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Need help for chanter :D

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by jesseneth, May 19, 2011.

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  1. jesseneth

    jesseneth Smokin' - Drinkin'

    May 2, 2011
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    uhmmm could anyone tell me whats best Mana stone for chanter? :) thanks
  2. regiix3

    regiix3 yeah Forum Legend

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Crit and Attack.
    Get your crit to 540 and then go rest attack,
    but my main class isnt chanter, this is just what ive heard from other chanter players :3 <3
  3. jesseneth

    jesseneth Smokin' - Drinkin'

    May 2, 2011
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    oh thanks... was just a bit confused since others saying parry/block and some MR
  4. regiix3

    regiix3 yeah Forum Legend

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Parry, block and MR sets for glads, i think
    block and MR preferrably for clerics haha.
  5. jesseneth

    jesseneth Smokin' - Drinkin'

    May 2, 2011
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    ohhh okies thanks... im kinda nub on chanter (well im really nub) :))
  6. pTd

    pTd Proficient

    Sep 23, 2010
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    gec. ma´ ny`
    mana +95 for full supported =) !!!!!
  7. Takijiro

    Takijiro New Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Crit until you cap which is 540... Parry until you reach 2400 or more then go attack
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  8. jesseneth

    jesseneth Smokin' - Drinkin'

    May 2, 2011
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    awe thanks so much sir <3
  9. itsaleckz67

    itsaleckz67 Legendary Member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    check your room mate..
    MR all the way baby.
    believe me.
  10. jesseneth

    jesseneth Smokin' - Drinkin'

    May 2, 2011
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    my Chanter right now is full MR atm
  11. Ellexis90

    Ellexis90 Expert

    Mar 28, 2011
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    quill you should have asked me silly :p <3 PM me when you're online ^ ^ <3
  12. Shelo

    Shelo 无精打彩无精打彩 Forum Legend

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Crit attack for battle chanter (staff) and magic resist for support chanter (shield and mace)
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  13. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    100% your playstyle.


    -If you believe that it is in your best interest to avoid taking damage from magic-casters?

    Stack M.R. like mad.

    -If you believe that it is in your best interest to avoid taking damage from melee characters?

    Equip a shield + mace and stack block. Then stack into parry.

    -If you believe that it is in your best interest to increase resistance to melee characters dramatically while also having good defence against casters.

    Equip a shield + mace and stack block till you feel comforatable and then stack yourself full of M.R.


    Pretty much everyone else has said the cookie-cutter playstyle for chanters. Stack crit to the gamezaion cap and then fill-er-up with attack.

    However I do believe other pseudo-builds do exist.

    -Stack crit to cap and then if you believe you need more defensive properties against casters -> put in M.R. stones after stacking to cap.

    -Stack crit to cap and then put in HP stones.

    -Stack crit to cap and slot in parry stones to defend against melee's.

    Things to remember:

    Remember that you are a chanter.

    Chanters have access to the widest array of buffs in the game. They have mantra's to boost critical strike, shield block, parry (a lot of parry actually), magic resistance, etc.

    Naturally, a chanter also has a fair amount of resistance to magic as well through their passives and buff (such as blessing of stone (The one with the green leaf thing on it) will add on stat points that will lower all incoming magic damage.

    My thoughts, personally:

    Chanter is actually a class I, myself, am looking to play when I come back to Aion (in the seemingly sort-of-near-sort-of-far-future).

    What build would I personally do?

    I personally would rather see myself become a nuisance that is near-unkillable. My preferred playstyle is highly defensive and tank-like.

    Equipment: I'd do nothing other than shield + mace combo.

    Why? Because the shield allows large migation of damage. When stacked ontop of pvp gear damage reduction, it becomes quite a fair number in my opinion.

    #1: HP should be fine. I'd focus on getting equipment with high HP bonus values.

    Blessing of Health II: Adds 15% health.
    Blessing of Stone I: Adds 10% health, and other things I'll discuss below.

    Thus, immediately you get a chop of +25% health.

    #2: Elemental defence:

    A beautiful statistic if you feel like having casters wanting to rip their hair out.

    Elemental screen: Elemental defence + 20%.
    Word of Protection I: Increases elemental defence by 10%.
    Protection Mantra: Increases elemental defence by 6%.
    Boost eElemental Defence II: Increases elemental defence by 3%.

    #3: Shield defence/Parry... because they shockingly go well together.

    Shield mantra IV: Adds 100 shield defence and 100 Parry... Helps bit time when crunching out calculations to get the biggest bang for your buck (manastones).

    Word of Protection I: Adds 100 shield defence and 100 Parry.

    -> Parry only now:
    Focused Parry I: Raises parry by 300 points.

    #4: Stuns, knockbacks, etc.

    Boost Attack Resistance II: Raises it (by how much, I don't know.)...
    Enhancement Mantra: Raises resistance to stun, knockback, stumble, etc by 500 points.

    #5: General damage reduction:
    Protective Ward VI: Awesome ability when caught in an emergency, throw this up and instant reduction of damage taken by 44% for 10 seconds. Highly undervalued skill.

    Full PvP gear: Passive PvP damage reduction by ~25%.

    If you block with +10 (or above) shield, melee damage reduced by 85% ontop of that.

    If you parry, I believe it reduces damage by 30-50%? (Forgot the number).

    The Elemental Defence will have you packing about a resistance to 39% of all magic damage (considering you actually use Elemental Shield...).

    #6: Last, but not least, M.R. is a godsend to anyone.

    Naturally, ABG chain has huge Magic Resistance to it. Considering that alongside the powerful buffing potential one can use, this is a very good idea to invest in.

    My theory:

    i.) First of all, if any caster really wants to break through your M.R. (like if I did), they can... easily.

    ii.) Second of all, if the caster generally doesn't care (and assumedly stacks HP, magicboost, magic resistance, etc), then one with a fair (but not overkill) amount of M.R. will do great with a fair amount of M.R. and careful consideration of other choices.

    iii.) Third of all, before I quit there was a significantly larger population of melee characters than casters. Melee being rangers, gladiators, templars, other chanters, spiritmaster pets for the most part (and their servants, of course), and finally assasins. Making the magic population a relatively small number of a select few clerics, spiritmasters and only made up for by the limited number of sorcerers whom of which have some prefrontal cortex activity occuring.

    This, this third point., is where I make the radical assumption of which even though the melee's use many abilities that are... infact... melee... these same sword-wielding toads, infact, use magic for many things.

    Examples? Rangers silence arrow (was that fixed, yet?), and their sleep arrow, their traps.
    Assasins stuns generally.

    The beauty of this? These characters Magic Accuracy is usually so low that even a minor amount of M.R. that one chanter can have from their ABG chain set can offset some of their abilities. And, more importaintly to my thesis, that these can be muffled even more by having a half-decent amount of magic resistance behind ones-self.

    Thus, with all these points being made. I have difficulties understanding, or I am simply too opinionated and thus blinded to see, the logic of why anyone would personally gag themselves with M.R.. Last time I checked, if a sorcerer really wants to ruin your day, a sorcerer can use their Supplication of Focus ability to raise their M.A. by 1,000. Significantly reducing your likelyhood of resisting the attacks of even the skimpiest sorcerer.

    Now, a more importaint idea comes into play.

    Chanters have stuns that are, at the least, annoying. At least previously, these annoying chanter stuns could (infact) increase the ability for the chanter to survive the sorcerers "barrage dans le Glacial-Spray-fFerno" (GSF for short?) (Preferrably that does not mean Glomerular Short Filtration).

    Thus buying time for the chanter to avoid the 30 seconds supplication of focus duration, thus allowing the sorcerer to be donned with their previous stance of "Oh shit I am a douchebag that stacked HP thinking I was clever..." while being sucker-punched by a logical player in the face.

    Result?: Once again, blasting oneself with M.R. till you feel like choking isn't the answer.

    Now, if they stack M.R. themselves to resist your blessed stuns, etc...

    1. Explain to me your lack of capacity to forsee this event happening?

    2. Do one of the following, or more.

    -Throw up your Elemental Shield.
    -Throw up your Elemental defence mantra.
    -Throw up your increased run-speed mantra to preferrably get out of there.
    -Pull out your 44% less damage ability, preferrably.
    -Rip out another shield.
    -Place HoT's on yourself before that sorc goes berzerk.
    -Get ready to pop a potion (You are a healer, but that doesn't mean you don't need potions. Any excuse to not have them is retarded in my mind. Have elixers AND abyss pots on yourself at all times.)

    When you see supplication of focus, rip out one (if not more) of these tricks and survive it.

    Tadaaa, chanter surviving a sorcerer's assault for el win?

    Of course, however, this is me assuming (going out on a limb to assume), that you have purposefully allowed yourself to become a meat-tank. Therefore, forcing me to facepalm epically at you. Mace + Shield, even without phenominal amounts of crit and Overdosing oneself with attakc manastones, deals one fierce amount of damage.

    Now I've said so much that I feel "bleh", I am going to sum it up (at least my point of view).

    -Chanters have heals.
    -Chanters have access to the "best" ABG equipment in my opinion. High M.R. + high pvp damage reduction.
    -Chanters have access to stuns.
    -Chanters have access to shields.
    -Chanters have access to status effecting buffs.
    -Chanters (even with Mace + Shield) have quite-good attack power behind themselves.

    NOTE: This is ignoring the fact a chanter can easily switch sets to a staff with critical-strike (or attack) stones in it. That is a very possible option to obtain the desired offensive cababilities many chanters desire.

    Possible issues:
    -Lacking the amount of manastone sockets to handle the output of stat values demanded by such an obnoxious build.

    My answer?
    Chanters have buffs that can easily make up the lacking numbers. There are quite-apparant generalized stat norms out there, and very few outliers (for example, not every spiritmaster will stack full M.A., and even if hey did your fully stacked M.R. wouldn't block them out as much as you'd like).

    I'd honestly love to see a gladiator that stacked accuracy, lawldz.

    -Lacking the offensive power.
    I feel that any capable chanter has enough abilities at their disposal that they would win-out in a battle of attrition, especially when built like this. The only factor? How well is the user in the chanters ability tool-box.

    That is ignoring the fact that a chanter can switch to a staff build at will, can most-likely spare a few stones to critical-strike boosting, a mace IS NOT A SHITTY WEAPON. It isn't the best, but you can definately take out people with it.

    ...I personally like the apperance of extendable maces ;3

    Wow the forums just deleted my guideline outlook edit. Pissed Aegis is PISSED>.

    #1: Obtain the gear you want. I know I'll have full ABG's. Count the # of slots you have.

    #2: Open a word-document... consider this your "Chanter-Balance Book" or "Chanter Bible" First thing is first, find out how much M.R. you can get from all of your slots maximally, Shield Block, Critical Strike and Parry. These will be the limits of how far your arms can stretch in this instance.

    #3: Find out the average values of people's accuracy and magic-accuracy for melee characters and mages, respectfully.

    #4: Find out the caps for these abilities... such as "Can I only block a maximum of 20% of the time (Not a true value at all, but lets say)? Therefore I only need ~200 shield-block over the normal-person's accuracy value" Remember, not only critical-strike has a limit, as many people would like to convince others off (falsely convince others of.)

    #5: Begin a budget, your character is your vessel in game... if you want to play like a pro... strategise like one! Half ass your planning, and your character will be torn in half by those who do.

    i.) Find out how many manastones would be dedicated to each thing to obtain "optimal balance". Aka. cap as much as possible.

    ii.) Find out how much your buffs (which you should feel comforatable rotating at any given situation) will raise your stat values.

    iii.) Compare and contrast the buffs alongside the manastones inorder to see optimal and maximized potential.

    iv.) Remove manastones where you find necessary. (Example, you only need 300 more points in block and your buffs boost it to over 500 more points. A surplus of 200 points. A waste of 200 points. Go back and rebudget.)

    #6: Implement the values for shield-block first. Keeping in mind the buffs you have, the added block-values from +15 shield, etc.

    #7: Implement the values for parry secondly. Remember, parry is a chanters home-land, a chanter can buff their parry up very easily in-game. I don't suspect too many manastones would go in here.
    (Also, I'll point out below, these would be the stones to give up if you feel you need more M.R. surplus.)

    #8: Obtain M.R. stones and fill to capacity if you feel comforatable with it.

    Thus, in essence, it is a full M.R. build with shield-block and parry intertwined to optimize survivability agianst melee opponents.

    As I said earlier, far earrlier it seems now, those who would want to break through your M.R. most likely will. Your best shot at surviving is to avoid their buddies with the polearms wands, maces, bows and swords behind them (aka gladiators, templars, assasins, rangers and chanters).

    For the record, most casters who home-in-on-Magic-Accuracy are spiritmasters. Their only purpose is to control you and rip off buffs (although not all think wisely enough to do so ;) ). Their damage itself is going to be poor.

    ESPECIALLY considering how a chanter will have ~39% elemental resistance backing them.

    Now in terms of sorcerers, they need to try and cut through this 39% elemental resistance alongwith all of your buffs as well. Not....going to end up well for their ego when their normally 5k hitting glacial shard hits you for 1.9k.

    And any "meaningless" amount of M.R. you stack will be more than enough to block out clerics completely.

    Also, magic accuracy clerics would be exceptionally funny to see.... otherwise, you are a melee character and all of the "geniouses" stacking M.R. are 100% vulnerable to your melee assault on their face. Funny how "smart" becomes "stupid" when abnormalities like my strategies come into play...

    Therefore, making yet another point about full M.R. blasting. Ridonculouwz (Riddiculous spelt funny.).

    #9: If you feel the need to, factor and budget in critical strike. However, realize that critical strike could and should be supplimented by foods, scrolls, etc. Having a decent amount of critical strike shouldn't be difficult at all.

    Sooo... tadaaahhh

    That's all I can say D:
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
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  14. PivotNoir

    PivotNoir Proficient

    Jan 29, 2011
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    o Wow :D ..Aegis really wanna help jesseneth out :pinched: or prolly chanters to be favoured again is the ulterior motives? since the emu change sort of nerfed chanters healing skills~ i havent read all of it, but im guessing its pretty good & mostly are facts

    & personally, i'd do just that if i were u Jesse~ :D
  15. Luchiha

    Luchiha Getting there

    Sep 10, 2010
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    haha dude i have a chater i use full mres cuz 1 chanters already hit hard if u have goood staff fuse and armor use attack and crit s pointless
  16. Hardstyle

    Hardstyle ***** Slap Forum Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Veghel, Netherlands
    im chanter currently and i have to agree with aegis.

    Im currently using my shield/mace more then my staff. My shield mace are full block
    My armor is Full MR except for my boots wich are block aswell.

    Parry can be raised with buffs and mantras.

    Staff is equipped with full crit. Using staff, i can still get 700+ attack and 650 crit fullbuffed.

    But my preffered playstyle would be to make sure im not killed eazely xD
  17. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    just depend wat type u want to play
    MR=anti mage
  18. jesseneth

    jesseneth Smokin' - Drinkin'

    May 2, 2011
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    my chanter is full MR atm... 2.3k MR i guess cant remember... then it has 2.1k parry + the 300 = 2.4k parry not including the other buffs...
    but i have to read Aegis post lol.. i havent check this thread for a while <3 thanks for the help guys
  19. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    I mostly got interested in the topic, helping was a factor too, but I really did get into it XD (As seen from my entire 8-pages-of-post on my own plans xD!).

    I hope they didn't nerf the chanseys healing power too much though o.o;


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  20. QueenElves

    QueenElves _emily ♥ riquha

    Dec 1, 2010
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