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[Feedback] So players, help us out.

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by JazzCard, May 29, 2010.

  1. Ricey Rice

    Ricey Rice Getting there

    May 30, 2010
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    Just curious but... Has my idea of Rush/ Capture Point ever been implemented into an event? cause if it has, hella props to Albull for hearing me out on my event idea.
  2. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    Again i didnt not use any gm powers to rally any one any ware you seem to be severly missinformed there was no announcement saying that i was on for a total of 3 min when this happened and the asmos were prolly all from the larget legions all grping up in bleus cause of mass player qq not any other reason so please stop accusing me of something that never happened cause trust me if did there would have been screen shots all over the ffoums about it. But i do enjoy the fact that your guild was attacking an asmodian base in the abyss and i happen to log in and was there for all of 30 seconds then i left you blame people comeing and fighting back to me

    thats sorta illogical and sad,
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2010
  3. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Personally I think some of the GMs could use some leniency on the forums. I am in agreement with most of the active forum users that too many threads are locked, too many posts deleted, etc. etc. and that it needs to stop.

    However, all this crap about GMs abusing their powers? Its absurd. Too many people have something against certain GMs and naturally they're going to assume and perceive certain bad situations as to have been directly caused by a GM that they dislike. Its a psychological instinct that if you already hate someone, you blame them for certain things or think they did something when really they did not.

    I don't even have to have been logged on at the time that this raid Chloraform is being accused of to know that he didn't do what you guys are accusing him of. I know Chloraform, hell I know almost all of the GMs, and theres only a [will not name number or names] small portion of GMs that I don't like but thats just because I don't think they do their jobs enough or simply aren't fit to be a GM. NEVER have I seen any abuse in my entire time of playing. The closest thing I saw was a mixup between GMs in an event giving out information on the enemy not realizing quite what they were doing, but even that was accidental and not abuse.

    Also, anyone who accuses Albull of being harsh or way too strict should get in vent with him sometime, look at what he does on the forums and how lenient he is, and maybe try to be polite to him for once. You'd be surprised how many people are so badly mistaken about how good of a GM (AND moderator) he is. Sure he locks a lot of threads, but hes even been more lenient the past few days because someone told him about it in a manner of wanting to benefit the forums instead of just completely insulting him. Both him and Chlora also take time to edit posts instead of completely deleting them so they won't have to be deleted, as if thats SO RUDE of them to do.

    Seriously, put grudges aside and actually try to get to know the GMs, see their attitudes and don't go based off a tone that obviously didn't carry well through text while talking to 100+ people at once.
    2 people like this.
  4. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    and fyi you were online its when i was talking to you in game but 30 seconds earlier .. did u see a broadcast???
  5. ichimaru

    ichimaru New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Hmmm i leave the arguments to you all "smart people" here some inputs ;

    1. Uno - Sada - Satu - Ike - One - Ichi - Un - Bat - EK !!! = Put back Stigmas Skill System

    As many arguments are being whined-out just want to remind it, 90% of people playing in this server, they are not from Retail !!!, so they really dont know what they are disagreeing muacch about it, they will just love it as much when we implement it back.

    2. EXP = Decrease the rate maybe like 50% and drop rate too, really we are way too fast to hit the -easy-end-game-bored-out-in 1 or so days.

    3. Open all dungeons, with the supports of slower leveling, people will start to go to every dungeons to farm items, it means = there are many things to do, new look, groups will be formed more often, variety of looks <armor> Economy in the game will be raised-up since low levels could produce money as well, not just a pre-made group or real life selfish grp farming tahabata over and over coz thats the only income in this server, while soloing people are having really hard time to find group and earn some money.

    Lets make a new campaign :

    "We are gonna have really Retail-Like Aion Features but Saving your time in leveling and grinding, leave you all the Fun 100% guarantee"

    Really since age of Camelot Mmorpg is a about gears, crafting,raid, chatting.
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  6. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    +1, it has been years since I was a moderator of a site and nothing was more of a smack to the face and made me think "why the hell am I doing this again?" as much as being called a liar and degraded publically.

    I don't think anyone with even a week of mmo experiance could despute if a GM abused their power even a little that they wouldn't have a t least a single thread dedicated to criticising them.

    IF anything I find you all here very tolerant, I know I would have probably disconnected and temp banned people for example at a 50 vs 50 event where people crossed "the line". (Litterally, and metaphorically, speaking.)
    1 person likes this.
  7. JazzCard

    JazzCard Retired Head Game Master

    Apr 25, 2010
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    United States
    During events, we have our certain moods, and depending if we want to make something go quick or steady will probably determine how strict we are.
  8. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Ahh, I didn't mean it as criticism! I definately find it aspiring to see good patience... I know with all the trolls today I'd probably go insane.
  9. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Feed Back = Always give announcements on any update,any nerfs,any ideas GM's come up with

    for instance, the drop on the exp and all, i did'nt know about it until i was lvling a lowbie char,yet i checked the forums and did'nt find anything on it until some threads where made about the rates being dropped.

    more events will definitely be lovely.the idea of lesser events with even less rewards is just horrible. just because someone who has it all dont want the new guys to have it as well, dont mean for GM's to actually listen to him. this is a high rate pvp server

    i will always say this over and over, low rate ideas on a high rate server = bad idea.

    we all hate nerfs, except the low rate lovers, and anyone coming from retail and expect to use alot of time doing retail things, which messes up anyone who dont have time, but

    if there are going to be any nerfs, can we please share our opinions on it,and get to vote on it before it happens?

    or atleast a GM to annouce it in game about it, ex; if someone makes a nerf pls thread, with polls, a GM will go in game and put the announcement:there is a poll thread about nerfing/fixing/updates on the forums, please go vote if u like or dont like the idea.

    alot of peoples dont ever come to forums,and some dont even have forum accounts, and alot of peoples who love low rates are the ones who be on forums alot, so they are the ones often making threads and replying to other threads,and its their voice being heard the most, rather than the whole server.

    GM's are already doing a real good job here, and they all deserve respect, so why is it that alot of u are still taking nonsense from alot of kids who play here? you already gotten strict with the rules about whispering a GM for events (whisper more than once and u dont get in) but what about when GM's tell peoples to stand in 1 spot,or stop using skills, or stop spamming, they dont listen, and that just slows everything down for everyone.

    ---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 PM ----------

    as u said,90% of peoples dont play retail,which means 90% of those peoples will hate this idea.

    u came into this server because is a high rate pvp server, not a mid rate or a low rate.

    fixing the sitgma skills, while alot of skills are bugged and dont work means = even less skills that we can use.

    the rates where lowered if i remember correct,lowering it even more will be bad

    this is a high rate server, but we have also premium service which offers even higher rates, and for that, we pay or vote for a couple of months just to get it, think about what will happen if this gets lowered to 50% as well.

    maybe after everything gets fixed or most things gets fixed, GM's will open a low rate server for all of you low rate lovers just to try and make everyone happy. which in real life, its impossible.
    1 person likes this.
  10. Zaki

    Zaki Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    I Had a Nasty Scare. A Big Number Appeared on my Screen Counting Down... from 1900 down.
    I Logged Out Afraid Of what May Happen When its Done... What Does it Mean?

    I'm Not a Hacker or Anything, So If its Account Ban... I Demand to Know Why. I Logged Out and Back in and Right Now the Number Isn't there. Any Ideas what May Cause This?
  11. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    u are already used to this,but u will be acused of many things since ur a GM ujust because some peoples get angry that they loose a fight.

    it sucks that all u did was just appear in 1 place for 30 secs, and then all blame is on u.

    i know of a few servers that anyone that acuses a GM of being corrupt,or abusing GM powers would get banned if they dont show the correct proof.

    accusing a GM of such things is a serious matter,and it should be treated as such.
  12. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    hehehe just a duel bug when a duel timer runs out or a multi duel happens it does that your safe
  13. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    This is a duel bug, its been happening a few times since yesterday, the countdown really doesn't mean anything but if you're getting it, it means the duel is bugged in a way that you'll constantly be hostile and killable to your duel opponent, if it happens just completely exit out of the client and reopen it
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  14. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    Actually what they did is aginst the rules but im a nice guy wheather they beleave it or not
  15. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    If I had moderation powers in this section of the forums I would correct all the spelling and grammatical mistakes you make xD

    Still, even when hes blinding your eyes with typos galore, Chlora is a very nice guy and more people should give him the chance to prove it before the accusations fly.
  16. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    i do have a horrible habbit of typing and not reading cause im usually multirtasking hahaha

    just like now
  17. Zaki

    Zaki Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Ty Ty I Was Worried... Heh Thank you For Your Fast Reply ^_^
  18. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    careful,being too nice will lead them to take advantage and abuse it to its full extent.

    if others see that they can accuse u of abusing GM powers and get away with it, they will either target you or another GM that they dont like and accuse them of abuse as well. :pinched:
  19. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    well they were both warrned .. i dont let things go to far xD
  20. Mablung

    Mablung Banned

    Jul 1, 2010
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    Golden, Colorado
    I have enjoyed the 1 on 1 customer service considerably (notably Chloras and devils, who I've had extensive contact with in the past couple hours). Compared to retail (which I still play) this is incredible.

    On a side note however, as it has probably already been voiced I will stand only to reitterate: MOAR 3 V 3 AND 6 V 6 EVENTS PLOX

    Honestly, I've had the most fun in small group events 1, 3, 6 man teams fighting. But I haven't seen one again since Mandi resigned (BTW we never got our reward for winning the 6 v 6 a couple days ago :sad: because she resigned the next day).

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