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Spirit Master Fear !!!

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by bandi7killz, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Ichi

    Ichi Proficient

    Sep 17, 2010
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    MR + 14, MA + 14.
    You have choice to socket MA too.
    Those players who socket MR waste lot of Manastone slot for it.
    I personaly feel that MR, MA balance should work properly too.
  2. HEX

    HEX Legendary Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    wat ?

    sorc defuf to much rate here ? lulz no !!!!!! cleric got a basicali huge acc rate !!!!! sorcs macc is f.. low >.< - sms got huge cuz they stack macc stones - so is not a bug

    about macc is not a bug is because ppls stak macc stones - !!!!!! is not fair to be full macc and to dun hit anything >.< lol c'mon is not a bug
  3. Ichi

    Ichi Proficient

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Sorc, Cleric, SM or whatever class with full MA manastone's magic skill should not be resisted of course.
    what I meant is something wrong with MA/MR relations when it comes to debuffing.

    below is the post I mentioned about MA and MR.

    --copy and paste--
    (Magic Resist) - (Caster's Magic Acc) / 08 = % chance of resisting the spell completely.

    From what I know this is basic form and MR/MACC relationships have more complication.
    Root, sleep, stun, reduction of speed/atkspeed like debuff skills have low rate of success, except instant fear and sleeping storm( those two have high success rate).

    Simple example of success rate for magic skills are like below.
    Instant casting magic damage skills> Aoe magic damage skills>Casting type of magic damege skills ≧debuff exept fear and sleep storm like skills.

    We need Korean ppl here since Aion is made by Koreans. I think they can find official statment more easily?
    ----end copy and paste----

    Debuff kind of skill have way too much success rate atm opposite from what it should be.
    I dont know the exact number but it should be close to (Magic Resist) - (Caster's Magic Acc) / 07 = % chance of resisting the spell completely. for debuff.

    Even with 2700 magic resist ( with temp's MR buff), it is occasionaly but I get snare, anckle snare kind of debuff from ranger's and glad.
    Their (glad and ranger) MA is like 1100 - 1500.
    Do the math pls. 2700 - 1500 / 8 = 150%
    How I get anckle snare or snared while I am boosting my MR 2700?

    I tested with MA 1150 ranger with 1900 MR.
    I still get snare a lot when it should resist close to 100% .

    Cauze debuffing is so important during PVP, success rate of debuffing will benefit especially magical class right?
    Like your sorc have sleep, curse tree, silence and sleeping storm(it has high success rate compare with other though), and SM have fear silence, and snare like debuff skills with 100% success rate of buff removing skills.
    Yeah, bug is maybe wrong word for it but broken MR/MA relations is benefiting those who have debuffing skills a lot.
  4. Chloe

    Chloe Expert

    May 17, 2010
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    Where did you get those formulas? 'Coz I'm pretty sure the percentage values are wrong.

    But you are right about the bug of certain debuffs applying even with high MR. Like glad Lockdown and ranger silence arrows.
  5. Shinku

    Shinku Proficient

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Somewhere I belong
    Spiritmasters are broken, their fear lasts longer, they are unavoidable, as I said in earlier posts: Unnecessary nerfing made this server lose it's originality back to where classes were balanced.

    Now only 3 classes own the game: Rangers - Gladiators - Spiritmasters

    The rest are OK only if you have decent equipment.

    Side not: Assassin.. my long loved class got nerfed so badly, that it now sucks balls since it can't really stun ANYTHING unless you're full ABG + ABG jewerly and stuff. A poor anuhart sin like mine can't do shit nowadays :annoyed:
  6. Jyulieauna

    Jyulieauna New Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Yeah I don't quite agree with the spoiling of Spiritmasters, in this case, it's obviously out of balance.
    If my sleep has retail effects as a Sorcerer, then Spiritmasters should have their retail effects for fear.
    It's just fair that way. I'm tired of seeing SMs solo 3 people at once, only Sorcerers with Wintry armor should be able to solo the other race, and only 2 at a time!

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