket change for the people running it, while at the same time maintaining some semblance of balance between newcomers and vets.

    I'm afraid that far too many players here don't understand or don't care about how important getting fresh blood into the server is, in the big picture grand scheme of things.
  11. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    Yeah, and that's exactly my complaint. I came over to this server with 10 friends. We all have known each other for years, and have played several games together as a huge group. Half of which came over from Atomix server.. We started here playing for about 2 weeks straight leveling up multiple level 55's, and then running DP non stop for anuhart sets. Which IMO was fun at that time before we figured out the whole donation BS. But after we had set everyone up and all of their alts with a set of anuhart.. We later found out that there was nothing more from there on out other than abyss points that aren't really worth crap on this server.

    So what next? After a few friends of mine found out about the donations, and the item list on the website.. Half of them left the server.. But I wasn't going to give up on it just so quick.. So, I started leveling up my professions, and then began gather aether, as well as making scrolls to gain kinah. It was the fastest way I knew how to pull in money so that possibly I could later on buy an EAT set. I wasn't even going to aim for the ABG set because I knew that I wasn't going to donate, and I also knew that no one would be willing to sell ABG peices for kinah only. So I had reached my goal of kinah, and had voted on the side to put some credits towards buying an EAT set. THEN 2.0 rolls around, and guess what? The gear is non tradable.

    I really had figured that in the 2.0 that there was going to be new "pvp" gear introduced. That I had hoped wouldn't be placed on the item list on the website, but in game for the rest of us to possibly have a chance to work towards gaining something decent. It was clear to me as well as many others, and my group of friends that this server was seriously lacking the ability to work towards a decent set of pvp gear. It would only be logical to add in something like that for the long term goals and stability of the server.

    But it was the complete opposite. Not only was there no pvp gear introduced, but the only chances at getting a decent set of gear (EAT) was taken from us.

    I see no point to further myself on this server. My kinah isn't worth crap, and obviously I will never get a set of pvp gear. I gave it the benefit of the doubt hoping that it would change, or at least hoping I could get my hands on an EAT set. But all of which are not possible anymore unless I vote for a year straight. NOT fun!

    I personally think the only way to fix this is to put EAT set into the game, or something in comparison. I would either increase the medal drops, or remove the medals completely. Because lets be honest.. the amount of medals that drop are bare. I would REMOVE the platinum medals completely.. which are nearly impossible to gain.. (In fact, I've never seen one.) I would increase the abyss point cost if the medals are removed.. and let people slowly work towards getting a peice of gear one by one. It would drive more players into pvping and it would also give them the ability to progress slowly and gain rewards at the same time. Meanwhile those who donate can still get the "best" quality gear (ABG sets) for their money. But allowing the rest of the players to also have something in comparison, and wouldn't screw them out of the picture like it is now.
  12. XtremE

    XtremE Proficient

    Jul 30, 2010
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    As I said before , no one will give a ****.
    Stop getting sore fingers from typing , all you say is more than true but unfortunately , we can't do crap.
  13. Zaruna

    Zaruna Proficient

    Nov 5, 2010
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    +1000, specially last part =P.. The medals to obtain suck. alot of times ( idk if it's the reason but thats what people tell me ) we don't recieve emails cus of a person without legion doing the killing blow?.. either way sieges are bugged.. saving up alot of silver medals for 1 part sucks this way, and not needed at all if u just raised the AP price of each part.. More PvP (on a PvP server) that way. we all know there aint any pvp at sieges, we rush there kill guardian and hope to get the email.. which sometimes u open and are empty LOL :andy:
  14. bigpie

    bigpie Getting there

    Aug 18, 2010
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    ur missing the point. it's all just ur opinion. my thought is, this is great. I have donated and multi account voted. I got 3/4 ABG set now. another 60$to get all ABG. when 50%pvp dmg reduction stone was available to use, I could easily kill 1 group of asmos(im gald). if u r wearing +anu or something, I could kill 20 of em(they would die with my 3combo area skill, AOE etc) I have been played 2months. and can possibly rape anyone on demand. isnt' it awesome?

    ---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

    and when you see ABG items, it sometimes says (trade for 5m)

    ---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ----------

    the one whom has ABG does not want anyone have ABG and want to be guaranteed.
  15. 2FAST4U

    2FAST4U Proficient

    Jul 5, 2010
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    the thing that has frustrated me the most about gamez is not being able to gain pvp gear in game I have been playing since June but during that time I was not able to obtain a pvp set >_< for the simple reason that I was busy chatting with friends leveling up a heluva lot of alts just to have some fun soloing in pve questing so I could enjoy the epic story-line basically doing my best to experience all of what aion has to offer.and then I decided it was about time I got a pvp set ( things were horribly over priced at that time btw ) so I decided to start crafting scrolls or anything to make money.... by the time I had obtained enough kinah to actually buy anything....pvp gear was non tradeable :( so I have been playing since June and I am still using +15 anu so as you can see it hurts when a noob who joined 1 week ago 2 hit kills me with their full abg...
  16. genjitodru

    genjitodru New Member

    Sep 28, 2010
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    I thought multi account voting was bannable. :whistling:

    You're telling us that we're stating our opinions, but you stated your own opinion in your own response. That is slightly insulting, do you believe we have the intelligence of a second grader? And by the way, you completely missed the point of the thread. This thread is about the overpowered-ness of ABG gear and how to make up for it to encourage the non-donators to stay and have something to work towards to. You yourself unknowingly helped us out by showing how amazingly OP the ABG gear is on this server. We just ask for an equivalent to ABG gear, sure it's not AS good as ABG gear, but at least something close to it to make up for the fact that platinum medals are basically nonexistent on this server among other things. The trade for 5 minutes thing that shows up when you log in doesn't mean that ABG is tradable for 5 minutes, ABG being non-tradable is coded into the server if I'm not mistaken. It wouldn't matter what type of item.pak you have or anything since the GMs would have to make it tradable first. If I misinterpreted your post, I apologize, but all that is what it looked like to me.

    I agree with asphyxiate's ideas on how to resolve the issue. Put in some sort of gear to give non-donators to work towards so we are not constantly at the bottom of the PvP portion of the game. I agree with the poster who said that this server is basically selling insta-win gear with the non-donators having no chance to combat owners of that gear. They need to implement something, even gear that is server specific, you know? A set of gear that is custom to this server would really set us apart and give the non-donators an armor set to work towards so that they have a chance to defeat ABG users.

    We are not saying that they should make ABG tradable or even get rid of ABG. We just want an alternative armor set that is attainable through ingame methods for those who cannot or do not wish to donate. Don't insult people who don't donate, sometimes circumstances in real life hold us back from being able to donate. Some people just don't wish to pay for pixels, either way, that's a personal choice and we shouldn't be receiving the punishment of having little to no chance against ABG users.
  17. 2FAST4U

    2FAST4U Proficient

    Jul 5, 2010
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    I agree for me donating 60-300$ is not possible atm, and I understand the server needs donators to survive but it also needs new players and even though I have been playing since june I dont have abg (see my above post) and no decent pvp gear is available in game so there is no goal for me to keep playing tbh pvp is possible but not very reasonable seeing as how any rich noob who joined yesterday could probably faceroll me ^ ^

    also you would be surprised how many people have multi account voting, so the cheaters dupers and multi-account voters are basically imba when a normal player who has never even been jailed is still stuck with anu for not cheating/coughing up 300$ :(
  18. ciufpuf

    ciufpuf Attention Whore! Forum Legend

    Jun 27, 2010
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    vote for an year and get full abg or stay at home a saturday night and donate for gamez^^
  19. nashtyblue

    nashtyblue Proficient

    Nov 3, 2010
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    there is no one wearing abg set who can win by numbers. (1 abg character vs 6 anuhart characters) ^_^
  20. Sanctus

    Sanctus Banned

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Whats your ingame name?

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