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This is enough !!! Time to wake up !!!

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Frenemy, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. karas

    karas Proficient

    Jun 11, 2010
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  2. Dragonshin

    Dragonshin Proficient

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Why bother to go? You loose more than you gain anyways. You kill you split with ksers and you die you loose and chanters don't cooperate to buff you(stingy chanters).
  3. Uzziel

    Uzziel Expert

    Jun 22, 2010
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    i dont know if u played RF before but the game itself has a count down wer factions will meet up and defend a kisk like object symbol of their entity

    to the victor precious rare loots will spawn.
  4. Ardexus

    Ardexus New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Aha ...

    Sure Chanters Are usually Selfish ones.
    ahh btw, try to get in Raiding Group - its easier to get AP with a Group ;]

    And also Try to KS too ... it wil lend up only to be Faster-killing :)

    u mean CW's ? o_O ummm no plz no ... Do not kill Originality of this game :S Hold on Customisations before all skills will work normally... ok ? :S Add More guards for Abyss Base for both of Fracions and we call it a day.
    ~ i Hate RF-O ... It Were All out Warfare Game suitioned in Sci-Fi World with a lot of Blood spliting here and there, and now .. it became Game wich provides Candys as a weapons insteed on NExt Ear of PVP gear wich was announced like 5 years ago by CCR... Even PG Have changed from 16+ to 3+ ... c'mon o_O Since when Top Warfare Game with Blood and Harashfull contents were suitable for 3 years old Kids o_O ...
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  5. Dragonshin

    Dragonshin Proficient

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Nah. IF i try to find a party to go abyss they duel all day and they only want to dp. In abyss the duel same in herion or just sit there. All active players are full party. I tried aready many times and it fails so i don't bother. I caught a sin in side our base in hide mode and started to attack and they just sit there or duel lol it was hilarious and they relized when sin was dow almost dead they attack and split the AP. Why bother lol.
  6. Ardexus

    Ardexus New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Geez ...

    Elyos need a sort of ... hmmmm ... ummm .. uhh... Cure ?
    Things wich u spoke shows them like they are ...

    ...ummm lets say it in kindest mode
    - Unable To Press a button Due To lack of Hands, also their Top-End Play way is to Spectate and make sure 100x That Red-Named Character is their enemy.

    ~ Yes They are ... "Strange" xD

    No Wonder .. this Threads Name Suits it A lot o_O

    Wake up pplz !!!!!!!
  7. Cropolite

    Cropolite No regrets D:

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Eh... Shit, I lost too many braincells from the latest post. I bet I can't even fap anymore. >_<
  8. Ardexus

    Ardexus New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    what just happend ?
  9. Dragonshin

    Dragonshin Proficient

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Yea, elyos need a cure from lazy virus lol. Elyos are lazed virused. We need cure lol.
  10. Fearish

    Fearish Getting there

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I lost a lot of braincells from some of the posts in this thread too. :sick:
  11. Assumptio

    Assumptio Banned

    Jun 28, 2010
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    People who participate in mass zerg rushes like that...

    1.) Are terrible players
    2.) Hide their pvp related inadequacies behind the failures of their fellow zerg-mate
    3.) Are total jokes when confronted 1 on 1.
    4.) To put it bluntly, are stupid.

    I hate the people on this server who participate in zerg rushes like this, they can all die in a fire.

    This is directed at both factions, lol.

    People just need to learn how to pvp proper.
  12. Cropolite

    Cropolite No regrets D:

    Jul 6, 2010
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    "My wonderful girlfriend, Adieu, says I have to be nice on the forums now. :)"

  13. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    its this simple,the bigger zerg always win when it comes to mmorpgs... whether u have a strategy or not, big damage > any strategy u can come up with..

    there could be a hero who can pwn anyone 1 vs 1, but if 2 sorc target him and both sorc use their uber DPS skills,the hero will die in 2 of their shots no matter what he does.

    again, the side with the bigger zerg will win.

    right now, everyone has rerolled to asmos,and it will continue to be like this since alot of elyos are getting tired of getting zerged and whooped and loosing in events,so now they want it the easy way and join the zerg...

    humans.... you are strange creatures..

    ---------- Post added at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 AM ----------

    last week when asmos where zerg camping heiron's DP port, i swooped down just to get those asmos to try and gank me,and yes they did try,they all followed me,but 1 stood behind and he noticed that a bunch of elyos came after me and started picking them off 1 by 1.

    well 1 dumb asmo decided to try and follow me all the way through, i noticed that he was alone so i turned around and started attacking him. guess what he did next....

    the noob runs and force logged lol

    and i almost killed him :sad:
  14. Ardexus

    Ardexus New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    ... And here we go again ... Thread is about to waken up a one of fraction wich sleeps a lot when battles are going on all around - And what we have in back as answer "Zerg is bad".

    Wake up ppl already ... This is a war, No one will wellcome u with sweeties with nice face and words " Lets play Together". Its RvR related Game ... Not a Candy shop.

    Ehh w/e.
    Asmos Are really Badass ...

    and WTF is meaning of ZERG for u ppl ?... They were only 50 ...
    More important ... Where were Elyoses that time !... Real Zerg = 1k PPL against 100.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
    1 person likes this.
  15. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    a zerg = bigger group than the ones u are fighting.

    it could be 5 vs 1 and its still a zerg.

    2 vs 1 = gank

    but there are ALOT more players than just simply 50 peoples. i went through all towns in the asmo side,and i found very few peoples in town,some nabs just dueling all day, some where stores,and some where just peoples chatting and jumping around,which they totally IGNORE any new player, so sad :sad:

    but if the asmos are always zerging,soon they're gonna find them selves only trying to hunt for lowbie elyos trying to lvl,
  16. Slytherin

    Slytherin Getting there

    Jun 25, 2010
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    People tired with bugs from 1.9 update. Bug skills, bug items.pak... blah blah. Many Elyos players moved to other servers, that's why Elyos have not much good PVPer.

    Why people leave Gamez? Ask Admin, don't yell.
  17. Ardexus

    Ardexus New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Continue ...

    Zerg thingy started in Games like Starcraft long ago when one of players attacked opponent base with open-all mass attack with al of his Units at ounce. Also called as All-Open Warfare.

    Later in Games Type MMO with RPG relations, especially these made by NC-Soft...

    Lineage 2 :

    All Alliance of Guilds under 1 flag on Castle Siege - Call that skill-less Zerging = and u are Total Failiure if u think u have a chance to get a castle with only 50 ppl. aganist 200+ NPC and 200 + Enemy Anlaince. in freaking 2 hours.


    same Gos With Fortrees and Capturing the points in Aion.


    For Fuck Sake... Crying out lod because of ~40 Asmos camping something...
    Do something with it with by your own, Gather ppl to repel raiders and we call it a day.

    The only thing wich might be Really Annoying is:
    - Killing lowbies - Wich Cant even fight back
    - Camping DP - Wich holds Population Grow
    - population Balance (aha don't look that way, I FUCKING SIAD DONT ! - GM's Will never change a balance proportion .. no no ... That will be always And only up to players, and that problem wil lalways exist with RvR type of Games.

    Now Freaking Time to Wake up pplz ... Open your eyes wider, if u do a shit .. ur race is wiped out completlly and 30% of your population are re-rollers so u know what will happend as next step of your big mistake... dont let it hapen.

    If somone do So called "ZERG" - Zerg in back !


    IDK if it work here (Alliance System) ...

    1 Chanter Each Group Of Alaince + 1 Cleric each Aliance + Let it be 1 Templar For 2 groups and 2 Sorcs Each Aliance, 2 SM's Each Aliance, ...

    And Such Tactic = 100% Fail.

    All knows that Each class need different Type of Mantras from Chanters and also Each of them are different, one wil lneed instant heal when other will dien in short amount of time.

    1 Aliance = 1 Type of Squad.

    In short Example... Make it as they did in Legionary wars in the very Past...

    8 Classes Of aion = 8 Alliances.
    it will be 3 Groups of each Alliance so around 24 full groups ... 24 x Around 6 ppl each Group = ~144 ppl ... hmm it will be pure count of MASS PVP as good Re-pay by Elyos...

    1 Aliance 1 Class as one of Pure Tactical all-out attack.

    3 Chanters Each Alliance:

    15 Rangers + 3 Chanters = Sniper Squad
    15 Sorcs + 3 Chanters = Nuker Squad
    15 SM's + 3 Chanter = Bestial Squad
    15 Gladiators + 3 Chanters = Brutal Squad
    15 Templars + 3 Chanters = Might Squad
    15 Assasins + 3 Chanters = Shadow Squad
    15 Clerics + 3 Chanters = Medical Squad

    Always Run in Ring-Round like Position, making your Medical Squad In the Center (Dont Worry its impossible to wipe them out - and A bog mistake if enemy is goit to attack Core at First shoot.

    This Tactic in Live loks like a Turtle's Back ... While Clerics Aliance are in center of its shell . .others are outside....

    And Here u go:

    Rangers and Nukers should be in Back and With assasins Right Behid Core and between Ranger and Sorcerer Groups.

    Front Side should be Scattlered into = = = Formations Where upper " - " Will be Templars, and Lower " - " wil lbe Gladiators (only on Right "=" and Left "=" and also center " = " will be oposite as Glads on frong and Templars on its back + Chanters always Behind their Alliances.

    I belive all of you knows how Turtle Looks like, and especiall yits Shell.
    - Thats Chinese Tactical Version (Custom because of More than Mele and Ranger Classes than IRL).


    Frontline (Upside) - Templars as Red Colored, and Dark Green as Gladiators.

    Behind are Assasins Light Green and Spirit Masters
    as these Brown

    Core, Orange are ofcourse Clerics :3

    And Sorcerers as Pink/Indygo and Rangers as Blue in back

    And ofcourse ... There BLACK Thingy are Chanters.

    Strategy is Easiest ever. If u have Ur enemy on Frontline
    - SPAM Long Range Atacks <Even Chanters> + Short Last Timing special Bufs from Chanters also.
    - Second After All chanters try to Stun-Long-Range ski lal lof them when Templars will "Bring" Enemy's Rangers / Sorcerers to them + GLadaitors will umm ... Greet' Them LOL.
    - In Same Time Mages and Rangers Will do Range Damage on Enemies Footies
    - In Same Time Chanters Support to Each other but do not Go out From Turtle.
    - In Same Time Core-Healres Do their Job And Heal. (Can always Hit Somone if get too Close to core (At last Clric isn't a Bishop and know hot to Use its mace :D But wil lbe better if they keep Heal only at 1st Wave, Dont worry .. might happen to be even more than 20 Waves.
    - Assasins Will Use Their Warp (if Works) to the Enemies and Insta kil Everything (Can also be used As Scout Order to look for Enemy (So Turtle will be always headed to Enemy by its Templar-Glads Head.
    - Sm's Precicelly can do what they want, Use their Summons to pretend Enemy of Targeting Frontal Side of Turtle with Summon Wave and also Debuf Every single enemy around.
    - Chanters again, Keep Your Mantra suitable for your Squad Wishes for... Heal Support and Heal Buff all time with Every short time lasting Buff - all damn time, When something is going to close .. Stun/Breakdown it.

    ... Its one of Hardest Medival Art of War Strategies...
    1 Mistake will be a big loose (Core Wiped) and after u are half dead ... if every single member of Turtle Squad Knows what to do and have in mind that simple KS is unnesessary = these 7 Aliances here will be able to Fight aganist 500 not oriented in true Tactics amount of Enemy.

    When Enemy Get inside the core - Every one do AOE at same Time... (It will require TS or Vent - Countdown) + finishable atacks.

    Other Tactics Depends on Situation.

    - Arrow
    - Wing
    - (Cancer's Hand)
    - Twins
    - Others...

    And Profesional Tactic on Battle Ground (ir also is in count) - Is like Changing From "Turtle" to "Arow" in middle of battle ... Thats an all-open warfare where ~140 players are wipeing 500 disoriented ones...

    ... Immaginate what can do 2 Turtles or Twin Turtles in battle ...

    And please dont say "That Impossible" because of sort of Bugz ... If something doesnt work right - Repleace it with other one if avilable or familair one THING - Use your Brain Do do so - That requierd a lot during Battle.

    // Ahh Ryt... click on your own Responsibility
    Turtle Strategy was used in One of Chinesse Wars ("Red Cliff" and "Red Cliff Part 2" Movie).

    That was Epic Win...
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  18. Thechronic

    Thechronic New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    That looks like great fun ^^ Too bad I missed it :-(
  19. Fearish

    Fearish Getting there

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Although you have made an effort to type all of that, you don't seem to know much about Aion and this server in particular.

    EDIT: I deleted the long text and pictures from your quote because I care about other people's eyes. XD
  20. Ardexus

    Ardexus New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Yes i lack in Exeriance when it comes to Aion, and especially with this server.

    Altought i play MMO games since 1997. Begun with Lineage (1)... Trought Lineage 2, and now Aion...

    Nothing Really changes from basics MMO will be always MMO, it need cooperation of many, but nowadays it were called Zerging just because one of Race / Fraction / Legion (clan) cant stand its nubers :S

    If only each Elyos could Cooperate and understund the fact that each one have to relay on other when it comes to mass PVP (RvR) then it will be epic show.

    DP is a parto of a game where Entire group learns about their own inner strategy by mistakes till mastering it all and killing tahabata without any problem.

    // And yeah ... Quoting Entire Post would be just ...
    ... Typo Zerg xD !!!!!
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010

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