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A plead for change.

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Sakuya, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Sakuya

    Sakuya New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    What began as a reply to Bhakti's quote in "Need new GM?" became topic worthy, considering it's length and depth.
    I don't get why Carl would think of running two servers "if he's so low on funds"... Is he trying to gain a profit? Or is he really having trouble supporting both servers?

    And I've never heard of any administrator for any game develop a server by breaking things on purpose. I mean this guy goes to a point where he intentionally prevents 1 of the 3 mobs (Nimble Aramis) from spawning for the Savior of Eiron Forest title quest just so that we'd purchase the title for 5 dollars (500 credits). Like seriously, it's a title for lowbies... cut us some slack.

    Beshmundir Temple can be described as nothing but "false hope". It's merely his ploy to mislead players into the belief that "good things come to those who wait". In other words, players with full Anuhart sets/Tahabata weapons feel at ease as they eagerly anticipate a working instance (including drops) that's to come. What they don't know is that their journey is already near it's end. My guild is cleaning itself out as level 55 players with nothing to do quit while new, brave souls who are likely to suffer the same fate join to stand the test of time. Honestly speaking, nobody wants to wait a millennium for gear only available to those willing to spend. And I'm pretty sure nobody would want to dedicate months into a server to be on par with the "best" when it only takes weeks or even less on another server.

    Anyways, what was he thinking? For him to leave us with only Dark Poeta is beyond selfish. I'm sure he could think of better ways to set up an efficient donator system rather than leaving such a huge gap in between donors and non-donors. I'll agree events are a nice thing to have on this server because there's nothing to lose. I actually approve of the idea of capping enchantment stones extractions to L70 just to make the event prizes (mainly the L90 enchantment stones) more enticing and alluring to players. But, events, regardless of how entertaining they may be, will not yield the very things that players seek: the "almighty, supreme, eternal DONATOR items!!!", which brings us back to the agonizing, gut wrenching wait of one thousand months, three hundred weeks, thirty days, and seven hours.

    Furthermore, I am NOT ranting because I am one of those unfortunate fellows. I have a level 55 Ranger with Full ABG, because I, myself, am a donator. I recently invited a friend of mine to play. He had no prior experience in Aion, but was willing to put in 110%. He wanted to perceive this game his own way and refused help from any of us. His initial goal was to hit level 55 without the guidance and suggestion of others. He accomplished that feat a couple weeks ago. His Anuhart and Tahabata Gear came across pretty quickly following the end of his leveling journey. His stigmas were set a week after and until then he has been waiting diligently for the next step. Occasionally he would find the time to enchant his gear and come raid with us. But, I know for a fact he has reached his limit. He's not going to spend money on gear regardless, and he isn't going to quit knowing that he's the type to work with whatever he's got. It tortures my soul to see that he's already come to the end of the road... It saddens me even more that his primary experience on Aion was not what it should have been. He is a blind man walking in a desert with hope to get out. However, I can't say anything to lead him out myself.

    My apologies for the anecdote, but my eyes have opened through what I've seen happen these past few weeks. I feel for those who quit this way. My guild at its peak of 20+ members online every day is nothing but a memory. Those glorious days are ahead of me. I seek compensation for the unnecessary exhaustion of the server's population. We deserve better. I leave my rant with this and cross my fingers, wishing for a divine intervention of some sort.

    In conclusion, I would like to thank everybody for their part in the community. Ashlin, I may not know you very well, but you've hosted some mean events and assisted me ever since I was on Komachi. Thanks for keeping us in good spirits. Ablazed, you crazy demon, you're like an Aiondatabase on-the-go. You're knowledge has benefited me much. Much thanks. Bhakti, your suggestions are spot on. They give me a sense of hope for the server's future. "The few and the proud", the epitome of the Elyos today. I can throw out a few names of those whom I owe gratitude: Maximal, Tasiur, Sany, Swords, and a several others (Sorry if I forgot you, it's 5:14 AM here ><). As for the Asmodians, I appreciate your encouragement to us Elyos in great times of need. I haven't gotten feedback from many Asmodian players, considering I'm fairly new to the forums, but I'd like to give props to HEX for his kindness and consideration. Last but not least, I'd like to give shout outs to all members of Phoenix Rising. You guys make me proud. Stay strong guys.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
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  2. Bryne

    Bryne Pactum Angelorum Forum Legend

    May 21, 2010
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    Honestly I dont know or dont have any idea whats happening in Crystal server so I cant give an opinion to this matter. Thanks to your anecdote it gives me an idea whats happening there. I myself will gladly oblige to send your message to the Admin and hopefully theres a way or fix to Crystal. Im so proud of Ashtar coz I know what she feels about this and to be in her position, so hard to be a GM and a Head at the same time and Im so proud to Crystal players too for the continuous support that you've given there . I want to confensate your effort, the time you spend playing there and your high hope for the Crystal so I want to push your requests to the higher up...

    So goodluck guys and I know Ashtar will read this later and Im sure she will give us too a good feedbacks on this matter.
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  3. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Fix the server features at 70+ per cent and I m even willing to pay a subscription fee every month... But to pay for gear? what s the point?

    I wanna earn my gear either by crafting-raiding-siegieing! If I buy it seriously what s the point?

    I at least don t play pserver cause i don t wanna pay. I play pserver because I don t wanna burn myselfto get to 55 and get gear...

    I m not sure Carl is removing features to sell more donations! From what I ve seen so far I assume that thisis what he is doing. I may be wrong but his actions justify me being wrong!

    PS thx for urgood words
  4. Fynie

    Fynie Ayyyyeeeeeeeee Forum Legend

    Jul 10, 2010
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    I second this, Ash does the perfect job on Crystal and Crystal is very very lucky to have someone so dedicated. Gotta love her :D I do feel sorry for her not having as many other GM's to support her as Gamez does.
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  5. HEX

    HEX Legendary Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    hei empress , asrael HERE xD

    Your words tells a hard truth , a hard one but is the truth !!!!!! I'm a full mastarius sorc - with 3 abg jewels jsut because i'm player here from summer !!!!!

    yeah well something about crystal is realy ridiculous u know !!!!! This i mean : Crystal aion is a ''low rate '' - yeah agree but wat - i only hear low rates dun have population !!!!! But crystal in not a true ''low rate aion server'' !!!!! I mean who heard about a low rate winout instances and drops ???!!! - If we got those fixed wen inf... aion was doing wipe - we had more that 400 ppls on now and pvp in balaurea !!!!! 70% LEAVED B-CUZ OF THIS : well i'm 55 (lolz prety hard - finaly ) , make some dps and end of the story !!!!!!!!!??????
    Crystal can't go forward winout drops and instances !!!!! - ofc put huge hp and attk to world bosses and then lets play xD
    No1 sey to make abg dropable - cuz we players must understand it !!!!!!! But dun f.. stuck us at anuhard lmao !!!!!1 wtf c'mon !!!!!!

    And yeah i was and i am a loyal player of crystal aion !!!! Ididn't left wen on this server were 8 asmos on >.< and also helped at give runing scrools and flying ones to newbyes also dp runs - cuz we didn't had a beginer patch (like on others servers ) !!! OFC i dunno how much i helped but at least i tried cuz i loved this server to much xD

    Carl pls give to Crystal aion a chance men !!!!!! pls - c'mon

    also carl some ppsl realy are donateurs men !!!!! For wat they donated men ????? for a server with 40 elys and 60 asmos - with no pvp no fun no instances men(that means no people ) ? i mean ??? and the most imporstant : WITH NO FUTURE ??? dun take it in a wrong name but men - wat is this ???? they pai to get bored and flustrated ???? we realy dun deserve atention ? nothing ? lol

    my opinion is that crystal got the perfect rates for a top server !!!!!! Those are the perfect rates for a hibrid server (pvp and pve) with huge potential !!!!!!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
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  6. Crestor

    Crestor Proficient

    Oct 4, 2010
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    i think give time and importance to the server as well!
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  7. Acushla

    Acushla Getting there

    Jan 16, 2011
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    well one thing is for sure. What use does a server has if the players wont stay there long and leave. Being patience is one thing, but one day the patience will reach an end........ In the meanwhile i will cross my fingers and hope for better days XD
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  8. sanctuarist

    sanctuarist Expert

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Beshmundir Temple can be described as nothing but "false hope". It's merely his ploy to mislead players into the belief that "good things come to those who wait". In other words, players with full Anuhart sets/Tahabata weapons feel at ease as they eagerly anticipate a working instance (including drops) that's to come

    i second to this. i remmeber the "dev" says that it should be ready in 2 weeks roughly. now its almost a month ==
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  9. Cropolite

    Cropolite No regrets D:

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Wow, that is one of the most impressing posts I have seen thus far from a Crystal player. I agree with all the points you've brought up, I've played Crystal Aion in the past for a short period of time, probably not to the point where it is, but it wasn't any better back then. It's saddening that things haven't changed. Crystal has always been the lesser server, sadly. Hopefully though, with your post the higher-ups will give a little bit more attention to where it's due.
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  10. Starspirit

    Starspirit Getting there

    Jan 28, 2011
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    dam man seems like your quitting :/
    however +1
  11. HEX

    HEX Legendary Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    We hope lolz !!!!!! For crystal is essential that those things to be fixed !!!!!!

    If they will not do anything then will be only one thing to do ..... and guess wat is it !!!!!!........ i think is evident .. ,...u know ....

    I realy think that ppls are realy tierd to wait ...... is to boring - crystal aion is to boring
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  12. shadowbox

    shadowbox New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    At least I've mastered my jumping-around-Sanctum skills :)
    hehe <3 Emp. Well said.
  13. ade

    ade ♥ Fashionista ♥ Forum Legend

    Nov 11, 2010
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    erm me too agree with alot others as why cant boss gives drops?..i know there is nothing wrong for making donation items but did you think of the rest of the players you supported Crystal Aion for so long?..with better armour at least non donators have a better chance against others who are using full abg..with drops they can hunt together for remodel and stuff no only pvp..

    i hope Carl can do something about this as alot of the players are leaving due to this issue..
  14. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    U wanna know? I give u a small brief

    PVE problems
    1) We can t craft balic crafts because the key materials don t drop(They were droping but Carl s update removed that)
    2) It s difficult to normal craft because Carl removed Baleyg(npc that sells aethers)
    3) We can t access Abyss' instances(Divine fortress chamber mostly) which links to "No point in siegeing"
    4) Lower Udas Temple and Beshmundir Temple don t drop a thing. Vallakhan a boss in UT is bugged and impossible to kill. His aoe has huge spread and even earth resistance can t help
    5) Matarius,Veille,Padma,Sema and all the minor bosses in Balaurea don t drop a thing, And some fun to play gelkmaros quest are guess the word B u g e d!

    PVP problems
    6)No sieges(they work but they r buggy(boss doesn t fight),no instance means no point in taking a fort)
    7)No dredgion
    8)Few events cause there is only ash to host em

    So when we get to 55 Donation or no donation we can t play...Why donate anyway? to fight at heiron for a no purpose? for a high score in Abyss points? Well I can go play Ms pacman instead...

    I ll send it both as a pm to u in case u don t come back to read it

    Hehe I did some practice with panda-jumping-around skills
  15. erlucius90

    erlucius90 Expert

    Jan 1, 2011
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    About drops, i would say that Beshmundir Temple with drops implemented would make the server better for 2 or 3 months, just the time to think about another improvement to do, otherwise what's the sense of boss implementing by carl's update? :/
  16. Frenemy

    Frenemy Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Hey friend Sakuya,

    I totaly agree with you. You put your points very nicely.

    Before I started to play in Gamez, I was playing Crystal for like a month or so...
    Even in Gamez (the popular #1 server with so big community) people are trying so hard for some good changes, for a long time and the result is... well you know better yourself.

    I hope Carl will pay more attention on Crystal and be closer to his costumers on that server.

    Good luck,
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  17. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Well first of all don t expect to run through BT like u do in DP. In DP u r using 55 skills...So BT poses a real challenge since it s impossible for a small group to survive there. U probably need these grouping to kill a boss in BT: 2tanks-1healer or 1 tank 2 healers and 3dpsers

    Bosses in Balaurea will increase interest and traffic in that area and eventually we ll be pvping for a chance to fight the boss! Real fun!

    Instances in abyss will increase siege effords since an opposite faction can t enter the instance.
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  18. erlucius90

    erlucius90 Expert

    Jan 1, 2011
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    I never said not to improve balaurea, i just said that BT improvement would have stepped up the server for 2 or 3 months
  19. Bhakti

    Bhakti Banned

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Again no,
    BT improvement would have stepped up Demonkyrie for 2 or 3 months
    Im still going in DP after almost 5 months of play. I can t imagine BT-possibilities

    The server will be revived and many quiters will rejoin
  20. erlucius90

    erlucius90 Expert

    Jan 1, 2011
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    Actually i'm going for ABG gear, you know what it is? beshmundir and wings are not in my concerns even because i already have wings and some abg gear so going for besh is useless. I'm saying that for all the ANUHART ppl who wanna make a better gear and don't have credits to spend nor can't make charges man. In this server you aren't the only one worth gaining something.

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